"I have heard the saying that the poor are treacherous, and the rich have a good conscience.

Of course, I personally don't agree with this sentence, but from the perspective of the play, I think it can also be used as a way to create contradictions.

The current performance of No. 27 is actually not bad overall, but the only problem is that Zhu Yuanzhang seems to be a child, if he didn't design the ending of the emperor, then all this is fine.

As long as you stand taller than the monk, even if it is an officer, it can be regarded as a counterattack.

But now everyone knows that this Zhu Yuanzhang will be the emperor in the future, and they are all looking forward to seeing the process of him becoming the emperor.

Now he has a Guo Zixing on top of his head, and there is a group of people around him who are calculating him, I am curious, how is he going to get out of trouble, is he going to be blackened in the end, or is he going to use the emperor to live up to the painstaking people and so on?".

With Mo Hua's evaluation, the pressure fell on Yang Mi in an instant.

As one of the judges with the least qualifications, she actually doesn't want to speak when her views are different from those of the judges.

But now everyone is looking at her, waiting for her to say what she thinks, and she naturally refuses.

After a short period of thought, Yang Mi found a relatively tricky angle.

"In front of the three teachers, I am a junior, and the three teachers have analyzed very well, and I also admire them and agree with them.

But from a pure, audience's point of view, I think this drama is still very interesting, at least for now, there are at least three problems around Zhu Yuanzhang.

First, how can he break the game and get out of his own way; second, he is just a small person, how can he become an emperor step by step; third, becoming an emperor, is it still not in line with the theme of Les Miserables? Of course, in the end, this has little to do with the show itself, but it is still intriguing, isn't it?"


The camera of the mourning hall was kept zooming in, and finally it was fixed on a tablet.

And the name written on the tablet is Guo Zixing.

In the mourning hall, there was constant crying, but there was not much sadness.

Beneath the superficial harmony is a surging undercurrent, a struggle for power.

As Guo Zixing's subordinates, the two people who are most qualified to inherit his position.

Zhu Yuanzhang, as Guo Zixing's son-in-law, has far greater power and merit than Guo Tianxu and the brothers.

But Guo Tianxu and his brothers, as Guo Zixing's sons, are more dominant in legal theory.

If the two sides cannot negotiate, then the final result is undoubtedly only a possibility of fire and merger.

After a long campaign and witnessing countless power struggles, Zhu Yuanzhang's mind has long been different from before.

In the face of the position of commander-in-chief, which was obviously at his fingertips, he did not snatch it directly by force like Sun Deya, Zhao Junyong and others, but waited for Guo Tianxu to take the first step and make another move.

And among the folk rumors, there are also many people who say that before Guo Zixing died, he once promoted Zhu Yuanzhang to Han Lin'er, the king of Xiaoming, to take his place.

For a while, all the pressure was concentrated on Guo Tianxu's body, but this son-in-law was not a broad-minded person, and after being affected, before he succeeded to the throne, he had already begun to think about how to target Zhu Yuanzhang.

Soon after, the appointment of Han Lin'er, the king of Xiao Ming, came.

Guo Tianxu was the marshal of the capital, Guo Zixing's brother-in-law Zhang Tianyou was the right deputy marshal, but Zhu Yuanzhang was only appointed as the left deputy marshal.

According to the military system, Marshal Du is the master of the army, and the status of the right deputy marshal is also higher than that of the left deputy marshal.

For a while, Guo Tianxu and others were quite proud, feeling that Zhu Yuanzhang was finally pressed by himself and could handle it at will.

But they forgot that Chuzhou and Hezhou were all built by Zhu Yuanzhang, the people's heart was on him, and most of the soldiers and horses were also in him.

The camera took the order from the mourning hall and turned to Zhu Yuanzhang's Chinese military tent.

Xu Da, Tang He and others all looked dignified at the moment, and even looked like they were about to move, ready to take action on behalf of Zhu Yuanzhang and regain the right to rule.

"Don't make a bitter face, we know what you're thinking!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was the first to speak, and everyone instantly poured bitter water.

"But we can't just be so angry! What is King Xiao Ming? We haven't seen it before, so why listen to him?".

"Yes, the upper position, as long as you say a word, Lao Tzu will go and cut Guo Tianxu, when the time comes, you will kill him, you want to avenge him, Lao Tzu will admit it, as long as you can get your things back!".

The crowd is turbulent, and if you are not careful, it will really lead to a mutiny.

But Zhu Yuanzhang was calm, and quickly restrained the people under his hands again.

Zhu Yuanzhang's monologue was also opened again after suppressing his subordinates.

"We were also very angry at the time, thinking that King Xiao Ming was moving his mouth, and he wanted to take the foundation we had worked so hard to lay, how could there be such a good thing in the world?

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves, Han Song is powerful, if you don't obey their orders, it will give the righteous army in the world a reason to deal with us, then we really have no place to stand.

It is also because of this incident that we understand a truth, everything is not pragmatic, Guo Tianxu wants to be the nominal marshal, then we will give him that position.

But as long as the people below are still on our side, and when we wait for a suitable opportunity, we can kick him down.

It's just that we didn't expect this opportunity to come so quickly. "

At the end of the monologue, the camera returns to the Chinese army's tent.

In order to expand his power, and at the same time to accumulate meritorious service and prestige, and completely suppress Zhu Yuanzhang, Guo Tianxu decided to send troops south.

This strategy coincides with Zhu Yuanzhang's plan.

So the two sides marched together, but divided into two routes.

When Guo Tianxu and Zhang Tianyou led the army to attack Jiqing Road, they planned to take advantage of the emptiness of the Jinling garrison and occupy Jinling in one fell swoop.

However, before Guo Tianxu could realize his strategy, he was killed by Chen Yuxian, who surrendered and rebelled.

Because Chen Yuxian was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang and forced to surrender, and shortly after this incident, Chen Yuxian also died in the chaos.

Therefore, some people also rumored that this was the method arranged by Zhu Yuanzhang to kill people with a knife.

In the picture, Lin Fan deliberately used the Spring and Autumn brushwork.

When Guo Tianxu's army was surrounded by the Yuan army, Zhu Yuanzhang was on a boulder, looking into the distance.

This kind of picture makes it difficult to judge whether he is watching the war or observing the terrain, leaving countless space for the audience to reverie.


[Blackened!This must be Zhu Yuanzhang blackened!].

[Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuanzhang, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, is actually such a person, but Guo Tianxu is really a little brainless, and he dares to use a general. 】

[Without the Guo family pressing on the top of his head, Zhu Yuanzhang can make great achievements now, but I don't know if he can still withstand the Yuan army after losing so many people at once. 】

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