Seeing that the Ice University was so excited at this time and slandered Jiahe Ninja Frog for taking banned drugs, Bai Qixi was the first to stand up and reply to the Ice University and Chen Jianyi that they couldn't afford to lose, and then under the leadership of Bai Qixi, the Zhejiang University team members also protested at the same time.

This is embarrassing for the host on the stage, he is not a regular referee in the first place, but he just came out to announce the result after watching one side lose the ability to fight or surrender, but he didn't expect such a tricky scene to appear on the first day, so he could only communicate with the referee team in the background through headphones.

Chen Jianyi laughed when he saw the host communicating with the referee team through headphones, and now everything is almost in his calculations, because after the referee team comes over, they will most likely judge that the Koga Ninja Frog has taken medicine according to the situation just now, and at this time, the referee team will conduct a drug test if Zhejiang University objects again.

And by the time the real drug test is done, because a long time has passed, even if the drug test can't be detected, he can take a bite back, because too long has passed, and the effect of the drug has been dissipated.

Just when Chen Jianyi was secretly proud of his calculations, Xu Changzhou on the side suddenly shouted to the host: "Since you want to judge whether it is a drug or not, you should contact the drug testing team! General drugs can only be checked within fifteen minutes of use, and it has been three minutes since they appeared

!" "Ah!" At this time, the host also reacted after hearing Xu Changzhou's words, and immediately contacted the drug inspection team in the background through the headset and asked them to come quickly.

Under Xu Changzhou's reminder, the drug testing team came much faster than the so-called referee team, but they arrived in the past five minutes. Then a series of blood tests were taken and tested, and they all ended directly before the referee team arrived.

The young man led by the drug test team handed over the test results directly after the referee team came, and said: "According to our drug test results, we should not have taken any medicine, and we can hardly detect the drug components in its body, but there is a special energy component." "

The referee can't say that, what if it eats a new type of medicine?And doesn't it have a special energy in its body?" After hearing the report of the drug testing team, Chen Jianyi was directly anxious, and before the referees of the referee team could draw conclusions, he jumped out and said.

After several referees discussed for a while, one of the middle-aged men also opened his mouth and asked again: "What

is the situation of that special energy, is it within the scope of prohibited drugs?" "I think that special energy should be something that does not belong to the scope of prohibited drugs." The young person in charge of the drug testing team thought for a while and then said, "I don't know if you have heard of any legendary mysterious medicine that has been lost

?" "Mysterious medicine? The mysterious medicine that can make training twice as effective with half the effort?" What do you mean..."That old Wu was a little surprised and speechless at this time, but after a while, he looked at the young man with doubts and said, "No, oh, how do you know that it is the energy of the mysterious medicine?"

"This... Just before I graduated, my mentor and I studied the effects of the mystical medicine and its form of action, so I guess the situation they just described is likely to be that the mystical medicine is working!" The young man speculated and said, "But this is just my guess

!" After more than an hour of heated discussion among several members of the referee team, Wu Lao said helplessly: "Forget it! In this case, it is better to let the two of them fight again!" ReactionAlthough the mystical drug is not a forbidden drug, it has just exerted a power that it should not have.

"I'm okay with that. Chen Jianyi said with an indifferent face at this time, in fact, he was very happy in his heart, you must know that Lin Yu is just a freshman after all, Chen Jianyi doesn't believe that every Pokémon of Lin Yu is as perverted as the Koga Ninja Frog.

Although Lin Yu didn't want to fight again at this time, but after all, it was the referee who said, so Lin Yu could only nod helplessly and agree with the decision of the referee team.

"Huskie (Geng Ghost) can only watch you this time!" Lin Yu said helplessly to Geng Ghost in his shadow.

Geng Ghost in the shadow before saw everything clearly, so it got out as soon as Lin Yu called it, and by the way, he called the Hippo King out of Lin Yu's Poke Ball, and when the Hippo King was called out, he didn't know what the situation was, until Geng Ghost pulled it to the side of the Koga Ninja Frog, and it understood that it was a medical soldier again.

"Geng ghost, then I just have one here..."Chen Jianyi smiled and took out a poke ball

after seeing that Lin Yu sent Geng ghost, and threw it out, "Go, big wolf dog!" "Damn! This captain of the ice worker is a little shameless! Not only did he let Lin Yu come out of Pokémon first every time, but he actually wanted to design the referee team to sentence Lin Yu to take forbidden drugs just now!" After seeing Chen Jianyi send out a big wolf dog, Yu Heng immediately said viciously.

"What's going on, isn't Lin Yu's game over yet?" Xu Hua, who had just come back at this time and didn't know the situation, asked with a puzzled expression.

"It's not..."Next, Xu Changzhou described what had just happened to Xu Hua.

"Xu Changzhou, you did a good job! It's a pity..."Xu Huayi patted Xu Changzhou on the shoulder after listening to Xu Changzhou's narration and said, "Hey! I knew that I shouldn't have gone out

just now!" "Captain, what's wrong?" After hearing Xu Huayi's words, Yu Heng said with a puzzled face: "Does this have anything to do with your absence just now? Didn't you say that Lao Xu had done a very good job?"

"Hey, in fact, there is a clause in the rules of the game that if there is a doubt, you may apply for a draw, and if the two sides have the same points after the game, there will be an extra captain's game!" Huang Qiyi, who came in behind Xu Hua at this time, explained.


"Indeed, he took this rule loophole!" Xu Huayi shook his head helplessly and said. At this time, Xu Huayi regretted a little why he went out directly just now.

In the end, Lin Yu's Geng Ghost was defeated not long after Chen Jianyi's attack, after all, Geng Ghost was not a Jiahe Ninja Frog, and Lin Yu's combat experience was still too little. Geng Ghost couldn't find the best way to play on the field by himself like the Koga Ninja Frog, and Lin Yu's battle command was too immature for Chen Jianyi, who was already a senior.

"Hehe, it's really just a freshman!" Chen Jianyi sighed with relief after winning and then mocked Lin Yu: "It seems that you are nothing more than that."

"Since Geng Ghost can't fight, the final winner is Chen Jianyi, a student from the Ice Engineering University!" This time, it was no longer the host who announced the results of the competition, but the old man of the referee team who stood up and said.

"Huskie (Geng Ghost): You've done a good job! It's all because my command ability is not as strong as that guy!" Lin Yu said in frustration after taking out the Poke Ball and taking the injured Geng Ghost back from the Poke Ball.

This time can be said to be the most aggrieved loss for Lin Yu, but this time it made him remember Lin Yu again because of the strength of the Koga Ninja Frog, and he can even say that the school team of Zhejiang University is just a freshman again.

"Hey! If you give that kid another year, the captain may not be his opponent at all!" At this time, not only the Zhejiang University team sighed, but even the members of the Ice University University felt sorry for Lin Yu's failure.

"Captain, hurry up and plead, so maybe we still have a chance to participate in the next round!" Seeing Lin Yu walk down from the stage in disappointment, Yu Heng said to Xu Huayi excitedly.

Xu Huayi didn't say anything at this time, just shook his head at Yu Heng helplessly, and then walked directly to the stage, and when he saw Xu Huayi who suddenly came out of the school team of Zhejiang University, Chen Jianyi chuckled in his heart, he thought that Xu Huayi was preparing to come out to appeal.

"Xu Huayi, I can tell you, it's too late for you to come out now! Our game has already been decided!" Chen Jianyi immediately pointed at Xu Huayi excitedly after seeing Xu Huayi walking into the ring.

"Oh, that's all you do. Xu Huayi taunted Chen Jianyi and then said directly to the referee: "Referee, we Zhejiang University directly abstained in the next

game!" "Hmm, Xu, are you sure you want to abstain? You must know that you still have the last three-on-three small team game, if you win, there are still three points!" The old man looked at Xu Huayi and said with a look of disbelief.

You must know that before the start of the National University League, almost everyone thought that this year's Zhejiang University team with three seven-star strength would pass the final national championship, and even under the leadership of three players with seven-star strength, everyone thought that the Zhejiang University team that participated in the global college league for the first time would get the best results in the history of Huaguo.

As a result, at this time, the school team of Zhejiang University actually lost directly in the qualifiers just when they encountered a second-rate school like Ice University of Technology, and the most important thing is that it is not the kind of defeat caused by the failure of the small team competition in the last round, but now the situation that even if they participate in the last round of the small team competition, they can't win.

"Yes, we're missing four points right now, and even if we win the last round of the small team competition, it's not going to change the fact that we're losing, so we... Be prepared to go back in advance and prepare your luggage back to Zhejiang Province. Xu Huawei lowered his head and said to the old man.

"Hehe, is this the Zhejiang University that is rumored to be able to easily win the national championship? It turns out that it is nothing more than that, and now it has been reduced to giving up the last round of the small team competition in advance!" After hearing Xu Huayi's words, Chen Jianyi, who was originally worried, said to Xu Huayi with a mocking expression.

"Now that you've lost, what about having the last trio in the small team play once? They might want to play? It's not about the final victory. At this time, Lao Wu glanced at Chen Jianyi and said to Xu Huayi.

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