On this day, Jesse and the others were suddenly summoned, and if they hadn't seen many other people around them who didn't know them, they would have thought that the alliance was ready to solve them as accomplices of Hanako-xu.

Just when a few of them, you look at me, I look at you, you want to communicate with each other, but they don't dare to speak, they can only try to make eye contact, Moomin Yat appeared in front of them with the deacons of the other three major associations and a person at the level of captain of the escort squadron.

"I think some of you should know why you've been called here!" Moomin Yatt appeared and looked in Jesse's direction and said, "I don't know if any of you really think like that, but I decided to give you a chance to prove you!"

"Although Moomin-sama has decided to give you a chance, in order to prevent you from making the same mistake as Hanakosu, I still think it is appropriate to send some people we trust to take you to Hanakosu! At this time, the squadron leader of the escort team next to him continued the words of Moomin Yat

and said, "I hope you" "Don't let us down!" "Okay, we have all said what we need to say, and then according to the group I gave you, you should go now and bring me back Hanako Xu!" Moomin Yat opened his mouth and said to the others, "Be sure to find her before she comes into contact with the otherworldly and persuade her to come back!"

Next, after one of the members of the escort team read out the grouping decision, each group of people set off directly to capture Hanakosu.

After everyone had left, the deacon of the Waveguide Association said to Moomin Yat, "Moomin, aren't you afraid of setting yourself on fire by playing like this?" "

Hehe, Councillor Lin has already approved my plan, don't you believe my attention, don't you believe Councillor Lin's judgment? and... This time, the location of our headquarters seems to have been revealed, and we don't even know who the person who found out about our location is. Moomin Yat said helplessly at this time.

The man from the Waveguide Association was a little surprised at this time and said, "Is that true? I thought it was a bureau you set up to let that little girl go!"

Why didn't you catch the otherworldly rat that touched our headquarters in the first place, but he ran away in the end?" said the squadron leader of the escort team at this time, confused.

"This..."Moomin Yat hesitated for a moment and then said with some embarrassment: "You may not believe it, although that little girl has not undergone superpower awakening, her superpower perception range completely exceeds my perception limit, so... I sensed it once, and after realizing that I couldn't sense what she was talking about, I just... Didn't take it seriously. "

What! beyond the limits of your perception?" said several people, looking at Moomin Yat in disbelief.

Although they knew that Moomin Yat had only been seated in the position of deacon because of his relationship, they all knew very well that this guy in front of them could have a superpower who was less than thirty years old and had the same strength as a Pokémon with a master-level superpower attribute.

If Hua Zixu's superpower talent is similar to him, they may still believe it, but directly say that the other party's perception range is actually larger than that of the master-level superpower Pokémon without awakening the superpower, and they don't believe it.

"Well, there's no surprise, I've gone back and checked the family books. If we superpowers awaken our superpowers and only meditate on training, we can indeed make the range of perception larger, and when we awaken, in order to increase the attack power, we will concentrate our mental energy, so the range of perception will naturally decrease!" explained Moomin Yat and the others.

"Oh~" After hearing Moomin Yat's explanation, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that just defecting to a Wu Xudong with excellent superpowers and talent has done so many things, and now if this Hua Zixu's talent is higher than Wu Xudong, they will definitely fight to kill Hua Zixu.

"But... Remind your people, don't kill them in front of her! Anger may directly awaken her superpowers, and her strength will definitely be at the level of eight-star strength at that time!" Moomin Yate said again after seeing that a few people seemed to be relieved.

At this time, the team that had discovered Lin Yu before had slowly found Lin Yu's traces under the leadership of a Wave Guide Brave of the Wave Guide Association, and when they were slowly approaching Lin, his Koga Ninja Frog was also the first to find these people following behind.

"It seems that they have discovered us!" Lin Yu said with a smile after learning the news from Koga Ninja Frog, "How about Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) is sure to deal with them in one go?" Koga Ninja Frog

shook his head helplessly after thinking for a while, he could feel that these people were not students like Lei Yi Usopp and others, these people were obviously all people who directly possessed special abilities to fight against Pokémon.

"Okay, then let's just teleport and leave!" Seeing the Koga Ninja Frog shaking his head, Lin Yu could only say helplessly.

However, this time the Koga Ninja Frog shook his head again, and now Lin Yu began to look at the Koga Ninja Frog suspiciously, he didn't understand what the Koga Ninja Frog was planning to do this time.

Koga Ninja Frog had just sensed that there was an aura in the crowd that made it feel annoying, and it knew that as long as that aura existed, they would not really be able to escape, so it thought that although it couldn't solve the other party in one go, if it added the Hippo King, they might not be without the power to fight.

After Koga Ninja Frog told Lin Yu his thoughts, Lin Yu also fell into deep thought. He knew that the person who could feel them was the Wave Leader Brave, and to be honest, if he could escape, he still wanted to flee directly, after all, the Wave Guide Brave had been dispatched, and their strength must be around the strength of the Eight Stars.

"Do you really want to fight them, are you sure?" he asked in a low voice when Lin Yu could already hear the rustling of footsteps.

Koga Ninja Frog nodded very seriously.

"Then Huskie (Geng Ghost) will go with you!Just let Sanqianwen (Kuailong) stay and protect me!" Koga

Ninja Frog nodded quickly without prevarication this time.

"Okay, let's evolve the bond first!" Lin Yu said with a smile after seeing the Koga Ninja Frog nodding.

At this time, the person who took the lead among the group of people who were tracking Lin Yu and them suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Lost it?" asked the woman, who had been very polite to Moomin Yat before seeing the member of the Waveguide Association stop suddenly.

"No, we should have caught up with him! But it looks like they've spotted us too! Be careful, he can set up an ambush nearby. The brave man of the Waveguide Association said solemnly.

Hearing the words of the brave waveguide, everyone began to look around vigilantly for a while, and at this time, they suddenly found that the bushes in front of them were inexplicably flashing with dazzling colored light.

"Evolution of the light, is the wild Pokémon evolving?" said someone who looked in that direction suspiciously after seeing that light.

The waveguide brave, who also noticed the colored light, sensed Lin Yu's existence with just a slight sense, so he immediately pointed in that direction and said, "No! that person is there!" "

Brothers, go up..."

One of the people from the Super Power Association just wanted to let his companions rush over and grab Lin Yu, but he didn't expect that before he finished speaking, a blue figure suddenly appeared in the sky above them, and the moment he landed, the entire ground shook violently.

The blue figure was the giant swamp monster that appeared directly on their heads under the effect of the Hippo King's teleportation, and several superpowers who were pressed under them when the giant swamp monster landed and used the earthquake skill were crushed to death by the giant swamp monster's earthquake on the spot.

"Use Pokémon!" said the waveguide aloud as everyone was confused and didn't know what to do.

"Come out,


!" "Come out, Shanaido!"

After hearing that person's voice, the originally chaotic crowd immediately threw out their Pokémon one after another, and then just as those Poké Balls were thrown, several Flying Water Shuriken flew out in an instant from the direction of the previous evolutionary light, and directly several of them had just come out of the Poké Balls and didn't know the situation, and they lost their ability to fight.

Next, Geng Ghost also used the Night Demon to start sneaking up on those superpowers, and those Pokémon who successfully accepted a wave of flying water shuriken attacks from the Koga Ninja Frog were also the first to deal with the giant swamp monster that did whatever it wanted in the crowd.

Although there are also Pokémon with eight-star strength among the Pokémon sent by those people, but the giant swamp monster has been trained under the poison of the super beast dream before, so its ability to resist attacks is almost invincible in front of the same strength.

I saw that at this time, the giant swamp monster stepped on the corpses of several superpowers who were crushed to death at the beginning, and accepted the beating of these seven or eight Pokémon with eight-star strength, although the giant swamp monster looked very embarrassed at this time, but it had no wounds on its body at all.

And just when most of the Pokémon's attention was attracted by the giant swamp monster, the Hippo King and the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog also directly used teleportation to appear on the field, and the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog appeared and directly began to slaughter those Pokémon that were not of eight-star strength.

And the first thing the Hippo King did after appearing near the Giant Swamp Monster was not to help the Giant Swamp Monster fight those Pokémon with eight-star strength, but to cooperate with Geng Ghost to directly collect the Poke Balls of the trainers who were crushed to death by the Giant Swamp Monster into Geng Ghost's alien space.

After packing up the Poké Balls, the Hippopotamus King still didn't immediately go to the help of the Swamp Monster, and it had been swaggering around the chaos of the battle as if it were none of its business.

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