Lin Yu saw Fang Yuanhe waving to him and walked over, at this time he planned that although the entire conference room seemed to be arguing everywhere, they were arguing with a few people in a group. He could occasionally hear some of their arguments, and from these scattered things he could probably understand that what they said seemed to be related to the exchange and learning opportunities here.

At this time, Lin Yu, who felt that he was an internal personnel, walked more and more briskly, as if he was watching others desperately compete for nothing more than what he could reach, and greeted all the people who looked at him with a spring breeze.

Although Lin Yu's current behavior should be very chic in his own opinion, the first reaction of everyone who was greeted inexplicably after looking at him was [Who is he? Do I know him? What is he smiling? It can't be a fool!]

Lin Yu had just walked to Xu Hua's side, Fang Yuanhe suddenly stood up in front of Lin Yu, and then stretched out one hand and put it on Lin Yu's forehead, and the other hand on his forehead, feeling the difference between the temperature on Lin Yu's forehead and his own.

"Senior Fang, what are you doing!" Lin Yu slapped away Fang Yuanhe's hand on his forehead and said angrily.

"I just want to see if you have a fever and burn out your brain, I heard that brain damage seems to be contagious!" Fang Yuanhe said with a smile.

Hearing Fang Yuanhe's words, Lin Yu became even more angry, and immediately pointed at Fang Yuanhe's nose and scolded: "You just have a fever! Your whole family has a fever!" "

Okay! Lin Yu, find a place to sit down by yourself!" At this time, Lin Yu realized that Xu Hua, who was usually hippie and smiling, actually looked at the others who were still arguing not far away with a straight face at this time.

At this time, Lin Yu found out that they were basically members of the school team on their side, and the only boy with long front bangs with thick black-rimmed glasses that had covered his eyebrows seemed he had never seen at all, and this boy was different from the seriousness of the other school teams, he just kept writing down something in his notebook.

And at this time, Lin Yu suddenly found that although Fang Yuanhe was around Xu Huawei as always, Wu Vawu, who was usually like a conjoined baby with Fang Yuanhe, did not come. Curious, Lin Yu came to Fang Yuanhe's side and said, "Senior Fang, why didn't Senior Martial Arts come?" "

He doesn't have the qualifications to come!" Fang Yuanhe said with a smile.

Lin Yu looked at Fang Yuanhe with a look of disdain and said, "Then how are you qualified to come here? What are they doing?"

"What do you mean by what qualifications do I have! I'm also a special recruit member last year, okay!" Hearing Lin Yu's words, Fang Yuanhe slapped Lin Yu on the back and said.

At this time, the senior of another school team explained: "The people who come here are the top people of each college and each grade, although Wu Vawu is serious, he is still not among our group.

At this time, Lin Yu looked around again and said, "Ah? Then why didn't I see Senior Yuan Jiu and Senior Bai Qixi, didn't I say that Senior Bai Qixi was the most talented of all the team members?

"Yuan Jiu is indeed a genius, but it's a pity that he chose the path of a competitive trainer, and the training methods of competitive trainers can be said to be stronger than the alliance academy in all countries in the world, so this opportunity is almost a waste of time for him, although the captain has also informed him before. At this time, another senior glanced at Lin Yu and said.

"What about Senior Bai Qixi?" Lin Yu continued to ask, but the boy just shut up and stopped talking.

"His strength is enough, but no teacher in the school will agree to let him go to the Alliance Academy, and no teacher will dare to let him go to the Alliance Academy! The teachers can't change him in the school, in case he goes to the Alliance Academy and causes something bad, wouldn't it be a shame for the school!" After a long time, no one answered Lin Yu's question, and finally Xu Hua said seriously.

Looking at the abnormal Xu Huayi, Lin Yu curiously came to Fang

Yuanhe's side and asked in a low voice: "Senior, what's wrong with the captain?" "Hey! This time the captain was deprived of the opportunity to exchange and study! Those teachers are called the league academy's kicking team at any time, and the school needs a strong enough person to sit in charge, although it's not because the captain angrily scolded them for revenge during the summer vacation!" Fang Yuanhe also said for Xu Hua.

"Then what are those people doing?" Lin Yu said at this time, suddenly pointing at those who were arguing.

"They're competing for places! This exchange study is that each school can produce two people from each grade! But there are so many colleges in our school, and they all want to let their academy people go! So they quarreled!" Fang Yuanhe said indifferently.

"Huh? What about mine... Where's the quota?" At this time, he began to worry, at first he thought that they had a quota that could be allocated by themselves in the Battle Academy, but he didn't expect that there were only two places in one school now.

"You put your heart in your stomach! We have already grabbed a place in each grade of the Battle Academy, you are the first-year, and the second-year is me and that person," Fang Yuanhe said and pointed to the boy Lin Yu didn't know, and then he pointed to the other two boys and said, "The junior is one of these two seniors, and the senior is Mu Yang Shen."

"After you go to the League Academy, give me the first time to find a way to make your ghost stone evolve! When you come back from the exchange and study, we will start the first round of the college league the next day! You must know that your opponent is an old student from other schools!" At this time, Xu Huayi still said with a gloomy face.

"This... This one... Although my Huskie (Geng Ghost) just evolved this morning!heyhehehe!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"What!" At this time, Xu Huayi, who originally had an ice cube face, finally turned into a shocked look, and said to Lin Yu after a while: "Didn't you say yesterday that you couldn't evolve

?" Lin Yu scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "I don't know this, I just wanted to go to the haunted house this morning to try it, but I don't know why it met a mysterious Geng ghost in the haunted house, and then I don't know how it evolved. "

You said it earlier, you said it earlier, we called Yu Heng with us, isn't it a waste for you to go to the Alliance Academy now!" Fang Yuanhe said jokingly at this time.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly saw that Xu Changzhou was actually here, and he was still arguing with others with a group of people he didn't know. At this time, Fang Yuanhe saw Lin Yu's suddenly frozen expression, thinking that Lin Yu was angry because of his fear, and he didn't know if he should explain to Lin Yu for a while.

"Senior, is that person Xu Changzhou?" Just when Fang Yuanhe was nervous and didn't know what to do, Lin Yu pointed over there and suddenly said.

"It looks like a nurturing academy over there! It seems that this year there are indeed very talented new students. At this time, one of the juniors looked in the direction of Lin Yu's finger, puzzled for a while, and then said.

"Xu Changzhou, a genius cultivator of the Cultivation Academy, it is said that he obtained the Junior Cultivation Teacher Certificate at the age of seventeen! He is the person who is most likely to get this place in his freshman year this year!" The boy who had not spoken at this time suddenly spoke: "Isn't he a member of your school team

? Don't you know that he is a member of the Cultivation Academy?" "That's right, isn't he your good friend? Don't you know that he was admitted to the Cultivation Academy?" Fang Yuanhe also said to Lin Yu in the tone of that person.

Lin Yu also said helplessly: "How do I know this! I met him after I was eighteen years old, how will I know what certificate he got when he was seventeen years old! And he has been training his wrist strength during the summer vacation, I always thought that he was admitted to our Battle Academy!"

"Then you didn't read it when you registered yesterday?" Fang Yuanhe continued to question.

"Didn't you see that I didn't go to report with them yesterday, and then they joined the school team together, how would I know that this guy is different from the academy he is in!

"Who said that he was specially recruited by us? He is also the strongest Pokémon at the end of the Swan Cup, and he will not pass the three-star strength, even if we go to apply for the principal, we will not agree! Do you think the school is opened by our school team?" Fang Yuanhe also had nothing to say about Lin Yu's words

, Lin Yu defended again: "Then why did he directly assign the school team dormitory as soon as he entered the school?

"He told me during the summer vacation, and he said that he wanted to train with you then, so I went to Principal Kong and applied for a supernumerary place for him. At this time, Xu Hua said backwards.

"No, you don't know these things, how did he know?" At this time, Fang Yuanhe suddenly turned his head and looked at the boy who revealed Xu Changzhou's identity and said.

This is the art of war that has existed in our country since ancient times, and as a trainer, I actually want to be a general in ancient times, but I am just commanding soldiers and commanding Pokémon. So these are all in common!" The boy pushed his glasses behind the window glass and continued: "Now the people in the school who have a little strength have information in my notebook!"

"What about the liar! There are so many people in the whole school, do you know everything?" Fang Yuanhe said in disbelief, "I think you forgot to brush your teeth when you got up in the morning!

"Just ask!" Fang Yuanhe said unbelievingly.

"No need to ask, Xu Changzhou's information is indeed the same as what he said. Xu Huawei said in the information form that Xu Changzhou filled out when he joined the team.

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