[According to the current plot, shouldn't Zhu Yuanzhang be directly blackened, ignore others, and only consider his own interests? What's wrong with this?

[I feel that the characters are separated, but I feel that there is nothing unreasonable; Zhu Yuanzhang seems to be a character who does not play cards according to common sense, and No. 27 has been playing reversal, I guess he is holding back his big move. 】

[The plot is very good, but I don't understand, if you continue to shoot like this, where is it miserable? After the collapse of etiquette, morality is lost? Or will Zhu Yuanzhang suffer heavy losses because of the rescue of King Xiao Ming?].


In the studio hall, Xiao Sa pondered for a while and asked the judges directly.

"Several judges and teachers think that the plot of Zhu Yuanzhang's rescue of King Xiao Ming is unreasonable, or is there any problem with the setting?"

The camera directly turned to Liu Taiping, and after a short period of deliberation, Liu Taiping spoke with some embarrassment.

"I have to say that No. 27's ingenuity is very good, but I think that with Zhu Yuanzhang's current situation, he should just be pretending, and not really do his best to help others, otherwise this character may become unreasonable.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang's current situation is that if he makes a slight mistake, he will lose his efforts, and it is impossible for anyone to gamble with his own national fortune for others. "

After Liu Taiping finished speaking, Mo Hua took over the topic with a smile.

"When I was a kid, I lived in the countryside, and at that time my entertainment was mainly listening to books and stuff.

At that time, the protagonists of many stories were chivalrous Jianghu people, or loyal and treacherous heroes.

Although they have different identities and statuses, they have one thing in common, that is, when doing things, it is difficult to judge the next step.

I think the number 27 may just want to create such a character.

I personally like this setting, but it's hard to say whether it can stand the test of the market. "

Wu Erliang immediately added: "How to say it, if this is a martial arts drama, even if it is a costume idol drama, such characters are very good."

But historical dramas must be serious, serious, and rigorous after all, and the current setting of No. 27, I think it's a little dangerous, and I don't know what kind of adjustments he will make later.

If it is not handled well, I am afraid that he will lose all his efforts. "

The three judges unanimously sang down, which made the audience on the Internet, as well as the on-site comment group, also start to worry a little about Lin Fan's results.

The camera turned to Yang Mi, she was also a little embarrassed at the moment, and she didn't know whether she should follow the meaning of the three judges.

After all, from the perspective of the audience and the producer, she thinks Lin Fan's plot is still very exciting.

After hesitating for a long time, she said helplessly: "I think the work of the No. 27 contestant can be said to be remarkable." His works this time also gave me a lot of shining points worth learning from.

I'd love to work with him if I could. It's just that the current plot direction, I also have some uncertainty in my heart, I hope he will have a good direction. "

When Xiao Sa heard such an answer, he secretly sweated for Lin Fan in his heart.

He guided the audience with a smile and continued to watch the online reviews.

At this moment, almost everyone on the Internet is questioning Lin Fan's setting, feeling that since Zhu Yuanzhang is a hero, there is no need to care about fame when the influence of the dragon and phoenix regime is extremely declining.

Although a small number of people expressed understanding and support, these people really could not control the direction of the wind.


On the simulation screen, Zhu Yuanzhang has already assembled the army and is ready to go north to rescue the Longfeng regime in person.

On the city tower of Yingtianfu, Zhu Yuanzhang was dressed in military uniform and heroic.

His deep gaze looked at the dispatched army, and many of the past were remembered in his mind.

After hesitating for a long time, Li Shanchang still spoke.

"Superior, your trip north this time may be the beginning of hegemony.

I shouldn't have said much, but now, if I don't say this, I'm afraid no one will dare to say it. "

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he looked at Li Shanchang and waved his hand, signaling that he didn't need to say more.

"Sir's thoughts, we understand, but we are a righteous army, we have to do things above board, and we have to occupy the righteousness, otherwise in the future, won't we be criticized?

We can't do anything that takes advantage of people's danger, but we assure you that we won't do anything to raise tigers. "

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he pointed to the distance and continued to explain to Li Shanchang.

"We have Wen Zheng guarding Hongdu for our town, and there are so many brothers accompanying us, it is not a problem to come and defend the foundation.

The only thing we are worried about at the moment is that Chen Youliang will take the opportunity to attack me, as you and Mr. Berwyn said before.

In this way, we will have to fight on both sides, but I am afraid that we will win, and most of the money, food, soldiers and horses accumulated over the years will also have to be lost. "

"Are you reliable for what you said about Liu Bowen? Chakhan Timur's side, is it really possible to have infighting?"

Li Shanchang was silent, but in his heart, there was obviously some drumming.

Seeing that Li Shanchang was silent, Zhu Yuanzhang did not delve further, but went directly down the city wall and began to go out with the army.

Halfway through the march, the Chinese army camped.

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to rest, but Chang Yuchun hurriedly broke in.

"Superior, great joy!".

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he sat up suddenly.

"What's wrong? Zhang Shicheng withdrew his troops?"

Chang Yuchun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Chakhan Timur has been assassinated! Now that the Yuan army is fighting among themselves, they definitely don't have the courage to go south for a while!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was sluggish at first, and then instead of showing half of his joy, he sighed.

Unexpectedly, Chakhan Timur ended up like this.

It seems that Yuan Ting is indeed exhausted, but even the officials and soldiers are like this, how can we and the righteous army be united.

I'm afraid the road ahead will be even more difficult!".

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he couldn't rest anymore, looked directly at the map on the side, and began to plan for the follow-up arrangements.

A moment later, he commanded Chang Yuchun.

"Mobilize troops and horses and speed up the march! At present, it is not possible to judge whether Zhang Shicheng was invited by Chakhan Timur, so he attacked Anfeng, or accepted the invitation of others.

In case it is Chakhan Timur, with Zhang Shicheng's temperament, he will withdraw his troops and will not escape, and when the time comes, we will run in vain. "

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he also began to put on his armor.

The camera shifts again, and the soldiers begin to assemble and march.

When Zhu Yuanzhang had already seen Anfeng City from a distance, the soldiers rushed over.

The soldier came to Zhu Yuanzhang's horse, saluted respectfully, held a letter high in his hand, and handed it to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Berwyn has an urgent letter!".

Hearing that it was Liu Ji's letter, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but be a little nervous.

After all, now he and Li Shanchang are now staying in Yingtian, and sending a letter at this moment will definitely not be a trivial matter.

He beckoned, took the letter, and waited until he read the contents, but Zhu Yuanzhang's face changed and changed, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

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