Let You Take Charge Of The Student Union, All Mercenaries?

0076 Don't Be Greedy, How Many Can Be Killed?

The moment he met the enemy, the dagger in Jiang Feng's hand quickly slashed in front of him.

In just one second, the three fell down in front of Jiang Feng, clutching their necks.

The other two were also beheaded by Zhang Hao and Shen Wen.

This time everyone's reaction was quite quick, and when Jiang Feng made a move, they all followed suit.

Seeing their killing ability, Jiang Feng also nodded secretly, the training during this period was not in vain!


After killing these few people, Jiang Feng led the crowd to go deeper.

And the people inside the cage also began to rush out.

The uproar was soon heard throughout the camp.

Athena, who was in charge of guarding here, immediately stood up from her seat, picked up the sniper rifle in her hand, groped for the night vision goggles, and walked outside.

"Everyone put on night vision goggles and go on the defensive!"

Athena ran directly to the barracks next to her, picked up a big horn used in training, and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the noisy crowd began to quiet down.

Immediately afterwards, there were the sounds of various wearing equipment, as well as the shouts of looking for equipment.

Everyone started to act, following Athena's command.

"President, they have started to act, how can they pay back?"

Luo Peng listened to Athena's voice "four zero zero" from a distance, and his heart tightened.

"Follow me, if you meet someone, kill them directly!"

"A tough battle is inevitable!"

Jiang Feng opened the safety of the gun, and said seriously to everyone.

"Damn it!"

A killing intent appeared on Zhang Hao's face, and his eyes were full of anger.

He had waited so long for the day, and he could still vividly remember the ferocity of Sean's sneak attack on them.

Today is the first step of his revenge!


Seeing that everyone picked up their guns and got ready, Jiang Feng led them straight to the depths of the saber cage.

And Athena was not idle at this time, and she immediately began to issue orders and make arrangements for the dozens of people gathered in the camp.

As a special combat force, she has been fighting for so many years, so she is naturally very experienced in this kind of battle.

She deeply knows that this kind of battle must not be dispersed, once separated, it will be broken one by one.

Therefore, it is necessary to fight in a trapezoidal shape, and they are connected to each other. When one party is attacked, the other two parties can immediately support it.

Although she still doesn't know if someone is really attacking at night, it is her instinct to be vigilant.

In this way, the two teams began to approach each other's target without knowing the other's position.

Jiang Feng headed towards the center of the cage, while Athena's men began to search the camp.

Athena herself didn't know where to go to snipe with a gun for a long time.

On the big tree outside, Han Xiaoheng watched everything inside the cage closely through the high-powered lens.

His phone is pinned on his shoulder, and he can talk to Jiang Feng at any time and report the situation.

"President, there is a small team on your left, eight people!"

The moment Han Xiaoheng's eyes saw the enemy, he immediately spoke.


Attention everyone, prepare to fight, left!"

Jiang Feng didn't speak, but gestured for everyone to see clearly.

Everyone also nodded, and immediately entered the fighting state.

"President, two more teams are here, still in a group of eight, and they are distributed in a trapezoidal shape."

After Han Xiaoheng saw the other two pairs appear, he quickly reported.


"Grenade ready!"

Jiang Feng immediately changed his tactics, gestured and said to the back.

Immediately, the five people immediately threw away their guns and took out a grenade.

At this moment, Jiang Feng finally heard footsteps.

Their footsteps were orderly and steady, and they were gradually approaching the front.

But from here Jiang Feng can already guess their strength, these guys have been trained, and compared to the group just now, they seem to be stronger.


Hearing the voice gradually approaching, Jiang Feng directly gestured and gave orders to the people behind him.

Immediately, five grenades rolled directly from Jiang Feng's feet.

The team who heard the sound immediately screamed and wanted to escape.

But then five consecutive scattered grenades all exploded.


There was an explosion, and the intense flames of the explosion illuminated the entire place.

"Enemy attack!"

The next second the people behind them yelled loudly.

People who were investigating in other places around heard the explosion and all rushed to this side.


Without any hesitation, Jiang Feng immediately led the crowd across the trail in another direction after throwing the grenade.

Staying here will only make dumplings, so they have to use a roundabout tactic.

Now is the time to apply the guerrilla warfare of our predecessors.

In fact, the strength of the eighteen of them is not in vain to fight with them like this, but Jiang Feng doesn't want anyone to be hurt.

That's why he was so careful, to complete this battle unscathed, this is the most perfect idea!

Everyone followed Jiang Feng and ran to the other side.

And Athena, who heard the explosion, immediately jumped from the window of a room and rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

Her voice flashed past on the roof, and Han Xiaoheng happened to see her clearly.

"President, on the right side, there is a female sniper, it is likely to be Athena, you should be careful!"

"She has moved, and I don't know her exact location."

Han Xiaoheng quickly opened his mouth and said to Jiang Feng.


"Watch out for snipers on the floor."

Without hesitation, Jiang Feng immediately said to the others.

With the appearance of Athena, the battle immediately became serious.

If you want the team to avoid casualties, then it will be even more difficult.

The sniper shot down suddenly, basically it is sure to die!

Hearing this, everyone's hearts tightened.

Jiang Feng, who has night vision eyes, travels here as if in daylight, and his speed is far faster than those wearing night vision goggles.

It was also quite strenuous for everyone to follow behind Jiang Feng.

Along the entire camp, Jiang Feng made a big circle and left the explosion area long ago.

Next, those guys will definitely follow their direction all the way.

Now is a good time to ambush.

Ambush them in their camp.

"Archers, gunners, grenades ready!"

As soon as Jiang Feng gave an order, the crowd gathered together immediately began to disperse towards the surroundings.

The cooperation during this time, the tacit understanding when acting.

Everyone has already set the pre-position, and everyone has their own responsibility.

At this moment, they all began to occupy their positions in a very orderly manner.

Several archers went directly to the second floor next to them, and waited for the enemy to appear through the window.

And the one with the grenade appears on the side, used to attract the enemy's firepower direction.....

The rest of the crowd waited for the enemy to turn their eyes to other places before launching a fatal attack.

This is the triangle strategy arranged by Jiang Feng.

Suitable for jungle, also suitable for street fighting.

Now is the time when it will be of great use.

As expected, a few minutes later, the black team of the brigade appeared at the place where Jiang Feng and others had just passed by.

All of them were extremely vigilant and kept scanning everything around them with their guns in hand.

Move forward steadily.

But what they didn't know was that Jiang Feng and the others had already set up an ambush waiting for them to come in.

But these guys weren't just any average nigger.

I didn't want Harris' troops to rush in like that, but a small group of people came in first, and the others followed at a distance of more than ten meters.

If there is a situation ahead, it will not implicate yourself, and you can also preserve your vitality and fight back.

These are the tactics Athena taught them, they have always been trained like this, and they are performing them meticulously at this moment.

"These niggers are too cautious!"

Shen Wen looked at the eight people gradually approaching in front of him, with some anxiety in his eyes.

"Don't be greedy, kill as many as you can, take your time!"

Jiang Feng lowered his voice and whispered to the person next to him.

As they approached step by step, the few people in the front obviously felt that there was something weird here.

A black man stopped immediately and began to look around.

However, everyone hid it well, and did not find any flaws.

After thinking for a while, the black man leading the team stepped forward again.

The grenade team members ambushing around, at this moment, squeezed the grenade in their hands, as long as they entered the attack range, they would immediately launch an attack.

"Come in!"

Watching the team in front of them initiate gestures, indicating that there is no danger.

A small team behind also slowly began to march towards the inside.

But just after they walked in, suddenly, a few grenades were thrown from the next house.

This caused the first team to shout immediately, and while dodging, they shot at the position where the grenade was thrown.

In the next second, the explosion sounded immediately. 5.1


The team behind crawled directly towards the surrounding bunkers, and at the same time began to support the first team with firepower.

But what they didn't know was that, above their heads, eight archers had aimed at them.



In the next second, Dao Bow shot out immediately.

The second team was shot and killed by them on the spot, and the whole army was wiped out.

While killing the second team.

Jiang Feng and others picked up their guns and launched a fierce attack on the team that they thought they were behind the bunker, but actually left their backs for them.

All of a sudden, gunfire erupted!

In less than three seconds, the eight-person team fell to the ground under a series of bullets.

The two teams were wiped out by Jiang Feng and others within less than a minute of entering.

But it's not yet time for them to celebrate.

In the next second, a rocket shot over.

Shoot towards the second floor where the archers are hiding.

The fire from the rocket was like a shooting star in the sky.

This scene stunned everyone else!

"Fuck! Run!"

Zhang Hao got excited, stood up directly, and shouted loudly.

At the same time, on the second floor of a room, a black gun was aimed at Zhang Hao's head!.

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