Lin Fan analyzed by himself, and at the same time immersed his mind in the library of the system, and began to summarize the final materials.

According to the description of the system, the library is only the basic benefit of the system.

If you want to get more permissions, you have to constantly upgrade your system.

The way to upgrade is to disseminate historical knowledge and let more people understand Chinese history.

This is also the key reason why Lin Fan will choose to go sideways.

When he first saw the exam questions, Lin Fan's thoughts were similar to those of the judges.

I feel that the counterattack of the little people is completely in line with the selling point of commercial films, and it is also in line with the characteristics of many historical figures.

It's just that when the term Les Misérables appears, there are really very few things to choose from.

Even in the huge library of works that can be used for reference and use, there are few plays that can be referenced and used.

"Alive", "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood" and other works full of pathos, lying calmly in the library.

Even in order to make inspiration, even the foreign masterpiece "Les Miserables" was stuffed in.

But Lin Fan holds the system in his hand, how can he pick up people's teeth?

It's impossible to create two things, it's impossible in this life!

Therefore, after some careful consideration, Lin Fan put his goal on Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang, two famous grassroots emperors in Chinese history.

After comparison, Lin Fan finally chose Zhu Yuanzhang.

After all, in the chaotic times at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Han people were just regarded as an inferior nation, and even if they encountered disasters, they could not get the treatment they deserved.

If it was a miserable world in that era, it was obviously the most appropriate.

And Zhu Yuanzhang, who broke his family at the beginning, relied on being a monk to survive, and started a magnificent life, which can definitely be called a counterattack of a small person.

You don't see, there have been rumors that Zhu Yuanzhang is a bowl at the beginning

Having made up his mind in his heart, Lin Fan directly took Mr. Wu Han's "Zhu Yuanzhang" as the blueprint and started his own creation.

It is said that many screenwriters and directors of historical dramas also used this book as the backbone when creating the role of Zhu Yuanzhang.


Studio Hall.

The hosts, Xiao Sa and Bingbing, cooperated with the judges and the review team to analyze the titles of other elements.

And the conclusion they came to is still the element title of Les Miserables, combined with the counterattack of the little people, which can be called the most difficult combination in this competition.

Xiao Sa joked: "We see that now other contestants have started to create. "

"It's similar to the analysis of the judges and teachers just now, and almost all of the contestants assigned to the element title of Les Misérables chose the second creation, after all, this collocation is really too difficult. "

As soon as Xiao Sa's words were finished, Bingbing let out an exclamation.

"Oh my God, No. 27, could it be that you want to choose original?"

The camera immediately cuts to Studio 27.

In the picture, Lin Fan directly closed the library of works and drew something on his tablet alone.

However, because it is still in the stage of secrecy, everyone can't see the content of the screen clearly.

"Could it be that this time, he still wants to attract attention through the perfect actor image?"

Bingbing used an exaggerated tone to express his doubts.

Xiao Sa also spoke at the right time to guide the topic: "Teacher Liu Taiping was very optimistic about No. 27 before, so are you satisfied with the current performance of No. 27?"

Liu Taiping took the microphone with an intriguing smile on his face.

"A film is like building a house, which may look ordinary on the outside, but every part of it is the ingenuity of the designer. "

"If before, I only had a little bit of attention and affection for his works, but after seeing his current performance, I have more confidence in his works. "

Xiao Sa followed up and asked, "Oh, can you tell us more about it?"

Liu Taiping nodded and said, "Of course, we can see what the No. 27 player is drawing." My guess is that he may have been setting the set and the characters on his own. "

"This alone is more dedicated and meticulous than relying on direct brain-computer generation. If our film and television workers have this kind of spirit, will our film and television industry in China be underdeveloped?"

Xiao Sa nodded, and was about to change the topic, but Mo Hua spoke first.

"I don't know much about film and television myself, but I think that the first thing to consider about the success of a work is whether it can impress the audience. No. 27 wastes too much time in these details, which is likely to cause his work to be too hasty, and ultimately affect the overall presentation of the work. "

So personally, I don't approve of this kind of behavior at the moment, and I still have reservations about his works. "

On the 27th, the judges once again disagreed, which naturally caused heated discussions on the Internet again.

Just when Liu Taiping and Mo Hua were debating about Lin Fan's ability, Xiao Sa opened his mouth to remind.

"Guys, this is really incredible!

Player No. 27... Player No. 27 has actually completed his start-up?".

The camera pans back to the big screen.

As Lin Fan connected to the brain computer, three big words of Jin Cancan immediately appeared on the simulation screen belonging to him.

[Zhu Yuanzhang].

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