As soon as the words of Choti Kakaroben fell, the Super Tyrannosaurus began to emit colored light, and the Super Tyrannosaurus's body slowly changed in the package of colored light.

The super wyvern's huge crescent-shaped wings gradually twisted and split into two wings, and the head, neck, and torso began to slowly thicken, the limbs began to grow and the tail began to shorten, and when it completely changed back to its pre-evolution appearance, the light wrapped in the Tyrannosaurus's body gradually broke away from its body and floated into the air.

Although the Tyrannosaurus that finally degenerates into the state of a Tyrannosaurus looks better than before, it still gives people a feeling of physical exhaustion.

"Alan (Tyrannosaurus) uses Feathered Habitat to restore his strength!" said Kakarlo helplessly.

After hearing his trainer's words, the Tyrannosaurus looked at his trainer with a surprised gaze, you must know that in terms of the ground strength shown by the Koga Ninja Frog just now, it is completely much stronger than it, and if he has the ability to fly into the sky, if the Koga Ninja Frog gives it another [Ten Thousand Frog Water Prison], it can only sit on the ground and wait for death.

However, after seeing the look in the eyes of Choti Kakarloben, the Tyrannosaurus understood that if he didn't use Hasu, he wouldn't have the strength to fight the Koga Ninja Frog anymore. In the end, the Tyrannosaurus could only reluctantly put away his wings to recover some of his physical strength, but even so, in the end, the Tyrannosaurus still failed to hold out for too long under the bombardment of the flying water shuriken of the Koga Ninja Frog.

With the final blow, the Flying Water Shuriken exploded in the head of the Tyrannosaurus, and the Tyrannosaurus let out a final helpless roar before finally losing its combat ability and fell.

"I have to say that your Koga Ninja Frog is indeed better than all the opponents of the same age I've faced before! Hehe. After retracting his Tyrannosaurus, Kakaro shook his head helplessly and said, "I think you should have discovered the shortcomings of the Koga Ninja Frog yourself! Hehe!" "

At this time, Lin Yu has also discovered the problem of Koga Ninja Frog, because Koga Ninja Frog has been following his father's strange power training before, although Koga Ninja Frog has always been able to use the fighting skills from the strange power to gain some advantages in the battle, but when he encounters a Pokémon like today, which is based on strength and defense, Koga Ninja Frog's hand-to-hand combat skills are a bit chicken, after all, Koga Ninja Frog itself is not a power-based Pokémon.

Although Koga Ninja Frog does work hard when learning fighting skills with Strange Force, it can even be said that Koga Ninja Frog usually trains very hard to become stronger when he trains himself, and he also trains very the fighting skills he learned from Strange Force, but after all, Koga Ninja Frog is still a Pokémon known for its dexterity, and no matter how hard he tries, his physical strength is very slow.

There is an old saying that "one strength will reduce ten times", so even if the Koga Ninja Frog is good at martial arts, it will look helpless when facing strength or defensive Pokémon. And every time Koga Ninja Frog encounters this situation, he always feels that his skills are not enough, so gradually Koga Ninja Frog even uses it to train long-range attack situations to train fighting skills.

In the end, I encountered this embarrassing situation.,After the hand-to-hand combat skills were finished by the opponent, I wanted to use long-range attacks but didn't play much effect.,In the end, although you can watch the flying water shuriken slowly consume the opponent's physical strength.,But if one day the Koga Ninja Frog encounters a person who can keep up with the speed or has a strong defense, or has a range attack to restrict the movement of the Koga Ninja Frog,Koga Ninja Frog may not have the advantage it is now.。

"Thank you!" Lin Yu suddenly stopped in the ring before leaving, and said to Choti Kakaro Ben on the ring.

"Hehe!" After hearing Lin Yu's voice, Choti Kakaroben sneered and said, "Next time my Ah Lan (Tyrannosaurus) won't lose to you so easily

!" "Hehe, I'll wait!" Lin Yu stretched out his hand and waved his hand at Choti Kakaroben on the stage and left with a smile.

Needless to say, whether it was relying on two Pokémon to successfully defeat Reinstit and Bai Qishen last time, or relying on the joint efforts of the two to successfully defeat Xu Huayi and Mu Yangshen of Mu Yate, who were ranked tenth in the senior year of the Alliance Academy last time, this time Bai Qixi failed to defeat Zhu Jian Xia even if the fiery monkey and the strange force took turns to play, and Xu Huayi and Mu Yang Shen, who played alone, failed to cause any damage to the commander of Magnetic Energy Bryant.

In the last four age stages, it can be said that only Lin Yu barely succeeded in defeating his opponent, and in the other age stages, only Bai Qixi was a little better, and in the end, he was only defeated by his opponent.

"So you're just like that!" said Magnetic Energy Bryant disdainfully to all the members of the Zhejiang University varsity team after the challenge was over.

"Magnetic energy!" Lao Li scolded sternly after hearing Magnetic Energy Bryant's words.

After hearing Lao Li's voice, although Magnetic Energy Bryant still looked at the rest of the Zhejiang University varsity team with great disdain, he did not continue to say anything to the other people present and turned around and left.

"Hehe, it's not too early today, so we'll leave first. Lao Li said to Xu Hua.

"Okay, goodbye, Mr. Li!" Xu Huayi nodded after hearing Lao Li's words and said, "Then I'll give

you a treat!" "No need, although I have nothing to guide you, I also think you should make some summaries of the battle just now! Maybe you will have something new to gain!" Lao Li glanced at Xu Huayi and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Li!" After hearing Lao Li's words, Xu Huazhi immediately said politely to Lao Li, who was already about to leave.

"Hehe, come on, young man!" Lao Li paused before leaving the venue, smiled at Xu Hua behind him, and left.

After everyone in the Alliance Academy left, it turned out that because of this defeat, the battle arena where everyone was very disappointed suddenly became quieter. Xu Hua turned around and looked at everyone in the audience who was in a low mood, and he began to miss Fang Yuanhe, who had no heart and lungs back then, and could still liven up the atmosphere even when he lost the game.

"Okay! Everyone cheer up!" Xu Huayi said to the players in the audience: "After all, they are the strongest lineup in the league academy, almost every one of them can be said to be the strongest in the same age, we don't need to be like this because of this failure! Just like what Mr. Li said just now, we shouldn't know what to do here because of failure, but we should think about what our problems are first!".

After Xu Hua's reprimand, the audience was silent, and in the end, no one expected that the first person to stand up was Mu Yangshen.

"I have decided to enter the secret realm like you did before, and then the matter of other schools coming to the gym will be left to you!" Mu Yangshen said to Xu Huayi and left directly.

Just when Mu Yang Shen was about to walk to the door, he suddenly stopped, and then said to Bai Qixi: "I don't know where your training method for training fighting Pokémon came from, but it's really powerful, but I don't know if you have noticed... There is a huge problem with this training method:!"

"What do you say!Mu Yang Shen, what do you say!Don't think that if I call you a senior, you will be amazing!If you have the ability, let's go head-to-head!Look at my Gohan (hot monkey) Don't beat your giant pincer mantis can't find the north!" After hearing Mu Yangshen's words, Bai Qixi angrily wanted to rush up directly and tear Mu Yangshen's mouth, but fortunately, he was stopped by Lin Yu and Mu Gu in the end.

"Hehe, I have to say that if I really fight, I may really not be your opponent!, but haven't you noticed that your two Pokémon lack the means to attack from a distance?" Mu Yangshen didn't turn around even when he heard Bai Qixi's murderous voice, but dropped such a sentence lightly and left.

"Lin Yu, Mu Gu, why are you pulling me!" Bai Qixi said indignantly to Lin Yu and Mu Gu, who were pulling him, after Mu Yang Shen left: "If you hadn't pulled me just now, I would have beaten that guy who was pretending to be forced until he didn't even know his mother!"

"Is it because of competitive combat training?" Xu Changzhou, who had been pondering at this time, suddenly spoke: " Senior Mu should have seen that Senior Bai, your fiery monkey and strange power are all from the training methods of competitive

Pokémon!" "Fart! This training method has long been developed by my father and Uncle Lin and adapted to the battle of Pokémon fighting!" Bai Qixi glanced at Xu Changzhou who was speaking, and then said a little angrily: "If you think what he said is right, you might as well simply give up your own heroic power!"

"Senior, you're wrong! I didn't say that there was a problem with the training method, I meant to say that senior, your Pokémon attribute is too single, even Uncle Lin is just a strange force!" Xu Changzhou shook his head and explained.

After hearing Xu Changzhou's words, Xu Huayi also frowned, but no matter how strong the trainer was, their Pokémon lineup could not be very single, because a single attribute was too easy to be restrained by the opponent. So far, Bai Qixi has subdued a total of three Pokémon, and all three Pokémon are fighting Pokémon, and Bai Qixi's third Pokémon is an Iron Palm Warrior who is also a fighting system.

"Qi Xi, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity not to participate in the provincial competition, you can go to the secret realm to find out if you can accept some other Pokémon!" Xu Huayi suddenly opened his mouth at this time and said to Bai Qi Xi: "Even if you don't want to accept Pokémon with other attributes, you can also take Pokémon with fire and fighting attributes like Flame Chicken." "

Oh!" Bai Qixi heard Xu Huayi's words and said coldly before he was about to leave, and when Bai Qixi walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and said to Xu Huayi: "By the way, the captain will also get me a [Secret Realm Admission Ticket]." "

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