Seeing Lin Yu so angry for the first time, Xu Changzhou and the few of them didn't know what to say at once, and the whole room was quiet for a while, everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do.

"There is!" After thinking for a long time, Lin Yu suddenly remembered the Taiji diagram in his previous life, so he immediately came to Koga Ninja Frog and drew the Taiji diagram and said, "You will use the water system to control the superpower attribute and the evil attribute to operate like this diagram."

After hearing Lin Yu's voice, Koga Ninja Frog opened his eyes again with difficulty and glanced at the Taiji diagram drawn by Lin Yu, and after remembering the Taiji diagram, Koga Ninja Frog closed his eyes again and began to use the attribute energy of the water system to suppress and control the energy of the two opposing each other. However, due to the fact that the two attribute energies of the evil system and the superpower attribute have just absorbed a lot of water energy in the body of the Koga ninja frog to strengthen itself, although the water energy is still more than either of the two attribute energy, the sum of the two attribute energy is already more than the water system energy, and they are still absorbing the energy of the water system attribute.

At this time, the Koga Ninja Frog found that the two conflicting forces were no longer suppressed by it if it wanted to suppress them, but when the Koga Ninja Frog wanted to suppress them, their absorption of the attribute energy of the water system became more intense, and gradually the two opposing energies became more powerful than the attribute energy of the water system by absorbing the attribute energy of the water system.

At this time, the Koga Ninja Frog understood that even if he wanted to use the first method that Xu Changzhou said before, it was impossible, and now it could only work hard to control the two conflicting attribute energies according to the Taiji diagram drawn by Lin Yu, but it tried for a long time and failed to control the two attribute energies.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog)!" Seeing that the Koga Ninja Frog suddenly frowned after closing his eyes again, Lin Yu immediately shouted nervously.

"Lin Yu, hurry up and let the Koga Ninja Frog stop! If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will backfire when the time comes!" Seeing that the situation was wrong again, Xu Changzhou said again.

"That's right, Ah Yu, let's listen to Lao Xu this time!" This time, Mu Gu felt that the situation was not right, and he echoed.

However, at this time, Lin Yu suddenly felt a strange feeling, and then after he closed his eyes, he suddenly entered a strange space, only to see that in this strange space, the Koga ninja frog was sitting cross-legged, and the light of these three colors flickered behind it, and the blue light gradually dimmed. Just when Lin Yu didn't know the brown and purple light that he was anxious to help the Koga Ninja Frog control the riot, he suddenly found that his body began to slowly dissipate in this strange space, and then turned into a stream of energy that floated directly towards the Koga Ninja Frog and melted into its body.

Gradually, the Koga Ninja Frog found that the attribute energy of the water system was about to be sucked dry by the two energies, and it suddenly found that a fourth special energy appeared in its body again, and the latest energy gave him a very familiar feeling. Just when it wondered why this energy was so familiar, that energy first curbed the evil attribute energy and the superpower attribute power to absorb the water attribute energy, and then began to suppress these two energies and operate in the way of the Taiji diagram.

As the two energies of the evil attribute and the superpower attribute began to operate according to the Taiji diagram, the water attribute energy they had previously absorbed also began to slowly feed back, so that the water attribute energy slowly returned to the state before it was absorbed by the two energies. Then, after the Koga Ninja Frog could fully control the operation of the brown and purple intersecting Taiji Diagram, the energy that made it feel a little familiar began to slowly recede.

That's right, the energy that makes the Koga Ninja Frog feel a little familiar is Lin Yu who turned into energy and integrated into the Koga Ninja Frog in that space, and after Lin Yu closed his eyes and turned into energy and merged into the Koga Ninja Frog, the Koga Ninja Frog who was originally sitting on the ground suddenly emitted colored light all over his body, and then those colored lights dissipated and turned into the robe coat that he had fought with Chen Jianyi before and put it on the Koga Ninja Frog, and then as Lin Yu turned into the energy to help Lin Yu control the evil attribute energy and superpower attribute energy, the coat made of the evolution light on its body automatically became windless。

"It's... This is... Did you use the special battle mode when you fought with Chen Jianyi at that time?" Mu Gu said in surprise after seeing the situation of the Koga Ninja Frog.

"Could it be that it was not an accident that the Koga Ninja Frog entered this state at that time, so what should be the conditions for it to enter this state? The body has entered the limit? Or is it the same fetters as the super evolution? Or is it the perseverance not to admit defeat?" Xu Changzhou looked at the Koga Ninja Frog at this time and said suspiciously.

"Ah Yu, Ah Yu!" At this time, Mu Gu also called out to Lin Yu, who had closed his eyes and entered that strange space, but at this time, Lin Yu did not react at all.

After a long time, after Lin Yu helped the Koga Ninja Frog completely control the two energies, he finally retreated from that special space, and at this time, because the Koga Ninja Frog had successfully controlled the restless energy in its body, the cloak made of the evolution light on its body also began to slowly dissipate.

"Ah Yu, what happened to you just now, why didn't I respond to what I called you?" Mu Gu immediately said excitedly after seeing Lin Yu open his eyes.

"Me?" Lin Yu looked at Mu Gu and said suspiciously: "I don't know what's wrong with me, it's just that I just seemed to have suddenly entered a strange space, where only me and Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) I seem to be able to communicate with it inside, isn't this the legendary spirit co-frequency state?"

"It shouldn't be! Although you will enter a similar state just now, it will not be so much that Mu Gu will not react to what you call you. Xu Changzhou hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said.

"By the way, Ah Yu, do you know?, after you entered that state just now, the Koga Ninja Frog conjured that coat again!And this time its state seems to be stronger than the last time it fought with Chen Jianyi!" Mu Gu couldn't understand what Lin Yu was saying, so he simply changed the topic and said, "What do you say is the situation in that state?"

"Super Evolution!" At this time, Lin Yu blurted out.

The last time I saw the state of the Koga Ninja Frog, Lin Yu felt that it was very similar to the state of the cartoon Ash Koga Ninja Frog Super Evolution, but the Koga Ninja Frog Super Evolution of the Ash version is that those evolution lights have become huge shurikens behind them, and the last change of his Koga Ninja Frog is just that the evolution light that has become a shuriken has become that coat similar to the Hokage robe.

"What? It can't be! Koga ninja frogs don't have super evolution!" Mu Gu said suspiciously at this time, "And... Just now, you and Koga Ninja Frog didn't have

a super evolution stone and a keystone!" "No! it's not impossible!Or in fact, all Pokémon are likely to undergo super evolution, but their super evolution is the same as the Koga Ninja Frog just now, and it doesn't change much from the Pokémon itself!" At this time, Xu Changzhou said: "The super evolution itself is to use the power of the bond to use the energy of the super evolution stone and the keystone to temporarily open the gene lock of the Pokémon that has finally evolved and strengthen it again." So it doesn't make sense that only a small number of Pokémon can perform super evolution, I guess those Pokémon with super evolution stones are Pokémon that will change their appearance after super evolution, and... Something like Koga Ninja Frog... It should be just looking at the power of the bond and entering the special space that Lin Yu said just now

!" "Then this is too mysterious!" Han Lei said with some surprise after listening to Xu Changzhou's words.

And at this time, Mu Gu, who originally talked the most, couldn't say a word, just now Xu Changzhou said so much, if someone else told him at another time, he would definitely think that the other party was making up a story, but at this time, there was Lin Yujiahe's performance in front of him, and at this time, Xu Changzhou had a reasonable and well-founded speculation, even if Mu Gu and they still had a lot of questions, but they couldn't ask.

"Hehe, I'm just guessing! After all, I haven't studied this either. Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Xu Changzhou smiled and said, "Why are you looking at me with such an expression! Maybe it's just an undiscovered combat state of the Koga Ninja Frog? Or maybe it's a secret technique developed by the Koga Ninja Frog himself? Who knows

!" "Oh! It turned out to be fake! I'll just say where there is such a god!" After hearing Xu Changzhou's words, Li Yubai said with a smile.

"But I really think it's super evolution, isn't what you just saw different from last time?" Lin Yu said suspiciously at this time: "Although I didn't see it this time, but the last time I saw Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog), the light of evolution appeared first and then appeared in that state. "

This..." Han Lei didn't know what to say when he heard this.

At this time, the Koga Ninja Frog, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, finally opened his eyes, and as the Koga Ninja Frog opened his eyes, Han Lei, they suddenly felt that the momentum of the Koga Ninja Frog had suddenly changed dramatically at this time.

"This is..."Han Lei and Li Yubai looked at each other and said in disbelief: "Seven-star strength?!"

"What!" After hearing Han Lei and Li Yubai's words, Mu Gu said in surprise: "Senior Han, Senior Li, are you mistaken? "What do you

mean by Mu Gu! Shouldn't the Koga Ninja Frog have trained so hard for a year, from a six-star strength to a seven-star strength?" Hearing Mu Gu's tone, Lin Yu was angry and pointed at Mu Gu and said.

"No, no! I'm just too surprised!" After seeing Lin Yu's expression that was about to bite, Mu Gu waved his hand again and again to explain.

"Lin Yu, we don't like to hear what you say!" At this time, Han Lei smiled and quipped to Lin Yu: "My Pokémon and your Senior Li have also been training hard for three years, and we haven't succeeded in breaking through from six-star strength to seven-star!

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