Just as Geng Ghost looked at the surrounding environment curiously, the voice of the previous "Lin Yu" sounded again from all directions [Don't be stunned, hurry up and find a way

to absorb those black light balls!] After hearing that voice, Geng Ghost immediately thought about those black balls and ran over to grab one of them to absorb them, but whenever Geng Ghost got close to the small ball, he would quickly flee.

In the end, Geng Ghost struggled to catch a small ball, but the Geng Ghost who grabbed the small ball didn't know how to absorb the other party's ghost energy, even if Geng Ghost ate the small ball into its stomach, it could feel that it couldn't digest the small ball.

[Because you were born by absorbing the power of the ghost slate, you are actually already of the same origin as the energy of those small balls, as long as you find a way to wrap them in your mind, you can absorb it.] When Geng Ghost was helpless with the black ball in his hand, the voice sounded again: "Hurry up and absorb it! Hearing

the prompt of that voice, Geng Ghost also immediately tried to use his energy to wrap the small ball, but in the end, it let the small ball run away directly without paying attention one by one.

If you want to absorb those balls quickly, work hard to train yourself! After absorbing the ghost energy in the balls, you have to train inside to keep yourself from going crazy because of the surge of ghost energy!]

Originally, Geng Ghost was going to continue to capture those black balls, but when it suddenly found that the black space around it began to slowly brighten, and then a white light flashed, Geng Ghost found that he actually woke up in the cave before. When Geng Ghost woke up, he had already woken up, and Koga Ninja Frog, who was training meditation on the side, also opened his eyes and looked at Geng Ghost who suddenly woke up with a puzzled expression.

Usually you sleep in Lin Yu's shadow even at night, why did you sleep here last night?] After Koga Ninja Frog opened his eyes, he said directly to Geng Ghost.

Hearing the question of the Koga Ninja Frog, Geng Ghost also immediately danced with his hands, and described the strange things he encountered last night with the Koga Ninja Frog, and after Geng Ghost described and explained everything to the Koga Ninja Frog, Lin Yu and the others had already woken up.

"Huskie (Geng Ghost): Are you saying that yesterday a strange Pokémon broke into our cave and took you away, and then it also told you about your own background?" After the general description of Geng Ghost and Koga Ninja Frog was finished, Lin Yu, who was listening to a rough picture in the back, suddenly spoke.

Suddenly hearing Lin Yu's voice, Geng Ghost really jumped, and after turning his head and seeing that it was Lin Yu who spoke, Geng Ghost nodded at Lin Yu with relief, and danced again to describe to Lin Yu that he saw the situation after entering the inner vision.

"What you mean is... You have to keep exercising your physical fitness now before you can enter that state again, absorb those energies, and become stronger?" Lin Yu suddenly said after thinking for a while.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Jiahe Ninja Frog also nodded involuntarily, indicating that what he said made some sense, originally Geng Ghost was also nodding thoughtfully after listening to it, but it suddenly thought that something seemed to be wrong, if according to Lin Yu's words, wouldn't it be difficult for him to start training day and night in the future.

Wanting to be here, Geng Ghost looked up at Lin Yu and Koga Ninja Frog with a weird smile on their faces, and after seeing the smiles of both of them, Geng Ghost knew that his next days would not be easy. Before Geng Ghost could think about anything more, it directly pulled the Koga Ninja Frog out for training, and after watching the very reluctant Geng Ghost being pulled out by the Koga Ninja Frog, Lin Yu also shook his head helplessly.

Next, Lin Yu began to enter those caves again and watched the murals on the stone walls, although most of the murals on the stone walls, Lin Yu still couldn't understand them, but some of the murals with similar content to the theater version made Lin Yu understand a little, and finally Lin Yu actually saw the burning bell tower and the general process of the Phoenix King's resurrection of the three Pokémon envoys to become the three holy spirits on a mural.

"Hmm, why is there a story of the Scorched Tower here?If there is a story of the Scorched Tower here, then the people who lived here before should have been after the words appeared in the Pokémon World, but why is it still described here in the form of murals?" Lin Yu couldn't help but think about it after reading the murals in this cave and said, "Could it be... These murals were painted by the mysterious Pokémon known as Zu?So does that mean that Pokémon should be a Pokémon that has existed since the ancient times?"

With these doubts, Lin Yu did not continue to explore the other caves, but returned to the original cave and looked at the Koga ninja frogs, thinking about the Pokémon called Zu while training, but what kind of Pokémon would it be, and before Lin Yu fell into contemplation, the sky was dark again.

After an afternoon of speculation, Lin Yu also had a general guess about the Pokémon called Zu, first of all, Lin Yu could expel a huge Pokémon like Gurador Gaioka, which was obviously impossible to drill into those caves to paint murals, and then Lin Yu could learn from the exchange between Geng Ghost and that mysterious Poké last night that the Pokémon known as Zu basically knew the unknown past, so Lin Yu guessed that the other party might be a Xuerabi who could travel through time and space.

However, Lin Yu not only thinks that the other party is Sherabi, but also according to the other party, he will call Arceus, who is known as the God of Creation, by name, so logically speaking, it should be a super divine beast of the same level as Arceus, and almost all the Pokémon in this valley call each other ancestors, so Lin Yu also thinks that the other party may be called a dream with all the Pokémon genes.

Out of curiosity, Lin Yu decided not to sleep that night to take a good look at who the other party was, but even if Lin Yu sat in the cave all night, he didn't see anything like Geng Ghost said, and it wasn't until the next morning that the Koga Ninja Frog had woken up for meditation training, and Lin Yu finally chose to fall asleep.

Just when Lin Yu was just falling asleep, the Koga Ninja Frog, who was originally sitting in place and meditating, suddenly felt as if there was something moving outside, and just when it opened its eyes to see what was going on, it suddenly found that it had strangely appeared in a strange space.

Just when the Koga Ninja Frog looked at its surroundings suspiciously, it suddenly found that the position it was standing in was the Taiji diagram formed by the black and purple intersecting of the superpower attribute and the evil attribute with the help of Lin Yu when it awakened the superpower attribute before.

Just as Koga Ninja Frog was thinking about what place this was, suddenly the figure that looked like Lin Yu came out of the corner and sighed.

[What kind of Pokémon are you!Yesterday, when you communicated with Hasqi (Geng Ghost), you obviously used the language of the Geng Ghost Clan!] When Koga Ninja Frog heard that the Pokémon language spoken by the other party was actually the language of Koga Ninja Frog Clan, Koga Ninja Frog said with some surprise.

[Hahaha!Your observation point is really strange!I thought you would ask me what kind of place this is!Oh, no!You've been here before, I think you should already know where you are when you saw this special pattern!] The "Lin Yu" smiled and said, "But do you know why I brought you here?]

[I don't want to know!What kind of Pokémon are you!] Koga Ninja Frog said with a serious face.

At this time, that "Lin Yu" suddenly changed his face and said directly, [You know better than anyone else that you can only be said to be the smartest Pokémon in that human trainer's Pokémon team, but you can't be called the most talented Pokémon!, but every time you fight, you have to take the lead, so you spend almost all your time training every day!].

After hearing the other party's words, although the Koga ninja frog opened his mouth to deny it, but after seeing the other party's eyes, it couldn't say anything to deny, it didn't know how the other party knew these thoughts that he had been buried in his heart, but it knew very well that the other party seemed to be really, even if he didn't speak, he could clearly know his thoughts.

[Don't be surprised!I do know everything about you!And not only do I know everything you know about you, but you also know some secrets about you that you don't know!] After seeing the surprised eyes of the Koga Ninja Frog, the "Lin Yu" suddenly smiled and said, "How is it? Do you want to know that secret? That's the secret that can make you stronger quickly!]

[Say, what conditions are needed!] Koga Ninja Frog didn't show much joy at this time, but said with an unmoved expression.

[Obviously, he has only been born for more than a year, why do you want to pretend to be so old and heavy all day long?] That "Lin Yu" suddenly laughed at this time and said: [In this way, after I tell you that secret, you must make two jokes with that human trainer every Pokémon every day in the valley!].

After hearing the other party's words, I have to say that the Koga Ninja Frog has been moved, but let the Koga Ninja Frog go to joke with Lin Yu and them every day like a tease, it still refuses in its heart, but after thinking for a while, Koga Ninja Frog finally nodded helplessly and agreed.

[That's right!] That "Lin Yu" smiled even more after seeing Koga Ninja Frog nodding.

Seeing the other party's smiling face, Jiahe Ninwafer said angrily: [You better hurry up and tell me the way to become stronger!] [

Okay, okay, don't be so anxious. That "Lin Yu" was also helpless at this time, and said to Koga Ninja Frog [You should know that you will enter a strange battle state when you fight!Do you know what that is?] Koga Ninja

Frog was a little impatient, clasped his hands to his chest and shook his head at the other party.

[Okay, I'm not kidding you!] That "Lin Yu" also changed his face at this time and said seriously [Even I can't believe that you can actually do fetter evolution, this evolution method was once considered super evolution when it first appeared... However, after the study of a human known as Ash, it was discovered that there was an essential difference between the two evolutions!

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