"This..."Hearing Yu Heng's words, Hu Tu said with some embarrassment: "I do have Bankiras's eggs at home, but... You also know that Bankiras doesn't lay eggs every year, and... I can't either... Take it out in white... Yu Heng: I think you should understand what I mean.

After hearing Hu Tu's words, Yu Heng didn't know what to say for a while, he knew very well that as a Pokémon family like them, not all of them went to the secret realm to Taobao to continue until now, and generally went to recruit apprentices at the beginning to run organizations similar to dojos to take tasks to earn commissions, and some were to sell some of the remaining Pokémon eggs distributed by the family.

"Don't worry, old Hu! I'm sure I won't take it for nothing, but... I want to know the qualifications of this egg..."Mu Gu said.

"Don't worry, the qualifications must be similar to my eldest head (Bankiras)! After all, they were originally used by the descendants of our own family!" Fifty million in adoption. "

Yes, no problem! Then it's decided!" Mu Gu immediately agreed when he heard that his qualifications were guaranteed.

You must know that Mu Gu's iron dumbbell egg Mu who is not very qualified spent nearly 100 million to buy it, and then the metal monster used for the fusion and evolution of metal monsters and the search for a suitable magnetic field Mu Dad spent more than 200 million, which means that the giant gold monster in Mu Gu's hand directly cost more than 300 million.

You must know that if Hu Tu's bankilas eggs are bought through middlemen, it will cost at least two or three hundred million, so for Mu Gu, fifty million can get such a bankilas egg, which is a lot of money, so he directly dialed his father's phone after agreeing to Hu Tu.

As soon as Father Mu heard about the eggs of the Banquiras produced by the old Hu family, which had at least nine-star blood, he immediately agreed and even prepared to let Mu Gu buy them directly.

"My dad agreed, when can that egg be traded?" After getting his father's consent, Mu Gu immediately asked Hu Tu excitedly.

"This... I don't have any good qualifications in my family for the time being, but my uncle's Bankiras just laid an egg, but that egg..."Hu Tu paused and said, "You also know that my uncle is only an eight-star trainer now, so... I don't want to fool you with that egg, so I guess you'll have to wait a year or two.

Just when Mu Gu and the others were chatting, the auction of the Tutai Turtle on the stage had already ended, and after it was bought by a middle-aged man for three million, no one would have thought that the second Poke Ball thrown by Wang Billy was the highlight of this auction, the Quasi-Pokémon Cub.

"Ahh Wang Billy said helplessly when he saw the Pokémon that appeared on the field with a pair of small black eyes and a wavy mouth under it, a green circular pattern on both sides, and a sticky purple body with two tentacles on its head.

"Sticky Treasure?" After looking at the Pokémon on the field, Lin Yu frowned and said, "It's another quasi-god Pokémon that didn't have much strength in the early stage, Mu Gu, are you sure you still want it?" "

Forget it!" Mu Gu also waved his hand helplessly at this time, he already had a headache when the iron dumbbell had no combat power in his previous life, so this time he would not stay away from this sticky treasure.

This time he hesitated without Mu Gu participating in the bidding, so this time the sticky treasure is not even as expensive as the six-star strength Tutai turtle just now, and although the remaining four Pokémon are not special rare Pokémon, they are not Pokémon like the green caterpillar, and the auction will end after all the Pokémon are bought.

After Mu Gu got back the tens of thousands of deposits from before, he spent a few hundred yuan to see the world, and just as Lin Yu and the others were about to leave, the previous host suddenly walked over.

"Hello, we're from the Falcon Adventure Regiment. Wang Billy brought a team of people to bring Mu Gu in front of him, bowed to Mu Gu and said.

Mu Gu looked at Wang Billy with a blank face and said, "I... Know. What's wrong?I shouldn't have done anything to be sorry for you

!""Of course!Young Master Mu, Young Master Lin, our Falcon was originally an adventure group belonging to the Mu Group, and even my brother and I were rescued from the secret realm by Lin Gongzi's father back then. Wang Billy said with a smile on his face.

"My family's adventure group, my family's eight-star strength trainer, can't it, why haven't I heard of it?" Mu Gu also looked at Lin Yu in confusion now.

"Don't look at me, I don't know!" Lin Yu also shook his head and said helplessly: "You don't know where I know about your family's affairs." You ask your dad to go!" "You

won't be because his dad oppressed you, and then you have to come to him for revenge now!

Hearing Yu Heng's words, Mu Gu rolled up his sleeves angrily and said, "Yu Heng, you ungrateful guy, see if I don't tear your mouth apart!" "It's

funny, Mu Gongzi, we were actually nearby when you evolved a metal monster last time. And that place was found by our adventure party!" said Wang Billy with a helpless smile.

"Huh? But why... I don't think I've seen you before?" Mu Gu said in disbelief.

"Well, we and you should be considered ... Partnership!" Wang Billy struggled for a while and then said: "Before we grow to the current strength, we will go through the selection, and those who pass the selection will enter the cooperative adventure group like us, and then all the expenses during our growth period will be paid in advance by the M Mu Group, and we will pay back the money by completing some M Mu tasks after our current strength."

"Then you are..." Mu Gu probably understood what they meant at this time, but he didn't quite understand why they came to him at this time, so he asked, "Is there anything my dad has to tell me?" "It's

nothing, I just saw Young Master Mu at the auction, so I came over to say hello." Wang Billy smiled and handed over a piece of scratch paper-like things and said, "I heard that the young master is going to participate in the college league, right? We have a copy of the information of this year's contestants

" "Ah, thank you!" Mu Gu said with a smile after taking the information a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing, if we didn't have Boss Mu to fund us back then, there would be no Falcon Adventure Group now, even if we pay off the money that Boss Mu funded in the early stage, we are also your Mu Clan's adventure group!" Wang Billy said with a smile.

At this time, Wang Jili on the side also nodded and said: "Yes, we didn't feel anything before, but after we communicated with other adventure groups in the secret realm, we found out that the agreement that Boss Mu signed with us back then was just so that we could accept his gift with peace of mind." "

Hey, my dad, he's the main thing, that's how he came, so he thinks everyone can help each other!" Mu Gu scratched his head a little embarrassed at this time and said.

"By the way, that..."Wang Billy suddenly said at this time: "This time we are going to enter a medium-sized secret realm abroad, do you need to bring you anything at that time?"

Can you find me the Divine Pokémon Egg?" Mu Gu immediately asked excitedly after hearing this.

"Mu Gu, do you want them to die for your own thoughts?" After hearing Mu Gu's words, Lin Yu pulled Mu Gu away, and after he finished speaking angrily, he said to Wang Billy and them: "That... Brother Wang is embarrassed, don't listen to his nonsense. We've already asked our friends from the Hu family to get the Quasi-God Pokémon eggs, and we don't have anything special to want, so it's better for you to go early and come back early!"

Wang Billy also nodded at this time and said.

After Wang Billy and the others left, Mu Gu looked at Lin Yu with a puzzled expression and said, "Haven't they all subdued that sticky treasure before! Isn't it easier to find an egg!" "Hey

, should you say that you are really stupid or pretend to be stupid!" Yu Heng shook his head helplessly and said: "Even if there are quasi-god Pokémon eggs in the secret realm, they should be in the lair, and even if they are quasi-god Pokémon, they all survive in the form of a race in the secret realm!" The cubs may be left alone to play, but the eggs don't run around!"

"Yes, and do you know why those Pokémon are called quasi-god Pokémon?"

"Aren't they amazing!What else could there be?" Mu Gu said with a nonchalant expression.

"No!" Hu Tu shook his head with a smile and said, "You must know that not all master trainers have the so-called quasi-god Pokémon, and it can even be said that there are not many master trainers who have quasi-god Pokémon in their hands as the main force, so how do you judge that they must be strong?" "

This..."Mu Gu didn't know what to say at this time.

"It's the clan!" Hu Tu paused and then continued, "Although most Pokémon have found wild Pokémon with master-level strength, only these quasi-god Pokémon must have one or more master-level strength in their clan. "

Okay!" Mu Gu finally understood why Lin Yu said that he was letting Wang Billy and them die, but after Mu Gu paused, he suddenly said to Hu Tu: "Then you should let that bankilas of your family lay eggs quickly! I can pay the deposit first

!" "Okay! Okay!" Hu Tu also nodded and agreed at this time.

Next, Lin Yu and the others continued to walk around Taobao Street and then left after each buying some useful things, this time Lin Yu bought a box of superpower-based and water-based energy cubes at the repeated request of the Hippo King, and Geng Ghost picked a jar of sweetness.

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