At this moment, Ussuke is in a mood that is close to collapse.

Once again, I recalled the tragedy of that year......

That was the scene of the night of the destruction of the U family!!


When Usa was still young, the entire U family was already in conflict with the Konoha Alliance, and a real rebellion and civil war could break out at any time.

This is a historical question left over from the Uchiban's time.

Of course, for Usasuke, he doesn't understand this.

In his eyes, he is a descendant of the Yu family after the famous family.

Parents are in harmony and the family is happy.

Although his father is a little strict, he is still very good to himself, and his mother is very gentle and considerate.

As for his brother Uno Itachi, he has been a genius warrior in the family since he was a child, and he is valued by everyone, and he is also pinned on by his father, the patriarch of the U family, Utomigaku.

Usasuke has always admired his brother Uno Itachi when he was a child.

Always aim for him, want to follow in his footsteps, or even surpass him.

To this end, he has been working hard.

How many times, in order to become stronger, he asked his brother Uno Itachi to accompany him to cultivate.

But Uno Itachi is too busy to spend time with him every time.

He always let Ussasuke go over and then lightly put a little on his forehead.

"Next time, Sasuke, I still have something. "

"Forgive me. "

Although Usa was a little dissatisfied, he also understood that Uno Itachi was indeed very busy, and he did not blame him for this, on the contrary, he felt his brother's love for him even more.


this day.

When Usa returned from cultivation and came to the residence of the U family, it was already the dead of night.

A blood-red full moon in the sky.

The color of crimson blood was reflected.

Brutal, bloody, and chilling.

Usa gradually approached, feeling a sense of foreboding.

Suddenly, he turned a corner and saw a devastated scene......

The streets, there was blood everywhere, corpses everywhere......


For a moment, Usasuke's head seemed to explode, and looking at this scene in disbelief, it was as if he had seen a real hell!!

Those who died were all members of the Yu family!

These people, during the day, used to greet themselves, talk and laugh, and make trouble, but now...... 350

All of them fell in pools of blood!!

Such a stimulus made the young Usa not know how to react at all.

His face turned pale, he gasped for breath and let out a terrible scream.


He walked out tremblingly, looking at the mountains of corpses and the sea of blood, at the ruins, at the remnants of the weapons, and at all not knowing what to do......


He thought of his home, of his parents, of his brother......

Usa didn't stop, and ran towards his home in fear.

The bloody breath on both sides of the road stimulated his nerves, but he didn't dare to stop at all, he could only endure the fear and grief and indignation, and continued to gallop away.

Finally arriving at his home, Ussasuke fell into despair again.

There was no movement in the yard at all.

With great fear, he pushed open the door, and suddenly, a truly hellish scene appeared in front of his young eyes......

Father and mother have all fallen in a pool of blood!!

Ussasuke screamed, fell to the ground, and crawled towards the corpses of his parents.

"Father, Mother!!"

He wept bitterly, unwilling to believe that it was all true, and he shook the bodies of his parents, calling them to bring them back to life......

However, everything is irretrievable.

"Why, why !!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Father, Mother, wake up, !!"

Just when he was desperate, out of the shadows, the figure of the executioner came out.

That figure, but it made Usa Suke shocked and dumbfounded!

That's ......

His most beloved and admired brother, the figure of Uno Itachi!!

And in his hand, he also holds a butcher's knife that slaughtered the entire clan, including his own parents!

On the butcher's knife, there was still a little bit of blood!!

Usa couldn't believe all this, his eyes widened and he almost bled out.

"Brother...... Why, why ......"

"Could it be that you did all this?!"

"Why, why did you kill the whole people, why did you kill your father and mother!!"

There was no expression on Uno Itachi's indifferent face.

It's as if all these evil deeds done before are just an ordinary task.

He looked at Usa and said indifferently, "Why?"

"There's no particular reason for that......"

"Perhaps, I just want to test my strength. "

Usa was stunned.

"Just, just for this boring reason, you, you committed such a horrific crime?!"

Uno Itachi said indifferently: "You don't understand anything at all. "

Usa roared angrily, "I really don't understand anything! I don't understand what the hell is going on, why did you become like this, become such a demon!!"

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Uno Itachi's mouth.

"Do you want to know the answer?"

"Then I'll let you see for yourself!!"



U no Itachi suddenly opened his eyes and pupil power, it was the eyes that had evolved to the Wanhua Demon Pupil!

Suddenly, the terrifying pupil power enveloped Usasuke, making him enter the world of illusion in an instant!

And in this world......

What Usa saw was the scene of Uno Itachi frantically slaughtering the entire Uno Shi family!!

Blood, wreckage, corpses, bones, screams, begs for mercy, wailing, despair......

Mountains of bones and rivers of blood!!

Usa was forced to watch this scene constantly, and the whole person had completely fallen into madness and despair.

Then, there was a picture of U no Itachi mutilating their parents in front of him.

"Father, Mother!!"

Seeing his parents in front of him, being tortured and killed by Uno Itachi, Usa Suke frantically wanted to catch it, wanted to stop all this, but there was nothing he could do......

What he saw was an illusion.

Nothing can be done.

It's already too late.

But this pain is completely real.

Again and again, over and over again, it stimulated Usasuke's young mind, causing him to suffer the most cruel and bloody torture in the world......

And, as if endless, there is no end!!

By the time Usa reopened his eyes, he had completely collapsed and despaired.

Plop thump!!

He collapsed to the ground, prostrate, his eyes were glazed, and even saliva was pouring out, and he fell into a complete collapse......


At this moment, Uno Itachi is approaching Usa step by step.

Usasuke's heart trembled suddenly, he understood that he was the one who was going to die soon!!

Uno Itachi has become a devil, he can kill even his own biological parents, and he can't escape death either!!

At this time.

I don't know where the strength came from, Usasuke struggled to get up and fled outside.

He didn't want to die.

He was still young.

He also wants to find out the truth of all this, and wants to avenge his clan and parents......

However. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He had just rushed out into the blood-moon-shrouded street when he saw Uno Itachi intercepting him again.

Usa was in complete despair.

He knew that he couldn't be U's opponent at all.

Do you mean you're going to die here?!


Uno Itachi didn't kill him, but turned around and was about to leave.

Usasuke was stunned, and then roared angrily, "Why, why don't you kill me with me!!"

"Why do you want to leave me alone?!!"

Uno Itachi stopped, turned around and replied indifferently, "You don't have the value of being killed by me at all. "

"Looking at your eyes, do you want to avenge your clan and parents?"

"It's a pity that with you now, you are not even as good as an ant ......"

"My stupid brother......"

"If you want to kill me for revenge, hate me, hate me, and ......"

"Ugly linger, breathe!!"

"Only by surviving at all costs and becoming stronger at all costs can there be a glimmer of hope to find me and avenge the so-called parents and clansmen......"

After saying this, Uno Itachi left indifferently.

Leaving only Usasuke in the abyss and hell, under the blood moon, let out a painful scream and roar, which resounded throughout the dark night......


Usasuke's memories are over.

Outside of the whole story, all the readers were shocked and dumbfounded!!

", this U no Itachi, is it really a beast?!"

"Even your own people, your own biological parents, are you still human?!"

"To say that he is a beast is to lift him up, this is simply a beast is inferior to !!"

"It's miserable, and Ussasuke is too miserable...... No wonder, he was sometimes cowardly before, all because of Yu Zhiyi's words, he didn't want to die, because he still wanted to find him to take revenge, this kind of hatred is simply not a common day, no matter how you kill, you can't solve your hatred if you kill it a hundred times!!"

", when is this Uno Itachi going to die! I want to see Usa kill him with his own hands!!"

"Nima, this beast not only killed his clan and parents, but also used illusions on Usasuke to let him see those pictures with his own eyes, it's just psychopathic, right?!"

"It's a miracle that Usa doesn't go crazy and survives......"

"Hey, who wouldn't go crazy if something like this happens......"

"Sasuke, find that beast of Uno Itachi and kill him for me!!"

"Impossible...... Now, even if he finds Uno Itachi, he is not his opponent at all, after all, even Qi Muxi was defeated in the hands of U Itachi......"

"That's what I said......"



Recalling the most brutal and bloody painful memories in his mind, Usa rushed towards the next place even more angrily.

"Must ...... Kill him with your own hands!!"

"Naruto ......"

Although Usa was furious and had lost his mind, he still remembered that their target was Naruto, and he couldn't help but worry about him.

When he finally arrived at the inn where Gennaru was, he rushed over and saw the scene of Gennaruto, Uno Itachi, and Stone Oni Shark confronting each other.

At this moment, Gennaruto looked at the Uno Itachi in front of him, and his heart was beating in shock, and he didn't know what was going on.

I saw Usanoke rushing here panting.

"Yu!of!Itachi !!!"

Usa roared angrily, looking at the figure that was deeply imprinted in the depths of his memory, and couldn't help but roar out from the depths of his soul.

Uno Itachi and the Stone Oni Shark both paused slightly.

He looked back in the direction of Usasuke.

The stone ghost shark looked at Ussuke, who had already opened the evil eye because of anger, and his heart moved slightly. []

"Oh, the same evil eye as you, so that guy is also a member of the Yu family?"

"I remember, wasn't the Uno Shi family slaughtered by U no Itachi with your own hands?"

"There's only one person left, and that's ......"

Uno Itachi looked at the angry Usasuke indifferently and nodded indifferently.

"Yes, he's my younger brother, Usasuke. "

Gennaruto also looked at the excited and painful Usasuke, thinking of his past, and couldn't help but whisper.

"Sasuke ......"

This moment.

The two brothers, Usasuke and Uno Itachi, are once again fatefully reunited.

At the same time, the evil eye that was opened bloomed with blood-red light!!


This is the only two remaining descendants of the Yu family in the world.

At this moment, it is to die endlessly!!

Usasuke roared angrily: "Uno Itachi, I will kill you here with my own hands, avenge my parents and all my clansmen!!

With his roar, a powerful True Qi internal force erupted in his palm again, turning into a fierce thunderbolt.

It is a trick inherited from Qi Muxi......

Thunder Slash !!

Usasuke suddenly rushed to his hand, and the thunder slashed into his hands, like a sharp blade that destroyed and destroyed everything, cutting through the walls of the inn and rushing towards Usanosuke!!


His strongest blow, accompanied by the thunderous slash under the power of the evil eye, was in front of the Uno Itachi at the moment......




It was easily used by the U no Itachi with one hand, and it flew out directly with a light pat!

The thunderbolt slammed into the walls, and in an instant the brick walls shattered, and the rocks rolled down, and the dust flew up!!

Gennaruto couldn't help but be shocked.

Usasuke's full force blow was so easy that it was cracked with a wave of one hand!

And that's not all.

Uno Itachi grabbed Usasuke's wrist even more.



With a sudden twist, he directly dislocated his wrist joint, and his palm was clenched hard, so that everyone heard the sound of bones breaking......


In the midst of grief, anger, pain and despair, accompanied by severe physical pain, Usasuke couldn't help but let out a heart-rending scream......

"Sasuke !!"

Xuan Naruto couldn't help but be furious, and immediately burst out with a violent true qi, and even directly mobilized the demonic power of the nine-tailed demon fox because of his anger, and the blood-red true qi overflowed, surging, and burst out!!!。

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