Let You Take Charge Of The Student Union, All Mercenaries?

0079 God Bless My Dragon Kingdom, Send Such Divine Soldiers

"You know us?"

Luo Peng next to him asked with a puzzled expression.

"Sean was here once, and he told me that you guys wanted to come and save me, but he was going to kill you!"

"I thought you were already killed, but I didn't expect you to really come!"

Chen Xinyi said gratefully.

"I thought it was some experienced old mercenaries, I didn't expect you to be so young, it really surprised me.

Slowly regaining consciousness, Chen Xinyi looked at this group of young people who had just turned 20, and said in surprise.

"Youth has its benefits, youth has good health and strength, haha."

Lei Haoyu looked at the big sister in front of him, his eyes almost lit up.

"Miss Chen, are you from the research institute?"

Ignoring them, Jiang Feng went straight to the point.

"Do you know anything about the Institute?"

Chen Xinyi was surprised when she heard this.

"Yes, I already know what Sean and the others are going to do. This time I'm here to rescue you, and I'm going to rescue the scientists in those institutes!"

Jiang Feng opened his mouth to explain.

"Thank you, I really didn't expect you to have such a difficult task!

Chen Xinyi supported Jiang Feng's hand, and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Sean, he has now colluded with the beautiful country, and they are now looking for the whereabouts of the institute."

"With the support of the beautiful country this time, their strength has become very powerful. It is too difficult for you to save them!"

Hearing Jiang Feng's thoughts just now, Chen Xinyi said worriedly.

"But this is related to the secrets of our Dragon Kingdom. The Beautiful Kingdom wants to rob us and persecute our Dragon Kingdom. Even if we die, we will not agree!"

Zhang Hao was full of blood, and said loudly.

"Yes, if we don't do important things related to our motherland, who else will do it, we must go! 187"

Jiang Feng also opened his mouth and said firmly.

"Hey!" Chen Xinyi sighed, still very hard to believe them.

"I'm very moved by your actions, but if you guys go to fight against Sean's team of hundreds of people, that's death!"

"I don't want you to take the risk, you are too young!"

Hearing Chen Xinyi's words, Jiang Feng shook his head and spoke with firm eyes.

"The original intention of our student union mercenary organization is to make it bigger and stronger, and to promote the national prestige of our Dragon Kingdom!"

"My team members and I are all from the Dragon Kingdom, and all the blood in our bones is the blood of the Dragon Kingdom, the blood of Yanhuang!"

"Foreigners blatantly bullied us Longguo people. They bullied us for many years, and many of our compatriots died!"

"But now that we have stood up, we absolutely cannot ignore death, let alone turn our back on the motherland!"

"Descendants of Yan and Huang, the sons of the Dragon Kingdom would rather lose their own lives than protect the dignity and interests of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Raise the national prestige of our Dragon Kingdom, let foreign countries look up to our Dragon Kingdom, and make them dare not invade our countrymen again!"

"We rescued them, the enemy is very strong, but will our students be afraid of him!"

"Dragon Kingdom! One day, we will stand proudly on top of a thousand worlds!"

Jiang Feng's words were sonorous and powerful, and every word and every sentence revealed their hearts.

Everyone's eyes are the same firm, everyone's heart is the same as Jiang Feng's.

Seeing them like this, Chen Xinyi was extremely moved.

He never thought that besides the soldiers in Longguo, there would be such passionate young people who would give everything regardless of their own lives.

Her tears flowed down involuntarily. (agci)

What none of them knew was that this scene was being watched by all netizens around the world.

The cameras above their heads broadcast everything live.

This camera was originally intended to broadcast live the execution of Chen Xinyi, but now it has become a witness to rescue Chen Xinyi.

Countless netizens were shocked by the tasks Jiang Feng did, and at the same time moved by what he said.

dragon country.

An entertainer named "Wu Jing" is watching the scene in front of him at the moment.

He has been paying attention to this matter all the time, and he was also watching today's live broadcast for the first time.

Originally, two hours ago, two black ghosts threatened to execute Chen Xinyi for everyone to see.

He thought that all this would come to an end, that this poor girl would be sacrificed for nothing in this dark prison.

But he never expected to be rescued by these young people, which made him excited immediately.

"Student Council!"

"This is really a model among the young people of the Dragon Kingdom! They are all true Dragon Kingdom people!"

Wu Jing couldn't help but applaud directly.

After seeing what Jiang Feng said later, Wu Jing stood there watching TV, the shock in his heart was indescribable!

"Praise our country!"

"Well said, so beautifully said! Hero!"

"Young hero!"

Wu Jing also felt that his blood was boiling at this time.

Jiang Feng's words moved him deeply at the moment, he never thought that there would be such a vigorous young man in Longguo.

He also thought that many young people went to learn the make-up skills of those Bangzi countries, all went to chase stars, and all became depraved.

He thought that all young people were turning into mothers, and they had long since lost their true masculinity.

He thought that men and women are bound by love, and now they have become net suppressed clouds.

But he never expected that such a group of people would appear in his line of sight and say such words that made his blood boil.

He feels that the Dragon Kingdom is still full of hope, and there are still people who can support the future of our country!

"Student Council! Good! Great!"

"Let the era of the student union come, and let the dragon country begin to become clear!"

No excitement on Kyoichi's face.

Watching Jiang Feng and the others rescue Chen Xinyi away, they immediately turned on the computer, logged into his bib, and started editing a post.

"The future of the Dragon Kingdom is not a motherfucker [Follow our heroes and fight together!!!"

Wu Jing tapped the keyboard to write a title, and then immediately began to talk about what he thought in his heart, writing everything he saw just now.

Soon, a post was made on the bib.

After the post was posted, he didn't even think about buying trending searches specifically.

With the flow of his own artist, and such an exciting thing.

He knew that this post would become a trending search by itself.

And at the same time, not only he is paying attention to these.

Tens of thousands of Longguo net names, and netizens all over the world are paying attention to this matter.

Many ordinary people also saw this live broadcast.

In the live broadcast, Jiang Feng's person disappeared less than three minutes later.

Scarf, Douyin, Tieba, Slow Hand, Douban, Station A, Penguin...

Countless netizens began to brush up on this incident, and a large number of video posts were spread.

In the post bar, a brand new post bar of "Student Union Mercenary Organization" was established.

There was an upsurge in student unions across the Internet.

Everyone who pays attention to this matter is touched by the matter of the student union, they are passionate and excited.

Underneath each post are countless comments.

"God bless my Dragon Kingdom, send down such divine soldiers!"

"The student union is the most powerful young man in Dragon Country, and we don't accept any rebuttals!"

"Dare to sacrifice for the Dragon Kingdom, and break into the Dragon Lake and Tiger's Den alone, such young people are the backbone and future of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"I used to think that the young people today are sick, but now it seems that I was wrong. The young people are full of ambition!"

"Seeing young people like this, I know that Dragon Kingdom has become stronger. I have never had such a sense of pride!"

"Damn beautiful country, they want to take away the research results of our dragon country, we must not let them succeed!"

"I hope the student union can rescue all the researchers, and I hope the country can help them!"

"Yes, there are only a dozen of them, and now they are orphans, facing an enemy that is several times their size, it is really too difficult!"

"Please directly dispatch the strategic army to bring down Paland. Damn it, it's broken!"

"I hope everyone in the student union can return safely, we are all here waiting for you!"

"The heroes of the Dragon Kingdom will never be harmed in any way, God bless the Dragon Kingdom, God bless the student union!"

Countless netizens discussed it, and soon this matter began to become the most mentioned thing in everyone's chat.

And this matter, after the global live broadcast organized by NSS.

The personnel of the relevant departments of Longguo who had been monitoring were all shocked.

Immediately report to the highest level department.

In just a moment, the news that a group of 18 young people from the student union mercenary organization entered the rainforest to rescue Chen Xinyi alone reached the ears of the top leaders.

"You mean that a dozen young people broke into the Longtan and Tiger's Lair to save people, and they saved our researchers from the Dragon Kingdom?"

The most senior leader sat on the chair and put down the pen in his hand, and asked with some doubts.

"Yes, they are too brave, and now it seems that they have successfully rescued the hostages!"

The young assistant next to him looked excited and kept reporting.

"Okay, brave young man, immediately tell the military department to do this properly! Don't let the common people feel cold.

The most senior leader nodded steadily and said in approval.

Immediately, an order was issued together, and the matter was directly handed over to the highest military department.

Then he picked up the pen and started his busy work.

"Hey, I'll do it now!"

The assistant immediately ran out excitedly, and called the military department to inform him.

Upon hearing the news, the military department immediately launched an investigation.

Being able to make the most senior leaders say such things, they dare not neglect at all.

Immediately, various instructions were conveyed, and personnel at all levels immediately started the most professional and advanced search!.

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