National Original Literature Competition.

The first stage of the decisive battle ......


And in this stage, Ye Yu can be said to be a standout and a sudden rise.

With an unparalleled world view setting, a huge and wonderful group portrait of characters, a three-point scene portrayal, and a vivid emotional rendering, there is no doubt that it has won the first place!

Not only has it received unanimous praise from all the audience, but the popularity has exploded, and even the top judge, Master Yu Mosheng, is full of praise!

And when the host Zhao Liqiang announced the final result, it triggered warm cheers at the scene and in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Liqiang also smiled: "Let's invite the well-deserved king ...... of this stage


"Ye Yu is here!".

"Of course, please also invite the second place Lin Qingxue and the third place Sun Zheping to come to the stage together!"

Ye Yu smiled slightly, and walked on the stage with confidence.

The other two also followed behind him, although the light was completely obscured by Ye Yu.

However, these two people are indeed not ordinary people.

Lin Qingxue has long been a famous national goddess-level writer, with the color of captivating the country and the city, and her temperament is even more otherworldly, her popularity was originally the highest, but she was completely surpassed by Ye Yu.

And Sun Zheping is also a literary family, born in a scholarly family, the imperial capital of the Sun family, and has unimaginable huge energy.

As for himself, he has also experienced the study abroad in the literature department of the highest university in China and the top universities abroad, and has been trained and taught by literary masters who are well-known at home and abroad.


has also published his own collections of essays and poems before, although he has not written many novels, and he is mainly short stories, but his fame is also a sensation in the country.

Only Ye Yu is a real commoner, a grassroots class, which can be said to be born in the true sense.

Yu Mosheng smiled and shook hands with the three gently.

Especially when he came to Ye Yu, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Ye Yu, you may be the biggest dark horse in this National Original Literature Competition!"

"Even, it will become the brightest star in the previous competitions!".

"I'm very optimistic about you!".

This sentence suddenly made Zhao Liqiang, Lin Qingxue, and Sun Zheping all change their faces!

Yu Mosheng's evaluation can be said to be really too high......


audience and readers in the live broadcast room also applauded and cheered.

Ye Yu said with a smile: "Thank you Teacher Yu for your praise, I still have a lot of shortcomings, and I look forward to discussing with Teacher Yu and learning more." "

Yu Mosheng also smiled: "It's quite modest...... The afterlife is terrible, I'm old. "


Zhao Liqiang, on behalf of the program team and the competition committee, presented Ye Yu with the trophy and certificate of the champion of the first stage, and of course, substantial real money.

A million!

Ye Yu couldn't help but be taken aback, this world is really crazy......

But think about it, this is originally a different world dominated by literary creation, and it is not surprising that there can be such a national popularity and such a reward.

"Ye Yu, is there anything you want to say to everyone?"

Ye Yu took the microphone and said with a smile: "Thank you very much for liking and supporting the work I wrote." "

"This "Naruto Biography", although it is a temporary idea, but it also contains my years of hard work, I believe that he will inevitably become a classic, and I hope everyone can follow me on this exciting adventure!"

For a while, everyone cheered, and the whole arena was boiling.

Zhao Liqiang smiled: "It seems that everyone is looking forward to it......


In addition, our runner-up Lin Qingxue and the third runner-up Sun Zheping also share their feelings. "

Sun Zheping glanced at Ye Yu.

"When I was creating, I also took a look at Ye Yu's works, indeed, he can create such a majestic and seamless work in such a short period of time, which is worthy of admiration, but ......


"In his works, the things expressed are too shallow, but they are still grassroots counterattacks, which inevitably lack connotation!"

As soon as his words came out, everyone's faces suddenly changed, and the entire arena was silent.

Subsequently, Ye Yu's new countless fans roared angrily, and even scolded in the live broadcast room.

Lin Qingxue also frowned, glanced at Sun Zheping, and then looked at Ye Yu, waiting for Ye Yu's answer.

Everyone else naturally looked at Ye Yu as well.

Ye Yu just smiled indifferently: "Of course, I also hope that the work will have more depth and connotation." "

"However, I always believe that the most important thing for a work to be written is to look good, bring happiness to readers, and enjoy ......."

"The theme of martial arts novels, although very popular with everyone, has always been criticized for having no connotation, although I never think so, in fact, I think that the connotation of literary works is the opinion of the benevolent and the wise. "

"After a work is created, how many different things the reader can interpret from it is beyond the author's control. "

"Mr. Sun thinks that what I am writing is a grassroots counterattack, and I don't want to refute anything, because this is what he sees. "

"As for the rest of what I've written, I include ......

For the cruelty and fear of war!

The yearning and pursuit of peace!

Dedication to ideas and dreams!

Entanglements and choices about friendship and paths!

For the protection and sacrifice of the family and the country!

For childhood misfortune and healing!

Recognition of others and self-identification!

And so on and so forth!

Why Mr. Sun hasn't been able to see these things, I don't know very well, maybe this is the so-called benevolence and wisdom itself. "

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