"Kati dog?" Lin Yu suddenly remembered something after hearing that person's words, so he frowned and said, "Give that Katy dog back to them! You shouldn't get its approval like this

!" "Recognition? What recognition do you want! What do you think a professional trainer like me is doing when he catches Pokémon?" The man said to Lin Yu with a smug smile: "You must know that a dog like Katy Dog Wind Speed Dog can be sold for a lot of money!"

After hearing the man's words, Lin Yu glanced at him in disgust and said, "Then when I save your reward, you can hand over that catty dog to me

!" "Okay! five thousand!" The man stretched out a hand and said to Lin Yu.

"Five thousand? You..." Originally, Lin Yu was going to say something cruel, but in the end, he took out the last bit of cash from his pocket and said, "I don't have that much money, so much on me."

"Six hundred?" the man took the money handed over by Lin Yu and counted it, and then said with some disgust: "Okay, good horn! Six hundred is six hundred!

The man first put Lin Yu's six hundred yuan into his pocket, then took out a Poke Ball from his backpack and threw it directly to Lin Yu and said, "By the way, give me a little more potion, my Pokémon is a little injured now." Lin

Yu took the Poke Ball it ran over and directly released the Katy Dog immediately, the Katy Dog that had just been sent out of the ball did not have the arrogance it had before, it was directly afraid after seeing Lin Yu and retreated again and again, and at the same time, the mouth was not the arrogant roar that I had seen before, but a whimper.

"You go back!" Lin Yu said to the catty dog, "Go back to your family." After

hearing Lin Yu's words, the Kati dog first glanced at Lin Yu suspiciously, and then ran directly in the direction of the wind speed dog, after the Katy dog returned to the wind speed dog, the wind speed dogs had also recovered almost through the potion they got from the Geng ghost, and now they left directly with the catty dog after seeing the catty dog.

"Hehe, kid, you haven't graduated from college yet, right?" After seeing Lin Yu directly let the wind speed dog and the catty dog leave, the person before opened his mouth and taunted Lin Yu: "Only you little farts who are still studying will release Pokémon in the secret realm!" "

Don't worry about it!" Lin Yu directly dropped such a sentence and prepared to leave directly.

"Good luck in the future, little friend, I hope you won't be like us, and you will have to survive by catching Pokémon after you arrive. After watching Lin Yu leave, the trainer said lonely to Lin Yu's back: "Hehe, a newcomer who can have seven-star strength in a university should not be like me." After

this episode, Lin Yu soon came to the meeting place agreed with Bai Qixi, where in addition to Bai Qixi, there were many other schools who came in to explore, and people were nearby, at first Lin Yu didn't understand what they were doing, but later when he asked, he realized that everyone wanted to hug Bai Qixi's thighs.

"How is the training of the sword technique of the Koga Ninja Frog?" After seeing Lin Yu come back, Bai Qixi said directly: "We are almost going back, this secret realm can probably last for about a week at most, and there is really no interest here, and it is basically not the opponent of Gohan (Hot Monkey)." "

By the way, Lin Yu, have you taken any Pokémon this time, take them out and show us first!" Han Lei also said at this time.

"This... If you accept it, you won't accept any Pokémon, but you just bring back one..."Lin Yu said and threw out the Poké Ball awkwardly and said, "Bring back a green onion duck." "

Are you going to use this thing to make your fifth Pokémon?" Han Lei squatted down and kept looking at the green onion duck holding half a green onion before he spoke, "You're not going to take it home for dinner, I've heard that there is a group of rich people with bad tastes who like to use this kind of Pokémon with side dishes for dinner." "

Lin Yu, you should know very well that although there is such a seven-star strength green onion duck here, the seven-star strength is almost the top strength among the wild green onion ducks!" Bai Qixi was different from Han Lei's hippie smile at this time, but he looked at Lin Yu seriously and said, "I suggest that you release this green onion duck."

"First of all, this green onion duck was not what I wanted to take in the first place, but the seven-star strength green onion duck entrusted me to find a good place for it, so I thought maybe I could send it home and let my mother raise it." Lin Yu looked at the two inexplicable people in front of him a little helplessly and said, "I haven't thought about what the fifth Pokémon will accept yet." "

Bai Qi Rhino, Bai Qi Rhino, Oh no! A very strong wind speed dog has attacked with a group of wind speed dogs! Now many people have been injured!" At this moment, a boy suddenly ran over in a panic and said.

"What!Bai Hao (Strange Force), Gohan (Hot Monkey) Go" After hearing the boy's words, Bai Qixi said directly to the strange force and hot monkey beside him: "I want to see what kind of strength Wind Speed Dog is so bold that he dares to attack us." When

Lin Yu and the others followed Bai Qixi to the place where they were really fighting with the Wind Speed Dog Clan, Lin Yu could be sure that this Wind Speed Dog Group was the Wind Speed Dog Clan led by the Wind Speed Dog with Seven-Star Strength that he had seen before, and at this time, he saw that the Wind Speed Dog with Seven-Star Strength was carrying five or six Wind Speed Dogs with about six-star strength and more than twenty Pokémon with Six-Star Strength commanded by the students. But Lin Yu, but at this time, Lin Yu was strange, the six-star trainer he met before, obviously relying on his six six-star Pokémon, he could fight with the wind speed dogs, but at this time, the twenty or so six-star strength Pokémon were under the command of a group of students, and there was no way to take those wind speed dogs.

"Aren't you strange?" Probably seeing the confusion in Lin Yu's eyes, Bai Qixi said with a smile: "I think you should have met a professional trainer in the secret realm." "

Well, I've seen this Wind Speed Dog Clan before, when they were beaten by a six-star strength trainer, but at this time, so many of them commanded so many Pokémon, instead..."Lin Yu said with some confusion.

"Actually, this is very easy to understand, in the eyes of wild Pokémon and professional trainers, this battle is not won or lost, only life and death, and for us students, Pokémon battles are only in the concept of only winning and losing, no life and death, so most people will always be afraid to fight in the wild Pokémon to exchange injuries for injuries. Bai Qixi pointed to a few of the Pokémon and said, "You see, although the fight seems to be very intense, in fact, the two sides have fought for so long without any obvious injuries.

"I see. After listening to Bai Qixi's explanation, Lin Yu nodded and then spoke: "Since those wind speed dogs only have life and death in their eyes, why do they attack our group of people who are obviously unwinnable according to reason?"

"You ask me? I still want to ask you! You said that you saw them beaten by that six-star trainer, so did you do anything bad to them at that time? Why don't you steal their children?" Bai Qixi turned his head and said with a serious face: "Although this kind of Pokémon is really good, if you don't accept it in a normal way, it won't be completely loyal to you! So if you steal someone's child, you better let it go quickly, there is no point in stealing children."

Didn't I say it before, what I brought back this time was just a duck with green onions. Lin Yu said helplessly at this time: "I also spent six hundred yuan in the hands of that trainer to redeem their children and return them to them!" "

Six hundred? Do you know how much the catty dog can sell for in the black market? Those wind speed dogs may be counted on your head for this revenge!" Bai Qixi said to Lin Yu with some unimaginability.

"No... Bar... When it goes back... It's quite lively. Lin Yu struggled to recall the previous situation and said.

At this time, the wind speed dog, who was still fighting with those students, suddenly turned around and rushed back into the forest, and not long after, he rushed out again and ran directly in the direction of Lin Yu.

"Bai Hao (Strange Force) and Gohan (Hot Monkey) stop it!" When he saw the Wind Speed Dog that suddenly rushed in this direction, Bai Qixi immediately ordered the Fire Monkey and Strange Force behind him.

After hearing Bai Qixi's order, the strange force and the fiery monkey immediately stood up to protect Lin Yu and them, but in front of the wind speed dog, which had already accelerated to the fastest, the two of them still did not succeed in stopping the wind speed dog, but just when the wind speed dog and the fiery monkey staggered by, suddenly two flying water shurikens fell in front of it and stopped it.

After Wind Speed Dog stopped because of the two Flying Water Shuriken, the Strange Power and the Fire Monkey had successfully blocked its retreat, and in front of it stood the Koga Ninja Frog, who was ready to fight at any time with the Evil Long Knife.

Although the Koga Ninja Frog was 100% sure that it could defeat the wind speed dog in front of it, it was afraid that the wind speed dog would use its skills to attack Lin Yu when the net was broken in the end, so at this time it was still very nervous to look at the wind speed dog in front of it and kept saying something to the wind speed dog.

At this time, although the wind speed dog was surrounded by the Koga ninja frogs, it did not have the nervousness on the faces of the Koga ninja frogs at all.

People who don't know the situation may think that the strength of the Koga ninja frog is crushed by this wind speed dog, but in fact, it is the wind speed dog, not to mention facing the three of them at the same time, even if it is a Koga ninja frog, it is not sure to win at all. And at this time, with the leading wind speed dog coming to Lin Yu and them, the other wind speed dogs had already broken away from the battle situation and ran back to the forest.

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