Hua Zixu picked up the communicator skillfully and quickly in front of Lin Yu again, and after operating it again, he looked at Lin Yu with an inquiring look, as if asking [Lin Yu, have you learned?].

This directly made Lin Yu stupid, just now Hua Zixu operated on the communicator, to say the least, there were hundreds of continuous clicks on the screen, but she only hung up for less than ten minutes.

Lin Yu, who was not very familiar with some operations on the communicator, now saw Hua Zixu's bells and whistles. No matter how smart Lin Yu is, it is impossible to learn all the bells and whistles of Hua Zixu without explanation.

Lin Yu looked back at Hua Zixu with a blank gaze, and after probably understanding the meaning of Hua Zixu's eyes, Lin Yu directly said in an incredulous tone: "What do you think... Shouldn't you just be able to explain it a little bit?

"Okay!" Hua Zixu nodded and said helplessly.

After Hua Zixu finished speaking, he directly began to prepare to operate again, and at this time, Lin Yu suddenly shouted to Hua Zixu: "Wait! Does this communicator have a video recording function?"

After Hua Zixu finished speaking, he glanced at Lin Yu like an idiot, and then said again: "What do you want to do?"

"That... Can you teach me how to use the video recording function first?" Lin Yu was a little embarrassed and took his communicator and smiled at Hua Zixu and said, "I want to record your operation and take it back to learn slowly when the time comes!"

After Hua Zixu glanced at Lin Yu, he directly took the communicator in the other party's hand, and directly clicked a button on his communicator, and then the communicator directly entered the video mode.

"I wouldn't have agreed to teach you if I knew you were so troublesome!" Hua Zixu returned the communicator with the video recording function back to Lin Yu, and said to Lin Yu angrily: "It's okay now!"

Lin Yu nodded embarrassedly after taking his communicator, and after seeing Lin Yu nodding, Hua Zixu immediately began to explain while operating again.

In this way, Hua Zixu taught for about an hour, and finally ended the 'recording of the teaching video' amid Lin Yu's continuous inquiry. After this time, Hua Zixu didn't watch Lin Yuxue like last time, but put away his communicator and left without heading.

"Oh, that's... Can you give me the manual before I leave?" When Hua Zixu was about to walk into the wooden house, Lin Yu realized that Hua Zixu had already left, so he immediately shouted to Hua Zixu who had just walked into the wooden house.

"Oh!" came Hanako's impatient voice from the wooden house.

After Hua Zixu returned to the wooden house, Christine and the others all looked at Hua Zixu who was in a bad mood at this time with a puzzled expression, they didn't expect that Hua Zixu would really be so patient to teach Lin Yu how to use the communicator just now.

"That's... Sister Hua, are you okay? Jesse asked cautiously and tentatively to Hanako-xu.

"It's nothing, did you hear Lin Yu's words just now?" Hua Zixu said directly after glancing at Jesse.

"Uh, I heard, what's wrong?".

"Okay, then the communicator is the manual, you go find it for him!" Hua Zixu directly dropped this sentence angrily and went directly past them to collect his luggage.

After hearing Hua Zixu's words, Jesse was very helpless and said to the slightly irritable Hua Zixu: "What instruction manual? Why me?" "What do you think!" Hua Zixu didn't look back and said directly to Jesse angrily: "I really don't know what medicine you took after coming back from the water, how did you treat that kid so well? Wasn't you the most uneasy to deal with him before?" "This..." Jesse didn't know what


say all of a sudden.

"That's right, why did you catch an ugly fish and come back, you seem to have a crush on someone. At this time, Christine also complained: "You don't really like people, do you! But then again, I don't know if it's because he helped us catch so many ugly fish, I feel that he is actually quite attractive now." "

Hey, Christine, you're not going to be a nymphomaniac, are you!" At this time, Ma Mu Li rolled her eyes at Christine and said, "We're talking about Jesse now!"

"This... When I was attacked by Menas in the water, it was its Koga Ninja Frog that saved me, so I thought... He didn't save me, but I think he sent that Koga ninja frog too! Jesse hesitated for a moment before finally speaking.

"That's it..."At this time, Hua Zixu finally turned around and said suspiciously.

"That's it, or else?" Jesse said, nodding.

Hua Zixu nodded and continued: "Okay! But you still have to find that manual, who told you to repay the favor to others! This is your chance!" It

didn't take long for Hua Zixu and the others to finally pack their luggage and prepare to leave, originally Lin Yu also planned to go back to the accommodation area with them to wait for the meeting, but just when he was about to leave together, he found that Haklong's Poké Ball was empty.

It turned out that because of the Koga ninja frogs in the past few days, they have all focused on the unconscious Lin Yu, and Haklong, who has been unsupervised, finally went crazy this time, and after Lin Yu asked, he found that even Hua Zixu and they hadn't seen Haklong for a few days.

So Lin Yu could only give up the idea of going back to the accommodation area with Hua Zixu and the others. In the accommodation area at this time, because they received an urgent notice to end the exchange and study in advance, Chen Hai, who had already left the island, had already returned to the island one after another. This also gives the exchange and learning team, which was originally on the defensive, the right to attack.

But this time it's a bitter mess, because Hu Tu's first impression of Chen Hai was not very good, so when Chen Hai just came back, he targeted the other party everywhere, but now Chen Hai is basically a boss-level existence in the accommodation area, and he is still just a small boss with decent strength.

"Hu Tu! You better hurry up and go to Chen Hai to apologize! Or you can get Lin Yu back! You tell the truth, if I didn't know that you are Lin Yu's friend, the wooden house you built by everyone would not belong to you a long time ago!"

"I want to too!" At this time, Hu Tu also said helplessly: "I contacted Chen Hai when he just came back before, but at that time he was attacked by a wild Pokémon and fell unconscious!"

"What! coma, then why don't you go and pick him up?" When Zhao Yiwen heard the news that Lin Yu was in a coma, he also jumped, and immediately said to Hu Tu nervously again: "Take him back, at least there are people here to take care of him! Leave him in the wild, aren't you afraid that he will have an accident?" "

This... It's not like no one is taking care of him, and it's a group of beautiful women taking care of him!" Hu Tu said after hesitating for a while.

"Beauty, where did you come from?" Zhao Yiwen was also stunned by the nonsense, and then spoke again: "But no matter who it is, they are also going to come back! And why didn't you call him back in the first place? If you called him back from the beginning, he wouldn't have attacked in the wild Pokémon!"

"Hey! This is a long story! But I won't tell you it's for your own good! If you want to know about this matter... When Lin Yu comes back, you can ask him yourself!" Hu Tu hesitated for a moment and then sighed and said.

"What are you hiding from us? Can't you tell us what the reason is at this time?" Zhao Yiwen said to Hu Tu almost with a roar.

"I can't tell you what's going on right now, anyway, but... For the sake of taking care of me these days, I will tell you what happened when I go back!As long as you are not afraid of death!" Hu Tu finally ignored Zhao Yiwen after saying such a sentence, and closed the door directly after pushing him out of the house.

At this time, Zhao Yiwen, who originally wanted to say a few more words, was also frightened by Hu Tu's last sentence [As long as you are not afraid of death], and he finally came back to his senses until Hu Tu closed the door, but at this time he wanted to say something to Hu Tu in the house, but in the end, he opened his mouth and said nothing, so he could only shake his head and leave helplessly.

At this time, Hu Tu, who was in the house, picked up his communicator again and prepared to contact Lin Yu, in fact, he was still very worried about Lin Yu's condition at this time. After dialing Lin Yu's communicator, Hu Tu began to wait anxiously, for fear that bad news would come from there.

After a long wait, Lin Yu's voice finally came out from the other end of the communicator [Hey

, Hu Tu, what's wrong, is the boat coming?] "Lin Yu?" When he heard that the voice of Hua Zixu and Lin Yu came out of the communicator this time, Hu Tu didn't listen carefully to what Lin Yu said, but said excitedly: "Great, Lin Yu, you're fine, it's really good!" [

I was just in a coma for a while, what's wrong?] Is there anything you want me to do?Are you already ready to go back?]

"Ah? No, not yet! Now the ships of the alliance are really picking up those drifting seniors on various islands, and it is estimated that it will take about a week!" Hu Tu paused and calculated the time, and then said to Lin Yu: "If you count the days... There are probably two or three days left

!" [That's good!]

"But I think you should come back as soon as possible!" Because the matter of Fang Yuanhe was very stiff on both sides, even if the Alliance Academy had come out to clarify it recently, it didn't seem to have eased up. Hu Tu hesitated for a moment and said.

"Ah, I see.

In fact, these Lin Yu had already guessed that things would be like this, the people on both sides might start the struggle because of some trivial things, but who would care about the fight because of what everyone started in the future, everyone only cared about whether their side lost the momentum, or whether their side won the battle in the end.

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