Fortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't intend to let Liu Ji answer anything, and after a short pause, he broke the deadlock with a smile.

"Okay, let's just talk to you a few words, you don't have to be too careful, you know, the situation is different now, there are many empty positions.

Whether to use the old people, or to use the surrendered, or to promote the new people, these are not easy to say.

Now we have a headache when we think of this, so we can only drag it first.

Besides, Hu Weiyong is a speculative person, although he has made meritorious contributions, but this is a bad example, once it is opened, it will be a trouble!"

After speaking, he didn't wait for Liu Ji's reaction, so he asked directly.

"By the way, what are you doing here?".

Liu Ji reacted and hurriedly explained.

"Oh, the military report just sent, Li Wenzhong defeated Xie Zaixing, now Xie Zaixing has returned to Zhuquanzhou, after this battle, with Zhang Shicheng's temperament, for a while, he will not dare to make any other moves, and we can also deal with internal affairs. "

Zhu Yuanzhang should have been happy when he heard that Li Wenzhong had won, but when he thought that the other party sent Xie Zaixing, he was a little embarrassed.

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang sighed, there was another shout outside.

"Superior, the Han army wanted to break through, but they were repelled by our people, and now they are still organizing a second wave, I think they want to break the net tonight!".

While Xu Da was speaking, he had already broken in.

Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, he was about to go out, but was stopped by Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Don't go! go and explain it to us, let them persuade them to surrender first, and if they refuse to surrender, they will also open the net, and there is no need to fight to the death!"

Xu Da was stunned, a little puzzled by Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts, but in the habit of it, he still agreed.

Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to feel relieved, so he waved his hand and commanded Liu Ji.

"Mr. Berwyn, I think you can understand our thoughts, and you should follow him, lest there be any other misunderstanding!"

Liu Ji's eyes rolled, he already understood in his heart, and hurriedly agreed, pulling Xu Da away.

The two of them came out of the big tent, and Xu Da immediately broke free from Liu Ji.

"I said, Mr. Berwyn, what is the boss selling? Chen Youliang is dead, what kind of chaos can his subordinates make? We only need to encircle and suppress them, and they will be defeated! Why do you want to make such a move and let the tiger return to the mountain?"

Liu Ji smiled: "You don't want to think about it, if Chen Youliang's heir is still there, then his territory will be his, but if his heir is gone, what will happen to those guards and officials?"

Xu Da is not a fool after all, when this came to this point, he immediately woke up.

He slapped his forehead and hurriedly trotted towards the boat.

Not long after, fighting between the two sides resumed.

According to Zhu Yuanzhang's instructions, the army first compressed the space for encirclement and suppression, and then began to persuade surrender.

After this operation, many people really chose to surrender.

By the end of the persuasion, there was not much room left for the Han army to operate.

But the Han army was still fighting, and at this point, Xu Da also understood that it was pointless to continue to encircle and suppress, so he simply began to release water.

The Han army was in a desperate situation, and found a hole in the defense, so they naturally charged desperately.

And after letting go of a group of Han troops, Xu Da began to attack again, biting the Han army in the back.

The battle lasted all night, and by dawn, Zhu Yuanzhang knew that the battle was coming to an end and was about to rest for a while, but Chang Yuchun broke into his big tent.

"Superior, we caught Chen Youliang's son Chen Shan, Zhang Dingbian protected Chen Li and escaped, but Marshal Xu is chasing, I think they can't escape!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Chen Shan, he was stunned at first, and then felt helpless in his heart.

At this moment, his mind has long since changed.

The people who let go of the Chen family, in addition to stabilizing the situation in the west, also hoped that they would take the initiative to surrender.

But now, the Chen brothers actually dispersed, one was arrested, and the other escaped.

In this way, the situation is naturally difficult to manage, and there are even countless possibilities.

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a moment and instructed Chang Yuchun.

"You immediately take Chen Shan to see Li Shanchang and them, and ask them to write a letter to comfort the cities in various places and see if they can be made to surrender! In addition, Chen Shan must be properly taken care of!

After explaining this, Zhu Yuanzhang still seems to feel unsteady.

He got up again, wrote a few letters himself, sent them out, and then rested.

As soon as the camera turned, Zhu Yuanzhang's army had already cleaned up the battlefield and began to withdraw its troops.

In Yingtianfu, the mansion of King Wu.

Ma was teaching her sons a lesson, she scolded and beat at the same time, and when she reached the emotional place, she actually cried.

At this moment, a hand snatched the ring ruler she had just raised.

Ma Shi turned around and was about to get angry, but when he saw that it was Zhu Yuanzhang who came back, he immediately looked at the maid with some surprise.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly explained.

"We're not going to let them make a sound! What did these babies do wrong? You're going to treat them like this?"

Ma snorted and said, "They hid Master Song's book and smeared ink on Master Song's seat! You say, at such a young age, you don't know how to respect teachers in the future?"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while, but he was not angry.

He smiled: "You also said, at such a young age, after all, you are still a child, sometimes you have to be magnanimous!".

After speaking, he looked at the Zhu Fan brothers, and then looked at Zhu Biao on the other side.

"Tell me, why do you want to rectify Master Song? And you, you are the boss, why don't you stop it?"

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang's words came out, the three children immediately spoke in unison.

Even Zhu Di, who was still babbling on the side, actually learned to call.

"Father, the master said that your majesty is not strict and the law is too strict, so the people of your subordinates are afraid, so they defect. The child was not convinced, but he couldn't say anything!"

Zhu Fan said with some dissatisfaction, but Zhu Biao on the side was helpless to justify, lest Zhu Yuanzhang be angry and do something to Song Lian.

"Father, that's not what Master Song meant, don't listen to their nonsense! They don't even understand the meaning of the book, it's ......


Without waiting for Zhu Biao to finish speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang stopped him.

"In class, you can say anything, it doesn't hurt. "

After speaking, he looked at Zhu Fan and said, "If you don't pay attention to the teacher, you should indeed be punished, but it is indeed excusable to defend your father."

In this case, we will punish you and not leave the palace for three days!"

Zhu Fan was a little unwilling, but he didn't dare to refute it, so he could only agree.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao and continued to ask.

"Boss, since you just said that his words were wrong, then tell me, do you think what Master Song said is polite?"

Zhu Biao understands that this is his father testing himself.

After thinking about it for a while, he actually gave an answer that Zhu Yuanzhang did not expect, and even quite surprised.

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