"It seems that we still have a lot of opponents this time, since you have dueled against them, can you analyze and analyze how to deal with us when we meet the third middle school and the first middle school?" Wu Yi, as the captain of the current school team, took the lead in standing up and said to Lin Yu.

"According to my estimate, Xu Changzhou of the third middle school should let those who participate in the team battle, his Pyras attack is not enough but the ability to create opportunities is very strong, you need to be careful of Pyras's three fans and one incense battle! And I personally feel that he should not be suitable for the team competition, he is too strong! There is no point in participating in the team competition, if I face him, I think it is better to admit defeat. "

Admit defeat? What do you mean? Surrender without a fight? That's the act of a coward!" I don't care to do such a thing!" Qian Zhen was the first person to stand up.

"Then you discuss it slowly by yourself, my suggestion has already been given to you! Lao Tzu is still not accompanied! Anyway, it has nothing to do with me whether you win or lose! Didn't you listen to what Squad Leader Qiao said? I participated in the selection of the team leader, and it was not in the name of the school! The most angry thing is that I had already eliminated the two strongest two weeks ago!" Lin Yu cocked his legs proudly, and said proudly with shaking his legs.

"Okay, I'll reassign you next!Then discuss how to deal with other schools, after all, we may not meet them today! And Lin Yu, you have to be careful when fighting! The lion fights the rabbit also needs to use all your strength!" Teacher Xu interrupted them and said.

The car was about to arrive at the competition venue, and Mr. Xu felt that as a teacher, he still had to assign tasks and some tactical guidance before the game. Next, Mr. Xu analyzed the performance of the sixteen contestants on the day of the team leader's selection.

"You have to know that rookie trainers are the most improved trainers, so they may have doubled their strength in the past two weeks, but you are also rookie trainers!

"I hope that when I am in the city competition, it is you who will participate with me!" Lin Yu had just arrived outside the venue, and was picked up by Mr. Wu who was waiting at the door, and said in a dashing manner before Lin Yu left.

"Mr. Xu, what I said just now is handsome!By the way, who is today's opponent?" Lin Yu and Mr. Wu asked after walking away.

"Actually, it's nothing today, your opponent is Yu Heng in the fifteenth middle school, and his father is also an eight-star trainer, I heard that he directly asked for leave from school to train with his father at home in the past two weeks!" Mr. Wu said with a serious face.

"What kind of Pokémon is he using?Who are the other two?What are their specialties?" Lin Yu saw Mr. Wu's serious expression and understood that today might be another fierce battle.

"The other two people abstained, they finally focused on the varsity competition, and those two are probably not your opponents themselves! That Yu Heng's Pokémon is a wooden palace!" Mr

. Wu said as he and Lin Yu came to the back of the podium in the venue. Here, Lin Yu saw the tall and thin Yu Heng led by another person in charge.

"This year, due to the reform of the competition system, we will invite the two students who entered the final of the team leader selection to the stage before the battle draw, and welcome Yu Heng from the 15th Middle School and Lin Yu from the 5th Middle School!" "Next, Yu Heng and Lin Yu will conduct the first round of lottery for everyone!" After

the host finished speaking, the two staff members carried a box full of small balls and placed it in front of Lin Yu and Yu Heng.

"No. 1 middle school against No. 3 middle school! No. 5 middle school against No. 15 middle school on No. 2 field, Hengshui Middle School against No. 1 High School attached to Normal University High School on No. 3 field, No. 7 high school against No. 7 middle school on No. 4 field. Lin Yu and Yu Heng took out the balls with the names of the school written on them in the box, and at the same time, the host reported the results of the lottery one by one.

"It's good that I didn't match those two!" "I didn't expect the third middle school and the first middle school to face each other first, it's really good!" "It seems that this competition is interesting, every venue is similar in strength!" After

the game is grouped, whether it is the teachers and students of the eight schools waiting for the competition group below or the backstage staff are all talking about it, the first round of this year's draw is estimated that each group will be a vicious battle, and the second round may not be combat effectiveness but endurance.

"Before everyone goes to their respective battlefields, we will first have the final battle of the team leader! Next, please invite

Yu Heng and Lin Yu to go to the No. 1 venue to prepare for the battle!" After the host finished speaking, Mr. Wu and Yu Heng's person in charge led them to the No. 1 venue. However, this time, unlike the previous auditions, there was actually a referee wearing a red armband on the edge of the No. 1 court.

"Please take your place on both sides, and release your Pokémon at the same time after three words!" The referee saw Lin Yu and Yu Heng standing in their positions, probably to speed up the progress of the event, so they took the lead in announcing the start of the game.

Following the referee's instructions, Lin Yu and Yu Heng threw out the Poké Ball at the same time, the croaking bubble frog and a body were grass green, the tail was darker, the belly was rose-red, and the eyes were large and yellow. Three fingers as round as balls, and two undulating Pokémon with two undulating lines above their heads appear at both ends of Court One.

"I didn't expect it to be Mu Shougong, it seems that this time it's not easy to fight!Sasuke (croaking bubble frog) Be careful! Other people's attributes restrain you!" Lin Yu recognized Yu Heng's Pokémon at a glance.

Mu Shougong, who was holding a lollipop in his mouth, looked at the croaking bubble frog in front of him with a bunch of elf props with a puzzled expression, and then picked up the lollipop in his mouth and looked at Yu Heng with a puzzled expression.

When Yu Heng and Mu Shougong looked at each other, Mu Shougong was very humane and pointed at the croaking bubble frog with a lollipop, and then angrily pointed at Yu Heng and shook it heavily. It seems that if you look at other trainers, they are almost equipping their Pokémon to their teeth, and then look at yourself, just give me a lollipop, how can you let me fight?

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