"Although these Pokémon of yours have been cultivated well, but... I know you can't be my opponent!" Hearing Lin Yu's words, Wang Bohan smiled and was not angry, and said directly: "I have three Pokémon with nine-star strength alone, and you still have a Pokémon with seven-star strength! Maybe you will be stronger than me in the future, but now... "It's impossible!"

"Yes, although your Koga Ninja Frog has indeed reached the nine-star strength, I think your Koga Ninja Frog is just the appearance of having just reached the nine-star strength, and... Your Koga Ninja Frog is already injured now!" At this time, Ma Wenyuan, who was frustrated, also spoke

: "Do you think that with your Koga Ninja Frog's current state, you can match Wang Bohan's fierce bite land shark?" "Okay, okay! Even if you want to challenge me, I think you should send your two Pokémon to the Pokémon Center for treatment first!" Wang Bohan waved his hand at this time and said to Lin Yu casually: "It's not too late to challenge me when your Koga Ninja Frog recovers!"

Hearing Wang Bohan's words, Lin Yu also nodded in agreement, feeling that it made sense, so the three of them went to the Pokémon center they had been to again together, and coincidentally, when the three of them arrived at the Pokémon Center, Li Zhimu happened to come out of the Pokémon Center.

"What are you doing here!" Li Zhimu said directly with a straight face after Ma Wenyuan and the three of them.

"Let's see how your Pokémon is hurting, can't you?" Ma Wenyuan sneered

at Li Zhimu proudly: "Li Zhimu has to say that you are really too weak now!" Wang Bohan patted Li Zhimu on the shoulder at this time and said: "Okay, you don't know that there are two powerful grandfathers! I don't know if his grandfather will help him steal some secret skills to improve his strength

!" "Wang Bohan, what are you talking about! You have the ability to say it again!" Hearing Wang Bohan's words, Li Zhiqiang grabbed his collar and said angrily: "Believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart!" Wang Bohan

disdainfully shook off Li Zhimu's hand holding his collar at this time, and said disdainfully: "We know what kind of secret technique [four-handed joint bullet] was created by Lin Yu's father! You are still in front of us all day long, saying that your grandfather created it, you still have a face!".

"He said that his father created it himself, and his father created it?" Li Zhimu glanced at Lin Yu disdainfully and then said: "His father is just an eight-star trainer, and the eight-star trainer created his own powerful secret technique of [Four-Handed Bullet Bullet]? Do you think others will believe this kind of words? I also want to say that his father secretly learned my grandfather's secret technique and deceived outside

!" "Hehe!" Ma Wenyuan sneered at Li Zhimu and said: " Do you think that if it was really his father who secretly learned your grandfather's secret skills and deceived outside, would your grandfather not mobilize all the power of your Li family and directly let him evaporate from the world?"

Couldn't it be that my grandfather was kind-hearted and didn't want to be like his father?" Li Zhimu said without confidence after hearing Ma Wenyuan's words.

"Hehe, I don't think you believe what you said yourself!" Ma Wenyuan said with a chuckle after hearing Li Zhi's unconfident tone.

"What are you guys doing at the door! If you want to quarrel, go out and quarrel! This is the Pokémon Center, the Pokémon hospital, not the place for you to quarrel!" Just when Li Zhimu was about to say a few more words, Qiao Fei's voice came from the Pokémon Center.

"Don't block at the door if you hear it!" Ma Wenyuan said proudly to Li Zhimu.

Hearing Ma Wenyuan's words, Li Zhimu first glared at Lin Yu, and then snorted coldly at Ma Wenyuan and Wang Bohan, and then pushed the three of them away and spoke directly.

Looking at Li Zhimu who was leaving angrily, Ma Wenyuan smiled and said, "Why am I so comfortable when I see him angry!" "

Ma Wenyuan, why do you have to target Li Zhimu every time, you see that the two of you are of the same age, there should be a lot of common topics!" Lin Yu said suspiciously when they followed Ma Wenyuan and them into the Pokémon Center.

Hearing Lin Yu's question, Ma Wenyuan didn't answer, but Wang Bohan, who was on the side, said with a smile: "Where are the two of them of the same age, you must know that they are in the same year, the same month, and the same day, and they grew up together, so it can be said that they grew up wearing a pair of pants!" "Then what are the two of them

doing now..."Lin Yu asked even more puzzled after hearing Wang Bohan's words.

"Have you ever heard of other people's children? For Ma Wenyuan, Li Zhimu is the child of someone else's family!" Wang Bohan said helplessly at this time: "Actually, they are not wrong, but after all, the Li family is the top trainer family in my country, and they have received more education than the Ma family, but..."

After hearing Ma Wenyuan's words, Wang Bohan didn't continue, and the three of them came to the service area together, handed over their respective Pokémon to the nurse, and then sat directly on the chair in the Pokémon Center and chatted.

"Are you wondering why I had a falling out with Li Zhimu?" suddenly Ma Wenyuan asked Lin Yu on the side.

Hearing the other party's question, Lin Yu didn't say anything, just looked at the other party's lonely expression and nodded seriously.

"Hey! After I got the Pokémon that the elders selected for me, the most common thing I heard every day was that you look at what happened to Li Zhimu, but at that time, you still didn't get to the point of breaking up. Ma Wenyuan looked ahead and said lonely: "Until one time after we fought, I found that he had changed, and he no longer said that Li Zhimu who would comfort his opponent when he won the game!, but every time he defeated the opponent, he would taunt the other party, even me!" "

So in the end, you put most of your energy into the Tutai Turtle that can deal with it, the Tekiras, and the Electric Dragon that can super-evolve, just to be able to defeat him one day?" Lin Yu said suspiciously.

Ma Wenyuan nodded at this time and then said, "Yes, I found that he began to lose himself because of his strength! Defeat him and tell it not to be too immersed in that state of self-esteem..."

Hehe, I thought you were just jealous!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"You will break up your friendship with Fa Xiao because of jealousy!" Hearing Lin Yu's words, Ma Wenyuan said to Lin Yu angrily: "But with your talent, in the outside world... It should be the kind of child from someone else's family, right?"

When he heard Ma Wenyuan's question, Lin Yu suddenly remembered Xu Changzhou, but at this time, Xu Changzhou didn't know where he went because of the secret realm of the last alliance.

Seeing Lin Yu's face suddenly become solemn, Wang Bohan said suspiciously: "What? Could it be that you have met a wild trainer with a better talent than you?" "

Well, but he was born at the wrong time! Because of family reasons, his first Pokémon and second Pokémon are both Pokémon with little potential, so... In the end, his accomplishments don't look like they're great. Lin Yu nodded and then sighed and said, "But now... He doesn't know where he went because of the incident of the last alliance!"

When Lin Yu and the others were chatting, a loud noise suddenly came from outside, and Lin Yu, who heard the sound, immediately ran out of the Pokémon Center to find the source of the sound.

"It seems to be the dormitory area!" Wang Bohan said with a frown as he looked at the dormitory area where there was already a fire.

"It can't be that someone really went in there!" Ma Wenyuan said with some surprise at this time: "The movement just now should be that Li Lao and that person fought each other!"

Hearing Ma Wenyuan's words, Lin Yu opened his mouth and said: "Wouldn't it be a battle between wild Pokémon?"

"You've also been in there before, so did you find that one of the houses in there was destroyed by the movement of the battle?" Wang Bohan opened his mouth and asked Lin Yu: "It's not been a day or two since the wild Pokémon in there went in, and they haven't destroyed the house, do you think there was such a big movement this time just when Li Lao went in

?" "Then should we go over and have a look?" Lin Yu said suspiciously.

"Are you crazy? You know that the aftermath of Li Lao's strength battle will be affected even by ordinary master-level trainers, and trainers like us, who are not even nine-star trainers, may be able to kill us just by the aftermath of their battle!" Wang Bohan looked at Lin Yu and said angrily.

Ma Wenyuan nodded and said, "Yes, let's go back and wait for our own Pokémon treatment first! This kind of movement may be injured by Li Lao's Pokémon, and when the time comes, when Li Lao catches that guy, he should also come here to treat the Pokémon!" "

Does Li Lao know that there is no problem? After all, he is now..."Lin Yu was still a little nervous, looking at the direction of the dormitory area and said.

Hearing Lin Yu's question, Wang Bohan patted Lin Yu's shoulder with a smile and said, "Don't worry, Elder Li is the strongest master-level trainer in our country! Then there will be no one to deal with him!

" "Yes, okay, let's go back and see how our Pokémon treatment is doing!" Ma Wenyuan also patted Lin Yu on the shoulder, and after speaking, he took the lead in walking into the Pokémon Center.

After Marven went in, Wang Bohan also went back to the Pokémon Center directly, only Lin Yu still looked at the direction of the dormitory area with a nervous face. After seeing many figures coming out of the villa area towards the dormitory area, Lin Yu turned around and went back to the Pokémon Center, and he understood that those figures coming out of the villa area should be the bodyguards guarding this neighborhood.

This time, after Lin Yu returned to the Pokémon Center, he didn't continue to chat with Ma Wenyuan and them because of his worries, but Ma Wenyuan and the others were still chatting like nothing at this time.

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