Lin Yu followed Hua Zixu and them for more than an hour after chasing him, he began to regret it, at this time he finally knew that the physical fitness of the earthlings was incomparable with Hua Zixu, who had the blood of the people of the secret realm, and saw that the girls had been running in front for a long time, at most, the breathing sound was a little heavier, but looking at their footsteps was still powerful, and at this time Lin Yu's footsteps were empty.

If he hadn't been seen by Jesse's big mouth when he followed up before, he would definitely have given up and continued to follow them at this time. But at this time, the girls in front of him already knew that they were following them, and if he gave up at this time to let those girls know that his physical strength was not as good as theirs, he would feel ashamed. In the end, he looked at the last bit of dignity as a man, gritted his teeth and ran after them.

Lin Yu didn't know how long he had been following behind, and after Hua Zixu and the others stopped, he finally collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. Lin Yu, who fell to the ground and was desperately panting, could still see a pink figure in the corner of his eyes, and he was already surrounded by Hua Zixu and them.

At this time, the dumb beast that was surrounded by Hua Zixu and them also looked at the girls surrounding it with a frightened face, it never thought that these girls who didn't look very strong could actually run so well, at this time the dumb beast was so tired that it could only crawl on the ground and gasp.

At this time, the exhausted nerd beast would not be confident enough to go to Hua Zixu again and say that he would be subdued by her if he won the battle, just when it didn't know what to do, it suddenly saw a Poke Ball on Lin Yu's waist that fell to the ground, so it thought in its heart that it would be subdued again anyway, it was better to be subdued by this person with two powerful Pokémon.

So the dumb beast was ruthless in his heart, and directly rushed towards Lin Yu's poke ball that was exposed outside his waist with his mind hammer, at this time, Ma Mu Li, who was originally in front of Lin Yu, also seemed to feel the desperate feeling in the heart of the dumb beast, so he subconsciously dodged it.

Next, I saw Lin Yu, who was paralyzed on the ground, directly hit his waist by a thought hammer from the stupid beast and flew out. In the end, it didn't stop until it hit a tree.

The stupid beast standing in place saw that it was not included in the Poke Ball as expected, so it immediately looked at Lin Yu who was hit by himself and flew out sideways. If it weren't for the Koga Ninja Frog who relieved the impact behind Lin Yu at a critical moment, Lin Yu estimated that half his life might be lost at this time.

However, even if Lin Yu, who is an earthling, usually doesn't exercise much, and he is not lightly injured when he is hit by a stupid beast like this, and it is estimated that he will not be able to get out of bed if he does not lie in bed for two or three days.

"Lin Yu!" Seeing Lin Yu who was knocked out and bleeding from the corner of his mouth, Hua Zixu was also worried, and immediately ran to Lin Yu's side to see how Lin Yu's injuries were doing.

The other girls didn't have time to care about this stupid beast at this time, so they immediately took out the medicine in their backpack that could treat internal injuries and the Pokémon that could heal skills to treat Lin Yu.

At this time, after handing over the injured Lin Yu to Hanako Xu, the Koga Ninja Frog angrily rushed directly to the culprit Dumb Beast, although the Dumb Beast had already fought with the Koga Ninja Frog before, but it only thought that the other party could subdue itself with a sneak attack by relying on a little stronger than its own strength, but at this time, when the Dumb Beast saw the full momentum of the Koga Ninja Frog rushing over, it suddenly gave birth to a sense of powerlessness that the other party could not defeat from its heart.

You must know that even Koga Ninja Frog himself doesn't know that when he is full of momentum, its strength is already close to the strength of the Seven Stars, and it has not practiced in vain with strange power in the past two months, plus it has a lot of experience in its own training plan when it is studying Hakron's training plan, so the strength of Koga Ninja Frog this summer can almost be described as soaring.

This is also why when Geng Ghost just evolved and felt that he could defeat the Koga Ninja Frog, he went to provoke the Koga Ninja Frog and was beaten by Fat before he settled down. This is also the reason why Geng Ghost broke through to six-star strength after evolution, and still trains obediently.

In the face of the full momentum of the Koga Ninja Frog, the Dumb Beast didn't even have room to fight back, and was directly caught and beaten by the Koga Ninja Frog, at this time, Jesse and the others looked stupid, just now the Dumb Beast was obviously a very tricky opponent who even had an honor student like Hua Zixu and Hu Di entering the state of mental co-frequency, but in front of this Koga Ninja Frog, he didn't even have the balance to fight back.

At this time, the happiest thing is the Geng ghost.,It's the last Pokémon that was beaten by the Koga Ninja Frog.,I was very happy to see another Pokémon being beaten.,Now the object of this fat beating is still the object that I wanted to do before.,This makes it even happier.。

At this time, the Geng ghost had already come out of Lin Yu's shadow again, and he was "giggling" when he held his hands on his chest and watched it, but when he smiled and suddenly saw the eyes of the Koga Ninja Frog looking at it, it realized that something was wrong.

When the dumb beast crashed into Lin Yu with its mind mallet just now, it stands to reason that as Lin Yu's first bodyguard, not only did it not stop the other party at the first time, but also did not make a move after Lin Yu was knocked away, and had to be protected by Koga Ninja Frog himself.

You must know that if it was just said that Geng Ghost used his mental power to stabilize Lin Yu's body flying out, Lin Yu's injury would be a little lighter now, after all, although the Koga Ninja Frog cushioned Lin with something like a liquid ball, Lin Yu's back was still injured a second time at this time.

Geng Ghost, who knew that something was wrong, wanted to think about Lin Yu's shadow for the first time, but its speed was still too slow compared to the Koga Ninja Frog. The Koga Ninja Frog, which came first, appeared directly in front of it, and then a cloud of thunder and lightning energy converged on the palm of his hand and slapped Geng Ghost back directly.

"It's... Why can Koga Ninja Frog use electric skills? Isn't it a single water-type Pokémon?" Jesse said with a look of surprise when he saw this scene.

"It's... It should be an alternative technique for the combat skill Raiden Fist!" said Hanako Xu after a moment's hesitation.

"But... Sister Hua... Is it really possible for the Koga Ninja Frog to learn the Lightning Fist of the Electric Element, and is it really not harmful to itself if it uses the Thunderbolt Fist?" Kristen continued after a moment's hesitation.

"It's... I don't know... Logically speaking... The single water attribute Koga ninja frog should be said to be unable to learn the thunderbolt fist with its attribute back!" Hanako Xu thought for a while and said, "But just now... There is no explanation other than the alternative alternative use of Thunderbolt Fist. "

This Koga ninja frog is really perverted!" at this time, Ma Mu Li suddenly sighed.

"Indeed... It's hard for us to get tangled with that Geng ghost, but I didn't expect it to be as powerless in the hands of that Koga ninja frog as an adult beating a child. Jesse was also dumbfounded.

"No! that's not the most important thing! What I see in Geng's heart isn't fear, it's... A kind of respect!" said Ma Mu Li as he looked at the Geng Ghost who was fanned out and confronted the Koga Ninja Frog.

"Respect, Ma Mu Li, are you mistaken? That's a six-star strength Geng ghost, how do you say... It should be hundreds of years old!And that Koga ninja frog is his original Pokémon!" At this time, Jesse pointed at Lin Yu and said, "So that Koga ninja frog has only just hatched for half a year at most, how can that Geng ghost say respect to it?" "

No! That Geng is very young! Christine, you should feel it too!" Ma Mugu said and looked at Christine on the side.

At this time, Jesse also looked at Christine in surprise, if Lin Yu was awake now, he would tell them that the Geng ghost was the second Pokémon he hatched, but unfortunately now Lin Yu had already fainted in pain.

"Well, the waveguide energy it emits is young!, even—" Christine said, looking at Mamuli with an inquiring look.

Mamuli glanced at Christine and nodded, "You don't feel wrong! That Geng Ghost is at least younger in mental age than that Koga Ninja Frog, and I can even tell from its feelings about Koga Ninja Frog that it almost treats Koga Ninja Frog as the most respected big brother or father!"

Hearing this, both Jesse and Hua Zixu began to be a little surprised by the strength of that Geng ghost, you must know that Geng Ghost, a ghost-based Pokémon, is not equal in strength and age, and there is even a saying that a ghost-based Pokémon can protect a family for a lifetime if it is raised well, and Lin Yu, this Geng Ghost, is actually a Geng Ghost who is too young to be younger, that is, at least the Lin family will definitely develop from Lin Yu's generation.

At this time, the Geng ghost who was confronting the Koga Ninja Frog on the other side finally gave up and continued the confrontation, and it made up its mind that instead of being beaten in vain, it was better to let go at this time, at least before it was beaten down, it would also hit the Koga Ninja Frog a few times to make it hurt for a while.

Thinking of this, Geng Ghost immediately used the thunderbolt fist that he had just learned from Haoli during the summer vacation to deal with the Koga ninja frog. I saw that Geng Ghost lit up with thunder light in one hand, and black light in the other, and rushed directly towards the Koga Ninja Frog standing on the ground.

The Koga Ninja Frog was originally angry, and Geng Ghost just knew that he didn't know how to face it, but at this time, when he saw that the other party finally killed him with a thunderbolt fist and a shadow claw in the other, the corners of its mouth rose slightly, and now Geng Ghost was finally willing to face the challenge.

Koga Ninja Frog looked at the Geng Ghost who was rushing towards him, first flew out four Flying Water Shuriken at the other party, and then its hand also lit up with white light and rushed towards the Geng Ghost.

After the Geng Ghost in the air nimbly dodged Koga Ninja Frog's flying water shuriken, Koga Ninja Frog had already rushed in front of it, and Geng Ghost quickly swung Shadow Claw and Thunderbolt Fist at the other party.

Although this is the summer vacation, Geng Ghost has also learned some melee skills with monsters, but its melee skills are not enough in front of Koga Ninja Frog.

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