"Sasuke (croaking the frog) is okay!" Lin Yu shouted when he saw the croaking frog whose hands were already blurred with flesh and blood.

The croaking bubble frog turned its head to look at Lin Yu, then gave Lin Yu a thumbs up with his bloody hand, and then fell backwards with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Sasuke (Quack Bubble Frog)!" Lin Yu saw the croaking bubble frog that had fallen backwards because he didn't have the physical strength, and immediately rushed to the croaking bubble frog on the playing field.

The shrill whistle sounded, drawing everyone's attention to the referee.

"Referee, did you make a mistake! Obviously, it was me and Yamu (forest lizard) who won, how could it be a draw?" Yu Heng was not calm when he saw the referee raising the flag of the draw, and immediately ran to the referee to theorize.

"Because your forest lizard has lost its ability to fight after using the last blade!"

"What do you mean! Yamu (forest lizard) is still standing on the field!" Yu Heng danced and reasoned with the referee.

"What's going on with this referee? Isn't anyone with a discerning eye can tell that it's the forest lizard who won?" "Are you cheating in the fifth middle school?" "Inside! Inside! Inside!" After seeing the referee's judgment, the audience has already discussed a lot, and there are even some who shout shady.

At this time, Lin Yu walked towards the medical station outside the field with the croaking bubble frog in his arms, although the croaking bubble frog looked at Lin Yu holding him with a smile, as if he was waiting for Lin Yu to speak quickly.

"Good job, Sasuke (croaking bubble frog)! It's my command that is not good, let's work hard in the future! We'll come back tomorrow!" Lin Yu said as he looked at the croaking bubble frog in his arms.

The croaking bubble frog also humanized himself with his bloody hands to help Lin Yu wipe his tears.

Yu Heng, who didn't want to continue arguing with the referee at the venue, was suddenly stopped by his father.

"You'd better send Yamu (forest lizard) to be treated first!I'll explain the rest to you later!" Father Yu said with a smile at Yu Heng.

"Dad, Mingming..."I originally wanted to say that I and the forest lizard finally won, why can't I fight, Yu Heng swallowed the next words.

Yu Heng just walked to the edge of the forest lizard and found that the forest lizard was standing there with his eyes closed and his breath was weak, and there was no reaction at all, if the forest lizard had been arguing with him in the past, he touched the forest lizard lightly, and the forest lizard had already fallen.

"Yamu (Forest Lizard) has done a good job!" Father Yu touched Yu Heng's head and said, then explained to everyone, "Yamu (Forest Lizard) had lost his combat ability before he used the last blade, but he used that blade and hit the Croaking Bubble Frog, and it relied on its own perseverance to stand even if it lost its ability to fight!"

The students in the audience were surprised to hear that the forest lizard actually used its skills when it lost its combat ability, and relied on perseverance to keep it from falling to the ground.

"Although strictly speaking, this one should be won by the croaking bubble frog, because the croaking bubble frog is technically just falling to the ground, and it can be done if it doesn't get up for ten seconds, but because the forest lizard can be said to have exhausted its physical strength, it was decided that it would be better for them to fight again after discussion by the organizing committee!" said the referee's father.

"Doesn't that mean that the croaking bubble frog will have to face another forest lizard with full physical strength in a few days?

"It's okay, Sasuke's injury can recover in two or three days, but the forest lizard's injury can't recover in half a month! And he can't recover his strength at all without a week of rehabilitation training, so Sasuke (Quack Bubble Frog) basically has a week and a half of training time," Dad Lin didn't know when he came to the team of the fifth middle school.

"Hmm, shouldn't there be two and a half weeks left, why is there one week less?" asked Mu Gu suspiciously.

"Because the county level is going to report the quota in two weeks, the forest lizard who has not recovered his physical strength after two weeks has to fight Sasuke (croaking bubble frog) who has been training for a week and a half!" said Dad Lin with a smile.

"I suggest you give up the next round of battles! If you forcibly let Yamu (forest lizard) participate, it may not be good for it! Its evolution itself is not the best state, if you fight again without recovery during the growth period, it will leave sequelae that will have a huge impact on future growth!" "Father Yu said on the way to the medical station with Yu Heng and the forest lizard.

"But... But... I'm not reconciled!Yamu (forest lizard) stood so hard this time, and I don't want to be defeated without a fight next time!" Yu Heng said with tears in his eyes.

"You have to think about it clearly, he didn't grow to the best state in the first stage to evolve, although it will have an impact on the future, but he still has the current impact of nine stars or even master level, because there are really few trainers who will train every Pokémon to that state before evolving. But if you let Yamu (forest lizard) have sequelae, then it will definitely not be able to reach the fifth star!" said Yu's father with a serious face.

"I... I think...

"I'm not talking to you!Do you think this competition is important or is the future of the forest lizard important?If you pay attention to the little gains and losses in front of you, then I suggest you don't become a professional trainer!" Yu's father touched Yu Heng's head and said.

"Dad! I... I gave up the school team, and I just wanted to get this spot! I..."Yu Heng didn't know what to do.

"Think about it! This may be the first turning point in your life! But I still advise you to make a decision before Yamu (the forest lizard) wakes up, if you don't plan to participate, then tell the forest lizard that it pretended to be asleep and was discovered by the referee, so the referee ruled that it lost! Don't tell him that he has to fight again after a draw!"

In this way, Yu's father walked in front, and Yu Heng followed behind with his head down and sobbing. The two men came to the medical station in silence.

"What's the matter with you? Do you know that this forest lizard will be destroyed if it is a little more seriously injured? It must stay in the hospital for a month! Otherwise, I can't guarantee that it can grow up healthy!" After the forest lizard went to the medical station for a series of examinations, a middle-aged nurse pointed at Yu Heng and scolded.

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