In an instant, twelve years later.

Throughout the scene and in the live broadcast room, everyone was waiting for the real protagonist to appear.

That's when it happened.

Konoha League.


In the quiet street, suddenly there was a roar.

Subsequently, several swift figures flew by, startling many villagers to turn their heads and watch.

At the front of these people was a figure that was also galloping, laughing madly as he dodged the pursuers.

He looked no more than eleven or twelve years old, and carried a bucket of dye in one hand and a huge brush in the other, apparently playing pranks with them.

The boy looked very cheerful, although his appearance was not stunning, but it was also very sunny and refreshing, and strangely there were a few cat's whisker-like marks on his cheeks, I don't know if he was born like this or how.

"Naruto, you bastard, you're scribbling on the rock carvings of the Fire Tenzun of the past generations!".

"Catch it this time, and never spare it!".

The boy named Naruto laughed maniacally, "Then you have to catch me!"

Although he was young, his body was extremely fast, and he quickly disappeared.

When the warriors who were chasing him arrived, they were no longer visible, and they looked left and right, and soon divided their troops in all directions.

However, after these warriors left, Naruto reappeared in shape.

It turned out that he was hiding behind the quilt.

"Hahahaha! It's up to you to want to catch me!"

However, he didn't have long to be proud, and suddenly it was dark in front of him.

A figure stood silently in front of him.


I heard the man shout loudly, "You're skipping school again, Naruto !!


Naruto was taken aback.

The whole person was almost shocked.

When I finally looked back, I realized that it was the teacher of the Martial Arts Academy.

The surname is Yi, and the name is Ruka.

"Yi, Yi-sensei?!".

"Come back with me!".

Iruka grabbed Naruto by the collar and took him straight back to the Warrior Academy.


The third-generation Fire Heavenly Venerable Yuan Ri Chop also received a report from the martial artist.

"Lord Huo Tianzun, that kid from Gennaruto has destroyed the rock carving stone statue again!".

"And this time it's dye!".

Yuan Ri smoked his pipe, shook his head and sighed.

Obviously, it was also a headache for Gennaruto.

At this time.

In the Martial Arts Academy, Gennaruto was captured and returned to class.

Iruka looked at him with a look of hatred that iron could not be made of steel.

"Naruto, why are you skipping school?".

Xuan Naruto didn't care: "What's the matter, I don't care anyway." "

Iruka said, "You are so stubborn, how can you become a talent?".

"Hmph. "

Iruka was furious: "In that case, we will conduct a martial arts assessment today!"


For a while, there was a wail in the entire college classroom.

Ye Yu wrote here and explained it again.

"The so-called Martial Arts Academy is the second generation of the Konoha League, Huo Tianzun, that is, the younger brother of the Thousand Pillars, created by the Thousand Pillars, the purpose is to unite the major martial arts families, and let the common people have a place to practice martial arts. "

This approach has also been imitated by other major allies. "


Yu Mosheng: "Martial Arts Academy? This is a very novel setting......


Zhao Liqiang also nodded: "Indeed." "

"In the past martial arts novels, if you want to practice martial arts, you must join various sects, otherwise the law will not be passed on lightly, and it can be said that it is difficult for ordinary people to learn superior martial arts. "

"This Konoha Alliance and Qianbi are able to break the convention, eclectic and create an academy that specializes in cultivating martial artists, but they are quite brainy and powerful. "

"Don't talk about this, what does Teacher Yu think of our protagonist Xuan Naruto?".

Yu Mosheng smiled: "Now it seems that he is just a naughty teenager, but whether his life experience or his future, there must be many secrets hidden, let's see how Ye Yu writes first......

"That's right. "


That's when it happened.

Iruka announced: "Today's test, we are going to test ......".

"The art of transfiguration!".




entire academy class was full of bitter complaints, and many disciples gathered around Xuan Naruto to complain after they came out.

"It's all your ...... to blame kid."

Gennaruto was unimpressed: "What's the matter with me." "

Iruka said: "I want you to change into my appearance in an instant, and decide what your results will be according to whether you are disguised or not." "

"The first ......



In the academy, there was a burst of cheers, especially in the screams of a group of girls, another cold teenager walked out.

He had a handsome face, his hands in his pockets, and a cold look on his face.

Gennaruto looked at Usa and couldn't help but clench his fists.

"That kid is still so arrogant!".

However, Usa obviously has arrogant capital, he stepped up to the stage, used the internal force of his true qi, and in an instant, he launched the art of disguise transformation, and changed into Iruka's appearance.

It can be described as lifelike, enough to confuse the real with the fake!

Iruka nodded in satisfaction, "Good!".

"Next is ......


"Ye Chunying!".

A young girl stepped forward, and the same luck changed her true qi, and she also took on the form of Iruka.

"Not bad. "

Ye Chunying smiled slightly, stepped off the stage, and said to Usasuke, "I'm not bad either, Sasuke?".

But Usa was still as cold as ever.

"Next, Gennaruto!".

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Gennaruto.

And all the audience is also looking forward to it, wanting to know what kind of performance this real protagonist will have!

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