As Lin Yu clicked to accept the challenge, the grumpy boy and Lin Yu's watch page entered the battle page at the same time. The leading girl looked at Lin Yu in surprise, she didn't expect that in this watch, she would directly judge that this was also a challenge application.

When the boy saw that the phone had entered battle mode, he snorted coldly and directly took out his Poké Ball, ready to throw it out to fight Lin Yu. But as soon as he took out the ball, the girl in the lead immediately pressed his hand holding the poké ball.

"Admit defeat!" the girl in the lead immediately yelled at the boy.

"Eldest sister, don't do this! People have bullied us! Do you want to let him go like this? I can't swallow this breath!" The man saw that his action of preparing to fight was stopped, and immediately defended to the girl unconvinced.

"Quick, admit it, lose!" The leading girl suddenly turned her head and looked at the boy coldly, and then said word by word again.

"Okay!Okay! Okay!I admit defeat!" The boy saw his boss's murderous eyes, so he had to surrender and watch his points being deducted by one point.

Although the boy reluctantly admitted defeat, he was still unhappy to think about admitting defeat like this, so he pointed at Lin Yu viciously and threatened: "You wait for me! I remember you!"

"Hehe, can I be a provocation when you are you?" Lin Yu sneered and slowly raised his hand, pointing at the boy word by word and said mockingly, "I~want to ~pick~..."

When the leading girl saw Lin Linyu raise her hand, she immediately turned around and kicked the boy who was still standing there in a daze, and then turned around and glared at Lin Yu angrily. However, when she turned around, she was surprised to find that Lin Yu was not pointing at the boy, but herself. She looked at Lin Yu in surprise, in her eyes, Lin Yu may have some strength, but it should be inferior to her own.

"Big sister... At this time, the boy who had just been kicked away, he got up with difficulty and said to the leading boy, when he saw that Lin Yu was actually going to challenge the girl, he suddenly laughed and said, "Boy, don't you know how to write dead words!hahahaha

!" "Hehe, it's kind of interesting, I accept it!" The girl sneered twice, took out her own poke ball and threw it out directly and said, "Come out!

As the girl Poké Ball was thrown, a body wrapped in hard armor immediately appeared on the field, even the head and face were covered with silver armor, the top one extended outward along the forehead with a sharp horn, there were two pairs of holes on the forehead, two long sharp horns protruding from the two holes in front, the back of the neck and back were covered with silver armor, the shoulders were long and protruding, the limbs were also covered with silver steel rings, and there was a large monster Pokémon with a thick and long black tail on the back.

At this time, the Koga Ninja Frog also walked out from behind Lin Yu leisurely, and looked at the big guy in front of him slightly. It can feel that the momentum of this big guy is very strong, but it still doesn't pay attention to it, slowly stretches out a hand, and then beckons to Bosco Dora, indicating that it has the ability to let the horse come over!

Seeing the movements and eyes of the Koga Ninja Frog, Bosco Dora is just angry, but it does not rush directly towards the Koga Ninja Frog with all of a sudden, but turns its head to look at its trainer with soliciting eyes. I want to ask for the opinion of my trainer, can I rush up and tear the other party apart directly.

After making eye contact with Bosco Dora, the girl immediately understood what the other party meant, so she nodded silently, and said, "Ah Po (Bosco Dora) go up and use anger!" After Bosco

Dora got the consent of his trainer, he immediately turned his head excitedly to see the expression of the Koga ninja frog, but what he didn't expect was that it didn't see fear in the Koga ninja frog's eyes, but still that kind of contemptuous look. Seeing that the other party was still looking at him with such eyes, he immediately became even more angry.

At this time, after seeing a series of movements of the Koga ninja frog, the girl suddenly sneered contemptuously. But the skill she used to use was anger, and now the more the Koga Ninja Frog it off, the more powerful it became.

Originally, she thought that Lin Yu should be a more powerful trainer, but when she saw the Koga Ninja Frog repeatedly angering her Boscodora, and Lin Yu actually didn't mean to obstruct it at this time. So she thinks that Lin Yu is just a Pokémon with good strength, and she is not a really powerful trainer.

When Boskodora was extremely angry, he rushed towards the Koga ninja frog with great vigour. The Koga Ninja Frog didn't even bother to dodge, even though Bossdora's iron fist with deep anger was already raised high in front of it, it didn't react.

"Haha! I thought he was a master, but I was so frightened in front of Apo (Bosco Dora) that I even forgot to dodge! Boy, you're going to die! See if I don't challenge you until you're out!" Before Bosco Dora's iron fist was waved, the arrogant boy before had already begun to taunt Lin Yu.

After Bosco Dora's iron fist was swung, just when everyone thought that the Koga Ninja Frog, who was too frightened to move, would directly lose his ability to fight, the next scene directly stunned everyone. I saw that after Bosco Dora's iron fist hit the Koga Ninja Frog, the "Koga Ninja Frog" was directly shattered, and it was broken into pieces.

Everyone thought that the Koga ninja frog would be beaten with an iron fist, but no one expected it to be broken like this, everyone was stunned at this moment, even Boskodora was stunned, it did a few punching movements back and forth in a daze, it just couldn't understand that no matter what it was said just now, it should be flattened, what's wrong. After waving for a while, he felt that something was wrong, and squatted down again to flick the debris on the ground with his hands, and then turned to look at his trainer innocently, indicating that he didn't mean to break the other party.

"Broken... It's... Is it really broken? Am I mistaken?" asked the arrogant boy who had been arrogant before, patting his partner next to him.

When everyone felt that what had just happened was strange, the girl suddenly felt strange, not only Lin Yu didn't look sad at all, but even his teammate Xu Changzhou didn't show surprise, all of this made him suddenly feel a little strange about this matter, but he just didn't know what was wrong, obviously the other party was broken under his nose, but she just didn't feel right.

She looked left and right suspiciously to observe the surrounding environment, and suddenly she found that the pile of fragments of the "Koga Ninja Frog" on the ground was actually faintly shining in the sun, and at this time she realized that those impossible fragments on the ground were obviously some broken ice slag. Then he raised his hand and looked at the watch, and found that the watch page was still in a state of battle.

After discovering all this, the girl immediately shouted to Bosco Dora: "Apo (Bosco Dora) uses an earthquake! Shake the other party out for me!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to find out! I wanted to play again! It's a pity that it can only end like this! Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) Ten Thousand Frogs Water Prison." Don't give it a chance to earthquake!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

Then, just as Boss Dora raised his foot to prepare for the earthquake, a dozen "Koga Ninja Frogs" suddenly appeared in all directions of it, their eyes were dull and their movements were strange, but when Boss Dora was stunned, they suddenly swarmed up.

Seeing this situation, Bosco Dora's first reaction was to stop the attack of this group of things, but when those "Koga ninja frogs" came into contact with its body, they all turned into water masses and attached to its body and began to crawl towards it, and finally all the "Koga ninja frogs" turned into water masses, and finally a huge water ball was formed around Bosco Dora's body and trapped it inside.

Trapped in the water balloon, Boscodora soon fell into a state of drowning, struggling desperately in the water. But no matter how much it struggles, how much it swings its hands to swim out of the water balloon, every time it moves, the water ball will move with it.

"Apo (Boscodora) Don't be nervous! Don't be nervous! Do you remember the surfing you learned before? Use the surfing method to control the water around you and rush out!" The girl immediately shouted as she looked at the Bosco Dora, who was getting more and more nervous because of the drowning state.

"It's useless! Since you want to control the water, then there's a way! We'll have to use the ice! Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) Freeze!" Lin Yu saw that Bosco Dora actually started to prepare to come out with the help of surfing after the girl finished speaking, so he said again.

At this time, Bosco Dora had already prepared his surfing skills, and just as it was about to rush out, suddenly the figure of the Koga ninja frog that had not appeared outside the water balloon suddenly appeared, and then I saw the Koga ninja frog slowly put his hand on the water polo, and the water polo obviously began to freeze. In the end, before Boskodora could react, it went from being trapped in a large water balloon to being trapped in a large ice hockey ball.

After the girl saw that Boscodora was frozen, she immediately raised her wrist to look at her watch, and at this time she suddenly realized that the page was still a page in combat status. Seeing this, she thought for a while and then suddenly laughed out loud.

"Big sister, what are you laughing at? Why don't we just eliminate his teammates while we don't do it anymore?" asked a boy behind the girl at this time.

"Hehe, interesting!But it seems that your skill looked very powerful before, but in fact, it doesn't hurt at all! It can even be said that the ice and the water prison are powerful!And it seems that your Koga ninja frog wants to be frozen, it must also put its hand into the water balloon!" The girl didn't have a chance to say what the boy said, so she smiled at Lin Yu and said, "Reacquaint, my name is Mu Ningxia

!" "What I hate the most is an opponent like you!" But I also don't recommend getting to know one more beautiful woman, my name is Lin Yu. Lin Yu shook his head helplessly and said.

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