At this moment, although Qiu Dingci defeated the red wolf, he had exhausted all his true qi, even his vitality, and finally fell to the ground.

And on the other side.

Under the leadership of Nakamaru, Gennaruto and the others continued to pursue the Genyin four in front.

Because of Qiu Dingji's stopping, the red wolf did not stop everyone, so Nai Lu Maru and the others quickly approached the Xuanyin Four.

However, Nakamaru did not go up to fight directly with impulse and recklessness.

Instead, new operational plans continued to be developed.

He took on the form of a red wolf, pretending to defeat his group and followed.

For the Xuanyin Four, this is a natural result.

They shouldn't be suspicious.

Nakamaru personally went into battle and caught up with the other three members of the Xuanyin Four.

The ghost boy said in a deep voice, "Red wolf, why did it take so long?!"

"It's just a few little ghosts!"

"Red Wolf" said indifferently: "Those little ghosts are a little capable, and they are really not easy to deal with, but it doesn't matter, they have been solved now." "

Yuye sneered, "That's not because you idiot is too incompetent!"

"If it were me, I would have solved it eight hundred times!"

"Red Wolf" said indifferently: "Maybe......"

This moment.

The eyes of the four Xuanyin suddenly looked in the direction of the "red wolf".

"What's wrong?"

The next moment.

The corners of the ghost boy's mouth raised slightly, sneered, and suddenly slammed out.

"Secret Arts!Spider Nest !!"



He actually spat out a huge spider web from his mouth, directly restraining Nakamaru in it, and hitting the trunk of the tree behind him.

"Red Wolf" was taken aback: "Ghost boy, what are you doing?!"

The ghost boy sneered, "Don't pretend!"

"The red wolf doesn't talk like you, and he will fight with Yuye every time. "

"Do you still want to fish in troubled waters with this little skill of carving insects?!"

Nakamaru could only change back to the way it was, and smiled bitterly: "It seems that I still don't know you well enough......"

In this moment.

Several other people who were secretly ambushing also immediately rushed forward.

And the first one to take the lead is naturally Gennaruto!

He had already started his killer move, the Thousand Heavy Body Divine Skill of the Incarnation Outside the Body, and suddenly transformed into more than a dozen incarnations outside the body, and launched a fierce attack on the ghost boy!

But the ghost boy had already prepared, sneered, and spat out a huge spider web, directly binding all of Gennaruto's external incarnations in it.

Gennaru was taken aback, but no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free......

The other side.

Inuzuka also cooperated with Akamaru at the same time and launched his own special move.

Wolf Tooth Burst !!

And Xiang Ningci was also on the other side, casting his soft fist Baguazhang, and rushed towards the back of the ghost boy.

But the ghost boy reacted very quickly, and in this jungle, he had a geographical advantage.

Using spider silk, constantly reverberating and shuttling, it was easy to avoid everyone's attack.

Instead, he counterattacked, and the spider silk instantly bound Xiang Ningci to the trunk of the tree, and then continued to spit out more spider silk, completely wrapping Xiang Ningci into a silkworm chrysalis cocoon!!

In just such a short period of time, the team that pursued Sasuke was all intercepted and subdued by the ghost boy alone.

Nakamaru's face suddenly became very ugly.

Gennaruto struggled desperately at the moment, and took out his short sword, trying to cut through the sticky spider silk.

However, it was found that it could not be cut off at all.

This spider silk is as hard as steel, but it is extremely flexible, and ordinary weapons cannot cut it at all!

"Damn, what the hell is this?!"

Xiang Ningci, who was wrapped in cobwebs and insect cocoons, also launched his own white eye secret technique.


For a moment, he observed the ghost boy's spider silk secret technique with his white eyes secret technique, and his face couldn't help but change slightly.

"This, this is ......"

"Do you use your own true qi to manipulate and match the spider silk created by your own special physique?!"

"All the spider silk is connected to the true qi of the body, which enhances the hardness and flexibility, and ordinary weapons cannot be cut at all, unless it is ......"

That's when it happened.

The ghost boy looked at Gennaruto, who was completely stuck in the spider's web and couldn't move, and suddenly became playful.

He is the guy who likes to play the most in the Xuanyin Four.

The ghost boy spat out the hardened spider slime gold from his mouth, turned into the hardest and sharpest hidden weapon, took it in his hand, and threw it towards Gennaruto.

"With so many out-of-body incarnations, you're really angry. "

"But now it's a sure death. "

"In that case, let me try it out, which one is your real body!"

"As for whether you can survive to the end, it depends on your luck!!"


The ghost boy threw the first spider slime weapon.


A fierce blow directly hit one of the Gennaruto, but the next instant.


With a soft sound, the Gennaruto turned into a cloud of white smoke, apparently nothing more than an out-of-body incarnation.

The ghost boy sneered slightly: "Little ghost, luck is not bad." "

"In that case......

Bang bang bang!!

Several more hidden weapons shot out in a row, hitting Gennaruto on the spider's web, but all of them turned into white smoke, and it was obvious that all of them were just incarnations outside of their bodies.

It has been going on for several rounds, and the ghost boy can't help frowning.

"What kind of luck the hell are you, this guy?!"

"However, there are only two people left now, I want to see if you can survive with a fifty percent chance!"


Another slam shot out, but the Gennaruto who hit it still turned into white smoke.

Or is it an out-of-body incarnation!!

The ghost boy said coldly: "Didn't you expect to stay until the end?!"

"You bastard, you're really lucky!"

"It's a pity, that's the end of it!!"


The final blow shot out and hit Naruto's body!


This last so-called body also disappeared and turned into a cloud of white smoke!


Only then did the ghost boy understand that it was not that Gennaruto's luck was too good, but because of ......

All the Gennaru who were trapped in the spider web were all incarnations outside the body!!

At the same time, the real Gennaruto body launched a fierce attack from behind him, and it bombarded out with a punch!

Although the ghost boy was taken aback, he still reacted quickly, immediately blocked with both arms, and then jumped down, using spider silk to wrap around the tree trunk, making a circle, and completely avoiding the past.

Gennaruto was going to continue the pursuit, and the ghost boy sneered: "Let's look at yourself now!"

It turned out that in the entanglement just now, he quietly released spider silk, tying up Gen Naruto's hands and feet!

Genaruto's face changed, and he was about to struggle, when the ghost boy pulled suddenly, Gennaruto involuntarily flew towards the other party.

The ghost boy pulled out the hardened spider sticky gold and wanted to disembowel Naruto.


Seeing that Xuan Naruto was in danger, suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared, flying across the air, making a knife in the palm of his hand, and slashing violently, directly cutting off the hard, flexible, and hard-to-cut spider silk!!

Saved Gennaruto!


The ghost boy was taken aback again: "Who is it?, who can actually cut off my spider silk?!"

It was Xiang Ningci who saved Gennaruto!

He fell to the ground and looked coldly at the ghost boy.

"You have mixed your true qi into the spider silk, which has increased the hardness and flexibility, and it is indeed difficult to cut off. "

"But it's not surprising that my Xiangjia's secret technique soft fist can release the precise control of true qi and turn it into the most precise and sharpest true qi knife, cutting off spider silk!!

The ghost boy sneered: "I see, those white eyes, that special internal kung fu, soft fist gossip palm, you are a famous family of the Konoha League, a child of the Xiang family......"

Xiang Ningji ignored him and instead looked in the direction of Gennaruto. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Naruto, Sasuke is in the dark right now, waiting for you to save him. "

"Leave this guy to me......"

"Only my white eyes and soft fist Baguazhang can deal with his spider silk secret technique. "

Xuan Naruto's face changed: "But, but ......"

Xiang Ningci smiled slightly: "The current Sasuke, just like me at the beginning, is blinded by hatred and can't see the light and hope that exists in this world. "

"The person who woke me up at that time was you, Naruto......"

"It's the same with Sasuke now, you're the only one who can save him. "

Xuan Naruto clenched his fists: "I understand, but you ...... Ningji"

Xiang Ningci shook his head: "Don't worry, I will definitely defeat this guy and catch up with you, just like Ding Ci." "

Gennaruto nodded: "I believe in you, Ninji, because you are different from me, not a dragger like me, but a true genius!"

Xiang Ningci said: "Your eyes are more brilliant than mine. "

"Because you can see the real light. "

"Go ahead, Naruto, and, Shikamaru, ......"

Nai Lu Maru also understood that this was the best choice, and sighed and said, "Ning Ci, you must keep up, just like Ding Ci!"

Inuzuka also said, "We will wait for your !!"[]

Xiang Ningci waved his hand: "I understand." "

Gennaruto and the others could only leave helplessly, preparing to continue the pursuit of the other Genyin sect disciples and Usasuke who had already left.

But the ghost boy won't let them go.

He spat out more cobwebs in one gulp, bursting out towards Gennaruto, Nakamaru, and Inuzuka!!


Xiang Ningci flew over, stood behind Xuan Naruto and the others, and then opened the White Eyes Secret Technique, and then combined with the Soft Fist Bagua Palm, cut off all these spider webs and flew out!

Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

A large number of cobwebs, in Xiang Ningci's eyes at this moment, seemed to be nothing, and all of them were broken and sent flying.

The ghost boy couldn't help but change his face, and snorted coldly: "It seems that if you want to pursue those people, you have to kill you first." "

"If my guess is correct, you're the most powerful of the bunch, right?!"

Xiang Ningci was noncommittal.

The ghost boy smiled: "It's okay, then let's have fun with you!!"

He suddenly attacked again.

And this time, the Ghost Boy's tactic is very simple, which is to use the number to make up for everything.

Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

Suddenly, countless cobwebs shot towards Ning Ci, almost blocking all the directions.

Xiang Ningci dodged as much as he could, while constantly counterattacking with white eyes and soft fist Baguazhang.

It's just that the number of enemy cobwebs is too many.

Soon, Xiang Ningci didn't have time to break it, and was finally trapped by one of the spider webs, and then, the ghost boy immediately took advantage of the weakness to enter, and more spider webs erupted out, completely wrapping and binding Xiang Ningci in it.

And in order to prevent him from escaping again, this time the ghost 030 Tong even completely restrained Xiang Ningci's hands.


The ghost boy sneered, holding the spider sticky gold short sword, and approached towards Xiang Ningci step by step.

"You can't move this time, can you?!"

"The disciples of the Xiang family are nothing more than that!"

"I'm going to die at my hands today!!"


That's when it happened.

Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

Suddenly, those cobwebs that bound Xiang Ningci suddenly broke apart from all places, and all of them were completely shattered by Xiang Ningci!


Xiang Ningci sneered: "You are too underestimated to look at Xiangjia, and you are too underestimated to look down on white eyes and soft fist gossip palms!!"

"For me, not only the hands, but also every part of the body and every acupoint can release true qi, and it can be precisely controlled, turned into a sharp edge, and cut off all !!"

The ghost boy was caught off guard, and was finally approached by Xiang Ningci, and then ......

"Soft Fist! Bagua Sixty-four Palms !!"

Xiang Ningci broke out with a real killer move!

Sixty-four palms of soft fist gossip burst out!

This blow is based on yin and yang gossip, based on internal kung fu, with white-eyed secret techniques as insight, and soft fist martial arts as moves.

It burst out like a storm, hitting the ghost boy up and down, and he had no power to fight back at all, and the whole person could only passively withstand this terrifying offensive.

Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

I don't know how long it took for the ghost boy to be violently knocked out, and the whole person let out a miserable scream!!


Xiang Ningci was also out of breath at the moment, not only using the White Eyes Secret Technique many times, but also constantly launching the control of True Qi to carry out the most delicate and meticulous attack and defense.

It's all over, though.

If you are hit by the soft fist baguazhang, you will be blocked from all the acupoints and the flow of true qi, and the ghost boy is already finished.

After all, not everyone is a Xuan Naruto, and there is still the demon power of the nine-tailed demon fox in his body to break the game.


Just when Xiang Ningci breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, the ghost boy stood up again, and it seemed that he had not suffered a heavy blow at all!

Not to mention, being sealed True Qi and Acupoints, I lost my combat effectiveness!

And on his body, pieces of spider slimy gold armor fell down, revealing his true face......

Xiang Ningci was shocked: "This, is this a move similar to Luo Ai's sand armor, covering the spider sticky gold on the surface of the body and isolating my true qi attack?!"

The ghost boy sneered: "Yes, however, it is worthy of being a disciple of the Xiang family, if I hadn't done this at the critical moment just now, I'm afraid I would really be slaughtered by you now......"

"It's a pity that you don't have a second chance!!"

"...... Now"

"Dead !!!".

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