In fact, at this time, the frightened Hippopotamus King didn't hear what Lin Yu said clearly, it only knew that Lin Yu seemed to call his name just now, and the Hippopotamus King, who was afraid of being scolded or even angered by Lin, immediately pretended to be playing with ants more seriously.

At this time, the Hippo King kept saying to himself in his heart, "I'm playing with ants, I'm playing with ants, I didn't do anything."

But the Hippopotamus King may not have noticed it himself, and after Lin Yu called its name, its already stiff movements of pretending to play with ants became even more stiff. Seeing the Hippo King's move, Lin Yu instantly felt speechless, where is the temperament of the so-called king Pokémon, he is simply a coward.

"Donkey gets water (Hippopotamus King), did you just say that you want to learn from Sasuke's (Koga Ninja Frog) stealth and water body?" Lin Yu came to the nervous Hippopotamus King who was pretending to play with ants and asked again.

This time, the Hippo King actually heard what Lin Yu said clearly, but as a person who had already misunderstood, he thought that Lin Yu was here to educate himself, so he hurriedly shook his head at Lin Yu frantically and said that he didn't want to, it was all Geng Ghost "framing" himself.

At this time, Lin Yu couldn't understand the sentence behind the Hippo King [Geng Ghost "framed" himself], but Geng Ghost on the side understood it. Geng Ghost didn't expect that he would be kind enough to come over and translate for it, but it still framed himself and said that he wanted to harm it.

Geng Ghost stared at the hippopotamus king who was still shaking his head and saying that he had framed it with an unbelievable look, at this time Geng Ghost really wanted to rush directly and tear the other party's mouth apart, but it was a little incomprehensible that it had framed it?

Then Geng Ghost suddenly thought about being forced by the Koga Ninja Frog to learn the stealthy Hakron every day, and looking at Hakron's appearance, it was obvious that he was also very serious about learning, but it seemed that after learning for so long, at most, he used that white mist to create an illusion-like thing that Lin Yu called a "mirage".

Lin Yu actually couldn't understand the last sentence of the Hippo King [Geng Ghost "framed" himself], but he could still understand that the Hippo King's shaking of his head meant that Geng Ghost had translated incorrectly just now.

"Don't you really want to learn that stealth skill?" Lin Yu said to the Hippo King suspiciously.

At this time, the Hippo King immediately nodded frantically to Lin Yu, saying that he really didn't want to learn, and he just wanted to play with ants just now.

"But even if you don't want to learn it, I have to learn this skill with Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog)!" Lin Yu said to the Hippo King with some seriousness: "Now even the three thousand questions (Hakron), a Pokémon that is not a water system, are learning, and you must learn it too!"

At this time, after hearing Lin Yu's words, the Hippo King was stunned, it really didn't know if Lin Yu was testing himself or really wanted to let the Koga Ninja Frog teach him when he said this, so although it was very happy at first, it was still surprised in front of Lin Yu, and it could even be said that it also showed a kind of frightened makeup.

"Okay, when Sasuke (Koga Ninja) comes back, you can go and learn from it!" Lin Yu patted the "little crown" on the head of the Hippopotamus King, and after smiling, he walked back and sat down to continue studying the communicator.

At this time, I didn't know if what Lin Yu said just now was true or false, and the Hippopotamus King really wanted to ask Geng Ghost, but this time when it just ran to Geng Ghost who was playing with ants, Geng Ghost was angry and directly kicked the Hippo King away with a flattering smile.

At this time, the Hippopotamus King was also very good-tempered, after all, he had a question to ask Geng Ghost, so even if he was kicked in his "handsome" face by Geng Ghost just now, he was not a little angry and smiled brighter and ran to Geng Ghost's side again to offer courtesy.

At this time, as the Geng ghost who had just been pitted by the hippopotamus king, it would not be so easy to forgive the other party, it kicked the other party away a few times, and the other party actually licked his face to find him, Geng Ghost felt that the other party must have some bad ideas in his heart, and it was better to stay away from the other party, so Geng Ghost flew directly to the tree and pulled away from the other party.

At this time, the Hippopotamus King could only helplessly lower his head and return to the lake in frustration and wait for the Koga Ninja Frog to bring Haklong back, and he could only ask Hakron. Let it ask the Koga Ninja Frog It is still a little weak-hearted, after all, it thinks that it is the Koga Ninja Frog's trick, and it should not be easily handed over to others, plus the Koga Ninja Frog is now the kind that Huang looks more powerful than himself.

Just when the Hippopotamus King came to the lake with this thought, the Koga ninja frog broke through the water and startled it. When he saw that it was the Koga ninja frog that broke through the water, the hippopotamus king, who had planned to give a little color to the things that scared him, suddenly lost his temper. It quickly focused on looking under the lake.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog)?" Lin Yu, who heard the sound of breaking water, was also stunned when he saw Koga Ninja Frog, and then said suspiciously: "So fast." What about Sanqian (Hackdragon)?"

Koga Ninja Frog shook his head, and then said that he hadn't found Hackdragon yet, but he had already mobilized all the Pokémon in this lake to find Hackdragon.

Lin Yu also felt that it was indeed good after learning about the method of the Koga Ninja Frog, so he nodded to the Koga Ninja Frog, and then during the time when Lin Yu was about to let the Koga Ninja Frog wait for the Pokémon in the lake to find the Hakron, he first went to teach the use of the three states of the hippopotamus king water and the method of using the mirage to stealth.

However, Lin Yu had not yet opened his mouth to the Hippo King, and after the Hippo King learned that his "most loyal little brother" Haklong had not been found, he jumped directly into the lake and prepared to find it himself.

As a result, Lin Yu had just stretched out his hand to point in the direction of the Hippo King, and saw the Hippo King jumping into the lake with a thud, which frightened Lin Yu, and he didn't know what the situation was with the Hippo King, just like a person who had nothing to love and committed suicide by jumping into the lake, but the Hippo King was a water-based Pokémon and should not drown.

"Huskie (Geng Ghost) You just bullied it?" Lin Yu asked suspiciously, looking at the Geng Ghost who was still on the tree.

After seeing the Hippopotamus King "jumping into the lake", Lin Yu's first thought was whether the Hippopotamus King was bullied, but since only Geng Ghost was on the shore just now, it was definitely not Geng Ghost who bullied it, then only Geng Ghost, but at this time, Lin Yu found that Geng Ghost, who was supposed to be playing with ants on the side, was actually in the tree at this time.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Geng Ghost also felt that he had been greatly wronged, and he was kind enough to be a translator for others just now, but people directly came to beat him up and said that he framed it, but you are the one who said that he wanted to learn from Jiahe Ninja Frog and your stealth and clone. Now it's better to pretend to commit suicide by jumping into the lake to frame yourself, but you also have to think that you are a water-type Pokémon.

The aggrieved Geng ghost immediately came down from the tree and explained to Lin Yu that he really didn't bully the other party, he was all trying to frame himself.

Lin Yu was even more puzzled at this time, and he thought to himself, "Since everything is fine, why did the Hippopotamus King jump into the lake? Could it be that it is because I asked it to follow Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) to learn water control and be tired just now, so it is running now?" "Hey, Sasuke (Koga

Ninja Frog), you better go into the water again to see what the Hippo King is doing! I'm afraid that a Pokémon will have an accident down there." Lin Yu said so, but what he thought in his heart was that he wouldn't run away by himself at that time.

The Koga Ninja Frog couldn't see what Lin Yu was thinking, and this time it didn't stop long, and went directly into the water to chase the "escaped" hippopotamus king.

After that, Lin Yu didn't know how long the Koga Ninja Frog had been in the water, he just studied the communicator and studied it, and suddenly felt that the sky was a little dark, and at this time he remembered that he didn't seem to have eaten a mouthful of food since he left from Hua Zixu and the others.

When Lin Yu reacted, he suddenly heard a grinding sound on the side, and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see that Geng Ghost was holding a bag of snacks on the side at this time, eating happily, and seeing that there were still a lot of snack bags on the ground next to him, it seemed that he should have eaten for a lot of time.

Geng Ghost is also bored, after playing with ants for an afternoon, he also feels bored, after feeling hungry, he directly enters the different dimension and takes out those snacks that Lin Yu bought before to eat, if he doesn't eat it, he is scared when he eats, these things are quite delicious. But Geng Ghost forgets that he doesn't have a stomach, so he doesn't feel full no matter how many snacks he eats. As a result, it did not feel that it was full, so it continued to eat.

"Hasqi (Geng Ghost) What are you doing!" Lin Yu, who saw that Geng Ghost was still eating, immediately shouted to Geng Ghost: "You loser, you are a ghost-type Pokémon, your food is not these!".

Geng Ghost was also stunned when Lin Yu suddenly called his name, at first he thought that it was a Pokémon of his own, and he was angry at not giving Lin Yu, as a trainer, something to eat, so Geng Ghost immediately took out a bag of snacks from his dimensional space that he thought tasted good and sent it to Lin Yu.

"Hey, I mean... These things are not your food, they are Sasuke's (Koga Ninja Frog) their food and mine!" Lin Yu couldn't help but laugh when he saw Geng Ghost's action, so he spoke again.

Now that Geng Ghost is gone, why don't you deserve to eat just because you are a ghost-type Pokémon? Geng Ghost angrily waved the bag of snacks in his hand and pointed at his stomach, indicating that why didn't he give me such a delicious thing? I'm hungry.

"It's not that I don't give it to you! It's okay for you to eat, but this is not your food, so you won't be full as much as you eat!" Lin Yu immediately understood that Geng Ghost would be wrong, so he explained: "It's okay for you to eat a little once in a while, but look at you, how much did you eat just now? These are enough for Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) and me to eat for a day! But are you full after eating?"

Geng Ghost thought about it, it really seemed that the Koga ninja frog didn't eat that much, and it really didn't feel full, but it at least felt that it wasn't hungry, so it still looked at Lin Yu with a suspicious look.

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