Just after the staff rescued Mu Ningxia ashore, he suddenly found that the Koga ninja frogs at this time were actually still entangled by the stinger jellyfish group. Just when the staff member wondered why those stinger jellyfish knew that they couldn't deal with the Koga ninja frogs, they still pestered the Koga ninja frogs after Mu Ningxia was rescued.

"Hurry up and save people, why are you still stunned!" When the staff member was puzzled about what the stinger jellyfish wanted to do, Brother Wang, who was just watching the battle in the woods, was nervous and ran towards the beach while shouting.

"But... Brother Wang, I'm not already..."The staff member pointed to Mu Ningxia, who had been placed on the shore and was being treated by his own Pokémon.

"Didn't say that!Don't you look at Lin Yu who is in the sea now!" Brother Wang said at this time as he rode his six-star strength Tyrannosaurus towards the sea.

At this time, I saw that Lin Yu, who was originally riding a hack dragon and just watching the Koga ninja frog at sea, rescued Mu Ningxia, was also surrounded by countless stinger jellyfish tentacles sticking out of the bottom of the sea just now, although Haklong tried very hard to resist the huge stinger jellyfish that surrounded him and Lin Yu with tentacles, but Haklong, who only had five-star strength, was not the opponent of the giant stinger jellyfish at all.

Following Brother Wang and approaching Lin Yu, several staff members in the past were all surprised when they saw the huge stinger jellyfish, and said, "Brother Wang, when did there be such a big stinger jellyfish around here? I remember that before the start of the game, it was only said that there were three stinger jellyfish with six-star strength? But aren't those three stinger jellyfish all entangled with the Koga ninja frog?"

"Can't you see it yet? It can command so many stinger jellyfish to set traps, which means that the stinger jellyfish has reached the strength of the seven stars! Its goal is likely to devour that hack dragon!" Brother Wang stared at the giant stinger jellyfish seriously at this time.

In the past, when it encountered this kind of battle, it was the Koga ninja frog, and they basically didn't have to do anything when they attacked, but this time the hack dragon not only had to resist the attack of the giant stinger jellyfish, but also had to protect the forest feathers, so this was the first time it felt a sense of powerlessness, and it was also the first time that it felt too weak. At this time, Lin Yu was already unconscious in order to help Ha Kelong block the next attack that hit the point, and after seeing Lin Yu injured himself, Ha Ke Long was angry and frantically launched an attack on the giant stinger jellyfish.

And the Koga ninja frog who found that Lin Yu was injured was also completely angry, and the angry Koga ninja frog was instantly wrapped in a dazzling evolution light, but this time the evolution light wrapped around the Koga ninja frog did not slowly spread out like before and turned into a Hokage coat draped on the Koga ninja frog, but directly exploded and directly turned into a coat draped on the back of the Koga ninja frog. At the same time, the light of evolution exploded, and directly blew away the stinger jellyfish and agate jellyfish that surrounded the Koga ninja frog at the same time, and even the sea water was blown up several meters high.

With the Hokage coat draped on the back of the Koga Ninja Frog, the Koga Ninja Frog instantly felt that he was more comfortable controlling his various attribute energy. At this time, the Koga ninja frog can even use its superpowers and water attribute energy to make it stand directly on the surface of the sea. Realizing that he could move freely at sea, Koga Ninja Frog immediately pulled out the long knife of evil at his waist and rushed towards the giant stinger jellyfish trapped in Lin Yu and Hakron.

"I'll go, that Koga ninja frog is too handsome, isn't it! actually walking directly on the water?" After seeing the movement of the Koga ninja frog, the staff who came to the rescue were also surprised.

"That state of the Koga ninja frog shouldn't be able to maintain itself for too long, everyone hurry up and work hard to kill the leader of the stinger jellyfish when the stinger jellyfish clan is attracted by the Koga ninja frog!" Brother Wang immediately shouted to the people around him at this time.

Although at this time, Brother Wang did see that after the Koga Ninja Frog suddenly broke out, he could almost single-handedly challenge the posture of the entire Stinger Jellyfish Clan, but he couldn't relax at this time, because even if the Koga Ninja Frog showed the strength of a sting jellyfish again, there were too many stinger jellyfish that stopped the Koga Ninja Frog at this time, and no one knew how long the Koga Ninja Frog could hold on to this crazy state, and at this time, he had already seen that the Haklong and Lin Yu, who were about to be exhausted, had been caught by the huge Stinger Jellyfish。

After seeing Lin Yu and Haklong being caught by the stinger jellyfish, the Koga ninja frog didn't care about anything else, and directly used the throwing skill to throw the long knife of evil in his hand towards the two red agate-like objects that looked like eyes on the head of the giant stinger jellyfish. Then, as if the Koga ninja frog might not feel enough to stop the stinger jellyfish, the thing flung out the three shuriken of the water attribute, evil attribute and superpower attribute on his body again, and the three shuriken slashed in the air in a perfect arc and flew towards the two tentacles that bound Lin Yu and Haklong.

The long knife of evil that was thrown out first directly plunged the entire knife into one of the red agate-like objects on the head of the stinger jellyfish, and the three shuriken thrown out immediately after it successfully saved Lin Yu and them who were tied up before the giant stinger jellyfish went crazy because of the pain.

At this time, the Koga Ninja Frog, which lost the long knife of evil, still has the advantage of crushing the stinger jellyfish group, but its damage to the stinger jellyfish group has become much lower, and when there was originally a long knife of evil, one knife can solve a stinger jellyfish or agate jellyfish, and now use the ice blade made by themselves to use water freezing to solve at most one agate jellyfish with one knife.

As the battle continued, Koga Shinobi felt that his stamina was running out at a rapid pace and was about to reach its limit, and finally it had to quit Naruto's state in order to save some stamina. After exiting Naruto's state, the Koga ninja frog lost the current defense of the coat, and scars quickly appeared on its body.

Fortunately, when the Koga ninja frog was about to be exhausted, because most of the stinger jellyfish and agate jellyfish were killed by the Koga ninja frog, the hippo king and Geng Ghost successfully defeated three six-star strength stinger jellyfish and came over to protect the Koga ninja frog, which could only barely float on the water.

The exhausted Koga Ninja Frog finally fell asleep from exhaustion after seeing that Brother Wang had successfully rescued Lin Yu and was fighting against the giant stinger jellyfish, and the Hippo King also successfully used several teleportations in a row to take the Koga Ninja Frog back to the shore after Geng Ghost contained the stinger jellyfish group.

After seeing that the Hippo King was exhausted after successfully carrying the Koga Ninja Frog to the shore, he flew towards the long knife of evil that was stuck in the red agate-like object on the head of the giant stinger jellyfish.

"Hurry up!" Brother Wang immediately shouted to the others after seeing the Geng ghost flying over.

At first, several other staff members didn't know the meaning of Brother Wang's words, but after looking at the Stinger Jellyfish Clan, they realized that at this time, because the Koga Ninja Frog was now unconscious, and the Hippo King and Geng Ghost had also left the battle situation, the Stinger Jellyfish Clan, which had no restrictions, had begun to surround the group that was besieging their boss at this time.

Just when a few staff members were still stunned, they saw Geng Ghost come to the head of the giant stinger jellyfish, hold the long knife of evil with both hands, and then step on the red agate-like object pierced by the long knife of evil, and pull it out with force, directly pulling out the long knife of evil.

Originally, the giant stinger jellyfish was already about to get used to the long knife of evil stuck in his head, but at this time, the giant stinger jellyfish was pulled out by Geng Ghost and fell into a state of madness again. The madness of the stinger jellyfish, the staff who came to the rescue, but Geng Ghost threw the long knife of evil into his own alien space, and went directly to find the few shuriken thrown out by the Koga Ninja Frog.

"I'll go!, that Geng ghost is too good at making trouble!" After seeing the Geng ghost fly away after drawing the long knife, the others complained angrily.

However, at this time, Geng Ghost seemed to hear their voices, suddenly stopped flying, turned around, and threw a few shadow balls at the huge stinger jellyfish before continuing to fly away, at this time, the huge stinger jellyfish that was originally very angry when Geng Ghost suddenly pulled out the long knife of evil, saw that the little black fat man flying in the air actually dared to throw skills at himself, and immediately chased after Geng Ghost angrily.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Geng Ghost lured the giant stinger jellyfish away at this time, if you don't leave now, do you want to wait for breakfast to become a stinger jellyfish? Why don't you hurry up and leave!" Brother Wang saw that the other people were still watching the giant stinger jellyfish chasing Geng away without knowing what to say, and immediately roared at them angrily.


"The Tyrannosaurus uses the Dragon's Fury on the front!, and then we rush straight over!" At this time, Brother Wang didn't pay any attention to their meaning, and commanded directly at his Tyrannosaurus.

After hearing Brother Wang's order, several other people also immediately commanded their Pokémon to use their skills to use their skills to clear the stinger jellyfish and agate jellyfish in a position and rushed over, fortunately, the Hippo King and Geng Ghost had already solved the three six-star strength stinger jellyfish in this stinger jellyfish group, and just now the Koga Ninja Frog also solved the stinger that was not a five-star strength, so at this time, under the simultaneous attack of several of their Pokémon, a way was quickly cleared.

At this time, the movement here has also attracted the staff of the other two small islands, and under the long-distance harassment of the staff on the other two islands, Brother Wang and they finally managed to escape from the encirclement of the stinger jellyfish group and swam towards the shore, and just when they just swam to the shore and released all the Pokémon to prepare to face the stinger jellyfish group, Geng Ghost, who went out to find the shuriken, returned with the angry giant stinger jellyfish.

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