Chapter 64 God’s Superconducting Device and God’s Formula! Let’s ignite the light of nuclear fusion together!

At the same time.

Yang Zhenkun said with great caution.:

“Lu Gong, Lao Su is right”

“This is definitely not something that humans can do at present!”

Lu Li smiled softly when he heard this.

“Damn, there is nothing in this world that is impossible”

“Besides, before you came here, did you also have the mentality of watching a show?”

“You must have said it many times, am I dreaming about nuclear fusion?”

Su Jingming’s face flushed when he heard this.

“But right now, don’t you also see a glimmer of feasibility?”

“So, it’s not a big problem, it’s not a big problem!”

Lu Li smiled.

“But! But!”

Su Jingming said tremblingly

“The magnitude of the issues here is totally different!”

Not a big problem?!

This is a huge problem, okay?!

Lu Li smiled again,”Leave it to me after two weeks.”

Then he looked at Yang Zhenkun and said:”Look at your hairstyle and eyesight.”

“At least it should be a scientific research position at the level of a section chief, right?”

“Ahem…almost, almost.”

Yang Zhenkun coughed lightly and said with a dark face.

Section chief?

I’m the dean of the Institute of Atomic Energy!


Lu Li looked at the time and said:”It’s been 35 minutes since 12 hours.”

“Come on!”

After saying that, Lu Li left here.

His next time was also very tight.

Although the theoretical formula was no problem.

However, the actual operation and construction were still a big challenge!!

More than eight hours later.

Su Jingming and others couldn’t stand it anymore, so they chose to go out for some fresh air.

The cold wind made Su Jingming, who had been working all day, a little sober.

Immediately, he couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“Now, I finally know”

“Why did Xiao Liu and the others want to stay?”

Beside him, Yang Zhenkun took a deep breath and said solemnly:

“Just Lu Li’s attitude of using this top-notch formula without hesitation”

“It is enough to make us stand in awe!”


Su Jingming sighed

“However, I still don’t believe that he can create controlled nuclear fusion.”

“This is controlled nuclear fusion! Although he can build a large particle collider”

“However, the Large Scale Particle Collider and controlled nuclear fusion are two completely different levels of technological products.

Yang Zhenkun also nodded.

“However, even if we cannot make it, these formulas alone are enough to advance us fifty years on the road of research and development of controlled nuclear fusion!!”


They admire Lu Li’s brain.

However, after all, they have been studying controlled nuclear fusion for more than 40 years.

They still can’t believe that Lu Li can build controlled nuclear fusion within 28 days.

This is even more unbelievable than the Arabian Nights!

If this can really be accomplished.

It is simply outrageous, outrageous to the extreme!

Time flies.

Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye!!

In these two weeks.

Lu Li worked overtime and was not idle at all.

He personally built a fully intelligent central control super mechanical arm assembly!

On the other hand, Su Jingming was also working day and night to complete the solutions to the 35 formulas.

The first day of the third week of the controlled nuclear fusion project!

That is, the first day of the official start of the controlled nuclear fusion project!

In the first two weeks.

The condensation of raw materials, the construction of the equipment.

And the control of various details.

Lu Li did everything himself!

He must be completely qualified!

To pass!

“Dean Yang”

“Do you think Lu Li can really build it?”

In the past half month, Su Jingming did not neglect the project because he was the dean of the Institute of High Energy Physics. He worked hard on the front line with the atomic energy research academicians! In fact, in the past two weeks, they did not get a good night’s sleep! They were calculating, deducing, and proving frantically! Day and night, they never got tired of it!!

“I certainly hope it can be built!”

“However, at the current stage of our human technological level”

“It is absolutely impossible.”

Yang Zhenkun smiled bitterly.

Although, in the past half month, following Lu Li, he saw the infinite possibilities on the road of controlled nuclear fusion!


This is still a huge hurdle!

“Dean Yang”

“If you were here this month”

“Will it delay your nuclear-powered aircraft carrier project?”

Su Jingming looked around and said in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Yang Zhenkun immediately took a deep breath and said solemnly:”It will delay a little time”

“However, the problem is not big”

“After all, we have thoroughly mastered the operation mode of nuclear fission reactors.”

“As long as the factory over there operates normally, it can be completed soon.”

Su Jingming smiled when he heard this.

“Okay, then”

“Our Xia country will also have a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!”


Yang Zhenkun knitted his eyebrows.

Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!

It is the standard to measure a truly great country!

Although, the current Xia country also has aircraft carriers.

But, first, the number is not large.

Second, the conventional power used by Xia’s current aircraft carriers is simply oil-burning.

Naturally, it cannot compare with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Although I don’t want to admit it, the aircraft carriers of the United States are still far ahead.

They all use nuclear power.

Nuclear fission reactors are the power source for driving the entire aircraft carrier!

And Xia is naturally trying hard to catch up!


Yang Zhenkun is the dean of the Xia Institute of Atomic Energy Physics.

But in fact, as early as three years ago, he had already listened to the call of the country and began to secretly build and develop nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!!

The purpose is that one day,

Xia will also have nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!!

And now. Yang

Zhenkun took a deep breath.

Although it has been three years of construction and development a month ago, there are still many problems to be solved.

However, there is always hope.

At this time, Lu Li has already started the formal construction of the controlled nuclear fusion device!

On the first day of construction, Su Jingming, Yang Zhenkun, and a group of atomic physics research academicians were all stunned!

When Lu Li showed the remaining formulas, everyone felt their scalps burst!!

This is completely beyond their understanding.

“Is this thing…really the formula for building a controlled nuclear fusion engine?”

This is what everyone thought!

On the fifth day, when everyone looked at the controlled nuclear fusion device that had been initially formed in the experimental site , they all couldn’t help but take a deep breath!

“What kind of device is this?!”

“How come it is completely different from the Tokamak nuclear fusion device we are studying?!”

Su Jingming stared at the���This one.

A huge superconducting device with a length and width of about 100 meters, emitting twisted and weird things.

Yang Zhenkun beside him was also completely confused.

“This guy…could he have built a nuclear fusion superconducting device himself?!”


After hearing Yang Zhenkun’s whispers,

Su Jingming couldn’t hold back any longer!

They spent more than 40 years to come up with a decent superconducting device.


Lu Li only took a week to come up with a brand new one?!!


Day 10

“Crazy, crazy!!”

“Old Yang!!”

“This thing of his actually works?!!”

“This is fucking!!!”

Su Jingming pointed at the nuclear fusion superconducting device and said angrily.

Just now,

Lu Li said that this superconducting device passed the operation perfectly.

The next three days will be the final test phase.

“This is… God’s superconducting device!!”

Yang Zhenkun’s extremely serious face was also filled with extremely solemn horror!!


Su Jingming was so frightened after hearing the words”God’s superconducting device” that he was paralyzed!

“No, that’s impossible.……”

On the scientific research road of controlled nuclear fusion, countless pioneers are burning their lives.

The purpose is to be able to research a real controlled nuclear fusion device!

Because controlled nuclear fusion will represent the dawn of human energy in the future!

However, these pioneers, without exception, are all on this scientific research road.

They have spent decades of their lives.

The purpose is to perfect even one ten-millionth of the process.

Because they all know that only through continuous improvement, continuous exploration, and continuous experimentation, can we eventually succeed!!

On the scientific research road of controlled nuclear fusion, it is not that no one has questioned the tokamak nuclear fusion device.

However, no evidence has been found.

After all, if you want to prove that there is a problem with the tokamak nuclear fusion device, then you must build a nuclear fusion device yourself.

Therefore, in the scientific research community of controlled nuclear fusion, there is such a saying.

When you can independently build a superconducting device that is completely different from the tokamak nuclear fusion device, don’t doubt it.

That is definitely God’s superconducting device!

“Crazy! This is absolutely crazy!!”

“Is this thing really God’s superconducting device?!!”

Su Jingming grabbed the few strands of hair on his head fiercely.

“I don’t want to admit it either……”

“However, there is no other more reasonable explanation at the moment!”

Yang Zhenkun’s face, as sharp as a knife, was full of solemnity.

Then, the next second, he was like a demon. He quickly ran towards the back of the device!!

It was not Lu Li’s workbench for the past ten days.

During these ten days,

Lu Li was making a controlled nuclear fusion superconducting device while performing calculation decomposition.

He was also a very busy man.

“Lao Yang! Where are you going? Wait for me!”

Su Jingming saw Yang Zhenkun running all the way.

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

Then, he quickly ran over.

Not long after, the two came to Lu Li’s workbench.

Here, densely packed documents and various data were all being verified on the computer.

On the documents scattered on the ground, all kinds of weird and twisted symbols and drawings were challenging human cognition.

Yang Zhenkun suddenly lay on the ground eagerly at this time. His originally serious face was full of excitement!!

Not surprisingly!

He couldn’t understand any of these document formulas and drawings, as well as those symbols that seemed to come from the future!!


This still couldn’t stop his excitement!!

Su Jingming, who came with him, saw his old friend showing such an expression again.

His face couldn’t help but change.

He had never seen his old friend show such an excited expression!

The last time he saw him was when the Fengshen intercontinental missile was successfully tested.

He showed the same expression as now.


In fact, this time, he was more excited than the last time!!

“Lao Yang, what happened?!”

“Could it be!”

“Do you understand these formulas and drawings?!!”

Su Jingming took a look at the drawings scattered on the ground and suddenly felt dizzy.

This is definitely not knowledge that the human brain can accept.

“I don’t understand!”

Yang Zhenkun’s face was still full of excitement!

“No, Lao Yang”

“I don’t understand, why are you so excited?”

Su Jingming couldn’t help but smile bitterly when he heard this.

“It is precisely because I don’t understand it that I am so excited!!”


Yang Zhenkun suddenly burst into laughter at this time!

“Lao Su!!!”

“I ask you! Our predecessors in controlled nuclear fusion”

“Do they often mutter something in a mysterious way?”

“There’s that line about God’s superconducting device!”

“Do you still remember?”

Yang Zhenkun said excitedly

“Of course I remember.”

Su Jingming took a deep breath.

“To create controlled nuclear fusion, two necessary conditions must be found”

“First, it is the God superconducting device”

“Second, the God Formula……???”

“Holy crap!!”

“Old Yang! You are not saying that these things are the divine formula for producing controlled nuclear fusion?!!”

“Absolutely right!!”

Yang Zhenkun’s body began to tremble at this moment.

“No wonder we can’t understand it, no wonder we think it’s impossible to accomplish!”

“Because this has far exceeded our scientific theoretical cognition!!”

“Lao Su!!! This is brand new! Unknown territory!!!”

“A road leading to the future of technology!!”

Su Jingming heard this and it was like hearing a thunderclap in the clear sky!

He felt a roar of technology in the depths of his brain!!


“Those old-timers also said it!!”

“With the current technological civilization of mankind, it will take at least 500 years to discover the God’s formula!!”

“You can’t be saying that Lu Li has glimpsed the technology of the next five hundred years?!”

Su Jingming was shaking all over, but he was still firm in his position!

Although, he also urgently hoped that Lu Li could really create controlled nuclear fusion!

But! But!!

This is too outrageous!

What about physics? What about atomic energy theory? High-energy physics doesn’t exist, right?!!

“Clear the area, clear the area!”

“Thanks to the first test, we have made very smooth progress”

“We don’t have to wait three days.”

“That, Lao Su, Lao Yang”

“Let’s clear the site first.”

Lu Li didn’t expect that everything would go so smoothly. From this point of view, if this can be completed, it means that it will only take 28 days to complete, including the labor and materials.

“Clear the area?”

Su Jingming and Yang Zhenkun looked at Lu Li who had come to their side in confusion.

“Well, the first official test will be conducted soon.”

Lu Li smiled.

“You, you, you mean, it can be started now?!!”

Su Jingming’s tone was raised a bit


Lu Li nodded.

Then he took a deep breath.

“Okay, no more words.”

“Let us ignite the light of nuclear fusion together!”


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