“Tampered with Fugaku’s opinion of Konoha and gave up the position of patriarch to me.”

“So I have a name to restrain those Uchiha clans who are about to erupt!”

“Subordinates swear by the will of fire!”

“All this subordinate did was for the sake of Konoha’s peace!”

“Without a trace of personal feelings!!”

The last sound of stopping the water.

It’s like trying to dig out your heart to prove your innocence!

A long essay down.

Suddenly, Ling Ape Fei Ri and Tuan Zang were stunned to hear it.

I was stunned by the tiger.


Ape Flying Sun smiled bitterly.

It seems that he is wrong to stop the water.

So sincere!

Integrity at heart!

Young people who take care of the big picture!

How can it be disappointing?

He seemed to see the figure of his friend Uchiha Kagami from the body of Shuishui.

“Like! It’s so much like that! ”

“Shuishui, you really inherited the will of fire of the mirror, I shouldn’t have doubted you before.”

“I apologize to you!!”

Ape Fei Ri stood up and bowed respectfully to the water stopper.

This bye.

It’s a remembrance of your friends in the sunset!

I admire the overall situation of stopping the water!

It is worth his homage as a Hokage!

Tuan hid on the side with a black face and did not speak.

I felt a pang of awkwardness in my heart.

He was all too familiar with how Uchiha Kagami died.

That’s what he killed with his own hands!

And the Sharingan is still pressed on his right eye.

Although he did not have the slightest burden in his heart.

Feel like it’s all for Konoha!

But he looked at the ape flying sun chopping and stopping the water, a picture of the lord’s filial piety.

It’s like eating a fly.

This is already the second fly he has eaten!

Tuan Zang stirred up the situation again.

Coldly looked at the water stop.

“Who knows if what you said is true!?”

“And what kind of thing is that other god! I’ve never heard of it! ”

Shuishui sneered inwardly, ignoring Tuan Zang’s words.

And the ape flying sun chop really can’t bear it.

He retorted with a displeased face: “Tuan Zang! Stop water can be trusted! ”

“Have you forgotten that Shisui is a descendant of Kagami? Kagami is the second generation of adults who personally admitted that he inherited the Will of Fire from Uchiha! ”

“As for the fact that you haven’t heard of other heavenly gods, it’s not surprising.”

“Betenjin is the exclusive pupil technique of the water-stopping kaleidoscope, only he can use it, and the effect is the strongest illusion technique that can permanently tamper with the consciousness of others without realizing it!”

Tuan Zang’s pupils contracted suddenly, and suddenly his sweat exploded!

“Nani! It is possible to tamper with other people’s consciousness!! ”

He vigilantly avoided the watery eyes, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.

As if like an old cat with fried hair, he said angrily: “Sun chop! Why didn’t you say it earlier! ”

“Such a dangerous ninjutsu must be in our hands of Konoha!”

“It’s too dangerous for Uchiha to master this technique!”

“Who knows if he’ll use this other god to us!!

Now, his vigilance against stopping the water has been raised to the extreme!

I was afraid that stopping the water would give him a farewell to the gods.

When Ape Fei Ri first heard about the other heavenly gods, his heart was almost exactly the same as what Tuan Zang expressed now.

But now he doesn’t panic at all.

Slowly explained: “Don’t worry, after using this operation, you can only use it again after more than ten years. ”

“Yesterday, Shuishui has already used the other heavenly gods on Fuyue.”

“So I can’t use other gods now.”

Shuishui just quietly listened to the ape flying sun chop out his bottom detail.

An imperceptible curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Miss by a mile!

His permanent god can be restored in half a year!

Use again!

But then.

It is estimated that these two people will not see that day.

Within three months.

He will inevitably break out a big war with Konoha and take the position of Hokage!

After this battle.

These two may have returned to the Pure Land to meet the second generation Hokage.

There was no need to worry about him using other gods on these two people.


Tuanzo is completely entertaining himself!

A clown who escaped alive!

But Danzo is very timid, and he is afraid that he will die before he can sit on the Hokage.

In this way, his big plan can no longer be completed.

After listening to the story of the ape flying sun, he did not completely let down his vigilance in his heart.

But he could already look directly into the water-stopping eyes.

Secretly ready to sacrifice the right eye of the chakra eye and use Izanagi.

At this time.

Tuanzo didn’t beep anymore.

Immerse yourself in the feeling of being wary of stopping the water.

Look at Tuan Zang’s appearance.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper felt funny at the same time, but also felt guilty.

After all, they are lifelong friends.

He also didn’t want Tuan Zang to be seen as a joke by the juniors.

He brought up what Tuan Zang wanted to ask before.

At the same time, it was what he wanted to ask.

“Shisui, why did you go to Ichiraku ramen yesterday?”

“You really don’t know that Naruto, the Nine-Tails Pillar Force, was also in it at that time?”

In the face of the questioning of the ape flying sun.

Shuishui revealed a confused expression.

“I went to Ichiraku Ramen yesterday and ate a bowl of noodles.”

“At that time, a dark department appeared to let me leave.”

“I have a habit of not being disturbed during meals, so I quit the dark part.”

“But I really don’t know that there is still the existence of the Nine-Tails Pillar Force there.”


Kneel for collection! Fresh flowers! Appraise!!!

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