Lin Yu, who had already left, didn't need to hear Zhao Yiwen and their later communication, in fact, now even Lin Yu didn't know that the nonsensical Bankiras could already super-evolve.

In fact, whether it is the super evolution of the nonsensical Bankilas or the super evolution of Liu Zhanmu's wonderful frog flower, it is actually not done by relying on the super evolution stones used by the trainer. What they have in common is that their super evolution stones and keystones are all finished products brought out of the secret realm, and that's right, Hu Tu's super evolution stone of Bankiras was also found by Hu Tu's grandfather from that huge secret realm.

This is a super evolution stone artificially created by the people of the secret realm by combining a power that can stimulate Pokémon to break the genetic lock, and this super evolution stone makes Pokémon super evolve not by peaceful bonds, but by the life energy of Pokémon and their own trainers.

That is, because this super evolution will consume the life energy of trainers and Pokémon, so in the end, the research of this artificial super evolution stone was banned by the Pokémon Alliance in the secret realm at that time and was strongly attacked, and finally the Mewtwo Riot began, and this technology finally disappeared into the history of the secret people.

It was also because the technology of this artificial super evolution stone had been lost, so when the group of black-robed people went to catch Lin Yu that day, they casually snatched Liu Zhanmu's pair of super evolution stones.

Lin Yu did see a few wooden houses after they entered the forest, but when they were about to confirm the address, they were told that the wooden house was already occupied, and looking at the address displayed on the communicator, someone had already applied for it, so please relocate it after ten steps.

"These are already the first few! Have all the cabins been robbed by someone else?" Hu Tu began to complain as he looked at the unlocatable message displayed on the communicator again.

"These wooden houses in normal locations must have been occupied! Now we must either go deeper into the woods, or we can start building wooden houses now! Maybe we can build them before it gets too dark

!" "You can build wooden houses? If you can build them, we won't have to look for them so hard!"

"When did I say that I would build a wooden house? I just said that it should be too late for us to build a small shed that can live in us! And just now Senior Sister said that if we have applied for a self-built house, the Alliance Academy will not provide tents, and we will have to choose the address within two days!" Lin Yu said helplessly: "Now we have wasted a day.

"Let's look inside! Maybe there's a deserted hut inside! If we build our own hut now... I don't think I might as well sleep in a tent!" Hu Tu complained helplessly.

At this time, Lin Yu could only helplessly say to Hu Tu: "You have to think clearly, if we still can't find a place to live after dark, we may have no place to sleep!" "

This..." At this time, Hu Tu also began to hesitate, after all, he had just found so many houses and had his own people, he couldn't be sure if there were still vacant ones.

Lin Yu saw Hu Tu's tangled expression, and at this time, he suddenly remembered that although they couldn't build a house, Hu Tu's Pokémon was a ground-based Bankiras, since it was a ground-based Pokémon, then it should be able to dig holes, even if it couldn't dig holes, a big guy like Bankiras, he should be able to dig a cave that could treat people with a few random gouging on the mountain wall.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu began to look around to see if this so-called dormitory island had a suitable mountain, in fact, this should not be a small island, but there was really a hill with a decent height at the end of the island.

Seeing Lin Yu looking left and right at what was this, Hu Tu asked suspiciously, "Lin Yu, what are you looking for

?" "Will your Bankiras dig holes?" Lin Yu said as he looked at the hill in the distance.

"Dig a hole?" said Hu Tu, puzzled.

"Okay, let's go over there and look for it!" Lin Yu said to Hu Tu, pointing to the hill over there.

"On the mountain, but didn't the guards say that there were still wild Pokémon on the mountain over there! I don't think there would have been anyone building a house before! Even if there were, I think it would probably be destroyed by those wild Pokémon when no one lives!" said Hu Tu, looking at the dense forest hill over there.

Although Lin Yu's own idea was to dig a cave to live in, if he said so, he felt that Hu Tu would also not be able to accept living in a cave, so he could only think of other explanations.

Lin Yu thought for a while and said, "That's right! What we are looking for are those houses that have been destroyed by wild Pokémon! Although those houses have been destroyed, at least some structures are still there! We just need to repair and repair them in the past! And don't we also have Pokémon?" "

Indeed! Although we can't build a house, we can repair the house according to the house built by others, it should be much simpler, where it is broken, we will block the forest with wood!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Hu Tu suddenly smiled and said.

When Lin Yu and the others arrived at the hill, it was already getting dark, and just as Lin Yu was about to propose that Hu Tu let Bankiras out and dig a cave, they saw Hu Tu suddenly run towards a lake. When Lin Yu chased after him, he saw a small wooden house that was not too dilapidated sitting there quietly.

Hu Tu pointed to the empty room and said excitedly to Lin Yu, who had just followed: "Lin Yu, you see that there is no one in there at this time, it should mean that this place should not be occupied by others!"

Let's see if we can locate here!" Lin Yu said embarrassedly.

At this time, Lin Yu couldn't believe how Hu Tu had just found this small cabin, he just wanted to trick Hu Tu when he said that before, but he didn't expect to find it now.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Hu Tu immediately took out his communicator and tried to locate here, but it really succeeded.

"Yes, Lin Yu, I succeeded! It seems that this is ours!" Hu Tu said with a smile after successfully locating it.

"Okay, then let's release all the Pokémon!" Lin Yu took out his Poké Ball and said to Hu Tu after ten steps away from the place where Hu Tu had just been located, and then took out his Poké Ball and said to Hu Tu: "Hurry up and clean up the inside, and repair the roof casually!"

Hu Tu heard Lin Yu's words and immediately released his three Pokémon, at this time a water leaping fish attracted Lin Yu's attention, he knew that Hu Tu had also registered the third Pokémon, but he never knew what Hu Tu's third Pokémon was, at first he always thought that Hu Tu's third Pokémon would be a quasi-god Pokémon.

Lin Yu squatted in front of the trembling water leaping fish and said to Hu Tu, "Is this your third Pokémon?"

"It's not! It's only been hatching for a little over a week now. Hu Tu rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you hurry up and clean up together?" "

Oh good, Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) and Haschi (Geng Ghost) let's go clean up first, and Sanqian (Hakron) You take this little guy to play in the nearby lake first." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"I've heard that your ghost Stone has evolved before, and now it finally seems that Geng Ghost is a ghost! Can he super evolve now?" Hu Tu said with a smile after seeing Geng Ghost coming out of Lin Yu's shadow.

"What are you thinking, is there a super evolution stone that can be super evolved! This takes time to cultivate bonds!" Lin Yu rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Hu Tu said with a smug smile: "Hehe, my eldest head (Bankiras) and I can already super-evolve!" Hearing Lin

Yu's words, Geng Ghost, who was hiding in the shadows to rest, reluctantly came out of the shadows and followed the Koga Ninja Frog into the house to clean up. I saw that Geng Ghost directly used his mental power to levitate more things that could be lifted in the room, and then the Koga Ninja Frog used a water gun to wash the entire room, and then used a water gun to clean the things that Geng Ghost had suspended with mental power.

"That's the end of it... Is there nothing wrong with me?" watched as Koga Ninja Frog and Geng Ghost divided the originally messy room by two.

"Who said that, you asked your Bankiras and Sharptooth Land Shark to find wood to repair the roof!" Lin Yu said angrily.

When Hu Tu heard Lin Yu's words, he immediately commanded the fanged land shark to use his chopping skills to chop trees and wood, and then began to repair the roof with the help of Bankiras's huge size. It didn't take long for the original dilapidated log cabin to be renovated, except for some wooden tables and wooden stools inside, which were a little tattered.

"I don't think these beds can sleep at all! Look at this foot of this bed and it's almost rotten!" Hu Tu said complaining as he looked at the tattered bed after entering the room.

"Hey, you're enough, you're not out on vacation, take away your young master's temper, don't be like a!" Lin Yu said angrily after hearing Hu Tu's words: "Won't you let your Banquiras move the flat stone back to be a bed?" "

But..."Hu Tu just wanted to say that the sleeping stone was too hard, but after seeing Lin Yu's angry expression, he didn't continue, and obediently went out to prepare for Bankiras to make a large stone slab that could be used as a bed.

Just when Hu Tu had just walked to the door, he suddenly heard Lin Yu shouting at him with a little anger, "Wait".

"That's... I'm going to get a slate..."Hu Tu turned around and said to Lin Yu cautiously.

"Get a piece for me, too. Lin Yu suddenly smiled awkwardly and said.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Hu Tu realized that Lin Yu was pretending to be angry just now, so he immediately ran back and tied Lin Yu's neck with his arm and said with a smile: "Good guy, you actually scared me! I thought you were really angry!"

"I don't know when you're going to do it! To be honest, it's just such a thing here, and it can never be compared with the outside!" Lin Yu said helplessly.

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