In fact, the reason why Xu Huawei gave Xu Changzhou the qualification of this school team analyst was just a whim. That day, when he saw Xu Changzhou commanding the not very qualified Pyrast to defeat the opponent who was better than Pyrast in all aspects, he suddenly had this idea.

At that time, when he reported this idea to Principal Kong, he was also scolded by Principal Kong, and finally under his repeated insistence, Principal Kong was willing to let him try it when Xu Huawei was in an invincible state in the early stage.

"Okay! It's not like you don't have nothing to do! Mu Gu, I need you, you must evolve the metal monster this year! And your Nidolino must also be trained to have four-star strength! Is it possible?" Originally, Mu Gu and the others were still cheering Xu Changzhou up, but suddenly Xu Huayi spoke again.

Mu Gu felt that the requirements Xu Huayi said were basically not too difficult, so he replied with a smile and easily: "No problem! Meaning!" Xu Huayi

heard Mu Gu's tone, and said angrily: "I haven't finished yet! Next year, you must master the super evolution of the giant golden monster like Wu Vawu! Also, Nidolino meets the evolution requirements and uses the perfect grade moon stone to evolve! The perfect level moon stone and mastering the super evolution are not something that can be mastered and obtained in the first half of next year!" You can get ready now!"

"Perfect-grade moonstone... Uncle Lin seems to have prepared it for me! But why should I prepare it so well! Super evolution is really a bit difficult. At this time, Mu Gu said with a little embarrassment.

The reason why the perfect-level moon stone is needed is because the Pokémon that evolve by the evolution stone cannot perfectly exert their potential to achieve strength improvement when evolving, but if they use the perfect-level evolution stone, there is a nine-out percent probability, and after absorbing the huge energy in the evolution stone, their strength will be greatly improved, and it is even possible to directly break through the two stars, so the perfect-level moon stone is basically a seven-figure price, if it weren't for Xu Huayi knowing the economic situation of the Mu Gu family, he wouldn't say much.

That time, Mu Gu asked Father Lin where it turned out that before Father Lin entered the huge secret realm, in addition to bringing back things like healing balls to Lin Yu, he also brought back some useful things for himself. And this perfect-level moon stone is one of them, and even his Nidoran egg was brought to him by Daddy Lin's relationship.

Xu Hua looked at Mu Gu a little embarrassed, so he said: "Actually, there is nothing difficult about super evolution! Hearing

Xu Huayi's words, Mu Gu had nothing else to say, in comparison, his task Xu Huaying had not only pointed out the direction, but also found him an object to learn from, unlike Xu Changzhou, who could only slowly explore by himself.

"I'll go! Uncle Lin has prepared this kind of thing for you, that's millions of things!" Yu Heng immediately sighed when he heard that Father Lin had prepared such a good thing for Mu Gu.

"Didn't your father also enter the huge secret realm, didn't your father bring you anything?" Mu Gu looked at Yu Heng suspiciously and asked, and said in surprise after seeing Yu Heng shaking his head: "Isn't your father an eight-star trainer like Uncle Lin?"

Yu Heng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Big brother, can't you see it? Eight-star trainers are also strong and weak, okay! Lin Yu and his father are also among the top 100 masters among the domestic eight-star trainers!" And do you think Dad Lin's strange power and comparison eagle really only have eight-star strength?"

"I see~" Mu Gu said with a smile and deliberately lengthened his voice. Yu Heng, who was listening, really wanted to rush up and tear his mouth apart.

"Okay, don't make any noise! Yu Heng, your next task is the heaviest! Your second Pokémon is the big jaw ant, right, you train together every day, I want you to raise the strength of all Pokémon to four-star strength before the start of the first game, and the Lizard King is best to be promoted to six-star strength!" Xu Huayi looked at the few people who were about to fight together and continued to speak.

Yu Heng thought for a while and said, "Okay, my big-jawed ants and wrist strength already have three-star strength! It should soon be able to be upgraded to four-star strength, but the lizard king's words... I feel a little

difficult!" "Lizard King, just try your best to train!But the rest of the best ones are to improve quickly!Next you will be fighting against the special recruits of other schools!" Xu Hua nodded backwards, and then said to Lin Yu: "Your task is more difficult next, first of all, it must be to improve the strength of the Koga Ninja Frog, and secondly, I need you to evolve Ghost Stone as soon as possible, it should also have six-star strength after evolution, as for the mini dragon... Try to make it evolve into a fast dragon before this year!"

How does Ghost Stone evolve... I feel..."At this time, Lin Yu suddenly felt a little embarrassed, if it was an ordinary ghost stone, as long as it reached the critical point of evolution, it would be fine to take it to the haunted house, but Lin Yu's ghost stone was a bit special.

"What do you mean, I feel that your task should be the easiest, why don't they have a problem but you have a problem?" Xu Huayi was originally about to let them leave after speaking, but he didn't expect Lin Yu to show an embarrassed expression at this time, so he said seriously.

First of all, my Husky has only been hatching for more than two months... I find it a little difficult to get it to the tipping point of evolution, and secondly, I can't say it, oh I may not believe it, Husky (ghost stone) is afraid of ghosts! I guess it doesn't even dare to enter a haunted house. "

What? don't tell me that you still rely on hatching to subdue ghost Pokémon!" Hearing Lin Yu's words, Xu Huayi looked at Lin Yu in shock and said: "It's really weird, there are a lot of them every year! You and your ghost stone are both wonderful! I really don't know how you raised a Pokémon, you can actually raise a ghost-type Pokémon that is afraid of ghosts!"

It is precisely for this reason that Lin Yu's ghost stone can basically say that the two requirements of evolution cannot be met now, and it is basically a fantasy to want to evolve. Unless you look at training to improve your strength, you can completely rely on your strong strength to break through the genetic lock and complete your evolution.

"Okay, okay, then you should strengthen your training! Try to reach the strength that can evolve as soon as possible!" Xu Huayi could only say helplessly: "Okay, you all go back first."

At this time, the already bored and panicked mini dragon heard that Xu Huazhi was disgusted with Ghost Stone, and immediately became interested, and immediately straightened up and began to scream proudly at Ghost Stone hiding in Lin Yu's shadow.

Originally, Ghost Stone was annoyed by the mini dragon and wanted to rush out of the shadow to beat the other party, but as soon as it stretched out its hand, it was reprimanded in a low voice by the Koga ninja frog who was in a stealth state on the side, and as a result, he could only continue to shrink back into Lin Yu's shadow and no longer have a chance to show off his power there.

Originally, the mini dragon was still a little scared when Ghost Stone just got angry, but after Koga Ninja Frog reprimanded, Ghost Stone could only obediently retract it. At this time, the mini dragon is more determined to follow the Koga ninja frog to learn hard, and only by learning the skills of the Koga ninja frog can it teach the ghost stone well.

At this time, the ghost stone actually thinks the same as the mini dragon, and it also wants to get stronger quickly, and he doesn't have to be so afraid of the Koga ninja frog when the time comes, and he must clean up the mini dragon when the time comes.

"Okay, you guys go back first!" At this time, Xu Huayi was also very helpless about Lin Yu's ghost, so he could only say to Lin Yu and them.

Just about to leave, Xu Huayi suddenly remembered something, and turned to Mu Gu and the three of them and said, "By the way, the three of you have adopted wrist strength, right! Have you trained well with Master Lin before?"

"Of course! My wrist strength is almost three-star strength! I believe it won't be long before I can reach three-star strength!" At this time, Mu Gu patted his chest and said confidently.

At this time, Yu Heng mockingly dismantled the stage for Mu Gu and said: "Uncle Lin adopted a wrist power by himself, and it only took a week to reach the three-star strength, you have not reached the three-star strength in a month, and now you still have the face to brag here

!" "You yourself are not much better, I remember that Uncle Lin's wrist strength was already stronger than your wrist strength when we came!" Mu Gu could only mumble when he heard Yu Heng's words.

"That's better than you!But then again, Lin Yu didn't your father hide a hand from us!Why did your father's wrist strength grow so fast!" Yu Heng said as he spoke, and suddenly turned to Lin Yu and complained.

"How do I know this? Obviously, you train with your father every day, how can you blame my dad for your own problems? With this kind of mood, you better think about what your problems are!" Lin Yu said angrily.

At this time, Mu Gu also said to Yu Heng: "Yes, you think everyone has good things to hide like you! And do you think that if Uncle Lin really has something to hide, how can your wrist strength reach the strength of the three stars so quickly!"

Xu Huazhi listened to them and plucked his ears impatiently, and then said seriously: "Okay! Don't make any noise yet! What I'm going to tell you now is very important, at the end of this year, I will ask Yuan Jiu to take you to participate in Haoli's martial arts competition, and the three of you, no matter who you are, will try your best to win the championship for me and let it evolve into a strange force

!" "Okay!" Mu Gu and the three of them immediately agreed after hearing Xu Huayi's serious voice.

"Okay, there's nothing else! You guys go back to clean the dormitory first! Rest early today, and gather here at seven o'clock tomorrow morning for an hour's morning exercise!" Xu Huayi originally wanted to say a few more words to them, but after thinking about it in the end, he felt that it didn't make sense, so he waved his hand at them and said.

Lin Yu and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief after Xu Huayi left, and then the three of them walked noisily in the direction of the school dormitory.

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