Hippopotamus King: Although it did want to find a partner before joining Lin Yu's team, after entering Lin Yu's team, it looked at the cold Koga Ninja Frog and the Geng Ghost who usually saw the dragon, and didn't know how to communicate with them for a while, until it found Hakron, and it felt that the best contact it should be Haklong.

At first, the Hippo King felt that Hackron wanted to ask him to help teach Geng Ghost so much because Geng Ghost usually bullied it, and whether it was a wild ghost Pokémon or a tamed ghost Pokémon, it was that kind of naughty type, so Hippo King naturally thought that Lin Yu's Geng Ghost was so young and strong, and it must be more naughty than other ghost Pokémon.

As a result, the Hippo King didn't expect that when he attacked the other party first, Geng Ghost actually treated himself after defeating himself, and looking at the serious eyes that it treated himself, the Hippo King almost thought that the other party was another Pokémon dressed as Geng Ghost. Compared to that kind of serious eyes, no matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like a playful ghost-type Pokémon should have.

Geng Ghost, who was still seriously bandaging the Hippopotamus King, suddenly felt as if he heard a sobbing sound, and then looked up at the sound and saw that at this time the Hippo King was looking at himself with tears and hazy eyes, at first Geng Ghost thought that the Hippo King would not be able to accept the cry of defeat because he was defeated by himself, so he smiled awkwardly and then wanted to comfort the other party and said something like "Failure is the mother of success", "Victory and defeat are common things in soldiers".

Geng Ghost had just put down his hand and bandaged the Hippopotamus King and stood up to comfort the other party, but the Hippopotamus King threw himself directly into Geng Ghost's arms and cried excitedly.

As soon as he heard the cry of the hippo king, Geng Ghost was directly frightened, and he pushed the hippo king away, jumped backwards directly, and pulled away from the hippo king. Soon Lin Yu and Koga Ninja Frog, who heard the cry of the Hippo King, also came over, and Lin Yu, who didn't know what the situation was, could only ask Koga Ninja Frog to go to Geng Ghost first to understand the situation.

"Donkey gets water (King Hippo): What's wrong with you? Did Geng Ghost do to you just now? Lin Yu came to the Hippo King's side, gently stroked the Hippo King's back, and asked gently.

Although the Hippo King was also subdued by the trainer before, although the trainer was okay with the Hippo King, it had never healed itself like Geng, so in those days it learned to heal fluctuations by itself, and even learned to mirror reflection, but even if it worked very hard to make itself better, in the end it was abandoned again because it couldn't evolve.

At this time, after it saw Geng Ghost patiently bandaging itself, it was already very moved, so it immediately wiped away its tears, and then shook its head at Lin Yu, saying that it was not Geng Ghost's reason. At this time, the Hippopotamus King finally made up his mind to stay by Lin Yu's side, and he didn't want to return to the lonely state it had before.

Finally, under the translation of the Koga Ninja Frog, Lin Yu understood that the Hippo King was moved to cry by the careful care of the Geng Ghost just now, and after learning about the cause and effect, it made the Geng Ghost who thought that the Hippo King was going to frame him a little embarrassed, and he didn't know if it was embarrassed because he was embarrassed to spend the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain or because he was suddenly praised.

Next, after Koga Ninja Frog learned that this one was picked up by Haklong who was hiding on the side, it carried Haklong to the side again to educate for a night, Koga Ninja Frog couldn't have imagined that Geng Ghost and Haklong were obviously brought up by themselves, but how could the personalities of the two Pokémon be so big.

Geng Ghost, who was supposed to be naughty, was serious at some times, although sometimes he didn't seem to be very calm, but he never made trouble because he was naughty. And Hakron, who was supposed to be gentle and easy-going, would be so naughty, so he actually wanted to find other Pokémon to deal with Geng because of a trivial matter.

You must know that even when Geng Ghost and Hackron fight, Geng Ghost lets it go every time, and it can even be said that in order to give the other party a little motivation to train, the battle that can be easily won usually has to be attacked by Hack Dragon a few times before winning the opponent.

This time, Koga Ninja Frog's education of Haklong was directly in the middle of the night, and it was not until Haklong was almost drowsy that Koga Ninja Frog was finally willing to let Haklong go back to sleep.

After getting up the next day, Lin Yu glanced at the Haklong who was still sleeping and the Hippopotamus King who was wearing bandages on the side, and then went out to see the Koga Ninja Frog and Geng Ghost who were training on their own outside, and when Lin Yu walked to the door, he suddenly remembered that it seemed that the Hippopotamus King also needed training.

Lin Yu suddenly turned back to the Hippopotamus King and said, "By the way, donkey gets water (Hippopotamus King), shouldn't you also go and train with Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog)?" Didn't I let you and Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) learn water control before? "

The Hippo King was a little embarrassed at this time, after all, he didn't ask yesterday whether the doppelganger and stealth of the Koga Ninja Frog were the exclusive skills of the Koga Ninja Frog, and he didn't dare to ask, so he didn't go to training with him. At this time, when he heard Lin Yu's words, he didn't know how to explain it, so he could only pull the bandages on his body to show that he was still injured.

Lin Yu looked at the embarrassed expression of the Hippo King, thinking that the Hippo King was used to being free before, and he had just joined the team and was not quite adapted to the rhythm of daily training, so he said to the Hippo King: "We said before, if you want to be with us, you have to be obedient!" Let's go, it's not too early, go see how Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) is training.

Lin Yu patted the hippopotamus king's head and prepared to leave, and when he walked to the door, he suddenly turned to the hippo king and said, "By the way, bring the three thousand questions (Hakron) with you!" It's also really a lazy sleep every day. By

the time Lin Yu came out with the Hippo King and Hakron, the morning exercise of Koga Ninja Frog and Geng Ghost had already ended, and I saw that Geng Ghost was squatting by the lake at this time, eating snacks while watching the Pokémon in the water grab the little food it had dropped.

"Huskie: What are you doing? Finished training today? Why do you snack just in the morning? Lin Yu said to Geng Ghost, who was constantly playing with the Pokémon in the lake.

As soon as Geng Ghost heard Lin Yu's words, he immediately hid the half-eaten snack directly behind him, and then gestured to Lin Yu and said that this was the Koga Ninja Frog that it was allowed to eat in the morning obediently trained, and Lin Yu himself said that as long as the Koga Ninja Frog agreed, it might be eaten.

At this time, the Koga ninja frog reacted, and when he got up this morning, no wonder Geng Ghost has been training in front of him, it turned out that he was waiting for him here. The Koga Ninja Frog didn't know the situation at the time, but it seemed that it was a bit hard to see the Geng Ghost training, and then after it finished training, it said that it was hungry and wanted something to eat, so of course the Koga Ninja Frog agreed.

Hearing that Lin Yu was not only full of black lines on Lin Yu's head, but even the Koga Ninja Frog was also full of black lines, and he was also calculated by the other party in a row. Lin Yu didn't know what to say about Geng Ghost, blame it... At least it's training harder than the Koga Ninja Frog today, and if you blame it, it will be a bit of a damper on its enthusiasm for training; But don't blame it... Lin Yu felt that he was being calculated by a Pokémon again.

In the end, after Lin Yu weighed the pros and cons, he could only say helplessly to Geng Ghost: "Okay, as long as you can train as diligently as you do today in the future, I allow you to eat a pack of snacks in advance when you are hungry at the end of training in the morning, but you must make Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) feel that you are diligent enough!"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Geng Ghost immediately smiled and nodded, then took out the bag of snacks again and began to eat happily.

"That's it! Don't eat it! Lin Yu felt a little unhappy when he saw Geng Ghost's smug expression, so he said to Geng Ghost angrily: "We are going back today, you go and put our things back into your dimensional space." Hearing

Lin Yu's words, Geng Ghost's originally triumphant face froze suddenly, it felt that Lin Yu must be targeting itself at this time, but it couldn't find evidence, and then Geng Ghost reluctantly put away the half-eaten snack bag and went to the wooden house to take back all the things he brought before to the dimensional space.

I have to say that the dimensional space of Geng Ghost is simply a must-have for home travel, and it didn't take long for it to go back and pack up all the things that they needed to organize for a few hours like Hua Zixu. Anyway, Geng Ghost just threw all his brains into his dimensional space, and he didn't have to think about saving space so much, how to pack and hold it conveniently.

"It's pretty fast!" After seeing Geng Ghost put everything into the dimensional space, Lin Yu smiled and said to Geng Ghost: "As the hard work you just worked for, I think I will add an extra bag of snacks to you today!" And you don't need to finish training, you can eat whenever you want. Originally

, when he heard Lin Yu say to add snacks to himself, he suddenly threw the unhappy one out of the clouds, and immediately happily took out the previous bag of snacks and began to eat them, during which he did not forget to happily divide Haklong and Hippo King a little.

Since the last time Geng Ghost treated the Hippo King, Geng Ghost has almost become a very important partner in the Hippo King's heart, so at this time, it is also very willing to show favor to Geng Ghost, and Geng Ghost is slowly no longer as cold to it as before after the other party shows goodwill.

"By the way, Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) will have to supervise the training of Donkey Deshui (Hippo King) next! By the way, you can also teach it how to use that water molecule! Lin Yu watched the Geng ghost and the hippo king frolicking for a while, and then suddenly said to the Koga ninja frog.

The Hippopotamus King, who was playing with Geng Ghost, suddenly heard Lin Yu mention his name, and it instantly stopped and continued to frolic and nervously watched the changes in the Koga Ninja Frog at this time.

"Donkey gets water (Hippo King), you have to listen to Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) in your training in the future! Although you are older than him, you have to listen to Sasuke's arrangement! Lin Yu immediately said to the Hippopotamus King after seeing the Hippopotamus King who was watching here.

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