The two sides encountered at the same time, and the militants stopped and opened fire.

However, Jiang Feng and the others continued to rush forward, firing along with them.

Everyone leaned back, and a sliding shovel immediately lowered their bodies, sticking to the ground.

Militant bullets passed over them.

Didn't hit them at all.

Let me tell Jiang Feng that the bullets they shot did shoot upwards into their bodies, necks, chins, and eyes!

In a face-to-face clash, dozens of bullets poured out instantly, forming a barrage net in the air.

And in this barrage, all the fallen were militants.

Each of them was hit by several bullets, and they fell back backwards.

Blood spattered everywhere, and the scene was a mess.

Smashed heads, broken fingers, and bloody pieces of flesh were everywhere.

In less than five seconds, the gunfire stopped.

More than a dozen militants were killed at the scene.

But Jiang Feng and others quickly turned over from the ground, like a robot, their movements were very uniform, and they changed bombs at the same time.

They all rushed into the aisle ahead.

These are the tactics Jiang Feng taught them.

In what kind of combat situation, what kind of tactics to use when they were studying in the jungle, they all studied very seriously.

All of this seemed to be engraved in their minds. When Jiang Feng gave a tactical signal, they immediately shoveled down in unison.

A wave of brief victories, but did not end the battle.

Immediately afterwards, the other half of the team who heard the gunshots immediately returned to the aisle on the same road.

After Jiang Feng and the others rushed into the aisle, they immediately occupied their original positions.

When these people appeared, Jiang Feng launched a counter-ambush for them!

Use their preset cover to launch a fierce attack on them.

The unique geographical location of 723 wiped out all these black ghosts in the blink of an eye.

These people didn't understand until their death, how Jiang Feng and the others were able to eliminate the other team so quickly!

They will never know, and Jiang Feng didn't think too much about it.

Because behind Jiang Feng, in the aisle on the other side, another group of people is chasing this side.

The heat sensor showed that they were approaching rapidly.

Just as Jiang Feng finished dealing with this group of people and was about to deal with the next group of people, a picture flashed in his mind.

Crisis warning!!!

Three seconds later, a rocket will shoot right where they are now, blowing everything up.

"Quick, throw yourself forward!!!"

Without any hesitation, Jiang Feng yelled, leading the crowd to rush forward in unison.

Jiang Feng's voice fell on their ears like the instructions entered by the programmer in the game.

Everyone almost didn't even react, and made this action directly.

Eighteen figures jumped forward in unison.

There was a roll on the ground five or six meters away, and they all lay on the ground motionless.

In the next second, a rocket landed right where they were just now.

The shocking explosion was deafening.

The bunkers arranged were destroyed in an instant, and a hole was blown out with the house next to it.

Fragments of stones were flying everywhere, and many of them landed on everyone.

Fortunately, these stones were not big, and did not hurt anyone, but caused some scratches.

"Behind me, grenade!"

After the rocket exploded, Jiang Feng shouted to everyone without hesitation.

In the next second, seven or eight people took a grenade from their chests, pulled out the fuse and threw it behind them.

Afterwards, everyone got up and ran forward desperately.

The militants who were about to rush in through the aisle and shoot mercilessly behind them were immediately intercepted by these grenades.

All he could do was stop and dodge.

And this also gave Jiang Feng and others a chance to breathe.

All ran out of this aisle, temporarily avoiding their danger.

A few seconds later, Tian Fu's explosion sounds came one after another.

Hiding behind the wall of the house, Jiang Feng scanned the crowd to make sure no one was injured.

And that team also began to pursue them.

"smoke bomb!"

Without any hesitation, Jiang Feng blocked the intersection here with two smoke bombs.

Faced with this unclear road, the militants did not dare to advance rashly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Feng and the others retreated towards the other passageway, slowing down the momentary sharpness.

If there were few people, Jiang Feng would rather have a fight with them directly.

They will not be able to react if they repeat the old tricks.

But there were forty people on the other side, they couldn't kill them in one go, and they would definitely be hurt!

So take a step back and lay an ambush here in the back, waiting for them to come.

Then catch them all in one go, this is the best choice!

But this wave of battle also gave everyone a little warning.

The enemy's ability is getting stronger and stronger, and the people inside are far stronger than the first line of defense.

And they actually have rockets aiming at a distance.

If it wasn't for Jiang Feng's quick response, they would have already been exposed to the wilderness.

Facing the siege of eighty people and the pursuit of the rockets, Jiang Feng was still able to handle it.

And what kind of powerful enemy is behind, they don't know at all.

Everyone couldn't help feeling nervous, knowing that Sean hasn't shown up yet!

The people around him must not be ordinary people, that is the last strong enemy, and these have not been encountered so far.

Retreating to the back, Jiang Feng and the others spent more than ten seconds taking a rest.

They didn't have time to deal with the minor injuries on their bodies, so they quickly started to deploy around.

Jiang Feng's heat sensor has always been within fifty meters of these guys.

He knew that in another minute, they would definitely come over.

The place Jiang Feng chose is a bit wider. The key point is that the houses (agca) on both sides are two-story buildings, which is a good place to catch a turtle in an urn!

Everyone is distributed on both sides.

And Shen Wen will take on the important task this time, luring the enemy to go deep!

In the back of the aisle, there were several guns in his hand, all of which were picked up from the corpses.

And Jiang Feng was next to the window on the second floor, aiming his gun at the guy who just fired rockets at them.

That guy was watching the surroundings closely on the roof of a tall building, squatting on the roof, using a chimney as a cover.

As long as there is gunfire, he will immediately aim the bazooka there, and when he sees Jiang Feng, they will directly shoot and bomb.

This kind of high-power lethal weapon will always make people feel terrified if they don't get rid of it.

At the same time, Jiang Feng was also using thermal induction to keep an eye on the group of militants.

These guys are constantly coming in their direction.

Seeing that he was about to reach the passage, Jiang Feng immediately made a gesture to Shen Wen.

Seeing this signal, Shen Wen below immediately pulled several guns at the other end of the aisle and fired at the same time.

In an instant, gunfire erupted everywhere, as if a battle had broken out.

This caused the bazooka player on the roof to turn around and look this way.

At the same time, that group of militants thought that Jiang Feng and the others were ganging up with their teammates, so they rushed towards this side at full speed.

Almost without any vigilance, he rushed into the aisle and ran towards the other end of the aisle.

And Shen Wen was still there constantly firing his gun to attract the attention of the enemy.

Jiang Feng watched the group of guys below run deeper and deeper into it, and at the same time was paying attention to the bazooka player in the distance.

At this moment, the bazooka player seemed to have sensed where Shen Wen was, and Jiang Feng could feel that the other party was about to fire.

And the militants in the aisle were also running deeper and deeper.

Seeing all these guys running in, Jiang Feng felt a killing intent in his heart.

Pull the trigger with your finger, and the shot is fired at the bazooka hand in the distance.

The moment the bullet passed through his head, everyone upstairs also shot at the people below.

Trapped in the aisle, they didn't even have a bunker, so they could only be dumped by everyone.

Bullets continued to pass through their bodies, and flesh and blood splashed in the air.

Forty people were beaten into a puddle of flesh within ten seconds.

This one-handed catch is simply perfect to the extreme.

Killing everyone is equivalent to disintegrating the second line of defense here, so they can continue to boldly go deep.

Just when everyone was about to get up and go downstairs, suddenly, a dense firepower shot towards the upstairs.

The bullets from Jiang Feng's ear splashed, and everyone immediately left the window and lay down on the ground to avoid it.

Fortunately, this shuttle bullet did not catch anyone from Volkswagen.

However, the shooting below still did not stop.

The powerful firepower suppressed everyone without looking up.

Jiang Feng didn't hesitate either, no matter who his enemy was, Jiang Feng immediately made everyone jump down from the paging in the opposite direction and into another aisle.

The moment Jiang Feng got up, he also glanced down.

A guy with a build of nearly two meters is holding an M249 in his hand and is shooting at the upstairs like crazy.

The moment he saw this guy, Jiang Feng knew that this Zhuo Duo was not a guy to mess with!

It must be the people under Sean's hands, the same existence as Athena.

Without thinking too much about how to subdue him, Jiang Feng led the crowd to jump down from the back of the building to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

After they left here, two rockets flew directly into the window, and the entire second floor was lifted!

And under Jiang Feng's thermal induction, a large group of militants came behind Harris holding an M249, at least forty or fifty.

They all chased after Jiang Feng and the others where they were running.

Harris even took the lead, taking out one of the ten magazines tied around his waist and changing the magazine for his gun.

A moving light machine gun, this is not easy to mess with.

Sensing the threat coming from behind, Jiang Feng quickly made a plan to deal with the enemy in his mind.

And at this moment, a person suddenly appeared in front of their eyes!!!.

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