At this time, after hearing such a shameless answer from Ma Wenyuan and Wang Bohan, Lin Yu suddenly regretted a little why he came to fight with the two of them in this battle room, although he knew that the other party would definitely play tricks in front of Lin Yu outside, but at least there were other people outside who would speak for him, but now it was fortunate that no one else spoke for him at all, but Wang Bohan spoke for Ma Wenyuan on the side.

At this time, the Koga Ninja Frog, who was thrown out, finally got up from the ground with difficulty, and the Koga Ninja Frog who got up glanced at the two long knives that fell not far from him, but he didn't use his mental power to take the two long knives back into his hand again, and now Koga Ninja Frog knows very well that his two long knives are now not of much use to the big steel snake with a hard body in front of him.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) is it okay!" Lin Yu asked Koga Ninja Frog nervously after seeing Koga Ninja Frog stand up again.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the Koga Ninja Frog immediately shook his head, indicating that he was fine, and then directly conjured a few Flying Water Shuriken from his hand, indicating that he was going to use the Flying Water Shuriken to use a long-range attack on the big steel snake. After understanding the meaning of the Koga Ninja Frog, Lin Yu also felt that this was the best way, so he nodded at the Koga Ninja Frog and said that it would do so.

After seeing Lin Yu nodding, the Koga Ninja Frog threw out a few flying water shurikens in his hand towards the big steel snake, and immediately moved quickly, and at the same time, when the Koga Ninja Frog ran quickly, the Koga Ninja Frog also continued to create a water body in the position where he was running.

"Shadow clone?" Seeing the clone of the Koga ninja frogs on the field, Ma Wenyuan was a little puzzled, but he still opened his mouth and said to the big steel snake: "Greedy snake (big steel snake), don't care about it so much, just use the rock blockade to restrict the movement of that Koga ninja frog and destroy those useless shadow clones!"

The big steel snake that heard Ma Wenyuan's words also immediately roared towards the sky, and then huge rocks suddenly grew under the feet of those Koga ninja frog water bodies, but the water bodies of those Koga ninja frogs were not directly destroyed by the rocks as Ma Wenyuan imagined.

In fact, for the Koga Ninja Frog, even if there are more huge stone pillars on the field, it is impossible to really restrict its actions, but as more and more stone pillars on the field appear, the actions of the big steel snake are gradually restricted, and finally Ma Wenyuan can only helplessly stop the big steel snake.

Next, because the Great Steel Snake really couldn't attack the Koga Ninja Frog moving at high speed, the Great Steel Snake lost its combat ability under the long-range attacks of the Koga Ninja Frog's constant use of the Flying Water Shuriken.

"I didn't expect your Koga Ninja Frog to be so strong, it seems that we really underestimate your strength a little!" Ma Wenyuan took out another Poke Ball after retracting the big steel snake that had lost its combat ability, and sighed and said: "But I have to say that your luck is really not very good, your main Pokémon is the Koga Ninja Frog with water and evil attributes, and my main Pokémon is... Electric Attribute Electric Dragon!Come out, Xiaobai (Electric Dragon)!

" As Ma Wenyuan threw out his Poke Ball, Lin Yu said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Since you have already sent your own Pokémon, then... Sasuke (

Koga Ninja Frog) uses the Flying Water Shuriken!" Although the Koga Ninja Frog, who heard Lin Yu's words, disdained to do this kind of thing, although it had just finished fighting the Great Steel Snake, although it had not suffered too much injuries in the back, it had already consumed a lot of physical strength just now in order to avoid the attack of the Great Steel Snake, so at this time, it actually didn't mind using the Flying Water Shuriken to consume the opponent's physical strength first.

Here, Ma Wenyuan's electric dragon had just come out of the Poke Ball, and before he could show his strength, he was knocked out because he was hit by the seven flying water shurikens of the Koga Ninja Frog, and the electric dragon who got up from the ground in embarrassment scolded angrily and pointed at the Koga Ninja Frog and called, even if Lin Yu didn't understand the words of the electric dragon, he knew that the other party must be in duty to the Koga Ninja Frog sneak attack.

At this time, Koga Ninja Frog was also very innocent, pointing to Marven behind the electric dragon and saying that this is a tactic made by your own trainer, after seeing Koga Ninja Frog's things, the electric dragon also looked at his trainer with a puzzled face, trying to figure out if it was like what Koga Ninja Frog said.

Seeing his electric dragon throwing a puzzled look at him, Ma Wenyuan could only smile awkwardly, and then took out the keystone and said to the electric dragon: "Xiaobai (electric dragon), now let's defeat the other party first, super evolution!"

After hearing Ma Wenyuan's words, the electric dragon didn't know that it already knew the answer to the question from the virtue of its own trainer, and it also felt that it was really better to give this Jiahe ninja frog who had just sneaked up on him to see a little color, and after nodding, he saw that a colorful pillar of light quickly shot out of the keystone in Ma Wenyuan's hand and entered the super evolution stone on the electric dragon's chest. Next, I saw that after the pillar of light shot into the super evolution stone of the electric dragon, the electric dragon was quickly wrapped in the light of evolution, and then the body shape of the electric dragon began to change rapidly.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog), hurry up and use the Flying Water Shuriken to interrupt its evolution! If you let it evolve, it won't be easy!" Seeing that the electric dragon's body began to change rapidly, Lin Yu immediately said to Koga Ninja Frog.

However, I have to say that the super evolution speed of Ma Wenyuan's electric dragon is really too fast, even if the Koga ninja frog has not hesitated to throw out the flying water shuriken without hesitation after hearing Lin Yu's order, but when those flying water shuriken were about to hit the electric dragon, the electric dragon had actually successfully evolved over, and I saw the electric dragon with flowing hair swinging its big tail with multiple red spheres and directly slapping the flying water shuriken of the Koga ninja frog.

After the super electric dragon knocked the flying water shuriken away, it was originally pretending to make some mocking gestures to the Koga ninja frog, but at this time, the super electric dragon that had reached the strength of the nine-star was actually a nine-star strength, so it had to become serious, and at the same time, it immediately turned its head and told its trainer Ma Wenyuan about the situation.

After Ma Wenyuan saw the eyes of the super electric dragon, he quickly understood that Lin Yu's Jiahe ninja frog was a Pokémon with nine-star strength, so he also looked at Lin Yu's Jiahe ninja frog with the same vigilant face, and then said to the super electric dragon: "Xiaobai (super electric dragon), don't be afraid, no matter what, you are also a nine-star strength now, your attribute is still completely restrained! Use 100,000 volts to test it first!".

The super electric dragon is also verbose, and it directly used a 100,000 volts in the direction of the Koga ninja frog, just when the Koga ninja frog was about to move to dodge, it suddenly felt a pain in its ankle, and at this time it noticed that when it was attacked by the invisible rock of the big steel snake, its left ankle had been bruised, and it had just done a lot of exercise, and now it just stopped and felt pain.

This pain directly caused the Koga Ninja Frog, who was originally going to dodge the super electric dragon 100,000 volts, stumbled and fell to the ground, seeing that the current of 100,000 volts was getting closer and closer, and finally Koga Ninja Frog could only untie a few shuriken on his waist and threw it over thinking about 100,000 volts.

A few special shurikens easily defeated the 100,000 volts of the super electric dragon while continuing to fly towards the super electric dragon, and then because those shuriken were originally thrown out by the Koga ninja frog in a hurry, and they defeated 100,000 volts, so when they flew in front of the super electric dragon, the super electric dragon just flicked its tail and flew those shuriken out.

However, when the super electric dragon knocked those shuriken away, the Jiahe Ninja Frog had successfully used telekinesis to get the two long knives back into his hands, and then although Ma Wenyuan still let the super electric dragon continue to use 100,000 volts and electric shocks to attack the Jiahe Ninja Frog, but the long knife in the hand of the Jiahe Ninja Frog with two long knives in his hand slashed and slowly approached the super electric dragon with the electric skill.

Just when Lin Yu thought that the Koga Ninja Frog, who had already approached the Super Electric Dragon, could directly take the knife and drop to deal with Ma Wenyuan's Super Electric Dragon, Ma Wenyuan smiled and said, "Don't you wonder why your Koga Ninja Frog can use the long knife to defeat those currents so easily? Hehe, my Xiaobai (Super Electric Dragon) is not known for its 100,000 volts in the first place, it is the most powerful in its physical skills! Xiaobai (Super Electric Dragon) uses Thunder and Lightning Fist!".

"But you also seem to have forgotten that my Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) has defeated Li Zhimu's Bankiras head-on, so do you really think that your Super Electric Dragon's physical skills are stronger than my Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog)?" Lin Yu also said to Ma Wenyuan disdainfully at this time: "Then let you see what is called physical art! Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) solves it!".

Next is the hand-to-hand combat of the Koga Ninja Frog with a double knife and the super electric dragon, although the Koga Ninja Frog has always had the upper hand, but Lin Yu also has to admit that Ma Wenyuan's super electric dragon's physical skills are really powerful, as the two sides continue to fight in hand-to-hand combat, Ma Wenyuan's super electric dragon lost its combat ability due to being attacked by the Koga Ninja Frog too many times, and fell to the ground first.

"It's... How is that possible!" Ma Wenyuan looked at the electric dragon who fell to the ground and returned to the state of the electric dragon, and looked at the Koga ninja frog in disbelief and said: "I didn't expect your Koga ninja frog strength to have reached this point, but I think your Koga ninja frog should be at the end of the strong crossbow now!" "

Even so, your trump card has fallen, but I still have a Pokémon that is no less powerful than Sasuke (Koga ninja frog)!" Lin Yu said with a smug smile.

"Hehe, you can have two trump cards, can't I have two trump cards?" Ma Wenyuan chuckled and took out another Poke Ball after retracting the electric dragon and said, "I don't know if it's unfortunate! My other trump card is also a grass-type Pokémon Tutai Turtle that just happens to restrain the water attribute." Come out, Little Green (

Tutai Turtle)!" After Ma Wenyuan's Poké Ball was thrown, a large turtle Pokémon with a huge body and a tree on its back appeared on the field, and as the Tutai Turtle landed, the entire field shook violently

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