Hearing Liu Taiping's words, people's curiosity was aroused again.

After all, Lin Fan has always been a controversial player, and this work is contrary to the previous style.

Liu Taiping deliberately hung his appetite for a while, and then continued.

"First, I was curious about where he saw the words or what works he borrowed.

Second, I just saw that he seems to like to be very fond of foreshadowing in the work, and the reaction of the two officers just now, I think it can't be just to portray the character, I'm curious, how he will play later.

And then there is the third one, which is his plot setting, although it is a bit of a legendary novel, but everything is combined and tightly fitted. I wondered if it was his own idea or if it was borrowed from somewhere. "

The audience, as well as Xiao Sa, all understood, this was clearly to say, whether Lin Fan had thought of this story a long time ago, or had seen similar content.

Xiao Sa hurriedly explained: "The specifications of this competition are comparable to the Olympics, so it is impossible for the topic to be leaked in advance, but if someone has made relevant preparations and prepared some materials or references in advance, it is not impossible." "

"But I personally still think that this possibility is very small, and if it really happens, it can only be said that this person's comprehensive accumulation is really a bit terrible. "

While speaking, he also made a funny expression, which eased the atmosphere on the field a lot.

Yang Mi also interjected quite cleverly at this time to avoid misunderstandings.

"Actually, I think what Mr. Liu means is that the work of contestant No. 27 has a high degree of completion and is good in all aspects, almost not like it can be completed in such a short period of time at this age. "

"I think this is also Mr. Liu, a kind of recognition of No. 27, Mr. Liu, do you see what I said right?".

Liu Taiping is a pedantic person, once he encounters words or literary works, he often becomes direct and reckless, just now his words, although there are some doubts, but more are recognition.

When Xiao Sa opened his mouth, he realized that something was wrong, but fortunately, Yang Mi saved the scene in time.

He hurriedly agreed, and Xiao Sa also timely brought everyone's attention back to the screen.


On the simulation screen, Lin Fan's second episode has also been completed.

After the opening song ended, it was still Zhu Yuanzhang's three words, and then the camera did not follow the previous picture, but started a monologue again.

"We couldn't understand it at the time, they were all righteous soldiers, how could they be so finely divided?

A small Haozhou city actually has two forces and several handsomes.

We don't know the thoughts of the big guys, we only know that since we want to be a rebel army, we should rescue the people and expel the Tartars. "

The monologue is over, and Zhu Yuanzhang has been released.

Then, a wedding begins.

"In the days when we were detained, no one thought to come to see us, Tang He was one, Xu Da was one, but they couldn't see us.

In fact, no matter how hard it is in the prison cell, we can endure it, when we were monks, it was said that it was fate, but in fact it was begging, what are the hard days in the world, we have never tried?

The only thing we feel uncomfortable with is that we have clearly killed the enemy and made meritorious contributions, but we have to be convicted.

But fortunately, Miss Ma often secretly brought baked cakes to see us, so that we would not starve. "

Later, Guo Dashuai understood that we had a reason for the incident, and he was afraid that the other brothers would be cold, so he let us go.

He also changed our name, called Yuan Zhang, the word Guorui. Our marriage with Miss Ma was also decided at this time. "

"Since then, let's follow Miss Ma and call him his father-in-law together, and we can be regarded as having a home.

Well, we have enemies too. I don't know if my father-in-law is too good to us, but his sons are always suspicious of us and target us everywhere. "

"We couldn't bear to be embarrassed by our father-in-law, and we didn't want to continue to get involved in these infighting in Haozhou, so we asked my father-in-law to return to my hometown to recruit soldiers.

Not long after, we really pulled up a team, so we found another opportunity to attack Dingyuan. "

As soon as the picture turned, Zhu Yuanzhang took Xu Da and other twenty-four people and left from Haozhou City.

Then the screen changed, and the number of people increased.

At this moment, the monologue also sounded again.

"When we appeased Zhangjiabao, we were excited and didn't sleep all night, and we thought that from now on, the sky is high and the birds can fly, the sea is wide and the fish jumps, and we don't have to be controlled by others. "

But no one could have imagined that it didn't take long for this good day to happen. "

At the same time as the monologue ends, the Yuan army camp appears in the picture.

Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the main seat, and opposite him was Miao Daheng, the general of the Yuan army who surrendered.

In the handsome tent, the generals were in high spirits, and Zhu Yuanzhang was even more happy.

After a morale-boosting lecture, the army is also drawn again, and the target is the larger city of Chuzhou.

Halfway through the march of the army, a man of letters suddenly stopped the way of the people.

Zhu Yuanzhang got the news, came to the front of the team, saw that it was a literati, looked up and down, and then asked.

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