After Lin Yu found Liu Zhanmu and roughly said that he hoped he would not use Super Evolution, Liu Zhanmu said a little inexplicably: "If you want Xu Changzhou to win... I can surrender directly, but what does it mean to not use super evolution? Let my wonderful frog flower take a beating?"

"Hehe, who doesn't know that you have accepted the challenge of many challengers in the past month!, but you are still firmly in the second position, which shows that your strength is there, and it is normal for a challenger who ranks a hundred to not use super evolution!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Normal, you can't be planning anything, right?" Liu Zhanmu suddenly thought about something and immediately said: "I remember, Xu Changzhou is the guy who used Haoli!" Do you want him to evolve Haoli into a strange force by winning this championship?"

"Hehehe, I really can't hide anything from you!" Lin Yu said awkwardly: "Just help me!"

"Do you think I'm insane? Why should I make myself an opponent who will be difficult to deal with in the future? His current strength is a bit difficult to deal with, if his heroic power evolves into strange power... Next year, he will definitely be a big trouble for me as a school confidant!" Liu Zhanmu said with a righteous mouth at this time.

"I won't look for you to help you in vain, it's a big deal if you have any use for me next time, I will help you too!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll help you with this, so I won't be difficult for you, you can tell me the general grouping of your school's current competition!" Liu Zhan Mu said with a smile: "How is it?" "

Okay! I can tell you the current situation, but you can't tell other schools!" Lin Yu hesitated for a while before speaking.

"No problem!" Liu Zhanmu patted his chest and said.

At this time, Lin Yu thought that the grouping of those team battles could be re-formed by then, so after Lin Yu got Liu Zhanmu's assurance, he also told Liu Zhanmu everything, after all, in Lin Yu's eyes, it was definitely more important for Xu Changzhou's heroic power to evolve into a strange force than the lineup arrangement of the college league, but he didn't know that the current lineup of the Zhejiang University varsity team was decided by Pan Dong after thinking about it for a long time, so when Lin Yu later told Pan Dong about it and was ready to redistribute some more teams to Pan Dong, he was directly reprimanded by Pan Dong。

The next day, Liu Zhanmu arrogantly said a lot of derogatory words to Xu Changzhou before starting the game, and finally said to Xu Changzhou disdainfully: "The other party, who barely ranks in the top 100, is not qualified to use super evolution when fighting."

As a result, the next battle almost made Lin Yu look stupid, Liu Zhanmu's Miao Frog Flower could almost be said to be pressing Haoli in the early stage, but Miao Frog Hua almost always avoided Haoli's key point and then hit, and from time to time let Haoli use his throwing skills to hit a few times. In the end, what surprised Lin Yu the most was that Liu Zhanmu, who had basically locked the victory in the eyes of everyone, suddenly used super evolution again, and as a result, the failure of super evolution directly made Miao Frog Hua, who was already "physically exhausted", lose his combat ability.

If Lin Yu hadn't known that Liu Zhanmu had done all this to cooperate with his own acting, he would have wondered if Liu Zhanmu's final super-evolution decision was in the water in his brain. However, the hard work paid off, and finally after Xu Changzhou won the championship, his heroic power successfully evolved into a strange force, but it is a pity that the evolved strange power failed to break through to the seven-star strength.

The biggest winner of the first half of the youth championship is the Zhejiang University varsity, not only Xu Changzhou unexpectedly won the championship of the sophomore year, but even Keli Lanfen, who has adapted to the normal air pressure, also successfully won the first place in the first year. At the same time, everyone also became interested in this kid from the plateau who could adapt to normal air pressure before the college league.

After the end of the Heroes Tournament, Lin Yu and the others originally thought that they could relax in the vicinity for a few days, but on the night of the end of the Heroes Tournament, it could even be said that the closing ceremony had just ended, and Lin Yu was secretly taken to an unknown island by the staff of the Swan Group after receiving a reminder to participate in the Heroes Gathering event.

"Hey, you're just leaving, shouldn't you give me a map or a distress tool or something? You know, you even took away my mobile phone on the boat that came!" Seeing that the staff were about to leave directly, Lin Yu immediately called out to them.

"Hehe, classmate Lin Yu, you really know how to laugh. The staff smiled and said to Lin Yu: "If you take away your mobile phone, it is to prevent you from maliciously forming a team in private, and give you the tools... It's all on this island, and you'll need to find it yourself! As for security... No matter how you say it, it's just a Pokémon with six-star strength in the offshore area, can't you deal with it?"

Lin Yu said helplessly at this time: "No, then you should always tell me how to collect the evidence of the heroes you said! It's impossible for them to put the seal on my body!"

"Actually... For the other students, there is indeed a distress device, as well as a text to collect stamps and a map. For the individual contestants with seven-star strength Pokémon, for the sake of fairness, we hid these three things on the first island they landed, and they need to find three things by themselves!" Suddenly, a staff member said to Lin Yu with a smile.

In fact, the staff member was smiling when he spoke, but Lin Yu felt full of malice from the staff member's words, but Lin Yu didn't know how to reply to them, so how did a thousand words turn into a helpless "good horn", and then turned back to find a place to spend the night.

"Wait!" Lin Yu hadn't left a few times before he was stopped by one of the staff.

"What's wrong, are you trying to give me any clues?" Lin Yu turned around and asked suspiciously when he heard them call him.

"I forgot to tell you something, just press the distress device... We will automatically reject the original owner of the distress device. The staff member before still had that annoying smile on his face and said, "I think you should know what

I mean by this!" "It means that if I don't quickly find the distress device that belongs to me and let others find it first, it is likely that I will be eliminated inexplicably, right?" Lin Yu said indifferently: "But how could they come to this island so quickly?"

"Yes and no! I mean... If you want someone else to be eliminated, you don't need to hurt the other person, just ask the other person to hand over their distress device. The staff member said with a smile.

"I always felt like you were trying to make me attack them. Lin Yu waved his hand and turned around and left directly.

Several staff members didn't leave in a hurry as before after seeing Lin Yu walking away, they directly released their Pokémon and then scattered thinking about scattering around, if you look carefully at the direction of their movement, you can roughly develop Although they dispersed in all directions, they eventually moved in the direction that Lin Yu left.

Although Lin Yu, who had just left at this time, also knew that the other players should not immediately go to the island where he was tonight, but who knew if someone would go to the island tomorrow, so Lin Yu also immediately sent Jiahe Ninja Frog and Geng Ghost to search the entire island. Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and after a night of searching, Koga Ninja Frog and Geng Ghost finally succeeded in finding Lin Yu's distress device, and Geng Ghost and Koga Ninja Frog also helped Lin Yu collect almost all the useful things on the island.

"I'll go! Isn't that kid a little scary! Look at those two Pokémon, even if they hide anything well, they have to find out, a Koga ninja frog with countless clones, and a Geng ghost who can fly to the sky, it's simply invincible!" After discovering that Lin Yu had collected everything on the island in just one night, one of the staff members sighed helplessly.

"Who's to say it isn't, you don't know if I hadn't reacted quickly last night and hid the Heroes' Credentials for him... Maybe now he's riding a hackron and ready to set off on the next island!"

"Hehe, yes! If you hadn't hidden the evidence of the heroes, I would have already started to figure out how to go to the next island by now!" Seeing that several staff members were still rejoicing, Lin Yu's voice came directly behind them.

"Lin... Lin Yu, are you here like this?" said the staff member who was proud to have hidden the evidence of the heroes in advance just now said in surprise after turning his head and seeing Lin Yu.

"Why can't I be here? The Huskies (Gengs) had already discovered what you had taken, but they didn't pursue you because they knew that what you took was not a distress device. Lin Yu said with a smile at this time.

"You say... Your Geng ghost already found me at that time?" The staff member said in some surprise after hearing Lin Yu's words: "Besides, your Geng ghost will not go to the ghost type Pokémon, and when I took away the Qunying Certificate, I also used the Ghost Clan Pokémon!" Lin Yu

didn't mean to explain much, and directly stretched out his hand to the staff member and said, "Hehe, no matter what, you better hurry up and hand over the Qunying Certificate!"

Okay, Xiao Wang give him the card of the heroes!" At this time, the staff member who was the leader spoke to the staff who took the card of the heroes.

After hearing the words of the man in charge, the staff member could only helplessly take out the card of the heroes from his pocket and hand it to Lin Yu.

"Hehe, in fact, Geng Ghost didn't notice you before! Yesterday at dinner, Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) found out that some Pokémon on the island were behaving strangely, so he found you along the way!" Lin Yu said with a smile after receiving the evidence of the heroes.

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