At this moment, Ussuke was taken away from the Konoha League and the Fire Country by the Xuanyin Four.

He is already dead in the past.

I don't know what's going on in the outside world.

And for him, it was also a rare quiet time.

Perhaps, after experiencing so many disturbances, Ussuke at this time felt a little lucky.

Even if it's really dead, that's probably it......


The journey of the Xuanyin Four was not all smooth sailing.

Soon, outside the Konoha Alliance, they encountered several warriors of the Konoha Alliance.

One of them was one of the examiners of the former martial arts promotion battle......

Fire Genma!

And the other person is the same as the same heavenly martial artist, the same!

The so-called Heavenly Martial Artist is inferior in strength to Heavenly Martial Artist, but because of his special ability, the existence of exceptional promotion is naturally not to be underestimated.

However, even if Huo Xuanma and Lei Tong joined forces, they were still defeated in the hands of the Xuanyin Four.

It is conceivable that the strength of this Xuanyin four is so strong!


Day 2.

The news of Usasuke's defection spread throughout the Konoha League, and it also shocked everyone.

In particular, the object of his defection and followers is still the culprit who caused the tragic situation of the Konoha League today......

Ten Thousand Heavens Snake !!

For a time, the crowd was angry and everyone was shaken.

This news was naturally immediately reported to the fifth-generation Huo Tianzun, Ren Gangshou!

Chizunade couldn't help but have a headache.

A Usa can be big or small, although at the moment, he is still a personal warrior, and he doesn't seem to be an important person.

But in fact, Usa is the last descendant of the Uno family, which represents a very deep meaning.

What's more, his existence also involves many secrets that are not humane.

Of course, even without these, with the character of Chizunade, it would never be possible to let any of the warriors of the Konoha League go unchecked!

Not to mention, the place where Usa is going is still the secret base of the Ten Thousand Sky Snake!

If he really succeeds in the Ten Thousand Heavens Snake, he will seize Usasuke's body, not only will he heal the seals of his hands, but he will also be stronger than before to counterattack the Konoha Alliance!!


The decision to make at this moment is to recover Usa at all costs!!


That being said, it's not this decision that really hurts Chizunade.

Rather, there is no one on hand at the moment.

The Konoha League is now in ruins, and in order to recover as soon as possible, almost all the Heavenly Warriors have been sent out to carry out various confidential and important tasks.

There are very few who remain in the Konoha Alliance, and they all have their own great responsibilities.

After thinking about it, Chizunade could only make a very risky decision.

The one who was summoned to the Fire Heaven Venerable Mansion was the only one who was successfully promoted to an Earth Warrior in this Earth Martial Artist Promotion Battle......

Nakamaru !!

Chizunade told him what had happened, and gave him his first major task after becoming a warrior.

"Whatever it takes, recover Ussasuke !!"

Although Nakamaru was afraid of trouble, he also understood that the stakes were important at this time, and immediately nodded.

Chizuna said, "Who do you need to help?"

Naromaru smiled, "If there really are so many people, Lord Huo Tianzun won't send me to carry out this mission, right?"

Qianzunade sighed: "You are really smart, and Lujiu is worthy of being father and son." "

"Indeed, I'm afraid I don't have much left for you to use right now, so you can only choose from those you trust the most. "

Nai Lu Maru said: "I understand, the first person I want to choose, and the person I must bring, of course, is ......"

"Gennaruto !!"

Qianzuna's palm moved, she sighed and nodded.

She knew the bond between Gennaru and Usasuke.

Usasuke's defection, the biggest blow must be Genaruto.

But because of this, he had to stop Usasuke.

Perhaps, only Gennaruto can stop the recovery of Usasuke!!

"Okay, Shikamaru, all the martial artists that the Konoha Alliance can use, you can just call it. "

"You are solely responsible for this operation!"

"Yes, Lord Huo Tianzun. "


Nakamaru left the Fire Heavenly Venerable Mansion and did not delay, but immediately found Gennaruto.

Naturally, Gennaruto had already heard the news.

He wasn't shocked, and it seemed like he had expected it, but it was just ......

Usa must bring it back.

Even if you break his hands and feet and beat him violently, you must stop him!

Because, the place he is going to is a desperate situation of ten deaths!

All he had to do was send him to death!

As a friend of life and death, Gennaruto would never watch this happen, even if it was at the cost of his own life!!

Nakamaru took Gennaruto and prepared to leave.

Ye Chunying couldn't help but beg: "Naruto, you must bring Sasuke back, this is my request for the rest of my life......"

Gennaruto was stunned.

In fact, if she didn't say it, Gennaruto would definitely fight to bring back Usasuke, but when she said this, Gennaruto was under heavy pressure.

However, Xuan Naruto still smiled brightly and gave Ye Chunying a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely bring Sasuke back!"

"I promise you !!"


Next, it's up to the question of who will be selected for Sasuke's pursuit.

Nakamaru suggested to Gennaruto the other person he had to bring with him.

Exactly, Tyudingci.

However, Gennaruto didn't quite believe in Chochoji.

After all, when the martial artists were promoted to war, Qiu Dingci's performance was clearly seen by everyone.

In the qualifiers of the final showdown, he was easily defeated by the Xuanyin faction warriors.

Xuan Naruto said: "Instead of choosing Ding Ji, why don't you choose Shino, who is stronger and has a higher win rate?!"

Nakamaru sighed.

Shino also followed his father on a mission. "

"And, Naruto, don't underestimate Dingji, his strength is by no means inferior to any of you and me!!"

Gennaruto was taken aback: "That guy, is it really that powerful?!"

Nakamaru smiled: "I grew up with him since childhood, and no one knows him better than me. "

"He does seem a little clumsy, and sometimes he is just as loose and unmotivated as I am, and he doesn't seem to care much about anything but eating, but ......"

"Actually, that guy has unparalleled terrifying power in him!"

"When he has to stand up, he'll be stronger than anyone else!"

Gennaruto nodded: "Since Shikamaru you trust him so much, then I will trust him as well!"

This is exactly the character of Gennaruto.

Just as when Konoha collapsed the plan, he also chose to believe in Nakamaru absolutely.

So, Qiu Dingci was also summoned.

He was also taken aback when he heard about Usasuke's defection, and he was eating and drinking with snacks, and he couldn't help but be upset when he heard that Nakamaru chose to believe in himself.

"Shikamaru, Naruto, I'll work hard!"

And at this very moment.

The figure of another person also stepped forward, to be precise......

It's one man and one dog.

It's Inuzuka Ya, and his martial dog Akamaru!!

"If you want to track down, how can you miss me and Akamaru?!"

Inuzuka smiled slightly and said confidently.

Nakamaru also nodded: "Indeed, the Inuzuka clan's sense of smell and tracking ability can be said to be unmatched. "

"Tooth if you want to go......"

Inuzuka immediately said, "Of course I will go!"

Akamaru also screamed excitedly.

Nai Lu Maru said: "Now, with me as the captain and staff officer, Naruto as the vanguard, Ya as the reconnaissance, and Ding Ji in charge of attacking the fortification, this team is almost there, but ......"

"There is still a lack of a real absolute strength to stabilize the overall situation and ensure the smooth operation of the task. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


In everyone's minds, a name came to mind.

Xiang Ningci!

Him, of course.

In the promotion battle of the earth warriors, he deserves to be the strongest.

Although he was defeated in the hands of Xuan Naruto, there were also many accidental factors in that battle, and Xiang Ningci's strength was absolutely recognized by everyone.

Of course, there is another person who can also be competent, and that is Rock Lee.

It's just that although the operation was successful at this moment, he couldn't fully exert his usual strength, and even had to do rehabilitation and cultivation day after day.

When he found Xiang Ningci, he was indeed accompanying Li Luo to cultivate and recover his body.

Hearing this, Xiang Ningci did not hesitate and immediately agreed.

He looked at Genaruto: "Naruto, I know the relationship between you and Sasuke, although I am not familiar with him, nor is I close, but as a martial artist of the Konoha Alliance, I will do my best in this battle." "

Gennaruto was taken aback.

Everyone else was a little confused.

After all, these words are not surprising to anyone.

But Xiang Ningci is not this kind of person who compromises and sacrifices for others. []

Of course, it is not that he will not cherish his companions, but ......

His father sacrificed himself for the sake of the Xiang family and the patriarch, so that Xiang Ningci has always been obsessed.

Xiang Ningci seemed to see everyone's thoughts.

He smiled bitterly: "Don't worry, after the last battle with Naruto, the patriarch found me and explained what happened to my father back then......"

"It was indeed my father's own choice, and it ......"

"I have also made an agreement with the patriarch that I will join forces to change the corrupt system of the Xiang family in the past, and if the clan separates the family, I will definitely let these darkness end in my own hands!"

He glanced at Genaruto, "Naruto, I still have to thank you, if it weren't for that battle with you, maybe I wouldn't have been able to comprehend these ......"

Gennaruto laughed, "I don't remember what I contributed, but of course it's best if you think so......"

Xiang Ningci said: "I will try to become stronger, perform more tasks, accumulate fame, get more people's support, and complete my ambitions." "

"Of course, this is also for Sasuke, for Naruto you, and for the entire Konoha League. "

Everyone couldn't help but be moved and moved by the transformation to Ningci.

Only Rock Lee was saddened.

"I, I want to stop Sasuke too, but it's a pity ......"

Gennaruto patted him on the shoulder: "You guy, it's better to heal your injuries!"

"There's an opportunity for you to fight. "

Everyone also persuaded them, and Li Luo could only nod and watch the backs of everyone leaving.

He looked at his crutches, and suddenly threw them away, clenching his fists as if he were making up his mind.


Finally, the team of Usasuke's pursuit battle is fully formed!



Inuzuka tooth.

Autumn Quarters.

Xiang Ningci.

On the ability to trace, there is a sense of smell of Inuzuka teeth.

On the ability to perceive, there are Xiang Ningci's white eyes.

On analysis and leadership skills, there is Nakamaru's mind and determination.

The pure destructive power is the most in the autumn and the second in Inuzuka.

And Gennaruto is the most suitable for charging into battle and creating miracles.

Xiang Ningci is a fixed star, insight, brain, and strength, all of which are the best choice.

Under the leadership of Nakamaru, a group of five people immediately embarked on a journey to track down Usasuke!

And along the way, Nakamaru also ordered various arrangements for the team to move forward and fight.

"The teeth that are good at tracking and probing are at the forefront. "

"I was the captain and the conductor and I was in second place. "

"Naruto, you are in charge of the charge, you are our backbone, naturally in the middle. "

"Ding Ci, you followed closely behind and were also responsible for conveying my orders. "

"Empress Ning Ci, with your White Eyes (Money) technique, you can completely perceive the threat from behind. "

"By the way, when we move forward, we are each in charge of reconnaissance in different directions, Tooth and I are in charge of the front, Naruto is in charge of the left, Dingji is in charge of the right, and Ninji is in charge of the rear. "

Everyone nodded in agreement.

At this time, Nailu Maru's maturity and stability, overall situation, insight, and decisiveness are reflected.

It also further confirms that he is the only one who has been promoted to the rank of earth martial artist, which can be said to be completely correct.

Everyone couldn't help but admire him very much, and they all obeyed the command convincingly.


At this moment, the Xuanyin four have experienced the battle with the Konoha Alliance and the Heavenly Warriors, and they are also recuperating.

Because of this, Gennaruto and his party gradually approached their whereabouts.

Inuzuka gradually sensed their presence with a sense of smell that was 10,000 times higher than that of ordinary people.

So, taking the lead, he groped forward with Nakamaru.

Soon, he quietly found the Xuanyin Four who were resting.


The Xuanyin Four are by no means general.

The ghost boy in it suddenly moved in his heart.

"There is an enemy attack. "

"The spider silk I arranged shows signs of being disturbed, it seems that the pursuers of the Konoha League have arrived!!"

In an instant, he immediately sensed the enemy's position, and suddenly a hidden weapon shot out with a detonation charm!

Nakamaru and Inuzuka were taken aback, and hurriedly dodged and dodged the hidden weapon, but the explosion of the detonation charm was a loud bang that shocked everyone.

This moment.

Both sides found out about each other.

A fierce battle is already poised to start!!

The most wonderful chapter in this first part, the real big high-tide ......

Sasuke's pursuit battle, this moment officially kicked off... Straight...

A complete outbreak!!!。

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