Let You Take Charge Of The Student Union, All Mercenaries?

0072 The Militants' Expressions Changed Dramatically

"how is this possible?"

The hygienist who heard this looked at Jiang Feng in shock and said.

"Are you really the student council?"

The captain was also shocked, looking at Jiang Feng and questioning.

"What? Shouldn't we exist?"

Jiang Feng looked at them with some doubts.

"Didn't you get hit by Sean's drone rocket?"

The captain still didn't understand.

"Yeah, everyone in the country is saying that your entire army has been wiped out!"

The hygienists are also very confused.

"Haha, has anyone seen our corpses? It's all rumors!

It was only then that Jiang Feng remembered that they had been reported on the news before, waved his hand and smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be alive and well! That's great!"

A smile appeared on the captain's face, and he said in surprise.

As they spoke, a multitude of voices appeared in the distance.

"Hurry up, they are running in this direction!"

"Hurry up, they must be caught!"

Behind these sounds is the sound of a great deal of running.

"No, they are chasing you, let's go!"

Liefeng was startled when he heard the voice not far behind him, and quickly shouted in a low voice!

"Go, let me carry you!"

The captain quickly turned around, wanting to take Gale on his back and run with him.

"Leave me alone, let me be honored with this grenade!"

Tears flickered in Gaefeng's eyes, and he kicked away the captain with all his strength and said.

But in the next second, he was picked up by Jiang Feng's big hand.

He threw it on his back, and then ran towards the back.

Seeing Jiang Feng and the team members leaving, the other people hurried out of their hiding places and ran backwards.

Shen Wen and the others suddenly appeared from the surrounding grass, startling the seven or eight team members.

They didn't realize that there was anyone just now.

"Go, these are all my team members!"

Jiang Feng spoke without any ink marks.

The captain did not neglect at all, and followed them all the way to the distance.

With Jiang Feng leading the way, their speed increased a lot.

Soon, those chasing soldiers were thrown behind 663 again!

And Jiang Feng ran all the way to the traps that had been set up before.

Although it was close to the camp, there were many traps, and it was night, so their next battle was very favorable.

Everyone looked at the road led by Jiang Feng and understood his thoughts.

Immediately, everyone cheered up and prepared to fight.

Across the entire trap area, Jiang Feng let down Gale on his back.

Then the hygienist hurried forward to bandage his bleeding leg.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the special forces of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Jiang Feng stared at the yellow-skinned captain and said.

"Longya, the captain of the Langya special team, Langya!"

Looking at Jiang Feng's solemn expression, Langya saluted and said.

"The leader of the student union mercenary group, president!"

Jiang Feng didn't hide it either, and also introduced himself.

"President, thank you for saving my team members!"

Langya looked at Jiang Feng, said with gratitude in his eyes.

"Don't be polite about this, get ready to fight, they are coming soon."

"There are a lot of traps I set up here, definitely enough to cause trouble for them!"

"How many people are there?"

Jiang Feng didn't say much, he directly picked up the weapon in his hand and spoke.

"The people chasing us on the opposite side are all Sean's people, about a hundred people, two patrol brigades, well armed!"

Lang Ya nodded, his face became serious, and he answered Jiang Feng's question.

"Okay!" Jiang Feng nodded, and immediately began to plan in his mind.

"Eight of you, one down now, seven of you, you will use gunshots to attract firepower later, my team members will finish them off!"

"I think this task is not a problem for you!"

Jiang Feng thought for a while and came up with an idea, and said to Langya.

"Are you asking us to cover? You're going to be the main force?" (agad)

Langya asked with some doubts.

"Why, is it possible that you want to confront them head-on? Your gunfire will immediately reveal your figure!"

"Fight in the jungle, and that's what it takes! Believe me!"

Jiang Feng glanced at Wolf Fang, and said coldly.

He naturally understood that Langya felt that they were not capable enough, and it was impossible for them to be the main force at such a young age!

Hearing this, Langya glanced at the bow and arrow in Jiang Feng's hand again.

Recalling that after they shot just now, the opposite side immediately suppressed precise firepower.

Indeed, firing a gun will expose it, especially at night when the muzzle flare is too obvious.

There are so many people on the opposite side, they can't even hide!

"Well, you have to be careful, these guys are hard to deal with!"

Langya thought about Jiang Feng's arrow method of shooting down Gale with just one arrow, and spoke in a low voice.

Although some don't believe it, but now it can only be like this, he has no choice.

Running is definitely impossible, either die in battle, or win!

Langya's heart swayed, he took the weapon, and immediately got ready.

Ignoring Spike Fang, Jiang Feng directly summoned everyone to start the battle deployment!

"Money Rat, Falcon, you two take people to the tree on the left to attack!"

"Beautiful Snake, Fold-Eared Cat, the two of you lead the attack on the tree on the right!"

"Black Panther, Gunpowder Bear, Hurricane Wolf, you three follow me, pay attention to concealment!"

With a serious expression on his face, Jiang Feng gave orders to everyone.


Everyone responded in unison.

Everyone looked serious, and then followed Jiang Feng's instructions and immediately started to act!

On a dozen trees on the left and right sides of this jungle, there is a man crouching with a bow and arrow, waiting for the enemy to come.

And Jiang Feng and Zhang Hao are hiding near many traps in the jungle, waiting for the enemy to attack.

The special forces led by Spike also dispersed, away from Jiang Feng and the others, holding guns at the end of the jungle, ready to fire at any time.

The distance of more than two kilometers [Jiang Feng and the others came quickly.

But these enemies are slower to move in the dark.

After about ten minutes, the voice finally came again.

"Hurry up, they are not far ahead, hurry up and chase them!"

The leading captains, with flashlights on their guns, ran forward quickly, urging the people behind them sharply.

Jiang Feng, who was squatting on a small tree, saw their situation from a distance.

A hundred people marched in their direction in a mighty manner, holding mixed M16-A1 and AK74 firearms, all wearing tactical vests and uniform clothing.

Just by looking at them, they are far more armed than Harrison's places.

Soon, their footsteps were getting closer and closer, and they finally got into the trap area set by Jiang Feng.

All the people ambushing around were all in full swing, concentrating on observing the bright lights below through the gaps in the leaves.

They were largely invisible from above, but the flashlight lights of the militants became their field of vision, illuminating the environment below for them.

The militants who rushed in were anxious to catch up with Spike, and didn't pay much attention to the problem under their feet.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered, someone fell into Jiang Feng's trap.


"There's a spike trap here, my feet!"

The first person to be recruited screamed in pain.

This caused everyone to look sideways.

"Pay attention to your feet, we may have entered the trap area!"

The leading captain immediately yelled loudly.

This made everyone more vigilant, and started to check their feet at full speed.

But at this moment, Langya and others in the distance shot.

"Da da da da da da da da!!"

Type 95 rifle, a series of bullets were fired quickly, directly shooting at the lights of those flashlights.


Immediately, screams came from the scene again, and many people were directly shot to the ground!

"There are enemies, attack!"

The captain looked calm, and immediately gave an order.

Countless bullets poured out in the next second, shooting towards Langya and the others.

Suddenly, the jungle became lively.

A large number of bullets hit the tree, and the muffled sound of collision was endless.

"Break into the past and kill these guys!"

With the suppression of the firepower, the captain immediately cleared the direction, accelerated again and led the people forward.

But at this moment when they shoot.

With the help of the violent gunshots at the scene, the bows and arrows in the hands of everyone in the tree were shot out immediately.





Immediately, eight or nine people in the team were shot to death by an arrow and fell down on the spot.

Others were shot in the eyes, body, thighs, etc., without a fatal blow, and immediately screamed.

"There is a sneak attack!"

Suddenly there was another voice from the crowd, and everyone raised their guns and swept around, trying to find the target.

But they are at a high place, covered by dense branches, it is almost difficult to find them.

"Assault quickly, get out of here!"

A face-to-face meeting immediately lost more than a dozen team members. The captain's heart tightened and he quickly issued an order.

Everyone also knew that they would only be attacked here, so they quickly prepared to press forward.

But how could Jiang Feng who was hiding in the dark let them go like this.

Without any hesitation, the four of them threw out four grenades and exploded among the crowd.


The violent explosion caused their formation to disperse when they originally wanted to make a surprise attack, and many people were directly blown to pieces.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, the people on the top of the tree fired another round of arrows, and another eighteen people fell down.

"over there!"

When Jiang Feng and the others were throwing mines just now, someone spotted their figures, screamed, and chased after them while shooting.

But Jiang Feng and others who finished throwing the grenade had already run away.

And these militants chased all the way, towards the place just now.

Suddenly, his feet sank, and Tian Ba ​​and the others all fell into the trap.

Several people fell into the traps on several sides.

And under the trap, there are spikes arranged by Jiang Feng.

The moment they fell, screams followed.

The shrill cry made everyone who wanted to attack tremble.

In just a short moment, they had already lost half of their people.

The point is, they haven't even found the enemy's position yet!

This caused the leading captain to panic, thinking that the other party had come to reinforce the team!

And in the next second, another round of arrows came!

Immediately, another seven or eight people fell to the ground.

But this time, one of the militants watched the moment his teammates were shot, and immediately discovered a person's hiding place.

The team member picked up his rifle, and under the light of the flashlight, he saw a man standing on the top of a tree, taking an arrow from his quiver.

And Han Xiaoheng who was photographed turned pale with fright, and hurriedly wanted to take out an arrow to attack.

But how could the arrow pass the gun so fast, let alone he hadn't drawn the bow yet!

The moment he saw Han Xiaoheng, the militant's expression changed drastically, and he pulled the trigger!!.

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