[As soon as Timur died, the pattern suddenly became bigger! I admit, I have a low vision!].

[Is this going to be all BE? Talking about Zhu Yuanzhang, how did you start writing about other people's tragedies?].

[Now that I think about it, it is indeed a tragic world, Zhu Yuanzhang's family was ruined at the beginning, Ma's family died in the suppression of the imperial court, the rebel army was overwhelmed, and the people were struggling to make a living. and Guo Zixing's family was killed by power, and the loyal ministers of the court died tragically if they were careless. 】


In the studio hall, looking at the comments that suddenly changed the direction of the wind, Xiao Sa hurriedly threw the question to the judges.

"The reaction of netizens is still quite intense, I don't know if a few judges and teachers have any different opinions?"

Liu Taiping, as a famous screenwriter of historical dramas, took the lead this time.

He said very excitedly: "The scene of Timur's death, which has just taken off Timur, is incomparable in tension, shock, and even metaphor, and if the weather is also cooperated accordingly, I think it can be compared with the fragments of some epic masterpieces."

It's hard for me to imagine that No. 27 is so young, and has such an ingenious mind and such a delicate layout.

As netizens said, this is a miserable world, although Zhu Yuanzhang's tragedy is over temporarily, other people's are far from over.

Besides, Zhu Yuanzhang, who has tasted power, his former brothers are gradually fearing and alienating him, how can this not be his tragedy?"

Mo Hua followed Liu Taiping's words and continued to evaluate.

"At this moment, it is difficult for me to understand Lao Liu's mood, before we were all blinded by the age of the 27th.

Judging from the plot line in front, my attention is also on Zhu Yuanzhang.

But if you think about it carefully, in fact, the tragic point is not only the dignity and humility of status.

Viewers who pay attention to details should have noticed that since Zhu Yuanzhang lost the foundation of Chuzhou, his smile has begun to be superficial.

If this is a real actor playing it, then it may be an acting problem, but this is AI, so obviously, this is a hint from the 27th to us. "

Among the four judges, two gave high praise, and for a while, Urlian was also a little speechless.

He was not optimistic about Lin Fan, but he had to admit that Lin Fan's design in this part was indeed very ingenious and shocking.

As for Yang Mi, although she didn't speak, the tears that the camera keenly captured were more convincing than any language.


On the simulation screen, the plot continues.

On the screen, a line of text appeared, revealing the current situation and the new policies of the imperial court.

Today, Zhu Yuanzhang has occupied 17 cities, with nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses, and countless generals.

In particular, the recovery of the Chaohu Water Division made Zhu Yuanzhang also have the capital for water warfare.

At the same time, Zhang Shicheng lost a large amount of armaments and troops in the war; Chen Youliang was still dormant; and Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have become the most popular prince in the entire south of the Yangtze River.

On the part of the imperial court, the death of Tokhtar Timur did not affect the original decision.

The imperial court had already begun to try to appease the rebels.

For example, Fang Guozhen and others, under the influence of objective conditions, chose to temporarily take refuge in the imperial court and use the imperial court's military salaries, money and grain to restore their strength.

The officials who originally supported the suppression of thieves and the suppression of chaos, those who played a meritorious role in the war, were instead excluded or even deposed.

Yuan Ting, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Province Marshal's Mansion.

Liu Ji was dressed in cloth and stood in the middle of the courtyard.

Some gloomy faces, combined with the oppressive rainy day, make the atmosphere extremely dignified.

"Lord Zuo Cheng said, if Lord Liu insists on resigning, this bit of silver can be regarded as Sichuan capital, and it is not in vain to get acquainted!"

A young man held a tray of silver ingots and spoke respectfully.

However, Liu Ji didn't even look at the silver, and just said his thoughts to himself.

"Please tell Zuo Cheng that now the Marshal's Mansion, and even the imperial court, can't tolerate us and others, Liu Ji is naturally not uninteresting, and will never block Zuo Cheng again;

Speaking of me, Liu Ji turned around and left, ignoring the reaction of the little guy.

Seeing this, the little guy sighed, and after chasing a few steps, he still relayed the words of Cheri Timur to Liu Ji.

"Lord Zuo Cheng also has a saying, I want to tell the adults that if the adults don't want to stay, it's best to go away to the mountains and forests.

This time, the imperial court has changed its strategy, and the world will not be determined, and you will never have a bright future.

General Fang, but they are by no means magnanimous people, I am afraid that in the future, they will be difficult with you. "

When Liu Ji heard this, he paused, thinking that Timur would say something about the imperial court, but after listening to it, he couldn't help but be even more disappointed.

On the other side, Zhu Yuanzhang gathered all the soldiers and prepared to reward them for their meritorious deeds.

After the appointment, Zhu Yuanzhang directly set up a banquet to celebrate the current good situation with his subordinates.

However, just when the atmosphere of the banquet was warm, an accident broke the silence.

Zhu Yuanzhang's fellow countryman and Xiao Gengjun were appointed as the head of the march, and while he was happy, he couldn't help but drink more wine.

After getting drunk, Geng Junyong completely forgot that his identity and status are now different.

Taking advantage of Zhu Yuanzhang's return to the main seat, he stumbled and took two jars of wine and came to Zhu Yuanzhang to toast.

Zhu Yuanzhang's identity is different now, and the war has just ended, so naturally he can't drink too much.

While hesitating, Geng Jun drank his own wine, and planned to pour another jar into Zhu Yuanzhang.

During the pushing, the wine jar fell to the ground, and Geng Junyong was also pulled down.

For a while, the atmosphere became very solemn, and everyone was staring, wondering what Zhu Yuanzhang would do with it, regardless of the humble Geng Junyong.

After all, in terms of reason, the two of them are small, and this matter can be big or small.

However, as far as the public is concerned, if there is no punishment, it is a bad example, and it is not impossible for military discipline to be corrupted in the future.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhu Yuanzhang's inner monologue opened again, and the camera was also filming everyone's reactions.

"We were very angry at the time, but it wasn't because Geng Jun used our wine.

We are afraid that they will attack us one day, and we are even more afraid that they will corrupt military discipline and cause trouble in the future and lose the support of the people.

But Geng Junyong was recruited by us personally returning to his hometown, and he has been with Xu Da and Tang since he was a child, and he called us big brother behind our buttocks.

Every time he goes to war, he is also a pioneer, he has never reported grievances to us, and he has never asked us for a reward.

Punishing him may hurt his brother's heart, but if he is not punished, how will military discipline be maintained in the future?"

Accompanied by the monologue, the expressions of the generals in the picture are becoming more and more different.

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