"But if we go on like this..."Bai Qixi also said helplessly at this time: "Forget it, anyway, both horizontal and vertical are dead, now let's let Gohan (hot monkey) protect us and try

it!" Lin Yu also knew at this time that there was no other way except this method that was not a way, so Lin Yu also nodded helplessly and said: "It's only like this!"

"Okay!Gohan (Hot Monkey), Bai Hao (Strange Force), you guys stay by our side, and the Strong Chicken will use the Jet Flame in that direction!" Bai Qixi said to the Hot Monkey and the Strange Force after hearing Lin Yu's words, and then pointed in the direction of a Pokémon with only a few six-star strength, and said to the only strong chicken with long-range attack ability.

After Bai Qixi finished speaking, Lin Yu also pointed in that direction and said to the Koga ninja frogs beside him: "Sasuke (Koga ninja frog) uses the flying water shuriken in that direction, Huskie (Geng Ghost) uses the shadow ball, Sanqian Wen (fast dragon) uses electromagnetic waves, vigorously (giant swamp monster) uses water cannons, and then the donkey gets water (Koga ninja frog) You pay attention to protect Sasuke (Koga ninja frog) them, and Rhubarb (Kati Dog) and Broken Onion (Green Onion Duck) you follow us!"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the Koga ninja frogs and they all moved, and the Hippo King used the light wall to defend the skills that flew from behind, but the Koga ninja frogs were difficult and began to fight with the Pokémon that were constantly gathering in front of them.

When he saw that the people of the escort team gathered most of the Pokémon from both sides in the direction of the Koga Ninja Frog and their breakthrough in order to prevent Lin Yu from escaping, Lin Yu immediately said to the Koga Ninja Frog: "Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) turned around and retreated!".

When they heard Lin Yu's words, Koga Ninja Frog also did not hesitate to directly face Geng Ghost and they gave the command to turn around and break through backwards, and those people in the escort team also didn't expect Lin Yu to come back and forth like this, and when they commanded the Pokémon again to outflank Lin Yu from both sides, Lin Yu and they had already successfully fought with Koga Ninja Frog and them out of the encirclement.

"Chase!" After seeing Lin Yu and them run away, the leader of the escort team immediately shouted to the other people around him, although Lin Yu successfully killed the encirclement, but in the woods, they had no way to successfully get rid of those people in the escort team.

"Lin Yu, we can't go on like this!" Bai Qixi glanced at the members of the escort team who had been following closely behind him and said to Lin Yu: "I remember that your Koga Ninja Frog should have an ability that can lead people to become invisible, wait until we take the Pokémon back to the Poké Ball, and you let the Koga Ninja Frog make us invisible."

Lin Yu knew that although the Koga ninja frog could achieve the effect of stealth with the help of water vapor refraction, he also knew very well that the kind of stealth of the Koga ninja frog would lose its stealth effect if it was attacked, but for a while, he couldn't find any good way, so after thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's try." "

Okay, then let's take the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball first!" Bai Qixi said again after seeing Lin Yu nodding.

After Bai Qixi finished speaking, he took the lead in retracting the strange power and the fiery monkey, and Lin Yu also began to put away the other Pokémon around him except for the Koga Ninja Frog, and soon Lin Yu and the others took their Pokémon back into their Poké Balls.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) used water vapor to cover me and Brother Qi Rhino to make us incognito!" Lin Yu said to Koga Ninja Frog beside him after retrieving all the Pokémon.

After hearing Lin Yu's words at this time, the Koga Ninja Frog nodded, and began to slowly condense the surrounding water vapor and began to create a stealth state, just when the Koga Ninja Frog was about to successfully use the water vapor to cover Lin Yu and they were about to enter the stealth state, Bai Qixi suddenly stopped.

"Gohan (Hot Monkey), Bai Hao (Strange Power), and Iron Palm Force, let's stop them!" Bai Qixi, who had stopped, suddenly turned around and threw three Pokémon that he could still fight directly into the crowd of the escort team.

Suddenly seeing Bai Qixi stop and throw his Pokémon towards the escort team, Lin Yu also involuntarily stopped his steps and said to Bai Qixi suspiciously: "Brother Qi Xi, what are you doing! Hurry up and run!" "

Hehe, Ah Yu, I know that your Koga ninja frog's stealth will be cracked if it is attacked. Bai Qixi smiled at Lin Yu and said, "It's better for me to block them for you, Jiahe Ninja Frog hurry up and take Lin Yu away

!" "Brother Qi Xi, why don't we try to escape first!" Lin Yu said to Bai Qixi with some puzzlement at this time.

"Don't dream, you'd better hurry up and run away with the Koga Ninja Frog!" Bai Qixi smiled in Lin Yu's direction and said, "Hurry up! My sacrifice is too unworthy!" Although

Lin Yu still wanted to stay and persuade Bai Qixi to leave with him, but after thinking about it for a while, Lin Yu still knew that if he didn't leave now, it was likely that after Bai Qixi's strange power and they were defeated, he and the Koga Ninja Frog might also be caught by the other party.

Lin Yu finally hesitated for a while, and then reluctantly said to the Koga Ninja Frog: "Sasuke (Koga Ninja), let's go!"

After hearing Lin Yu's words at this time, the Koga Ninja Frog also looked back at Bai Qi Rhino and then directly picked up Lin Yu and ran up in a different direction, although Bai Qi Rhino desperately commanded the strange force to fight with the Pokémon of the escort team, but Bai Qi Rhino only had three Pokémon, while the other party had more than thirty Pokémon.

In the end, the Strange Force didn't last a few minutes before the Pokémon of the Guardians knocked them to the ground, and after the Strange Powers were defeated, Bai Qixi was quickly controlled by the Guardians' people rushing up.

"Captain Mu, do we still want to continue chasing?" said one of the members of the escort team to the member they had seen before, after successfully controlling Bai Qixi.

"Lilan, Wen Fei, you two press this person back to the headquarters first. The captain surnamed Mu first pointed at Bai Qixi and gave instructions to the two female team members on the side, and then said to the other team members again: "The others and I continue to chase!" "

But Captain Mu, where are we chasing? That person seemed to be directly invisible just now." At this time, the male team member looked at the nearby environment suspiciously, and then said, "We don't have any Pokémon to track. "

Then let's scatter and look for traces of their escape around them, they are just invisible, and they haven't disappeared directly!" Captain Mu glanced at the team member angrily and said.

After hearing the words of the captain surnamed Mu, after nodding, several people directly began to find Lin Yu and their traces of escape nearby, while Bai Qixi was pressed by the two female team members to walk in the direction of the headquarters after the Poke Ball was confiscated.

Bai Qixi walked on the road and suddenly said: "Listening to your names, you shouldn't be from the eighteen great families of the alliance! In this case, why do you want to be the lackeys

of the people of the secret realm?" Huang Wenfei glanced at Bai Qixi and then said mockingly: "You may not know that although we are not from the eighteen families of the alliance, but the people of the four major associations also have the blood of the people of the secret realm flowing in their bodies! It is impossible for the physique of the people of the earth to have the four major abilities!"

"But don't forget, no matter what you say, you still have the blood of our earthlings!, and I think the bloodline of the earthlings among you should be completely higher than the bloodline of this so-called secret realm people!" Bai Qi glanced at the girl at this time and said.

"I'm sorry it was our own choice, I don't bother you. Huang Wenfei said directly at this time.

Bai Qixi said with some mockery at this time: "As far as I know... You people who are not very powerful in the four major associations will never be able to get a good position in the escort team, right! At most, you can mix with the squad leader like that surnamed Mu

!" "You better shut up!" Lin Lilan said directly to Bai Qixi at this time: "You are now our prisoner!"

In this way, although Bai Qixi kept thinking about the words of the two girls along the way, the two girls did not say anything after Lin Lilan finished saying that, and in the evening, Bai Qixi was taken back to the alliance headquarters by the two girls.

When Bai Qixi was brought to the alliance headquarters, he suddenly discovered that the position where he and Lin Yu were staying before could almost be said to be near the alliance headquarters, which is why the captain surnamed Mu had just been beaten away by them on the front foot at that time, and he brought a few people to arrest them on the back foot.

When Bai Qixi was taken into a similar closed room by Lin Lilan and the others, he suddenly found that there were already many people in the room, among which Bai Qixi saw many old acquaintances.

"Bai Qixi!" Just as Bai Qixi was looking at the people in the room, a voice suddenly said in surprise.

Bai Qixi turned his head suspiciously, and at a glance recognized that it was Li Gaoshi, the captain of Zhejiang University of Technology, who had just shouted to him.

"Li Gaoshi, you were also caught by them?" Bai Qixi glanced at Li Gaoshi suspiciously, and then said suspiciously: "How did you get caught in?" "

I don't know, when I just woke up at that time, I found that there were a lot of wild Pokémon with seven-star strength nearby, and at first I thought about searching around there, but I didn't know how I was discovered by the people of the escort team. Li Gaoshi smiled helplessly and said, "But I'm also very curious why you were caught by them."

"There's no way, after we were just teleported in, we also found that there were wild Pokémon with seven-star strength nearby, so we thought we should have come to the center of the secret realm." Bai Qixi said with a helpless wry smile and said, "As a result, who knew that our location was actually near their headquarters, so we were caught by them like this."

"Well, but why are they just grabbing us? Logically speaking, in the current situation... They should..."Li Gaoshi said with some confusion: "Why are they..."

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