In fact, because of a little accident, Jesse and Lin Yu explained that they explained and explained that they were wrong, but Lin Yu still knew from her mouth that Hua Zixu's superpower talent should be considered top-notch in the superpower association.

After all, Lin Yu is not a person with superpowers, so he doesn't quite understand the talent of superpowers.

Because the superpowers and wave guide warriors that Lin Yu had seen before all directly possessed the ability to fight Pokémon, and even looked at Wu Xudong's teleportation process, which was completely more perfect than those superpower-based Pokémon.

And until now, Hanako Xu has a mental frequency in front of him, and the ability to feel other people's mood fluctuations is quite magical, but he knows that some non-superpowers can also achieve the same mental frequency when the bond power cultivated by his own Pokémon reaches a certain level. Therefore, he intuitively thinks that the talent of a superpowered person like Hua Zixu who only has auxiliary abilities is not as strong as the talent of a person like Wu Xudong who can use superpower-based Pokémon skills.

However, there is one thing that Lin Yu ignores is that Hua Zixu's spiritual frequency can almost be said to be mandatory, as long as the superpower-based Pokémon does not forcibly resist, she can communicate with the other party through the spiritual same frequency, and she can also feel Lin Yu's abnormal mood swings in the forest from the wooden house.

"You mean Hanako Xu's superpower talent is amazing! The person I saw at that time could use superpowers to directly kill Pokémon, and even use superpowers to squash the car with his bare hands!" Lin Yu said indifferently.

In Lin Yu, he can't forget that night when Wu Xudong used his ability to directly kill the pair of escort team in seconds, and Jia Deyang directly used his mental power to pinch the opponent's car and kill the other party by the way when he was being chased and killed, he still felt that talents like the current can be called talented.

"Our sister Hua is the superpower person with the highest superpower talent in the Asian branch of the Superpower Association in the past ten years!" Jesse said proudly at this time: "Where is the luckier kid of the Rheinstein family who can be compared!" "The Asian branch?in the past ten years

?is it really fake?" Lin Yu said suspiciously.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly remembered that age didn't seem to be much older than them, so at this time, he still had some guesses about Jesse's statement that the Asian branch had the highest talent in the past ten years.

"I seem to have passed by at least one person who is much more powerful than your sister Hua's superpowers, so do you think..."Lin Yu hesitated for a while and said, "Could it be that person is ten years older than me?" but I see that he is very old!" "How is it possible, who do you say that person is

!" Jesse said unconvinced.

At this time, Hua Zixu had already come to her senses, she also heard Lin Yu and they had just communicated, she wiped her tears and said to Lin Yu angrily: "Do you still have time to communicate with them now? It seems that you don't care so much about the safety of your senior!"

Just now, Lin Yu was a little overwhelmed by Hua Zixu's sudden emotional outburst, but after hearing Jesse's series of explanations, he was finally led astray by the other party's topic, if it weren't for Hua Zixu coming back to his senses at this time to remind him, he might really forget what he came to them for a short time.

Under Hua Zixu's reminder, Lin Yu finally remembered his original purpose for coming here, and then hurriedly said to Jesse and the others: "Then please contact the seniors you know on the sophomore dormitory island to help me find my senior." "

Actually, what Lin Yu said at this time was very sincere, but Jesse and the others were still a little hesitant, after all, if they really said what Lin Yu said to those seniors of theirs, they would be considered to have anti-alliance tendencies.

And if it is really according to what Lin Yu said just now, even there are masters in the Waveguide Association in that organization, no one can guarantee whether the other three associations also have masters who have joined that organization, and even if one of their seniors is a member of that organization, they may also enter the same situation as Lin Yu in the future, so they are also hesitant at this time.

"What he said may be true, you can help him contact him!His senior should still be on the run, but it's best to find out all the people in that organization!"

"But Sister Hua... If it's really like what he just said..."Christine said after a moment's struggle, "are we going to end up like them?"

"That's right, since Sister Hua said that there were masters of the Bird Association at that time, then I can't guarantee that there is that organization among the people we know, and when the time comes, they will know that we know their secrets... Won't we have to be like his senior then?" Jesse also explained to Hanazo Xu.

Hearing this, Lin Yu suddenly felt a little depressed, originally he thought that this was his last straw, but he didn't expect the result to be like this, but he also understood the approach of the girls, so he could only push out of the wooden house in a depressed mood.

"Thank you! excuse me!" Lin Yu said politely to a few people before leaving the wooden house.

After seeing Lin Yu quit in a depressed mood, Hu Tu was worried that something would happen to Lin Yu and hurriedly followed.

This time, things are the same as what Jesse and the others were afraid of, if he contacts the alliance, he may let himself be targeted by the other party immediately, and now that Fang Yuanhe's communicator has also dropped, he has no way to contact Fang Yuanhe again to ask the other party about the situation.

After Lin Yu came to the lake after leaving the wooden house, he sat in a daze, he was wondering if he was going to the sophomore dormitory island to see the situation, but according to Fang Yuanhe's words on the phone, that group of people was probably already eyeing him, and he might not be able to help in the past now, but would cause chaos to Fang Yuanhe.

Lin Yu just looked at his reflection in the lake blankly, and suddenly a stone smashed on the water in front of him and rippled in a circle, at this time Lin Yu looked at the nonsense of throwing stones behind him suspiciously.

"Lao Lin, you don't have to worry! It's a big deal, let's contact the temporary head teacher, she is not a member of the eighteenth family, maybe she will have a way!" Hu Tu also came to Lin Yu and sat down and said comfortingly.

"That's right!" When Lin Yu heard Hu Tu's words, he immediately took out his communicator and was about to contact Lin Xue.

But at this time, Hu Tu suddenly pressed Lin Yu's hand that was about to contact Lin Yu, and then he said to Lin Yu with a serious face: "You have to be clear, in fact, she is a member of the Eighteen Great Families, but she may also be as afraid of getting involved as they are!" Lin Yu looked at Hu Tu

helplessly and then said anxiously: "Then what do you say I should do!

"You can't talk to her like you did! Let's just say... Let's just say... Your senior asked for help when something happened to you!Yes, you just tell her that, don't say anything else!" Hu Tu thought for a while and then continued.

"Okay!" Lin Yu felt that there was some truth in what he said, so he hurriedly took out his communicator and contacted Lin Xue.

"Hey, that's... That one... Is it Teacher Lin?" Lin Yu stammered after the communicator was just connected.

[Huh, are you... Lin Yu?] Lin Xue's confused voice came from the other end of the communicator.

"Lin... Teacher Lin, one of my seniors just called me and said that he was hunted down, can you help me contact the sophomore dormitory island to help my senior?" Lin Yu finally spoke after hesitating for a moment.

At this time, Lin Xue, who was originally in a daze, was suddenly awakened by Lin Yu's words, and she said to Lin Yu in surprise [What did he come into contact with? What do you know?"

"I..." Just when Lin Yu didn't know how to explain, he saw Hu Tu on the side and said with his mouth

, "I don't know what the situation is, he said that he heard something terrible, and asked me to find someone to help, and he refused to tell me anything else."

Lin Yu probably understood Hu Tu's mouth shape, and then learned what Hu Tu had just said and said to Lin Xue: "I don't know the specifics, but I just called me and told me that he heard something terrible, and asked me to find someone to help, and he refused to tell me anything else." "

[Okay!I see!, don't worry, our Alliance Academy will try our best to help you find him!] Lin Xue said after listening.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Lin!, then I'll leave the matter of my senior to you!" Lin Yu said again.

Lin Xue didn't feel sleepy after hanging up Lin Yu's phone here, she picked up her communicator again and dialed a phone number, and immediately scolded the other end of the communicator angrily: "What are you doing on Academy Island? Why are you talking about those things on Academy Island at this time!" [What

? What the hell is Lin Xue talking about?] As soon as the communicator was picked up, Lin Xue was scolded and scolded a little overwhelmed, and finally defended [ Our people had already left the academy island before the exchange and study team came

!] At this time, Lin Xue was inexplicable, and she said suspiciously: "What did you say? Who is the person who is chasing and killing that exchange and study student now? Could it be that there are any other organizations within our alliance?" [What

! Lin Xue, you said that there is an organization that is chasing down the exchange and study students, and you also let others know?] The communicator said in surprise suddenly.

"Why are you so loud?" asked Lin Xue suspiciously.

[Now I'm telling you that no matter whether they are our people or not, we must catch them as soon as possible!I'm afraid they want to frame us! Those old guys in the alliance have long seen us unpleasantly!] The voice on the other end of the communicator began to hurry up [You now hurry up and contact all the people you know, you must control that kid, and you can't let the group of old guys in the alliance find him first! I'm afraid now that that group of old guys want to borrow the hands of outsiders to get rid of us!]

"Okay, then you guys should also hurry up and send someone who can erase the memory!" Lin Xue also immediately said to the other side.

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