After Dad Lin communicated with Jordan for a long time, after understanding that the other party wanted to learn how to train his own strange powers, he directly asked him to send out the strange powers and train with his

own strange powers, and then asked Jordan to push himself into the house and talk about some of the past when he used to train and learn with his father in the Tianqiao Dojo.

In the courtyard outside, Lin Yu saw Jordan's strange power and his father's strange power fighting, and he suddenly found that even though Jordan's strange power had four hands, he really couldn't really threaten his father's strange power. Now he really realized how powerful his father was, and at this time, he suddenly found that he was also playing boxing, but because this world was impossible, and his original world was fought by humans.

In comparison, the development of boxing skills of the fragile flesh of human beings seems to be more in-depth, after all, Pokémon is more often just training reaction speed and attack power, and at most there may be a way to exert force, but the really powerful power skills are not.

Although Lin Yu didn't know much about boxing in his previous life, he still watched some TV with this type, so Lin Yu suddenly remembered that when he watched a TV series in his previous life, he talked about the jumping steps of boxing, which can be used to increase his reaction speed. I don't know if what was said in that TV series was right.

However, since he had some ideas, Lin Yu immediately pulled the Koga ninja frog and began to try to practice. Lin Yu is still the same, first the Koga Ninja Frog roughly introduced the general principle, and then semi-demonstrated in front of the Koga Ninja Frog to learn the appearance of the TV and jump a few times.

As the saying goes, I haven't eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run, although I don't know if the pig run I saw is incorrect, but isn't there an old saying that practice is the only criterion for testing the truth?

The clever Koga Ninja Frog quickly learned the general movements of the jump, and then the essence of the jump can only be explored and learned by the Koga Ninja Frog himself.

I have to say that the Koga ninja frog's perception is very powerful, and it has practiced in place to master the coordinated movement of breathing and pace, plus its own judgment of the attack trajectory, and now the Koga ninja frog has roughly mastered the jump.

On the other side, Xu Changzhou, who was still watching the duel between the two monsters, suddenly found that Lin Yu and the others seemed to be training something, and after carefully observing the movements of the Koga ninja frog with curiosity for a while, he felt that it was interesting, and began to let his wrist strength learn to learn.

As Xu Changzhou let his wrist strength learn, Mu Gu and the others also discovered Lin Yu's movements, they felt that Lin Yu might be practicing Lin Yu's father's secret tricks, and they immediately let their wrist strength follow the learning.

I have to say that Xu Changzhou's wrist strength is really the most curious, and in Mu Gu, their wrist strength can only hide behind them and peek, at this time, Xu Changzhou's wrist strength has already gone up by himself to ask the Koga Ninja Frog what to pay attention to when jumping, what skills are there, and so on.

And Koga Ninja Frog has no intention of hiding clumsiness at all, just like a big brother to explain wrist strength seriously, and when practicing wrist strength, it can just see how this technique works, and what needs to be improved. In this way, Koga Ninja Frog's comprehension of jumping steps is getting deeper and deeper, and at the same time, he also teaches Xu Changzhou's wrist strength.

And just like that, the day passed quickly. Mu Gu and the others were secretly learning the jumping steps of the Jiahe Ninja Frog there, and they were embarrassed to chat with Lin Yu at such a time, compared to them, they felt that they were stealing the teacher, and felt a little embarrassed, so they could only pretend to have been watching the monsters fight, and then let their wrist strength secretly learn on the side.

However, even though they all studied for an afternoon, except for the wrist strength of Xu Changzhou, who was more curious, the other two wrist strengths did not learn the technique of jumping, but only learned a shape. Not to mention that they don't yet know what this jumping pace is for.

Soon the sky gradually darkened, and Jordan, who had been talking with Dad Lin for a long time, finally came out. At this time, the two strange forces in the yard have fought more than a dozen times, and Jordan's strange power can be said to be abused by Daddy Lin's strange power.

"Uncle Lin, goodbye! I'll come back to you again when I have a chance to ask you about the training method of strange power. After Dad Lin sent Jordan to the door, Jordan said excitedly.

"No problem! You can also bring your younger siblings to play with your uncle when you have time! Now that my uncle is a waste, I can't run away anymore! I really want to have a junior like you who can talk to me. Dad Lin said to Jordan with a smile.

After Dad Lin sent Jordan away, Mu Gu, who didn't want to steal from the teacher, was too blatant and the others, and they also directly withdrew their direct wrist strength to say goodbye and leave. In fact, Lin Yu didn't know that they were learning that jump, but if he thought this thing was useful, there would be no problem for everyone to learn it together.

"Hmm, Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) What is this practicing?" After Mu Gu and the others also left, Father Lin pointed to the Koga Ninja Frog who was still practicing jumping.

In fact, Dad Lin noticed it when he came out with Jordan just now, Koga Ninja Frog practiced strange movements with a few wrists, wanted to jump but didn't jump, like walking and felt his body toss and turned as if he was jumping, and now that everyone else is gone, Dad Lin also asked the doubts in his heart.

"Oh! this is a step I have come up with to improve my reaction speed!" Lin Yu immediately explained.

"Oh, really?" said Daddy Lin skeptically.

This directly made Dad Lin puzzled, he had never heard of a way to improve reaction speed, he knew that there were skills that could improve defense, attack, and speed, but reaction speed was something that could not be improved by skills, not to mention that the strange action of the Koga Ninja Frog didn't seem to be a skill, just a skill.

You must know that not all Pokémon can learn the skill of improving attributes, but if it is a skill, it is that as long as the training method is developed, basically all Pokémon can be learned.

"I just came up with it, but I don't know how it turned out. But I think it should be possible. Lin Yu raised his head and replied after thinking for a while.

"It's easy! Strange power, try this new trick of Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog)!" Father Lin didn't get angry when he heard it, and said directly to Strange Force.

If someone else said this in front of Dad Lin, Dad Lin would definitely think that the effect of this technique should be fake, but to be honest, Lin Yu's whimsy is really powerful sometimes, such as the ice clone of the Koga Ninja Frog and stealth.

If someone else had told him this before, he would have thought that someone else was deceiving people, but Koga Ninja Frog can indeed disappear into thin air, and even if he uses the Recognition Skill, he may not be able to find it.

When the strange force heard Father Lin's words, he immediately walked to the side of the Koga Ninja Frog and prepared to practice with the other party.

Although Koga Ninja Frog probably comprehended the technique of jumping steps, he had never entered the actual battle after all. At the beginning of the year, there was no way to master the skills of this jump step in actual combat, and the reaction speed did not improve, but decreased.

Seeing that the reaction speed of the Koga ninja frog did not improve because of that strange pace, Father Lin looked at Lin Yu without anger. At this time, Father Lin had a feeling that he had been deceived by Lin Yu. Lin Yu didn't know how to explain it at this time, so he could only smile awkwardly at his father.

However, it didn't take long for Koga Ninja Frog, who gradually mastered the trick, to gradually increase his reaction speed. However, even though the reaction speed of the Koga ninja frog has increased, the attack speed of the strange force has also increased again, so it looks like the Koga ninja frog is still being beaten, but the more Dad Lin looks at it, the more serious his face becomes.

In Lin Yu's eyes, the situation of the Koga ninja frog being beaten had not changed, and he thought that the jump he was thinking about really had no effect. And at this time, he suddenly glanced at his father, whose face was getting more and more serious, and suddenly Lin Yu felt a bad feeling, and he quietly began to distance himself from his father, for fear that the other party would suddenly explode and give himself a look.

After fighting with the strange force for a while, Koga Ninja Frog finally lost the battle due to physical exhaustion. At this time, the strange force nodded at Father Lin's development, indicating that the reaction speed of the Koga Ninja Frog had indeed improved.

"Ah Yu, what is this?" Seeing the strange force's expression, Father Lin opened his mouth to ask Lin Yu what he said.

"Dad, I was wrong! I don't know why? This is something different in my imagination. Lin Yu saw that his father suddenly spoke, and with such a serious expression, Lin Yu immediately hid aside and admitted his mistake.

"What are you doing hiding so far away? Dad Lin turned his head and suddenly found Lin Yu hiding far away, and said with a smile.

"Dad, I really know it's wrong, don't you hit me, can you?, if you have anything to say, I'll stand here and say the same!" Lin Yu pleaded with a sad face.

"What are you talking about, come and talk about it first!" Father Lin beckoned to Lin Yu and said.

Under Father Lin's repeated requests, Lin Yu could only slowly return to Father Lin's side with a sad face, lowering his head and not daring to say a word, for fear of making his father angry again if he said the wrong word.

"How did you come up with this skill? It's very good, it does improve the reaction speed, but the improvement is not very obvious!" Seeing that Lin Yu had not answered, Father Lin asked again.

"I know it's wrong... Wait, Dad, you say... Does it work?" Lin Yu heard his father speak, thinking that he was going to open his mouth to scold himself, so he immediately opened his mouth to admit his mistake, and then finally reacted and said in surprise.

"Strange power said that it has indeed improved!, but now the improvement is very limited, but looking at the appearance of Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog), he should not have fully mastered the combat skills in actual combat. Father Lin nodded in agreement while thinking about the principle at this time.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) We succeeded! Hear no, we succeeded! We succeeded! In the future, I will name this technique after you, and in the future, I will call it Sasuke Bu!" Lin Yu heard his father's affirmative answer, and picked up the Koga Ninja Frog who was tired and fell to the ground and said excitedly.

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