Two weeks after the competition, Bubble Frog has managed to push all the training items to the limit, so recently he has started to think about developing new skills or new moves.

"Sasuke (Quack Bubble Frog) This competition shows that we have a lot of shortcomings! Now it's time for us to learn new skills!What skills do you want to learn first?" After the game, Lin Yu flipped through his father's notes and asked Quack Bubble Frog, "No, we should continue to strengthen the control of water molecules now! You have to turn free water into liquid water, and then turn liquid water into solid water for weapon combat! Yes, that's it

!". The croaking bubble frog looked at Lin Yu tilting his head, his head full of doubts as if he was asking, what you said is so general, how do you let me learn? Lin Yu looked at

the quacking bubble frog with a puzzled face, and probably understood what the other party meant, but since he was not a scholar back then, he couldn't use a microscopic method to understand how the three states of water molecules changed.

"I didn't expect you to work so hard! No wonder you can be so strong. At this time, Xu Changzhou's voice suddenly came from the door.

Since Xu Changzhou met Dad Lin last time, he now has the opportunity to come to Lin's house every weekend to train Pokémon with Dad Lin. During this period, Father Lin almost regarded Xu Changzhou as his own nephew, so gradually Xu Changzhou and Lin Yu became more and more familiar.

Now Mu Gu has to train with Wu Yi every day, going to school an hour earlier every day, and practicing until nine o'clock in the evening before going home, Lin Yu hasn't seen him for almost two weeks. On the contrary, Xu Changzhou sees each other almost every day, and obviously the two of them have become friends.

"By the way, you should be going to participate in the municipal selection next week! Do you plan to go to other schools to inquire about the news?" Xu Changzhou said to Lin Yu, "Why don't we go to Yixian County together tomorrow?"

"What are you going to do? I'm not from the school team, what news are I going to investigate?" Lin Yu looked at Xu Changzhou with a puzzled expression.

"Who said that you should go and find out the strength of their school team! It is for you to inquire about the other party's representative players, and then find out the bottom of it! Knowing yourself and knowing that the other side can win all battles, we should now go to know the other side!"

"Do you think you have trained too well? Now you can't even do it as a confidant, don't train a whim!" Father Lin, who was sitting on the side and supervising their training, said slowly.

"Looks like we can't go!I'd better think about how to learn Sasuke's skills!" Lin Yu said, but slowly came to Xu Changzhou's ear and said, "Why don't you help me

go and see, I'll pay for the travel and food!" "Add another hard fee! I'll go and compete with them one by one, and I'll give you the video when the time comes!" Xu Changzhou said with a smile.

"Xiao Xu, if you want to go, you must pay attention to safety! You should go to fight against opponents of similar strength, Sasuke (croaking bubble frog) is now going to learn skills at home, and I don't have time to give you a sparring partner! Almost this time you can basically evolve when you go to fight!"

"Dad, who the hell are you Dad!He's blackmailing me! You don't care! You still connive at him!" Lin Yu immediately complained when he heard his father's words.

"I've found you ways to learn the skills of Freezing Beam, Hot Water, Provocation and Retribution, plus some of the water-based skills I used to train the Tyrannosaurus, which is basically all the skills that Sasuke can learn now!

"Water skills Sasuke (croaking bubble frog) can learn it by looking at the learning method by himself, it is these four skills..."Lin Yu looked at these skills and began to make difficulties, although croaking bubble frog has learned a lot of skills, but he himself teaches very few traditional skills.

"Then you can take a good look! If you don't understand anything, you can come and ask me! You don't look at how diligent Xiao Mu has been in the past few weeks, getting up earlier than a chicken and going to bed later than a dog every day

!" "Okay, good! I'll stay at home!" Lin Yu could only reluctantly give up the matter of going to other places with Xu Changzhou to collect information on the opponent.


The next day, Xu Changzhou got on the train to Yixian, and he went with Hu Tu and Yu Heng.

Lin Yu was afraid that Xu Changzhou's Pyras would not be able to force the other party to do anything, so he could only find the two strongest guys he knew to go with. These two guys have been idle at home since the end of the league, and as soon as they heard that Xu Changzhou was going to other counties to cause trouble, of course they also had to fight other masters.

"Lao Xu, where are we going first?Do you know where they represent the contestants?" The three of them sat together awkwardly, and Yu Heng was the first to speak to break the silence.

"I don't know, I don't even know which of them is the representative player! But I know that their county has a qualifying school team, let's just challenge them! When the time comes, if we want to find a representative player, there should be news soon. "

Listen to what you mean, we're going to kick the gym, aren't we going to find out the news, aren't you afraid of being beaten out by them?" Hu Tu said in deep thought.

"If it's me, then I'll go over and have a look if I haven't said anything, and I'll go back after asking about the situation! But isn't this the two of you? You're all here, it's so boring not to go to the gym! Hey, hey, hey" Xu Changzhou smiled extraordinarily brightly.

"Then we are the Wuxian Expeditionary Force! We are going to show them our strength! Hahaha, I like this idea! My tooth wood has become a lot stronger!Hahaha!" Although Yu Heng is very creative when fighting, he has to say that he is still a hot-blooded boy similar to Xiao Zhi.

"No, we're the Lanxian Expeditionary Force! And we can't use our own names! Hey, hey, hey, after all, it's too boring for a few of our schools that didn't qualify!" Xu Changzhou laughed particularly sinister this time.

Xu Changzhou's idea was to hang up an expeditionary force in one region by himself, and then provoke rookie trainers who felt good strength between several regions to challenge rookie trainers in other regions. At that time, there will definitely be multiple expeditionary forces in the entire gold market, and then there will be challenges everywhere.

The three teenagers who claimed to be the Lan County Expeditionary Force at the Yixian Railway Station walked out, and as soon as they got out of the station, they were excited to take a taxi to the No. 2 Middle School of the Yixian Expeditionary Line, but they found that several teenagers were facing each other in an open field. The three of them involuntarily walked over

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