Lin Yu and the five of them arrived at the airport in an awkward atmosphere all the way. Fortunately, they didn't buy a place on their plane at that time, and finally after getting on the plane, they breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting off the plane, they went directly to the registration site for the competition, and after handing in the registration form, the staff actually told them not to run around, and would take them to the competition venue collectively at night.

Then, in the middle of the night, under Lin Yu's inexplicable circumstances, they were called by the staff to get on different buses and set off towards the competition venue. After that, Lin Yu didn't know how long they had been on the bus, only that the staff would let a player get off the bus at each location, and then give them an envelope and a watch when they got off.

In this way, Lin Yu looked at the missing people on the bus suspiciously, until suddenly the staff called his name, and then he was inexplicably invited off the bus. Before getting out of the car, Lin Yu only knew that the staff member who gave him the envelope told him a sentence of "Good luck."

Lin Yu, who got off the bus, looked at the bus blankly, not knowing where he was now, and he didn't know what he should do. Just when Lin Yu was puzzled, the electronic watch suddenly shook violently, so frightened that Lin Yu directly threw the watch away.

After a while, Lin Yu saw that the watch was not responding, so he nervously picked up the watch, wanting to study what was going on just now.

As soon as he picked up the watch, Lin Yu found that the icon of the text message on the watch screen lit up with a red dot, and he clicked on the text message in curiosity, and immediately popped up a page, only to see that it said, 'The game starts, the first task, please find your teammates within two days, and get one point for each teammate you find'.

"I'm going, and that's where the game begins? Why is there still a way to find teammates? Lin Yu closed the task page and involuntarily complained.

After Lin Yu exited the task page, he suddenly found that there was no normal timetable on the screen of this electronic watch, and then a 48-hour countdown with a number kept getting smaller, and it was written below the 48-hour countdown, 0 points. Lin Yu guessed that it should be his current points.

"Well, doesn't it mean that the scores are issued in the form of a scorecard? Could those strange function cards be like this?" Lin Yu thought suspiciously, looking at his watch.

Just when Lin Yu was still thinking about the rules of the game, a pair of red-eyed Pokémon floating in the air in the woods not far away were staring at Lin Yu, and before Lin Yu could react, the Pokémon directly raised his two big spears and rushed towards Lin Yu.

Just as that Pokémon was about to rush in front of Lin Yu, suddenly a blue hand grabbed the two spears directly out of thin air. The Pokémon holding the spear looked at the hand that appeared in front of him in horror, it didn't understand where it came from, and it didn't understand why the power of that hand was so great.

The owner of the blue hand was none other than the Koga Ninja Frog, which looked at the giant needle bee that looked at it in horror with a puzzled expression. It's not that it's never seen a needle bee, but it's the first time it's seen a "wild" needle bee acting alone.

Instinctively, the needle bee wanted to resist, and raised his other spear to stab the Koga ninja frog that was holding him. At this time, the Koga ninja frog, who originally wanted to study this strange needle bee, saw that the other party was actually going to attack him, so he directly grabbed its spear and threw it to the ground. It seemed to be a random blow from the Koga Ninja Frog, but the Great Needle Bee lost its ability to fight.

At this time, in a room on the other side, several staff members were looking at the images on multiple monitors. Suddenly, a man hurried into the room.

"What's going on? What's the matter? Someone can't be out so soon, isn't it?Didn't you let the Pokémon you drained put some water?"

"No! no! That one... No. 73 Needle Bee... By... Instant kill! We guess that player cheated!" the staff member said quickly.

"Which player?"

"It seems that the one in the team recommended by Zhejiang University is called Lin Yu, originally we wanted to eliminate him directly, but it was because he was recommended by Zhejiang University, so..."

"Check that player, if he cheats, whether he is recommended by Zhejiang University or not, he will be eliminated for me!"

"No need to check! That person didn't cheat, it's because you weren't fully prepared!" At this time, a boy with glasses sitting in the corner suddenly said casually, "He is a special recruit member of Zhejiang University, and the initial Pokémon is a Koga ninja frog with six-star strength! Even the second Pokémon is a ghost stone with five-star strength! Do you think you've beaten his Pokémon

?" "Really, fakely? Deceive! Our school sophomore team is at this level, right? This is still a rookie trainer! What about the other players?"

"What's the way to play? It's because we don't have to fight him, so the rules of our game are not matches, but the point system! As long as the other players don't have nothing to do to challenge him to give him points, and don't accept his challenge, his score may not be high! I don't know if you have ever told your school's recruits about this person, anyway, I reminded them. At this time, the boy sitting in the corner with glasses continued to speak casually.

These people who were originally sitting in the room were none other than the school team leaders of the schools that organized the competition, and most of the outside staff were also school team members of these schools.

Returning to Lin Yu's side, Lin Yu looked at the big needle bee that was stunned by the Koga ninja frog strangely, he didn't know why such a big needle bee suddenly attacked him. Although he knew that the big needle bee had a bad temper, the big needle bee generally operated in its own territory, and if he stepped into the territory of the big needle bee, there should not be only such a big needle bee rushing out.

Just when Lin Yu was puzzled, he suddenly found that another strange pattern on the watch appeared red dots, and with curiosity, after clicking on the icon, he saw a card called "Forced Battle Card" appear on the screen.

Lin Yu clicked on the card again, and the role of the card quickly appeared on the screen, it turned out that this card was used to force other players to challenge, and the opponent could not refuse but could surrender. Those who lose or surrender will be deducted one point, and those who win will be added one point, and that's all.

"Fighting monsters and exploding equipment?" Lin Yu looked at the card and muttered to himself suspiciously, "Since there is a forced battle, it should be possible to invite the battle! It's the same as what Senior Sister Huang said.,Battle to win points.,But it should be an invitation system.,Generally, you can refuse.,But with this card, you shouldn't be able to refuse anyway! "

Koga Ninja Frog probably understood when he heard Lin Yu's words, this big needle bee is not wild, it is a "wild monster"! The Koga ninja frog couldn't help but start picking up the big needle bee and looking at it, trying to see how to distinguish this "wild monster".

"Are you going to fight monsters and pick up equipment, or..." Lin Yu suddenly felt as if he had entered the game world, and when he looked up and fantasized about whether he could directly start fighting monsters and swiping tool cards, he suddenly found that it didn't seem to be early, so he said helplessly, "Hey, let's go to bed first!

Ghost Stone heard Lin Yu's words, slowly floated out of Lin Yu's shadow, and then took out the tent from its alien dimension. Lin Yu began to set up the tent hard after Ghost Stone took out the tent, and now he regrets not buying the easiest tent. Now Lin Yu has been sleeping to death after setting up the tent for half a day.

Just after Lin Yu had wasted all his strength to set up the tent, a person suddenly came out of the woods. The man was overjoyed when he saw a tent, and when he saw the people in the tent, he immediately took out his Poké Ball and looked at the people in the tent vigilantly.

"Hey, brother, why are you still running around outside so late?, don't you have a tent?" Lin Yu looked at the person who suddenly came out of the woods, and said with a smile, "Look at you, you should be chased by a wild Pokémon!"

"You... Who is it?" The man looked at Lin Yu vigilantly, and when he saw the same watch on Lin Yu's hand as himself, he immediately said vigilantly, "You are a contestant! What do you want to do!"

At this time, in the woods behind the young man, there was a sudden buzzing sound of wings vibrating. Soon a large needle bee appeared in Lin Yu's field of vision.

After seeing the big needle bee, Lin Yu suddenly had a sense of familiarity, and he laughed and said to the person: "It turns out that this is a newbie gift package! Eh, do you want your newbie

gift package? If you don't, I'll accept it!" "What kind of novice gift package! What are you going to do? What can I do, there is monitoring equipment here, and the players can't attack each other at will!" The man looked at Lin Yu in horror and said.

"It seems that you know a lot of rules, so it's better to do this, I'll help you solve the trouble behind you, and you explain the rules to me!" Lin Yu smiled and pointed to the big needle bee that was getting closer and closer behind him.

"Add your tent and let me stay for one night!" That person knew as soon as he heard that Lin Yu should not know the rules very well, so he immediately talked about the conditions.

"Okay!No problem, deal!Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) has beaten the monster!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, the Koga ninja frog beside Lin Yu, who was originally standing on the platform, appeared in front of the big needle bee in a few jumps between the branches, and then again as before, this hand grabbed the spear of the big needle bee, and then flicked it casually.

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