Let You Take Charge Of The Student Union, All Mercenaries?

0098 Can Only Outsmart, Not Force Attack

They moved, and the group of militants followed them.

Looking at this situation, Jiang Feng already understood the situation in his heart.

They must have used thermal imaging, otherwise this would not have happened.

This ability similar to perspective, Jiang Feng certainly knows how powerful it is.

So this group of people must be eliminated, otherwise it will become a serious problem.

But it is really difficult to kill such a group of guys with clairvoyance.

Jiang Feng started to back away while thinking about the strategy to deal with them.

It didn't take long for an excellent way to deal with the enemy appeared in his mind.

Immediately, he immediately started discussing with everyone.

Everyone agreed with Jiang Feng's strategy.

It is really difficult to get rid of a group of digital soldiers.

So you can only outsmart, not attack by force!

Because everything about them is under the control of each other.

Jiang Feng's strategic atmosphere is two steps.

The first step is to set up traps!

Under the guidance of Jiang Feng, the crowd rushed backwards quickly, and a large number of people escaped from the range of their thermal imaging.

Only Jiang Feng kept dragging them to pursue this track.

Then, other people planted soil bombs in the aisles they passed.

These things look like batter, so throw them on the ground and cover them with anything.

They wear individual equipment on their heads, and their eyes are a little bit ignorant of these gadgets, not to mention they are still tracking Jiang Feng and others, so they are even more ignorant.

Then separate out a group of people, go around the long distance to get behind them, avoid the range of their thermal imaging, and block them!

In the end, attacking both sides together can kill them perfectly!

This is the only way they can wipe out this group of guys.

If there is no siege, someone will definitely escape, and then their vigilance will become stronger in the future, and there will be no way to break through.

Jiang Feng and the others will always be exposed in their field of vision.

Now that he had made up his mind, Jiang Feng didn't hesitate, and directly arranged for everyone to divide the troops into action.

A group of people went around to the distance, while Jiang Feng and the others arranged everything here.

Soon, many soil bombs were placed in the entire corridor.

The enemy's squad is also constantly approaching them.

Jiang Feng moved back slowly, and didn't stop until the end of the corridor.

Everyone also squatted down here, as if taking a little rest.

That group of militants was also slowly approaching, and they were naturally aware of Jiang Feng's state.

I want to take this opportunity to carry out a sneak attack.

And Jiang Feng naturally knew their purpose.

After they gradually walked into the aisle and began to go deep slowly, Jiang Feng suddenly appeared and fired several shots at them.

Suddenly gunfire broke out, and the opposite side immediately started to counterattack.

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, hid behind the house in no hurry, and waited until the gunfire subsided for a while, then leaned out and fired a few shots at the fastest speed again.

Pulled several waves in a row.

These militants were also very angry.

"Is he playing us? Kill them!"

One militant cursed angrily.

"Go, charge with me, kill these yellow-skinned monkeys `||!"

The leading captain also cursed angrily.

As soon as he gave an order, everyone immediately followed him and rushed towards Jiang Feng.

There are so many of them, they are not afraid to fight hard with Jiang Feng and the others!

Seeing them rushing towards him, Jiang Feng was already prepared.

They immediately retreated to the back, and at the same time, Lin Miaoxue threw a poisonous fog bomb directly at the entrance of the corridor.

In the blink of an eye, the aisle was filled with poisonous fog, making it impossible to pass through.

The militants were caught by this, so naturally they didn't dare to rush in like this.

Immediately after that, he was about to retreat behind him, and prepared to walk through another aisle.

But just after they turned around, several human figures appeared in the thermal imager in front of them.

This scene surprised the militants.

Immediately, he realized that it was Jiang Feng's person, and quickly opened fire.

But in the next second, Shen Wen directly threw a poisonous mist bomb, which also covered the passageway on their side.

At this moment, the entire aisle was covered by the poisonous fog on both sides, and there was no way to escape at all.

Encountering such a predicament, the captain of the militants immediately let it go.

"Not good, fell into a trap, look for a bunker!"

His reaction was quick, and he immediately said to everyone.

But in the face of being surrounded by two sides, how can they defend themselves.

Jiang Feng, who had arranged everything long ago, never thought of fighting them with guns.

Just a few grenades poured in.

The militants shot outside to avoid being attacked by Jiang Feng and others, while fleeing one after another.

But how could they avoid Jiang Feng's formation!

Several grenades exploded in the open space, and the strong explosion directly caused the explosion of the soil explosives hidden in the corridor.

For a moment, the entire aisle was filled with the sound of bombing.





The entire aisle is full of soil explosives, one piece after another.

The militants in the aisle were thrown up and down by the sudden explosion.

There is no ability to attack, they are all dodging indiscriminately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Feng and Shen Wen stood on both sides of the aisle, with guns in their hands aiming at the inside of the aisle and began to shoot wildly.

Although I can't see what's inside.

But with such a dense firepower net, they have no chance to evade at all.

Many people had just avoided the bomb, but were immediately pierced through the body by the bullet.

For a moment, there was silence in the corridor, and there was no sound at all.

Jiang Feng and the others stood outside, quietly waiting for the poisonous fog to dissipate slowly.

After a while, the poisonous mist dissipated.

Everyone immediately got into the aisle to check the situation.

The entire aisle has been blown upside down.

The remains of minced meat are everywhere.

The ground and walls were bombed with various potholes.

Now there is no complete body to be found, and everyone has been blown to pieces by the bombs here.

Everyone replenished supplies among these corpses, and at the same time got some heat detectors.

But most of them are damaged, and only two are still usable.

After a brief assignment, Zhang Hao and Han Xiaoheng put on the two only thermal sensors.

"Hey guy, is this a see-through hanging?"

Zhang Hao wore this thing and looked around, and he could see where there was heat.

"It seems to be a thermal sensing distance of 35 meters, which is not very far.

Han Xiaoheng sensed the information above and spoke.

"Okay, let's go, someone will come here soon!"

Jiang Feng glanced around, and then led the crowd through a few aisles, heading towards another road.

As expected, two minutes after they left, a group of people came to investigate the situation.

After seeing the corpses everywhere, he immediately reported the news to the past.

Among them, Andre's eyes showed a strange light.

The scarlet tongue licked his lips, and said calmly: "Let me taste the taste of Long Guo's blood!"

On the other side, Jiang Feng quickly waited for everyone to come outside the third line of defense.

There is still no change from before, except that there is one less team.

"President, there are people in the aisle in front, they should be machine gunners! There are a lot of people behind, probably no fewer than five!"

Zhang Hao used his own thermal sensor to tell what he saw.

Hearing these words, everyone nodded and began to think in their hearts.

But Jiang Feng smiled lightly, he saw more than Zhang Hao saw.

It's just that they don't know it.

"Then what are you going to do about it?"

Jiang Feng thought for a while before asking.

Hearing this, Zhang Hao was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head to think.

After a while, a ray of light bloomed in his eyes, and he spoke.

"I think we can directly seal the smoke, and then use the same strategy as dismantling the first line of defense, seduce them to pursue, and then kill these guys."

"What about the machine gunners? With them around, even if they kill all of them, they still won't be able to break through! And more will be added soon. 11

After Jiang Feng heard what he said, he asked a fatal question directly.


Zhang Hao didn't know what to say for a while, it seemed that the machine gunner was stuck here and it was really difficult to deal with!

But at this moment, Han Xiaoheng who was standing beside him proposed a bold idea!

"President, I think the machine gunner can be handed over to me!"

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Han Xiaoheng again.

"Actually, it's not a big problem to snipe the two of them! I did it in the cage before."

"However, if you want to kill them, you need to lure out the location of the two rocket launchers first.

"Kill them first to avoid future troubles, and then these two guys are nothing to worry about!"

Han Xiaoheng looked at the crowd and spoke out his thoughts.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng agreed in his heart. .

They are now going deep inside, fighting on the third line of defense, the rocket launchers must be prepared.

So (Qian De's) wanted to get rid of the machine gunner, he could only get rid of the hidden dangers above, and then let Han Xiaoheng go up to the commanding heights to snipe.

But this is not an easy task.

Two rockets, trying to lure them out and successfully dodge them is indeed a bit risky.

But they can only try this way, otherwise they will not be able to break through here.

The two lines of defense in front can be intercepted from behind, but not here,

Because Jiang Feng's heat sensor has already seen the situation in the vicinity clearly.

There are too many people defending behind the third line of defense, and there is no way to outflank it.

If they want to break through, they can only fight from the front.

This is the real tough moment.

According to his estimation, through this line of defense, the next step should be close to the final place.

That's why Sean is so in control!

Jiang Feng thought about the countermeasures in his heart, and began to discuss with everyone.

But what they don't know is that in their vicinity, the hidden super killer Andre is approaching following the smell.

Behind this line of defense, several combat drones are on standby.

Once the battle begins, they will fly directly into the battlefield from high above.

From the perspective of God, kill all the enemies!

A potential crisis is about to surface!! Rules!.

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