Dad Yu was willing to go to Hangzhou in person to teach Lin Yu the training method of the wind speed dog, obviously knowing that Lin Yu handed over the secret technique [four-handed combined bullet] to Yu Heng, otherwise Dad Yu specially came to Hangzhou to teach Lin Yu the training method of the wind speed dog, that is, Lin Yu deliberately went to Yu's house to ask for advice, and Dad Yu would definitely find a way to refuse.

But now that Lin Yu has exchanged this secret skill that is enough to make the Lin family the next Pokémon family, Father Yu is still very willing to come over and give Lin Yu guidance. But even so, Father Yu didn't plan to teach Lin Yu at first, as Lin Yu thought, but after seeing Lin Yu's own training results, he found that if he didn't teach Lin Yu at this time, there would be nothing to teach Lin Yu.

In the next few days, Lin Yu continued to use his wind speed dog to fight with Yu's father's wind speed dog, and Lin Yu also learned a lot of skills in the wind speed dog battle from the battle, and after five days of study, Lin Yu already had a little idea of his own about the wind speed dog battle.

"Okay, now that your Wind Speed Dog fighting style has slowly taken shape, the next step is to fight more with other different Pokémon and find the fighting skills to deal with different Pokémon!" After the battle was over that day, Father Yu looked at Lin Yu and said, "But you have to remember one thing, Wind Speed Dog's courage type Pokémon needs to have the courage to shine the sword no matter what the situation is!"

"Thank you." Lin Yu nodded and then said to Father Yu: "It's hard for you to make such a trip for me." "

Hehe, that's also the condition you took out to meet this price!" Father Yu smiled at this time and looked at Lin Yu and suddenly said seriously: "Although I didn't think about handing it all over to you at first, but... For the sake of your hard work and my friendship with your father, I have taught you basically everything I have. In

fact, Dad Yu meant that even if Lin Yu couldn't see whether he had taught Lin Yu or not, Dad Lin could see it, and Dad Yu also wanted to leave a good impression on Lin Yu at the end, after all, such a young seven-star trainer was almost certain that the Lin family would also be a Pokémon training family in the future.

"Thank you, Uncle Yu. Lin Yu nodded and said.

"Okay, it's time for me to leave next!" Father Yu patted Lin Yu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Are you going to participate in the seven-star trainer assessment next month at

the provincial or national level?" Although Lin Yu had learned about some seven-star trainer assessments from Father Lin and the Internet before, he still hadn't heard that this assessment was actually divided into provincial and national levels.

"Ah, is there still a provincial and national level for the seven-star trainer assessment?" Lin Yu looked at Father Yu with a puzzled look and said, "Is there any difference between these two?" "

There is no difference, before the national eight-star trainer could directly participate in the national competition, and to sign up for the national eight-star trainer assessment, only the national seven-star trainer could participate. Father Yu smiled and said, "But, of course, the national-level seven-star trainer assessment must be more difficult than the provincial-level one!"

Lin Yu asked suspiciously, "But why haven't I heard of this kind of national-level eight-star trainer directly participating in the national competition before?"

"Hehe, this... In fact, the national assessment is very difficult firstly, and secondly... Generally, people who can successfully complete the national-level eight-star trainer assessment can basically easily pass the provincial-level nine-star trainer assessment!" Father Yu paused here and said: "And generally only some people from big families will choose the national-level assessment, but even so, our country has not had a national-level eight-star trainer for seven years!" "

So difficult, what is the specific content of the assessment?" Hearing Father Yu's words, Lin Yu suddenly raised his interest and asked.

"This... In fact, you, Uncle Yu, and I have never participated in the national assessment. Father Yu said awkwardly: "It seems that you want to enter a place called the Warrior's Road, and those who successfully reach the destination within the specified time will be considered to have passed." But I don't know what's in that Warrior's Path. "

The Road of Fighters?" Lin Yu muttered and repeated, then looked up at Father Yu again and asked, "Then Uncle Yu, how should I

apply for this national-level assessment?" "Are you sure you want to participate in the national-level assessment? Do you want to know that it is only at the provincial level or at the national level, and you can't apply for the seven-star trainer assessment within a year after failing!" Father Yu said solemnly at this time.

"I'm sure!" Lin Yu nodded and said to Yu's father seriously: "Uncle Yu, I hope that since I know the way to directly participate in the national competition, then if I miss it, it's a big deal that I can apply for the provincial assessment next year!" "

Hehe, too, you are still young and have time to participate in the assessment." Father Yu also smiled helplessly when he heard Lin Yu's words, and said: "National-level registration, as long as you go to sign up for the seven-star trainer assessment, tell that person that you want to register at the national level."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Yu. Lin Yu nodded and said to Father Lin with a smile.

"Well, come on. I'm optimistic about you!" Father Yu left directly after speaking.

After Dad Yu left, Lin Yu went directly to the place where Dad Yu said before to prepare for the seven-star trainer assessment and tried to apply, and when Lin Yu came to the Hangzhou Vocational Trainer Registration Center to apply for the assessment of the national seven-star trainer, he happened to meet Xu Huayi, who was also preparing to participate in the application for the seven-star trainer assessment.

"Lin Yu, do you already have six seven-star strength Pokémon now?" Xu Huayi said in surprise when he saw Lin Yu in line in front of the application window.

"Hehe, it's just luck. Lin Yu scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Senior, are you also here to apply for the seven-star

trainer assessment?" "Of course, you must know that the seven-star trainer state has subsidies, and there are some things that only senior trainers are eligible to participate in!" Xu Hua said with a smile: "I heard that there are a lot of people who have signed up for the examination, and there are one or two hundred people who have participated in the assessment in the first two months!"

"So many people? Isn't that the pass rate less than ten percent?" Lin Yu said in surprise.

"Well, it's not because of the continuous advent of the miniature secret realm this time! Many people who have been trapped in the six-star trainer before have successfully allowed themselves to meet the threshold of participating in the seven-star trainer assessment. Xu Huawei said with a wry smile helplessly: "After all, at that time, the miniature secret realm came, but these people all seized the opportunity to go in and experience one side

!" "Hey, it seems that this year's seven-star strength trainer assessment will be difficult!" Lin Yu said helplessly.

Xu Huayi also sighed and said: "Who says it isn't! But the most interesting thing this year is that the alliance is preparing to set up branches in various countries, and it also thinks that it is necessary to let a native be

the president of this branch!" "Yes, I heard that the selection of the president and vice president of this branch is to be selected among those master trainers! The master competition of master trainers will start about the year after next, and the champion will become the president, and the runner-up and third runner-up will become the vice president." At this time, a man behind Lin Yu suddenly said wistfully: "I haven't seen those master-level trainers fight with real swords and guns for many years."

When Lin Yu and Xu Huawei were chatting, it was Lin Yu's turn to register, and just when Lin Yu was about to ask about the details of the Master Tournament, the middle-aged man at the counter slapped the table and said coldly to Lin Yu: "Eh, eh, you still can't register! If you don't sign up, hurry up and let the people behind you come up and sign up first."

Under the reminder of the staff, Lin Yu realized that the application for the Seven Star Trainer assessment had actually arrived in him, so he directly left behind the content of the Master Tournament he wanted to ask just now, anyway, it would be the same when he went back to check on the Internet.

"Report!" Lin Yu nodded with a smile and sat down in front of the counter and said politely to the staff.

"Name?" After seeing Lin Yu sit down, the staff member directly took out a registration form, picked up a pen, and prepared to fill it out.

"That's... It's like signing up for the national seven-star trainer assessment!" Lin Yu said cautiously at this time.

"Hmm. After hearing Lin Yu's words, the staff member looked up at Lin Yu suspiciously, and when he saw that Lin Yu looked very young, he asked again: "Who told you about the national assessment?"

Lin Yu thought for a while and then said: "That... It should be regarded as an elder. "

Oh, can you name that person? The staff member nodded.

Lin Yu really wanted to eat what Daddy Yu's name was, and after thinking for a while, he said, "This... It seems to be called Yu Tianhai.

"Yu Family, Yu Province, what's your name?" The staff member felt that Lin Yu's name was not serious, so he asked again.

"Lin Yu. Lin Yu said.

"Relatives?" the staff member frowned and filled in Lin Yu's name before continuing: "Age, contact information, home address, copy of ID card..."

"Okay, go to the Yanjing Vocational Trainer Registration Center on the first of next month, and someone will take you to the assessment. After the staff put away Lin Yu's registration form, he said directly to the people behind him: "Next!" Lin Yu

also got up and left directly after hearing the staff member's shout.

"Hey brother, what does that national level mean?" When Lin Yu was about to leave, the person who was about to go up to help immediately said with a smile to Lin Yu.

"You ask the staff!" Lin Yu left directly after dropping such a sentence.

"Cut, what a great thing you know!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, the man complained angrily, and then came to the counter and politely asked the staff who had no electricity: "What does it mean that is the national level that signed up just now?"

When the staff was questioned at this time, the next few people who heard Lin Yu's registration before also pricked up their ears and prepared to listen.

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