Yuan Mingri smiled slightly: "You all underestimate Lu Maru too much......"

"It's true that in the Martial Arts Academy, his grades are almost as low as Naruto's, but, unlike Naruto, Shikamaru doesn't know how to, but he doesn't bother to write at all, and he's too lazy to take exams......"

Gennaruto: "...... Hey, hey, hey!!"

Qiu Dingji smiled and said, "Naruto, what Master said is true!"

"Because that Shikamaru guy is usually just sleeping. "

"And when I took the exam, I didn't bother to answer the questions at all, of course I was at the bottom like you, and of course I was about ......the same."

"However, that guy's mind is unmatched, if he really wants to take the exam, the best martial artist this year will not be Usasuke, nor will it be Ye Chunying......"

Gennaru and Sunset Red were stunned.

"So, is that guy really that good?!"

Yuan Mingri said with a smile: "After I became his master, I slowly discovered this, so I tested him by playing chess." "

"You know, before that, he didn't know how to play chess at all, but after I just said the rules once, he beat me directly......"

"I haven't won a single !! in ten rounds"

Sunset Hong was shocked: "Is there really such a smart person in the world?"

Yuan Mingri said with a smile: "It's not just that, that guy is not only in learning and practicing, but also in the formulation of tactics, no one can match!"

"So, although he is indeed a lazy guy, if he gets serious, no one will be his opponent!!"

Yuan Mingri's words, not only Sunset, Xuan Naruto and others, but also the other people around them also heard it, and they couldn't help but look forward to Naikamaru as well.


At this time, Nakamaru was still meditating, as if he was closing his eyes and recuperating.

Although Xuan Naruto was shocked by Yuan Mingri's statement, when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but say, "Hey, that guy from Shikamaru, it shouldn't be asleep, right?!"

Qiu Dingci: "...... That's not impossible. "


In the midst of the angry scolding of the audience, Nakamaru opened his eyes suddenly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

Qiu Dingci smiled: "Okay, he has already thought of a countermeasure......"

Yuan Mingri also smiled: "The victory and defeat have been divided." "

Xi Rihong and the others couldn't help but be shocked by what they said.

Gennaruto was even more incredulous: "Is it really that powerful?!"

At this time.

Luo Teju couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly roared angrily, and the three-star fan in his hand once again erupted with violent power, and the true qi turned into a terrifying hurricane.




Roared out, burst out, and turned the whole land into a mess!

And Nakamaru still just hid behind the big tree and didn't dare to come out.

Luo Teju was furious, but she didn't dare to act rashly, if she crossed that line, she would probably be directly manipulated by Nakamaru with the Secret Shadow Technique, and then she would probably be manipulated and defeated by him like that golden mallet.

Although she is full of confidence, she is by no means reckless and impulsive.

On the contrary, she is the best at mental analysis among the three siblings.


In this moment.

In the wind and sand in the sky, a series of hidden weapons were shot out violently!

Bang bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!

Although Luo Temari was taken aback, he was already on guard, and immediately retreated sharply, and those hidden darts were shot near the line he had turned into.

At the same time, Nakamaru's shadow stretched out violently again, approaching Ratemari!

Luo Shouju sneered, and instantly retreated to the outside of the line, seeing that the shadow was about to reach the limit, she was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, and suddenly ......


The shadow did not stop, but continued to stretch out!

Almost, you have to connect successfully and merge with your own shadow!

Luo Teju was shocked, but she reacted quickly, and immediately flew back in an instant, and at the last moment, she still dodged the blow.

"Why, why is the shadow getting longer, I've retreated outside the line... ~`..."

"It's hard, can you say ......?"

Right here, Ratsumaru looked at Nakamaru, who was standing in the shadows of the walls of the arena, seemingly unmoved.

However, the sun in the sky is moving.

It is falling more and more obliquely to the west.

In other words, the shadows on the ground will also be elongated as the sun sets!!

"I see, use the delay time, wait for the sun to set in the west, let your shadow break through the limit, and want to catch me off guard?!"

"What a cunning guy......"

"It's a pity that this trick didn't work for me!!"

Luo Temari analyzed the truth, and just wanted to be proud, but suddenly, he saw the end of Nakamaru's shadow, and suddenly a shadow appeared again, fusing with his own shadow into one, causing the shadow to stretch again in an instant!

"What, what?!"

Luo Temari was taken aback again, and immediately stepped back sharply again, and finally narrowly avoided the past.

Nakamaru's shadow has finally reached its limit again.

Luo Temari gasped heavily, he didn't expect to be calculated twice in a row by Nakamaru!!

She looked up sharply and saw an obstacle flying in the sky, obscuring the sun and casting a shadow......

Is that......

Nakamaru's cloak and a parachute made of darts are used to create shadows, increase the range of his secret shadow technique, and break through the limit!!

Luo Shouju frowned: "I see, taking advantage of my wind and sand technique just now, the dust raised, using my coat as a secret weapon, want to catch me off guard again?"

"In other words, the shadow elongated by the sun before was just a trick, and this step in the sky is your true intention?!"

"What a terrible guy, but unfortunately, he still can't help me!!"

So far.

Nakamaru's mind has actually won everyone's admiration and shock.

After all, this guy who looks lazy has no motivation at all, and he doesn't seem to have much strength, compared to Luo Temari on the other side, it is simply heaven and earth.


After these two rounds of fighting, everyone realized that in fact, Nakamaru had already thought of a countermeasure!

And, not just one step, but ......

I thought of several steps in advance!!

What kind of mind is this?

Just like when playing chess, you can predict yourself first, then your opponent, and continue until the endgame.

This is the mind and mind of a truly top chess player!

However, how many people can really do this?!

Nakamaru is one of them.

Moreover, it is the most powerful of them!!

Sunset Red couldn't help but sigh: "Now that I believe it, his mind is indeed unmatched......"

Gennaruto was also shocked: "That guy Shikamaru is really so smart?!"

Qiu Dingci laughed and said: "I didn't expect him to be really serious, so no matter who it is, it can't be his opponent......"

Yuan Mingri also smiled: "It seems that I can finally see Shikamaru's mind fighting......"



Readers and viewers outside of the story.

"Damn, is that Nakamaru so awesome?!"

"I thought it was just a lazy person, but I didn't expect it to be a pleasant goat!!"

"What kind of mind is this, did you think of so many steps in the beginning?Could it be that this is the true genius of the legend?!"

"Sure enough, the mind is the most important thing......"

"In terms of strength, he should be far inferior to Luo Temari, but this is a duel of minds......"

"However, Rakumari is not a fool, on the contrary, she is also an opponent who is very good at analysis, and it is not easy for Nakamaru to win......"

Yu Mosheng also smiled: "It seems that behind the strong duel between Naruto and Ningji, Ye Yu arranged another form of battle, is it a brain battle? It's really ingenious......"

Lu Qingyuan also nodded and said: "Yes, this is actually more difficult to write exciting, it depends on Ye Yu's pen strength......"

Wang Qiuping was silent for a moment, and nodded lightly.


At this moment, Luo Temari no longer dares to take it lightly.

She admits that she had always underestimated the man......

However, even now, she believes that as long as she can be serious, Nailu Maru will still not be her opponent! (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The absolute gap in strength cannot be made up for by these intrigues!

At this moment, Luo Shouju slammed the three-star fan in front of him, covering his body, and then hid behind, ready to launch his special move.


In this moment.


A shadow suddenly struck from behind, instantly touching the shadow of Luo Temari, and directly blended into it, blending perfectly!!

Nakamaru smiled at that moment and finally put down his hands.

"The Art of Shadow...... Successful !!"

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Everyone was shocked and didn't understand what was going on......

Luo Teju was even more dumbfounded: "You, what the hell have you done?!"

Nakamaru smiled and glanced back.

And Luo Temari also moved the same as him, and when he looked back, he saw that there was a deep hole in the ground behind him, and the shadow of Nakamaru stretched out from that hole.

"This, this is ......"

"The hole that Xuan Naruto dug when he fought against Xiang Ningji before?!"

"You, you...... Could it be that this was the goal from the beginning?!"

Nakamaru smiled, "Of course. "

"Fighting is like playing chess, one move has to be counted for many subsequent moves, otherwise you will only lose. "

"Whether it's the shadow that extends with the help of the setting sun, or the more shadows created by the outer garment, it's just a trick on my part to confuse you......"

"The purpose is to force you unconsciously, by me to the front of that hole, so that I can use the Shadow Technique to catch you. "

Luo Temari's face was pale and dumbfounded......

Thinking back to the previous scenes, I thought I was seeing a move, but in fact, everything was under Naikamaru's control and plan!!

In other words, you are just in the other person's net, and you are still self-righteous and believe that you can win......

How naïve......

However, in the world, is there really such a smart bastard?!


There was silence, and then there was an uproar.

Gennaruto and the others were even more dumbfounded: "'That guy Nakamaru, is he really so smart?!"

"Did you get this step done from the start?!"

"Those shadows and schemes before, all of them were to force Rakumari to come to that hole, and the most terrifying thing is that she always thought that she came to that place on her own initiative, but she didn't know that it was all in Nakamaru's plan!!"

"This guy is terrible......"

Sunset Red was also shocked: "Tomorrow, you're right, this guy Nai Lu Maru is indeed a resourceful mind that no one can match!"

"This, is this really just a young man who has just graduated from the Martial Arts Academy?!"

Yuan Mingri smiled slightly: "Ambition is not old, the so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers." "

"Shikamaru, once he gets serious, he has such power, no matter how strong the enemy is, as long as he gives him time, he will definitely find a way to crack it and find a plan to defeat the other party!!"

This moment.

Huo Tianzun Yuan Riqi couldn't help but nod in admiration.

"Shikamaru, that guy, what a blockbuster......"

"It's really worthy of Lujiu's son......"

Feng Tianzun also frowned, not knowing what he was thinking. []

That's when it happened.

Nakamaru manipulated Luo Temari with the Secret Shadow Technique, and raised his hand slightly, and Luo Temari could only be forced to raise his hand in the same way.

In her heart, she was angry, shocked, unwilling, and humiliated......

It can be said that there are mixed tastes, and the mood fluctuates, surging.

However, she was convinced after all.

Because, Nai Lu Maru is upright and upright and won herself, and (good money) she is a person who can afford to win and lose, and she will never think that she is cheating because the other party used tactics.

Even, deep down in her heart, she admires a guy like Nakamaru very much......

However, she was still unwilling after all.

That's when it happened.

Nakamaru and her approached each other at the same time.

The shadow connected them both.

At the moment when Luo Temari was about to give up.

Nakamaru suddenly spoke: "I ......"

"Throw in the towel!!"

This moment.

Heaven and earth are silent.

There was silence.



The whole arena felt like it was going to explode!

"What ?!!!"

"That guy, what the hell is that guy talking about?!"

Xuan Naruto, Yamai Ye, Ye Chunying, Xiang Hinata and others, and even Qi Muxi, Maitkai, Yuan Mingri, and Sunset Red These heavenly martial artists were all stunned and shocked at this moment!

Only Qiu Dingci seemed to see this ending, and laughed and said, "I'll just say it, that guy Nakamaru will give up after all!"

Of course, the most shocking thing is, of course, Luo Temari.

She looked at Nakamaru with a shudder, "You, what are you talking about bastard?"

Nai Lu Maru said: "I didn't mean to do anything, it's just that my true qi has been completely exhausted, although I have controlled you with the Secret Shadow Technique, I can't think of any good way to continue fighting, and I can only do it to this extent......"

"You don't have to think I'm deliberately letting you, or humiliating you, this fight ......"

"You won !!"

Luo Teju looked at Nailu Maru blankly, at this moment, she seemed to be in complete confusion, the man in front of her was so mysterious that she couldn't see through it at all......

When Ye Yu wrote this, he couldn't help but smile slightly.

Nakamaru, this guy, is really ......

Losing the game, winning the life.......

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