After Lin Yu came back from Pan Dong, he had been hesitant to go to Yu Heng to ask for the training method of the Kati dog, but when Lin Yu was still hesitating, Yu Heng was the first to find Lin Yu.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Lin Yu asked directly after glancing at Yu Heng.

"I think you should need it. Yu Heng didn't say anything, directly handed over a notebook, and said: "This is some of my father's experience in training wind speed dogs, I think it should be of some help to you when training Katy dogs, so I have to come to my dad." "

Thank you. Lin Yu was also not pretentious, and directly took the notebook handed over by Yu Heng and said.

"Hehe, I hope it helps. Yu Heng smiled slightly at this time, and left silently after saying to Lin Yu.

When Yu Heng turned around and was about to leave, Lin Yu suddenly said, "Why didn't you leave with us

at that time?" What were you thinking about at that time?" After hearing Lin Yu's question, Yu Heng said with a helpless wry smile: "Hehe, what if I say I

want to become stronger?" "Become stronger?" Lin Yu looked at Yu Heng in front of him suspiciously and said, "If you want to become stronger, where can't you train?"

"Training, training can become stronger, but if you want to become stronger faster, you can only become stronger if you keep fighting to find your own shortcomings and change!" Yu Heng hesitated for a while and then said, "I want to fight with more masters from other schools..."

Why don't you tell us?" Lin Yu continued to ask after looking at Yu Heng at this time.

"Hehe..."Yu Heng glanced at Lin Yu with a wry smile and then said, "You didn't give me a chance to speak at all, you only asked me if you wanted to leave together when you left." "

Good horn... It was we who didn't take you into account at the time. Lin Yu suddenly said with some embarrassment at this time: "I... I'm sorry. "

Nothing. After Yu Heng heard Lin Yu's words, he smiled helplessly and said, "You better hurry up and train Pokémon, this year's National College League will depend on you!"

After Yu Heng left, Lin Yu was ready to go to Mu Gu to talk about the relationship between the two of them, but when Lin Yu found Mu Gu to talk about this matter, Mu Gu directly chose to pull away from the topic, and Xu Changzhou said that he was not angry with Yu Heng because of that matter. In the end, Lin Yu had no choice but to spend most of his time on training.

After more than a week of training, the green onion duck, which originally only had about two-star strength, has successfully reached the three-star strength under the supervision of Koga Ninja Frog, and the little catty dog has also successfully passed its juvenile period at this time and reached the appearance of one-star strength.

Needless to say, this time, the six-person team composed of Bai Qixi and Xu Changzhou and the Zhejiang University team with seven-star Pokémon players like Lin Yu all went smoothly to the finals of Zhejiang Province, and the other team participating in the finals successfully defeated the Nanhu University team of Zhejiang University of Technology in the semi-finals, but this time under the leadership of Pan Dong, it is needless to say that Zhejiang University almost defeated the other party.

Just when the national college league was about to start, Mewtwo in the huge secret realm before it was about to start again, and at the same time, the alliance's escort team suddenly attacked the Australian continent and under the strong onslaught of the alliance escort team, the Australian continent was completely occupied by the alliance after only holding on for a week under the alliance escort, and at the same time, the coalition forces of various countries also reacted at the first time and prepared to face the battle.

And because most of the unofficial trainers have already faced Mewtwo in the huge secret realm, and the coalition forces of various countries have to face the powerful alliance army, so the United Nations has urgently canceled the college league, and even needs major universities to deal with the secret realms that appear around the world under the leadership of teachers.

"There is a small secret realm in Lin Yu Ning City, and the school teams of several schools in Ning City are trapped inside, and now I need you to take Han Lei and them to support them!" On this day, Pan Dong came to the training ground and said to Lin Yu: "After you get there, their teacher will take you in." "

Teacher, what's going on, even the appearance of the miniature secret realm is not as frequent as this!" Han Lei said with some doubts.

"Because the appearance of these secret realms is controlled by the alliance!The reason why they forcibly descended on that huge secret realm this time, the arrival of the secret realm will become more and more frequent recently!" Before Pan Dong could speak, a familiar voice came from outside the training ground, and everyone looked at the voice, only to see Wu Vawu standing there with a smile on his face at this time, waving to everyone.

"Senior Wu! It's really you! The person I saw in the plateau area at that time was really Senior Fang?" Lin Yu said excitedly after seeing Wu Vawu.

"Yes, Lao Fang did go to the plateau during the summer vacation, and they were almost killed by the undercover agents arranged by the alliance in the Bra Palace. Wu Vawu nodded at this time and then said, "But in the end, he was still rescued by the palace master of the Bra Palace. "

Xiao Wu, is all this true?" Li Yubai said at this time: "I heard that the so-called eighteen great families of the alliance are all from the secret realm. "

Yes!" Wu Vawu nodded and said.

"Okay, Lin Yu, you should go to help Ning City first, they need your help. Pan Dong opened his mouth at this time and said, "Xu Changzhou, you should go with you." "

Okay!" Lin Yu and the others could only give up at this time and continue to catch up with Wu Fawu, who had just returned.

On that day, Lin Yu and the three of them plus some members of the Battle Club got on the bus to Ning City, and after Lin Yu and the others arrived in Ning City, the classmates from several schools in Ning City handed over the secret realm they knew about to Lin Yu.

"The strongest Pokémon in this secret realm is actually a big steel snake with eight-star strength. Looking at

the information in his hand, Han Lei said with some worry: "Are we..." After hearing Han Lei's words, the classmate who was in charge of sending information to Lin Yu and them immediately said to them: "That big steel snake has been defeated under the leadership of our teacher before. "

Then why do you still need our support? The strongest steel snake has been solved, shouldn't it be easy for you to do the rest?" Xu Changzhou looked at the information and continued: "And from your information... You seem to have almost explored the whole secret realm. "

Yes, but because an exploration team from Ning University discovered the relics of the secret realm before, they were trapped inside, and then the school teams of several of our schools were all trapped in it when they went to the rescue. The classmate said helplessly at this time: "They only sent back some distress messages."

Xu Changzhou continued to ask: "Then what dangers do we need to pay attention to after we go in?"

As we know now... There is a rumble rock with three seven-star strengths, and there are some other rock-based Pokémon with seven-star strength. The classmate continued.

"Good horn!" Xu Changzhou stopped talking after finding that there was basically no way to get any useful information from this person.

After Lin Yu and the others entered the secret realm, Xu Changzhou said to Lin Yu and them: "Everyone had better be careful, this secret realm is a bit weird, logically speaking, the big steel snake as the lord should definitely not be a lone ranger, but in their information, there are no other big steel snakes in this secret realm except for the big steel snake, not even the big rock snake." "

Old Xu, do you mean that the information they gave was wrong?" Lin Yu looked at Xu Changzhou suspiciously.

"Raised by a bitch, are they trying to kill us?" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Han Lei said angrily: "Xiao Xu, you just knew about this matter, why didn't you just say it? "If you say it, we won't enter

this secret realm!" "I mean there should be a Pokémon with an eight-star strength in this secret realm, and that Pokémon should be said to be the real lord!" Xu Changzhou shook his head at this time and said: " I think it should be this lord Pokémon that is trapping those people now, Senior Ma Xin, you first use communication equipment to try to contact those trapped people.

One of the several members of the Battle Club who came with him nodded, then took out a communication device from his backpack and began to try to contact the people who were exploring this secret realm.

"I got in touch, but... It seems that the signal is blocked by something. After a while, Ma Xin raised his head and said to Xu Changzhou: "There should be a special magnetic field over there, or... The ruins they explore block out the signal. "

It should be a special magnetic field! If it's a shielding signal, it shouldn't be able to be contacted at all, and they shouldn't be able to send back a distress signal, so that special magnetic field should be from the Pokémon!" Xu Changzhou frowned at this time and thought about it, and said, "It seems that we need to explore the neighborhood first to determine the type of that race."

"Do you still need to think about this? Isn't the Pokémon that can control the magnetic field a giant gold monster! It should be a giant gold monster group that trapped them!" Han Lei said directly at this time: "Let's go, it just so happens that I also want to catch a quasi-god Pokémon and apply for registration of the sixth Pokémon." "

No, it's definitely impossible to say that the Giant Gold Monster, if it's a Giant Gold Monster, we can only retreat far away and let the eight-star trainer solve it." Xu Changzhou shook his head and said.

"Okay, Senior Han, you and Senior Ma, let's go over there and take a look at the situation around here first. Lin Yu pointed in one direction at this time and said to Han Lei before continuing: "Lao Xu and I will go nearby to see the general situation of the Pokémon here. "

Okay, then we're going to camp here tonight!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Han Lei was no longer so angry, after all, this operation was still dominated by Lin Yu, who had the strength of the seven-star Jiahe Ninja Frog.

"Should camp around here. Xu Changzhou nodded and then said, "The reason why several of their school teams were also trapped in it before should be too anxious. "

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