After Mu Gu and the others left, Father Lin suddenly said to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, let Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) come to help them train together tomorrow

!" "Ah, Dad, didn't you say that Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) should rest and rest for the next few days? Wait until the mini dragon is born and bring it!" Hearing Father Lin's words, Lin Yu said suspiciously.

Father Lin sighed helplessly and said, "Hey! The training of wrist strength is still too boring! I now think that if Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) occasionally makes a few clones to fight them, it should make them more interested in training."

Lin Yu originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, Mu Gu and the others were his friends after all, so he hesitantly looked at the Koga Ninja Frog. In fact, these are nothing for the Koga Ninja Frog, and it is quite boring for it to be idle like this now, so he nodded at Lin Yu and said that he felt that it was no problem.

"Good horn. At this time, Lin Yu suddenly found that he didn't know when there was an extra pile of soil in his yard, so he pointed to the pile of soil and asked his father suspiciously: "What is the situation with those soil?"

Isn't this your mini dragon about to hatch, I'm going to dig a swimming pool for it in the yard!" Daddy Lin said with a smile.

"Pool, Dad, you're a little biased! When Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) hatched, you didn't do this! Why hasn't the mini dragon hatched yet, is it so high?"

"Hey! Isn't that your mother wants to raise some fish lately! Of course, Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) can also use it." And recently, my Pokémon supplement application is about to come down, and I think that the pool used by the tyrannosaurus can be modified and expanded a little!"

Every time Lin Yu mentioned the previous things, Father Lin felt a little embarrassed. When the Koga Ninja Frog was a child, Dad Lin was not optimistic about the croaking bubble frog that did not have a super evolution, and it was not until the last time that the Swan Cup Koga Ninja Frog allowed Lin Yu to successfully obtain the special recruitment qualification of Zhejiang University, and Dad Lin began to look at Koga Ninja Frog differently.

However, it is precisely because of Dad Lin's unkindness before, Koga Ninja Frog can be said to want to prove that he is the right choice for Lin Yu every day, so Koga Ninja Frog's strength has become stronger and Dad Lin's coldness at the beginning is still partly due to it.

Now Lin Yu could only roll his eyes, of course he understood that for his father, the quasi-god Pokémon could almost be said to be a dream, so Lin Yu's attention to the mini dragon was even higher, Lin Yu was still acceptable, but he was still a little unhappy when he thought of this.

The next day, not only Yu Heng came, but Hu Tu also came. But along with him were Dad Yu and Dad Hu. As soon as the two fathers arrived at Lin's house, they pulled Lin's father into to discuss things, leaving only Strange Force and Bidiao outside to train with them.

"Eh, Lao Yu, why did your father come here and call Uncle Lin away, how should we train next?" Mu Gu complained to Yu Heng.

"Isn't there still an old Hu dad? Why do you just call me one! I don't know why my dad has to come along. Yu Heng was also very helpless, he didn't expect that when he went out, his father, who had just come home, would come out with him.

"Okay, okay! It's better to train according to yesterday's method! Anyway, isn't wrist strength training the same!" Seeing

Mu Gu's dejected appearance, Lin Yu said helplessly: "Actually, my dad told me yesterday about your approximate training opportunities. Why don't you fight Sasuke's (Koga Ninja Frog) clone first, and then let the strange force come and make a new training plan for your wrist strength

!" "That's a good idea! I feel like I'm going to be bored to death if I train like I did yesterday!" Mu Gu almost jumped up with excitement after hearing Lin Yu's words.

Hearing Mu Gu's words, the strange force on the side directly rolled his eyes. Mu Gu can complain for a long time after training for a day, but Strange Power has been trained like this since he was a child, and even its training was more boring before, but now it is because after it was injured, it has been training with the Koga Ninja Frog for a long time, so it has changed those boring training to a little more interesting.

"Okay you! When I was in the school team, I heard that you only knew how to train every day, and in the end you forgot to eat! Why didn't I see you shouting bored at that time? Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) used to train like this every day, and it persevered on its own, and now you are just training with wrist strength, what are you calling bitter!" Lin Yu also rolled his eyes, and then said angrily.

Mu Gu also had nothing to say when he heard Lin Yu's words, so he could only release his wrist strength, and then began to train with it, saying that he didn't want to take Lin Yu's words. As Mu Gu released his wrist power, Mu Gu and Yu Heng also released their wrist strength.

Yu Heng's wrist strength just appeared, and when he saw the strange power of Mu Gu who was eating this thing on the side, he showed disdain, and then when he saw Xu Changzhou's wrist strength, he directly made a provocative action, as if he was ready to compete with the other party, and Xu Changzhou's strange power looked at the other party with disdain, and then pointed to the Koga Ninja Frog in front of them, indicating that your opponent is the guy in front of you and not me.

Seeing these movements of wrist strength, Hu Tu smiled and said: "Yo! Why has your wrist strength formed a chain of contempt? But why do I feel that your wrist strength is similar to your personality? Hearing

Hu Tu's words, the most speechless person was Mu Gu, he never thought that his wrist strength would be the lowest end of this chain of contempt. Although Lin Yu knew that Mu Gu's wrist strength should not be very strong, he had always thought that at the top of the contempt chain should be the wrist strength of Yu Heng, who liked to fight, but he didn't expect it to be Xu Changzhou's one with the most courage.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) give them some color and take a look!" Lin Yu said to the Koga Ninja Frog beside him.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the Koga Ninja Frog just nodded with the corners of its mouth slightly raised, and then three ice sculpture wrists suddenly appeared in front of it.

When the three ice sculpture wrists appeared, the three wrists that were still looking at each other were also surprised, they were all startled by the three ice sculptures that suddenly appeared in front of them, they all looked at a few ice sculptures with a curious face, and they didn't know what these three suddenly appeared things for.

Although Xu Changzhou's wrist strength knew that the opponent was the Koga Ninja Frog, it always thought that it was the three of them who rushed up to fight the Koga Ninja Frog, but at this time, what the ice sculpture that suddenly appeared in front of him was for, and it didn't understand, but it still boldly walked up and carefully looked at the three lifelike ice sculptures.

Yu Heng's wrist power was originally a little timid, but when he saw that Xu Changzhou's wrist power had gone up to observe those ice sculptures, it immediately pretended to be brave enough to follow and look at those ice sculptures. Among them, only Mu Gu's wrist strength was the most calm, from the beginning it didn't have a chance to Yu Heng's contempt for that wrist strength, and now the three ice sculptures that suddenly appeared only attracted its attention for a moment, and then stopped paying attention to them.

Just when the two wrists carefully approached the three ice sculptures to see how they were conjured, the Koga ninja frog suddenly had the idea of playing a prank, and when the wrist force was almost focusing all its attention on the ice sculpture, it controlled the ice sculpture to move suddenly, which directly frightened Yu Heng's wrist force and took a few steps back.

Xu Changzhou's wrist strength looked at his trainer with a puzzled look on his face at this time, as if asking what was going on. In its eyes, its trainer is almost omniscient, so it doesn't feel terrified of these unexpected events at all.

Xu Changzhou saw that his wrist strength was so calm, and he shook his head helplessly, then walked over and touched his wrist strength's head and said: "Leopard gall (wrist strength) These are your opponents, as long as you can defeat them today, you can rest!"

After Xu Changzhou's wrist strength heard his trainer's words, his eyes became more serious when he looked at the few ice sculptures in front of him. However, at this time, the next scene still surprised it. The wrist power of the body of the translucent ice cube in front of him suddenly appeared on his body with the same skin color as his own, and the wrist power of the last three ice sculptures became exactly the same wrist force as the three of them.

This time, when the wrist strength looked at his trainer again, Xu Changzhou could only shake his head helplessly, saying that he didn't know what the situation was.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly said: "Okay! Okay! It's not too early! The battle should begin! I'll talk about the rules of the game first, you can't use skills!" With Lin Yu's

words, the Koga Ninja Frog controlled the three clones with strong wrists and slowly raised their hands, and then each hooked their fingers at their original forms, indicating that they should let the horses come over.

Xu Changzhou's wrist force looked at the three wrist forces that suddenly moved, but looking at the stiff movements of the three wrist forces, it naturally felt that because they were ice sculptures, their movements were relatively stiff. But out of vigilance, it felt that things were not so simple.

Just when Xu Changzhou's wrist strength was thinking about what to do, it suddenly saw the wrist strength of Yu Heng, who had just been frightened and retreated. Looking at the other party, who had already been teased by the three ice sculptures, he wanted to rush up, but he didn't know why he was still just standing there and rubbing his hands. In an instant, it suddenly came to its heart, so it immediately told the other party the first half of its guess.

In fact, the main reason why Yu Heng's wrist power did not rush up was that it thought that there were three on the opposite side, and it only had one, and it might not be able to beat it when it rushed up, and then it would be embarrassed in front of Xu Changzhou's wrist power again, so it was still waiting for Xu Changzhou's wrist power to make the first move. As a result, Xu Changzhou's wrist strength told it that those might be because they were ice sculptures, so their movements were very stiff just now. After thinking about it for a while, it seemed to make sense, so I didn't ask why the other party told me, and I didn't ask why the other party didn't go first, so I rushed up directly in order to behave well.

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