After Lin Yu successfully charged the power of the mobile phone to turn it on, he found that there was indeed a signal in this secret realm at this time, so Lin Yu immediately dialed Xu Changzhou's phone, but no matter how he called the other party, it showed that he could not get through.

In the end, Lin Yu could only reluctantly dial Mu Gu's phone, and this time Mu Gu's excited voice came from the other end of the phone after the bell rang for a second.

【Lin Yu... Magnetism... You really... Magnetism... Lin Yu... Magnetism...?Are you... Magnetism... No... Magnetism... I'm just... Magnetomagnetic... You kid... Magnetism... Hard certainly won't... Magnetomagnetic... You kid... Magnetomagnetic... Where? Magnetism... Someone went over to pick you up!] Although the secret realm had not completely descended at this time, Lin Yu could still hear Mu Gu's excited shout on the other end of the phone.

Although Mu Gu's voice was always intermittent, Lin Yu still roughly understood what Mu Gu meant, so Lin Yu said helplessly to the other end of the phone: "I'm still in the secret realm, how is the situation on your side now?"

Next, Mu Gu gave Lin Yu a rough description of the situation after Lin Yu and them were sucked into the secret realm, originally after Lin Yu and the others left, the Zhejiang University team was already basically able to wear the threat of the miniature secret realm under the training of the few wild Pokémon of seven-star strength left by Lin Yu and them.

However, just when everyone thought that everything would continue smoothly, because Lin Yu and they were directly sucked into the secret realm, the originally organized secret realm exploration team directly appeared to be understaffed, and in the end, they could only continue to be supported by the school teams sent by major universities.

Now basically all the members of the original school team of Zhejiang University have been sent to Bing Province to support, only Yu Heng and Yuan Jiu are left with a group of members of the Battle Club to deal with the emergency situation in Hangzhou, and Mu Gu was directly suspended because of Mu's father.

"You mean that Lao Xu has also come to the Ice Province..."Lin Yu said after roughly listening to Mu Gu's words.

And at this time, Lin Yu suddenly found that there was a beeping sound on the other end of his mobile phone, and when Lin Yu picked up his mobile phone to look at it, he found that the mobile phone signal had disappeared again due to the secret realm.

At this time, Mu Gu, who was in a villa in Wu County, immediately ran out of his room nervously after Lin Yu's signal disappeared, and said to the middle-aged man outside: "Dad, Dad, hurry up and send me some people, I'm going

to Bing Province!" "Nonsense! What are you doing in Bing Province! If you are too bored to be idle, go to Uncle Lin's house to accompany Aunt Lin more, it's really not good to go to your Uncle Lin to study more!" Dad Mu said angrily to Mu Gu after hearing Mu Gu's words.

Mu Gu said excitedly to Father Mu: "No, Ah Yu called me just now!He is still alive, but he is still

in the secret realm of the Ice Province!" "Nonsense!" Father Mu turned to Mu Gu angrily and said, "Don't think that I don't know that it is impossible to talk to the outside in the secret realm!" "I don't

believe you can see for yourself!" Mu Gu directly turned out the call record with Lin Yu just now and handed it to Father Mu and said: " This is the chat between the two of us just now, but I don't know why there was no sound on his side just now, and now I can't get through again. Dad

Mu was puzzled, Mu Gu's mobile phone flipped through for a while before he frowned and said: "Even if Ah Yu is really alive, you can't go! Ah Yu has a seven-star strength Pokémon, but what about you? Up to now, your giant gold monster is still only a six-star strength, and even Xiao Xu's strange power has reached the seven-star strength! You directly tell Xiao Xu the news and ask Xiao Xu to help you go to the secret realm to find Ah Yu!"

Father Mu's words almost hit Mu Gu's sore spot, the Zhejiang University team members who originally stayed in Hangzhou were Mu Gu and Yu Heng, but when he was exploring the miniature secret realm, because his strength and command ability were too poor, not only was he trapped in that secret realm, but he also almost caused the death of other fellow travelers.

That time, if it wasn't for Mu Gu and Yuan Jiu who desperately led the team into the encirclement and rescued them, Mu Gu and they would probably have explained in that miniature secret realm, that is, after that incident, Father Mu went directly to the school to go through the suspension procedures for Mu Gu, who was already depressed.

"But... But I... I also want to..."Mu Gu lowered his head at this time, a little helpless, but still wanted to fight for it to go to the secret realm.

"But what is it! Have you forgotten what happened to you at that time! Before the giant gold monster reached the eight-star strength, I said that I would not let you enter the secret realm again! The current situation of our Mu family does not require you to enter the secret realm and work hard. Father Mu didn't let Mu Gu do what he wanted this time, and directly waved his hand at him and said, "Okay, you can either go back and just train with the giant gold monster now, or go to read the meeting!"

In the end, Mu Gu could only go back to the room dejectedly, he understood that his father was doing this for his own good, but he knew very well that he had no training talent.

After Lin Yu and Mu Gu talked on the phone this time, they also had a general understanding of the current situation of the school team of Zhejiang University, and since the last time he met that Qiao Duyi, Lin Yu had already roughly understood the situation outside, and now he also has a deep understanding of the situation in the outside world.

Next, Lin Yu continued to walk towards the place where he had ambushed the alliance pursuit team before, and when he was about to get close to that place, Lin Yu already smelled a strong smell of blood. And as Lin Yu and the others continued to advance, the Koga Ninja Frog had also silently put his hand on the hilt of the Evil Long Knife.

When Lin Yu and the others approached, they saw that there were a lot of wild carnivorous Pokémon gnawing on the superpowers and Karen's bodies on the ground, and even Lin Yu saw two big wolf dogs constantly fighting for Karen's head.

Lin Yu, who saw this scene, had already had a little expectation even when he smelled the blood, but looking at Karen's head as the flesh and blood became more and more blurred as the two big wolf dogs competed, Lin Yu even saw that one of Karen's eyes had fallen out.

Just when Lin Yu saw this scene and wanted to retch, the two big wolf dogs who were still fighting for Karen's head seemed to smell Lin Yu's scent, and directly stopped fighting and continued to fight, and then looked at Lin Yu's direction with a vigilant face.

With the movements of the two big wolf dogs, the other carnivorous Pokémon that were still eating those corpses also stopped grabbing at this time, and they all looked at Lin Yu and their direction together. At this time, even if Lin Yu was a fool, he knew that he should have been discovered by these wild Pokémon.

After a few minutes of confrontation between the two sides, the two big wolf dogs did not directly attack Lin Yu and them, but one of the big wolf dogs kicked the head of Karen who they were fighting over before. When he saw Karen's head rolling in front of him, Lin Yu suddenly felt nauseous and began to retch again.

Seeing this, Koga Ninja Frog directly kicked the head back. The two big wolf dogs saw that the food they showed was actually kicked back by the other party, and the two big wolf dogs who were originally going to go back to find other meat were not happy at this time, and directly used a jet of flame in the direction of the Koga ninja frog, and after seeing the other party directly use the jet flame, the Koga ninja frog and the giant swamp monster immediately used water guns to shoot back.

After the flames of the two big wolf dogs were easily defeated by the Koga ninja frogs, they did not immediately launch a second attack, but called out a few times to the other carnivorous Pokémon who were still gnawing at the corpses, and after all the Pokémon hit them, they slowly thought about Lin Yu and pressed them in this direction.

At this time, Lin Yu discovered that these carnivorous Pokémon here were all wild Pokémon with seven-star strength, and even one of them, a big wolf dog with one eye, seemed to have a strength close to eight-star.

Seeing the big wolf dogs with mouths full of blood approaching step by step, Lin Yu said to the Koga Ninja Frog beside him: "Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog): They are all evil attribute Pokémon, and the effect of your evil long knife will not be so obvious, do you want to evolve your bonds?"

After glancing at the big wolf dogs in front of him, the Koga Ninja Frog shook his head disdainfully, and then commanded the giant swamp monster again, and then rushed directly to the big wolf dogs.

After seeing the Koga Ninja Frog rushing out, the Giant Swamp Monster was very helpless and lay down in front of Lin Yu, at this time the Giant Swamp Monster also wanted to rush up and fight with those big wolf dogs, but just now the Koga Ninja Frog told it that it was the only one who could protect Lin Yu at this time, so it was helpless to lie in front of Lin Yu.

"Dali (Giant Swamp Monster), you must really want to go up and fight!" Lin Yu smiled and stroked the back of the Giant Swamp Monster after seeing the Giant Swamp Monster's helpless expression, "If you want to go, go ahead! Here are three thousand questions (fast dragons) They are enough to protect me!"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the giant swamp monster immediately came to its senses, and at this time it suddenly remembered that Lin Yu's side was still a fast dragon that was not restrained by evil attributes, so the giant swamp monster commanded the fast dragon and then happily rushed to the big wolf dogs who were fighting.

At this time, the Geng Ghost and the Hippopotamus King can only fight one enemy and three because of their attributes, and although the Koga Ninja Frog looks at its dexterous body and can easily fight among six or seven big wolf dogs, but for this wild carnivorous Pokémon to kill a thousand enemies and self-damage eight hundred, it also makes Koga Ninja Frog not make any progress for a while.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, the giant swamp monster rushed over, and it raised its hand to slap the nearest big wolf dog out of the air for more than ten meters.

After discovering that the giant swamp monster rushed over, the big wolf dogs also quickly organized a fight against the giant swamp monster, but the giant swamp monster is a Pokémon that can be safe and sound under the siege of seven or eight eight-star strength Pokémon, and these big wolf dogs with only seven-star strength exchange injuries have become a moth to the fire here in the giant swamp monster.

I saw a big wolf dog constantly rushing towards the giant swamp monster, but the giant swamp monster didn't care about their attacks at all, and a slap was a slap to knock one away, even if it was bitten by the big wolf dog, it was just like being pricked by a needle, and even most of the big wolf dogs didn't say that it was impossible to bite through the skin of the giant swamp monster or bite a little trace on the skin of the giant swamp monster.

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