"You mean these young men rescued the Special Forces?"

When the top leader listened to the situation reported by his subordinates, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"They beheaded a group of 100 militants in one go, and rescued the special forces."

"Then marched overnight to the cage and rescued all the hostages!"

"This kind of record can be said to be invincible, even our special forces are not so fast."

With an excited expression on his face, the assistant finished this passionate matter.

"Well, they are a group of good boys. It is rare in the Dragon Kingdom to be able to say such bold words!"

The most senior leader, watching the video in front of him and listening to these things, nodded in approval.

"Then let the military department fully support them, and let him make his own decisions when necessary. It's just a small Paran country!"

"This Sean's armed gang, it's time to get rid of it, lest those white-haired ghosts use it against me!"

Having made up his mind, the top leader said.

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

When the assistant heard this, he immediately bowed and said.

Afterwards, he hurried down to contact the military department.

After receiving such an order, the commander-in-chief of the military department naturally knew what to do.

"Cooperate fully with the student union in rescuing researchers and mobilize a Beidou satellite to connect to it!"

"Mobilize two cruisers to go out, equipped with full firepower, this time whoever dares to hurt people in my Dragon Kingdom, I will be the first to say no!"

"The whole department has entered a state of combat readiness, and all relevant departments are closely monitoring the relevant news of the student union."

The commander-in-chief of the military department did not hesitate at all, and immediately issued an order.

Soon one order after another was conveyed.

When Liu Haiping, who was the captain of the navy fleet at the time, heard this, his heart immediately became hot.

"Mobilize Jiaolong, Qianlong follow me, this time I will personally supervise the battle!"

With flames in his eyes, Liu Haiping gave orders loudly.

Immediately afterwards, he led people on board the Jiaolong cruiser.

Everyone was in a state of tension, and all eyes were fixed on the rainforest of Paland.

the other side.

Jiang Feng and others are heading towards the other end of the rainforest at full speed.

There is a secret base in the rainforest more than 100 kilometers away from Sean's base.

That area is already close to the edge of the rainforest, and there is also a city not far away.

Everyone fought all the way and galloped towards the distance, without rest all day and night, but their spirits were always full of state.

Because everyone has a mission in their hearts, no one dares not to be vigilant.

More than 100 kilometers, a long enough journey, may take more than ten hours for them.

But what Jiang Feng and the others don't know is that at this moment, their target is already full of people.

Many mercenary teams are approaching here.

The militants are also constantly shrinking the encirclement.

On the second day after the coup was launched, their search for so many days finally had some clues.

After confirming the location of this rainforest, Sean's large army mobilized and began to surround it.

It won't be long before everything will be exposed.

And Jiang Feng wanted to rescue the researchers before them, otherwise, when Sean's large army really surrounded the place, with their eighteen guns, they would not be able to fight against tens of thousands of troops.

And there are people from the beautiful country in these teams, they are all helpers transferred directly from the garrison base by Sean.

Afraid of Boss Chuan's sanctions, he was too concerned about this matter, and he did not hesitate to spend huge sums of money to directly mobilize the soldiers.

These well-trained soldiers are regular digital individual soldiers, and each of them can be said to be an absolute existence of one against ten.

It's just that they have relied on equipment all year round, but now facing this kind of rainforest, their advantages have become less obvious, and their marching speed is relatively slow.

Marching all the way in this way until the dawn of the next day.

Talents like Jiang Feng arrived at a meeting point they had set in advance.

There are still about 60 kilometers away from the secret base, which is relatively close, and it will take about four hours to arrive.

And in the depths of the rainforest, his and Spike's signals were constantly weakening, and many times they could no longer receive clear information.

In this area, Jiang Feng and the others arrived first, sat on the ground, took out some food from their backpacks, and began to feast on it.

After eating this meal, they will basically never have the chance to eat again.

Sitting on the ground, eating, waiting for the arrival of the 2nd team.

An hour later, Team 2 finally arrived.

When they had a round with Jiang Feng and the others, they immediately sat on the ground and began to supplement their nutrition to adjust their state.

"President, there is always something weird around here."

Sitting on the ground, Han Xiaoheng frowned, looking at the surrounding environment, feeling strange in his heart.

And just after he finished saying this, the surrounding jungle suddenly fluctuated.

A few black muzzles protruded from the inside.

This scene made almost everyone a little panicked, and they wanted to pick up their guns to fight back in a hurry.

"Don't move, I will kill anyone who dares to take a gun!"

The visitor spoke pure Bang Guo English, and this accent was undoubtedly Bang Guo.

Hearing this, everyone stopped what they were doing, and slowly looked towards the place where the voice came from.

Five people came out from around, all of them were heavily armed mercenaries.

"We are the mercenary organization "Water Chill" ranked 108th in the world!"

The leader, holding a gun, walked over slowly with an arrogant expression on his face, and at the same time opened his mouth to declare his family.

A mercenary organization ranked 108th in the world, this strength is indeed strong enough.

No wonder he can be so arrogant.

It was no wonder that they were able to appear in such a place, surrounding Jiang Feng and the others without anyone noticing.

Everyone who was tense all day and night was made dumplings when they were relaxing, and they had nothing to say at the moment.

They all watched quietly as the visitor kicked away all the rifles in front of them.

Then let everyone stand up.

Jiang Feng also carefully observed them and the surrounding environment without saying a word.

Encountering such a thing, he must try his best to find an opportunity to escape and counter them. It is very likely that everyone will die here.

And the team members were also very tacit, Jiang Feng didn't speak, and they didn't say a word, they all obeyed the words of the mercenary leader of the great country, and stood up obediently.

"Looking at this, he should be from the Dragon Kingdom, right? Haha!"

The leader of the stick came over and looked at the crowd with a mocking smile on his face.

They entered the jungle yesterday, so they didn't see the live broadcast, and they didn't know that the people in front of them were members of the student union.

At this moment, I thought that I met a very rubbish mercenary team who didn't even have vigilance. Like them, they came to complete some simple tasks.

"It's ridiculous that you want to take this mission too!"

"Which of the mercenary teams hired by various countries is not famous, you wastes are probably sent by the Dragon Kingdom, haha, how funny!"

The leader of the stick circled around the crowd and said mockingly.

It seems that bullying the people of Longguo is very refreshing for him.

"`"Let's go, there is a minefield ahead, I have to rely on you to get through today! Behave well, maybe I can let you go.

The leader of the Bang Kingdom walked behind the crowd, kicked Luo Peng's ass and said.

Hearing that they were going to be sent to minefields with human flesh made everyone in New China feel cold.

These guys are really too vicious, to think of such a thing, it is estimated that they have been waiting here for a long time.

Faced with this situation, everyone didn't grab it, and was pointed at with a gun, so they could only walk forward obediently.

But Jiang Feng suddenly spoke and stood up at this time.

"Can you blindfold me, please? I'm more scared!"

Jiang Feng's voice was very timid, as if he was very scared.

Hearing this, the leader of the stick immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, you really are a waste, even if you are afraid of this, then I will blindfold you.

The gang leader motioned for a person to come forward and blindfold Jiang Feng.

Looking at such a person, his heart also relaxed at the moment.

In this way, everyone walked forward obediently, towards the minefield.

The five people followed with their guns in hand, talking and laughing very relaxedly.

On the other hand, Jiang Feng lightly conveyed a signal to the people next to him with his fingers.

Afterwards, the signal was immediately spread along with everyone's fingers, and soon everyone knew what Jiang Feng was thinking, and they all settled down in their hearts.

Sensing that everyone understood his plan (well done), Jiang Feng decided to take action immediately without any hesitation.

When he heard the positions of the people behind him and their relaxed state, Jiang Feng suddenly turned around and pulled out a pistol from his waist.

The others fell down instantly.

This sudden scene stunned the mercenaries of the Bang Nation for an instant.

The next second was a series of gunshots.

bang bang bang bang!

Five shots were fired, directly piercing the arms of the five Bangguo mercenaries.

They originally wanted to shoot, but immediately lost their ability and howled in pain.

And everyone also got up from the ground, swarmed up, and arrested all these guys.

Pressed on the ground, motionless.

"You still want us to go to the minefield, your brains are very powerful, Xing!"

As soon as Luo Peng went up, he kicked the leader of the Bangguo in the face and cursed loudly.

Then everyone returned again and brought back all the equipment just now.

Only then did these guys continue to move forward.

"There's a minefield, right? Then I'll let you go there, damn it!"

Jiang Feng stepped forward and looked at the guys with their arms folded, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and cursed.

Hearing this, the mercenaries of the Bangguo immediately became intimidated.

But in the face of the existence of Jiang Feng's gun barrel, no one dared to refuse, and could only follow forward.

With a mournful face, he walked slowly towards the minefield. .

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